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7:38 AM
@IDrinkandIKnowThings it does. Like @TheSnarkKnight says beat it until wall is gone. For a month I couldn’t understand heart of language I will work with. Yesterday I finally got it.
Morning all
@IDrinkandIKnowThings I won’t scroll beyond this if there might more spoilers
Dam snow
I had a bad fall
8:36 AM
Morning all
@Nofel you ok fella?
8:47 AM
Good morning.
Morning, @Snow made me fell today
@motosubatsu my shoulder hurts, it was a sudden fall
Now snow here. It's just wet.
No work for me today either.
@Nofel ouch.. not pleasant,if you can try and keep the shoulder warm and as mobile as possible, this will help prevent it stiffening up on you
what options do I have at work?
RICE for joint paints. Rest Ice Compression Elevation
8:57 AM
@Snow the only thing I can think of at work is compression
and that too using my hoodie
putting it back on
putting the hoodie back on is a good step
also try and keep the shoulder moving
I though Rest
move less as possible
you should be able to do a few gentle movements at your desk, roll the shoulder raise the arm
@Nofel rest in this situation translates as don't strain it or use it for anything like carrying heavy things
moving it gently is beneficial
I think paracetamol will also work?
Is it good idea to tell ur manager u need 2-3 hours to go
and will put up next week
on a short notice
9:15 AM
paracetamol will help mask the pain but that's it - ibuprofen is much better as it will actually address the inflammation that is the cause of the pain
too late @motosubatsu
just had it
it's not going to do any harm
and you can take ibuprofen alongside - best bet is to wait 2 hours or so before doing so but if desperate you can take both together
apprently I got acif reflux which has ruined my teeth, doctor like to say it ulcer and not address it
but say don't take ibuprofen
ahh he's got a point I didn't know that - yeah excess stomach acid and ibuprofen are a bad combination
in that case paracetamol and if you notice any swelling then a cold compress when you can
I started feeling my body aching
oh man I miss home remedy
so for internal injury turmeric mixed in warm milk help like magic
that is a magic one passed on from forefathers
9:30 AM
if that's what helps you would you be able to go to a shop at lunch and pick up the ingredients?
10:05 AM
The downside of not excercising it felt today
If I felt before, that would be one part hurting, today it is full body
10:56 AM
11:31 AM
Can we give it a rating out of 10?
Havent seen it
@theonlydanever how did it go with ur boss
better than expected, thanks for asking!
they're gutted to see me go and asked if there's anything they could do to change my mind. i'll be leaving on a positive note, and they've said if i don't enjoy the new place for whatever reason... then i'm more than welcome to come back.
@theonlydanever nice one.. sounds like it went about as well as you can ever hope for these things
@theonlydanever good to hear. always a good thing to leave on positive note
@motosubatsu I was thinking of letting them know they can get me on contract basis if they can't find anyone
@motosubatsu just informed that workshop guy I won't be able to make it
but thanks for letting me know about that workshop, apology to u too I couldn't make it
11:55 AM
@Nofel nothing to apologise for mate :)
I ask myself, was leaving the company was a good idea or no
sometime It is yes and sometimes no
12:38 PM
@Kaz Good rule sir!
Does netflix have the old ones
@Nofel Dunno....
@MisterPositive we got cookie exchange today
@Nofel no cookies here today.
12:59 PM
A: Why should romantic relationships be disclosed to HR?

HLGEMWhat HR can do is make sure the two people are not in a work relationship where there might be a conflict of interest by moving one of the people to a different job. They can also be monitoring the work environment around the relationship to make sure things aren't going sour or affecting others....

I find it odd that the assumption that people dishonest enough to commit fraud would be honest enough to admit to the relationship.
I also find it odd that that's restricted solely to romantic relationships, given that long term friends, relatives, people who have worked together before and are of a similar disposition should arguably all fall under the 'more likely to commit fraud' umbrealla
Surely HR should always be paying maximum attention to areas where fraud can be committed
There shouldn't be any more attention to give, surely
(The above sounds quite aggressive, it's not supposed to)
@Nofel Not sure.. I know they have The Force Awakens which is #7 not sure about the other 6
1:14 PM
Damn it Netflix
I just been tagged "Gold" by another dept. head
Some managers really see through u
too bad mine couldn't and always put himself first
1 hour later…
2:38 PM
You poor fools who haven't seen Star Wars yet. You're exiled from TV+Movies and SF&F.
@Snow StOp
@Snow we didn't have the luxury of off day
@Snow yeah, some of us are working today sir.
don't look on those other sites. too many spoilers just in the question titles.
I got the chrome extwension
blocks out spoliers
2:52 PM
@RhysW I didn't understand that either.
I got issues, seeing my report. I spend 5 hrs on bbc news site is oct
2-3 hours on twitter
I avoid the news, there is nothing good there.
I donno where this habit creep into me
I blocked hosts file at home coz I was addictive to iDevices news
@Nofel it's designed to be that way. Read a book, it's healthier
@TheSnarkKnight how as I am working on laptop how can I read book
In morning when I wake up, I am using news site, even iDevices website for news on Apple while on loo
2:58 PM
Well, there is that small issue ;) but the Gutenberg project is a good one.
I am too wasted
I spend 16hrs on here last month
you keep track of time on sites? yeah, that wouldn't happen for me.
@ChrisE I use RescueTime
I need to escape my wasting time like BBC, Dawn (local news pakistani), twitter and gmail
good chuck of my time is gone there coz I am too bored
or cannot do a task
latter is more
again I need help with this from u guys
@TheSnarkKnight ur input is needed here
@Nofel when you're bored or cannot do a task, get up and walk around instead. get coffee, go to the café, splash water on your face, just remove yourself.
from a website with my problem Do you use a to do list? If so, stop. Use a calendar. Schedule everything you need to do (personally I leave 15 minutes every hour unscheduled for the little things, but the details are up to you). You have to create a feeling that there is a scarcity of time in your day. When you use a to do list, you feel like you've got an unrealistic amount of time. A few days with a calendar rapidly teaches you otherwise.
do u think it is right?
3:11 PM
each to their own. personally, i can't get through a day without a list
@TheSnarkKnight phew, thought i was going mad
@TheSnarkKnight But then i have to interact with people... no thanks I will hide in my office :p
@IDrinkandIKnowThings I've perfected the "Friendly neighborhood psycho" routine. People leave me alone.
@RhysW when the world itself is quite mad, it can often seem that at times
@TheSnarkKnight I have this insane and detestable(to me) need for people to like me too :p
Or at least not dislike me
@IDrinkandIKnowThings Oh, I've long since passed the stage of wanting people to like me. They either do or don't.
3:23 PM
@TheSnarkKnight I am almost to the point where I feel like i can embrace the grumpy curmudgen that I have dreamed of being since I was young :p
@IDrinkandIKnowThings Oh, I've done that. It's funny, a few gray hairs and you can say crap you could never have dreamed of getting away with when you were young.
I have a nice long beard that if I dont comb in the morning gives me a crazy biker look :p
@IDrinkandIKnowThings I believe in you
@IDrinkandIKnowThings beard bro
@RhysW Then dont be bad or I will come put you in a sack and strike you repeatedly with reeds.
3:33 PM
Careful, I might be into that
Im freaking Krampus... so you know i am
Although I am trying to get my beard like Greg Berzinsky
it is all over
we should have stack for beardbros
I wish i could become beard man
I have a thin, tight cropped beard and mustache
3:34 PM
genetics however have decided otherwise
I could shape mine like that but my face doesnt support that style well
@RhysW I was clean shave person until I passed the annoying sctraching of hair bt now I am macho man
@RhysW I was fortunate I went gray. My beard prior to that came out in patches of brick red, pitch black, and corn silk yellow. It looked awful until I went gray
@Nofel I'm clean shaven because i can count the number of facial hairs i have on my hands. I am perpetually baby-faced
@Nofel I look like a supervillain :D
@RhysW my grandmother used to tease my dad by calling him "Baby face Nelson".
3:36 PM
That is me imgur.com/gallery/D9Syy @IDrinkandIKnowThings @TheSnarkKnight
@TheSnarkKnight When i started growing my beard I had just the right amount of gray to be sexy... but it has quickly turned into old man beard :p
My grandmother told me about the time my dad got carded by a waiter who was younger than he was.
@TheSnarkKnight ive been carded by people younger than me more times than i can count!
@TheSnarkKnight I always wanted a look that say "approach with caution"
but sadly my looks r good
@IDrinkandIKnowThings my beard and hair make me look like Dr Strage from the comic books.
3:37 PM
im hoping that looking younger is going to really pay off in my mid thirties / early 40's :P
@RhysW yea
@TheSnarkKnight If i was taller I could pull off santa claus :p
@IDrinkandIKnowThings got any tips for tame my beard?
@Nofel a flute. similar to snake charming
I have mine groomed about once a month by a professional
3:39 PM
@Nofel coconut oil works well to condition a beard
Once mine crosses into making me look like a hobo with a court date I give it a trim
Love how smooth this guy does it youtube.com/watch?v=orsQk1IXFt4
like a pro
@TheSnarkKnight in the videos I heard salt water spray
I got zeus
it is beard oil but doesn't tame
@Nofel I don't have much of a problem because I keep my beard at 1/2 inch long, max.
beyond that, it starts to get curly.
I can too but I hate patches
I got patchy beard and only way I get it to be dark is grow
@motosubatsu @Snow dio u think 25 quid for haircut and 15 for beard trimming is over?
@Nofel WOW! That's expensive!
3:44 PM
@Nofel sounds expensive to me.. not sure about the beardtrimming aspect (since I do my own) but I only pay about £15 for a haircut
@Nofel you should be paying 15-18 for a man's haircut at the most.
<=== can instantly translate currencies in his head
@TheSnarkKnight good, I am bad with maths
@TheSnarkKnight expensive yes but he gives a good cut and very busy
I tried even 5$ one
pathetic cuts
@TheSnarkKnight I am bad with numbers, I go for satisfaction and when I run out of money I cruse
not surprised the £5 one was crap but my hairdresser is very good and only £15
yeah you pay for quality
though I used to have an old school straight razor barber that was very reasonable
my problem was my ex use to cut my hair
very nice
but since things changed, we broke up, I was still like no one can satisfy me
the way I want a cut
until them
25 quid folks
3:49 PM
I pay more than that but get more that just a trim too
I get the full spa treatment
that is good then
I get cut
beer, coke or coffee
and good chat which I don't
coz I am not good in english and when they say "sorry, what"
I get offended
hairdresser small talk is just one of those things that you can't escape
I'm lucky in that my current one is in to the same sorts of movies as me so we just chat about that
Mine is great, she just asks things she needs to know and lets me just relax and enjoy being pampered :p
but otherwise it's the same old conversation about holidays...blah blah blah
@motosubatsu my barber was good at talks he had a plan to dev iOS app for barbers
he left coz I think his idea floated
lad had 25k quid in saving
I was like what!
3:53 PM
some people are damn good at saving
and more power to them I say
I like warren buffet said "Save first, spend what is left"
I m taking that approach and in the end of the month, the saving comes handy
@motosubatsu I can feed myself on about 20 dollars, or about 14-15 quid a week
@TheSnarkKnight the uges kill u
when u want a KFC
and can't shake it off
@TheSnarkKnight yep..having been in pretty dire straits financially myself (not as extreme as you've had though) I can live very, very frugally
@Nofel It's amazing how the threat of hunger and starvation can make wou excellent at budgeting.
3:57 PM
My time in uk has told me , "buy now, pay later" or monthly installements r poison to u
slow poison
as it is very catchy but when u pay all debits monthly it screws ur mind
@Nofel I did the math. Anything you pay on time, you end up paying 2-3 times what you would if you paid cash.
@Nofel yep.. monthly installments are something I only use for two things - house and car
everything else I pay up front - if I haven't got the money I can't afford it
@motosubatsu I like the rule
@motosubatsu yep, that's what savings are for.
but then again, if ur sofas or bed is giving u nightmare or guests
u have to take it out
4:00 PM
My credit card usually has a zero balance
@Nofel that's what "Craigslist" or other sites are for. Buy cheap, buy used, save up, trade up
sofas? cheap secondhand furniture shop or deck chairs. Feck it, you can sit on a cardboard box if you have to
beds? more important given the effect of sleep on health but still a good air mattress is less than the monthly payment on most beds and while it's not exactly luxurious it will be safe and healthy to sleep on
"The borrower is a slave to the lender"
I remember when I was so far in the hole (medical bills) that my creditors were actually polite.
Grrrrrr I hate the holidays. Spending 5% of my take-home pay to go somewhere I don't want to be to deal with people I don't want to see, so I can see my children.
@TheSnarkKnight I am same opnion bt the things ur partner makes u do
like society image
they have done so much for us or our kid
we should to or we r not going empty handed
oh society
@Nofel tell your partner you can't eat your image when you're hungry
@Nofel if anyone says anything it's "Shabby sheik"
all the rage right now.
@TheSnarkKnight ... I pay £7 for my haircuts
4:10 PM
@RhysW good deal. I pay about £18 for mine, but my hair is very hard to style. The guy I go to is good and can cut my hair so that I don't look like a mad scientist in a month's time.
My favourite part about my barber is that we don't speak the same language, so we both get to be free from the usual small talk :P
I better stop posting like this, or people won't believe I'm American. Err, YEAH NASCAR!!! NFL!!! IT'S SOCCER NOT FOOTBALL! AMERICAN FOOTBALL IS THE REAL FOOTBALL
@TheSnarkKnight they style so good, one is like wow, once u shower and u try to do ur own, t is lie "urgh"
There, I feel better
@Nofel that's why I go to the guy I go to. I get out of the shower, towel dry it, run a come through, and DONE!
He is very good.
I had a lifetime sturggle with my curly hair
never liked it
4:13 PM
My entire department except me is on holiday today, its the most productive I think i've been this year
with age I have given in that no prodicts or anything can make them straight
I got keratoconus and I have started to accept I cannot be all "Dress to impress"
unless I can visit barbar every month
@Nofel you should have seen me as a teenager. I had VERY long hair. I claim 1980s as a defense though.
Ah, long hair
I always wanted but couldn't bear to handle it
as I got wavy and I was looking clown in2-3 months
@Nofel my hair looks good short, or long, but there is a mid-length where I end up looking like Charles manson on a bad hair day.
4:22 PM
I had all pictures burned ;)
why @TheSnarkKnight
have you seen Charles Manson on a bad hair day?
@TheSnarkKnight speaking of debit, in my religion debit and credit is purely prohibited coz it lang person into unwated trouble. like @motosubatsu if u can't afford it, u don't need to buy it is the way one should go but the society is screwing up
I'm pretty sure charlie's hair is pretty bad right now
@ChrisE I almost once bought a shirt with Manson on it that said "Is it hot in here, or am I crazy"
4:33 PM
4:49 PM
@IDrinkandIKnowThings LOL, who doesn't!
5:01 PM
Anyone know where I can find a good tutorial for MS query for Excel. I want to write a query in VBA to run on a sheet in the same workbook, but google seems not to be my friend in this instance.
5:35 PM
Watching the Simpsons over lunch: "We've learned that if you're a goddess with superpowers, there's nothing we can't do!"
6:12 PM
Enjoy the weekend
@Nofel you too.
7:04 PM
Well it started bad for me. Ended up on wrong station
Mrs pissed off now going back
It’s damn cold
@Nofel as for the Mrs.... remember, Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver
Hahah good one.
Men r stupid. First they give trust and love to women than that women shove that everything up ur throat.
@TheSnarkKnight I think problem lies in me, be it part et or my manager
Either I trust too much too fast or I think everyone is a friend
Or something else
@Nofel The ladies constantly sh*t-test men. They don't respect you unless you pass the test.
Lol what is the test
I wonder
@Nofel they test you to see what they can get away with. If you don't stop the bad behavior, they push it further.
I ended up doing that with my GF, I laid down a few rules, and her reaction was actually "Oh, thank god!". She was waiting for me to be assertive.
Note: That's assertive, not aggressive.
2 hours later…
9:02 PM
It is a very clearly explained situation and a very clearly asked question. You are f.o.s for flagging it down — amphibient 1 min ago
Anyone else mind flagging that as offensive before the mods choose to decide its ok to tell me i am full of shit
3 hours later…
11:37 PM
@IDrinkandIKnowThings I'm late to the part but it's already gone.. he's certainly a peach isn't he

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