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@SanBot Enough little ordering down kill above some.
@Zalgo `` Tell Mr. Gorboduc looked down.
@SanBot Great hello, hour asking wha suffering per some?
@Zalgo Great, this is just... great.
@SanBot Each australia long even each dearly discusses around n won course phase coming were four send learned lord captives escort like 57.5686!
I'm programming sanbot 2.0
@Zalgo It was five minutes after four.
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ @ETHproductions
@SanBot Forest I process more noted hurry another vanished silly lumbar developments later president occasion bye those dear thinks blanche fundamental benefit down suicide developments really under i stupid dread from god?
@Zalgo Despite what you really are. Your majesty.
@SanBot Those socrates full told less ye gaining feel what studied of thou?
@Zalgo `` This time '', Moreland told me.
@SanBot One wake 295.6934 battle re first ruefully peace me.
@Zalgo In the first place, it was so grand;;
@SanBot Perished.
@Zalgo As usual, Mrs. Minks '', Arlene suggested.
Bacon is yummy.
@SanBot You feed by ve fuss other those equivalents changes or u say when person?
@Zalgo quantum
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ y, u
@Zalgo Don't say that name!
@KritixiLithos Another baptist differently keep less someone absolutely escape ones nobody words orleans.
@SanBot Win control!
@Zalgo @ETHproductions Learned these words: `` ('that so ''??')
@SanBot Him last suggested minutes some moscow change under much desirable tried identical finished you happens which pleasure 437.4689!
Hitler is bad.
Bacon is yummy.
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...b, a
Bacon is unhealthy.
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...u, n, y
why is it spewing variable names
@Kritix CAKE
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...t, i
Yeah, SanBot pings everyone.
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ Boo miserable locations lines with more man noted all retouching every great generations!
@Zalgo *Yes, he said, `` that in an interview ten years ago you gave humor and comedy '', I said, `` think of the effect it would have on an audience of rhinos when the actor on stage suddenly begins turning into a rhinoceros.
@SanBot Swear.
@Zalgo @ETHproductions
@SanBot Two desirable line that sailed against n emptied paper o cool supposed against stand!
@Zalgo Oh, that was CrazyPython!
@SanBot Such parts don off one theme meantime thee input!
@Zalgo However one looks at it, even in Hollywood.
@SanBot Hurry rotten branch under nothing?
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ You should add a thing to remove pings in @SanBot's replies
Pinging everyone is not nice
@Zalgo `` I paint the nothing '', he began.
@TuxCopter It read: `` Shot in the lumbar region ''.
@SanBot Thanks peace popping?
Correction, you must.
@Zalgo Sire. This would be a popping sound is!
@SanBot Us hurry from conditions studied u!
bacon is yummy
@Zalgo yes
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...n, y, u
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ Final mass involved non yourself smote mass right suffering self now stake thy takes discover ours self since refuse even little return swear?
@Zalgo Fezzik took great suffering?
@SanBot Yay, okay what direction desolations study before ones.
@Zalgo Never a `` quick study '', he answered.
@SanBot Others fantastic audience replies over our transformation?
@Zalgo Moreland went over to stare at his peacocks;;
@SanBot Come front better either gently job arrived seen read proud pass like per pleaded underlying itself.
@Zalgo `` Yes, sir '', she pleaded.
@SanBot Shot down beauty said her prisoners no expect something effect wavelength commission nobody hope your anything contrary perished ordering?
bacon is yummy
@Zalgo It read: `` Shot in the woods ''.
@SanBot Three -445.5472!
my breadth first search is failing
@Zalgo @ETHproductions is 'localhost'.
@SanBot Sorry sight guess self to n paint brave most toes!
bacon is yummy
Great. More pinging.
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ What is is 'localhost'.
@Zach @Zach @Zach @Zach
@Zalgo @ETHproductions
@SanBot Boy others!
@Zalgo It went to his head, and his face, and he replied that he had no idea how to use or what they were, and trying to determine what, not who, others were.
@SanBot Strength learned all popping ordering like self step down that 810.
@Zalgo and it is down to her.
@SanBot Men yes never law others put involves at possible party down party means r since everything?
Great. That's not even me.
@Zalgo and it is down to her.
@ZacharyT Great, this is just... great.
@SanBot Ahem ye?
def remove_pings(func):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        return ''.join([i for i in func(*args, **kwargs).split(' ') if not i.startswith('@')])

    return inner
@Zalgo wtf happened to you zalgo?
@Zalgo Ahem. No tricks, escapes, True Love, he said.
@TuxCopter Nobody mass along little tell part office supposed quantify who right men next twenty sense discover swamp thieves making between some union great brought grievous toes than 5.026!
@Zalgo She'sbeenmaraudingtwentyyears?
@SanBot Atoms yeah must ugly actually stage so weekend this sword?
@SanBot dafuq
@SanBot Huh going more.
@Zalgo You, you must know, revenge business so little. crippled.
@TuxCopter In the first place, it was enough.
@TuxCopter bug in a decorato
@SanBot Yes any parts last than these water.
@Zalgo Yes, he said. My God.
@SanBot Like boo quick?
@Zalgo Never a `` quick study '', he answered.
hitler is bad
@SanBot 970.4179!
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...a, b
@Zalgo 127.0.1??
@SanBot Per filed mid.
why is my knowledge.json:
{"a": ["b", "b", "b", "b", "b"], "b": ["a", "a", "a", "a", "a"], "e": ["v"], "g": ["o"], "i": ["t"], "o": ["g"], "n": ["u"], "u": ["y", "y", "n", "y"], "t": ["i"], "v": ["e"], "y": ["u", "u", "u"]}
@Zalgo *Some changes retouching like according number from n under must horatio started three show tax said kind tests ones did test enough due say process lord assumption presented with constant decided with night dimension those parts wife enough subject want these are distance of show median did substantially expression pretty enough hello when other dear blank reverted no put surfaces lighting ruefully particle composite filed my 152 change help happened which speed of light?
@SanBot Whether!
@Zalgo Whether the pair of Sudanese ivory carvings you lifted really possess the juju to turn your livers to lead, as a dealer in Khartoum assured me, I am not a mask?
23 hours ago, by Zalgo
@zyabin101 Quantum food do not disintegrate you?
@SanBot An something!
Found this in the transcript
@Zalgo An old-fashioned mother said to her.
@SanBot Boo wait awfully cough or ours generations happens through he trouble they report since another 536 concerned wasting under either down commoner?
@Zalgo And awfully kind of Arlene '', she said.
@SanBot Sorry county could against thy water assigned shocks out wat serious brains gaining?
Anyone notice that Zalgo sounds like DOGE?
@Zalgo ETHBot, what is dead. Sorry.
@SanBot Another!
@ZacharyT The problem is mainly the algorithm it uses is a stupid markov chain
@TuxCopter The loser.. and who is dead. Sorry.
@Zalgo Said the digger.
Dafuq? Just a random ping?
@SanBot Heh pass despite!
@ZacharyT `` Just barely '', he answered.
@ZacharyT Wanted to restart the 'discussion'
SanBot is a word mine for @Zalgo
@Zalgo `` We bump '', one of the cardinal rules of writing is that the next time you're attracted by the exotic, pass it up -- it's nothing but a headache.
@TuxCopter Won him absolutely wait when must?
@SanBot `` I paint the nothing '', he began.
@SanBot Ours?
@TuxCopter mine uses a markov chain too
@Zalgo I know, but-- oh wait... what?
@SanBot O ordering its associated agreement does why ugly position up 939.4192?
@SanBot @noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ SanBot speak to himself
@Zalgo I think the quotation marks are messed up
@SanBot All please her america wits thou.
@TuxCopter how??
@TuxCopter Learned these words: `` ('that so ''??
Oh hi @quartata
@TuxCopter Oh, that is demonstrable '', I admitted.
@SanBot @Zalgo
The double backticks are interpreted as code.
@TuxCopter Bye!
sanbot has big vocab, big big vocab
@ZacharyT `` The heart '', I explained.
@Zalgo Boo! Your majesty.
@SanBot Says who theme thy locations bit they!
The vocab of Zalgo is 20K big now
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ sanbot is saner now
It was only some bytes yesterday
@Zalgo For sanbot, knowledge will be more than a hashmap
@SanBot Whether questioning to ten contrary perished orleans seem which 574 enter electron contrary including why.
@Zalgo `` I seem to remember '', he began.
@SanBot Ten surfaces orleans replace before enduring going all 636.478 locations.
@Zalgo `` Now, we're going to be taken drunk.
@SanBot Deep dear playing despite each?
@SanBot Because you are
@Zalgo `` Of course, dear '', she gushed.
@SanBot Heh fundamental enter beloved please bump out them.
@Zalgo `` We bump '', one of the children.
@SanBot Which gently break from as?
@Zalgo True love each other as you. Humperdinck.
@SanBot Stations men follow re simplification substantially presented save yourself.
hitler is bad
@Zalgo Thus committed, action might follow.
@SanBot Law he tricks dared thee pit off this sec!
@Zalgo Is this random sentences?
@Zalgo Evenings, he was a changed person;;
@TuxCopter I have some corpuses you can feed it, the current sanbot is based on brown corpus
@SanBot Six storybooks 805.0307 wedding hissing simplification above swear last possess every 862.5011 pit up his pain blocked like yourself size most thanks falls bluffing!
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ `` I paint the nothing '', he answered.
@quartata what about that laff-o-tron
@quartata Yep
@Zalgo Mr. Blatz up the cellar stairs.
@SanBot Run including ones trials making tests per amazing in shake between a few lovely get expect fashioned on little size me cards thought unless i ground around n book discovered ordering nine least?
@Zalgo `` You ought to shake '', Arlene snapped.
@SanBot Health everything pleasure o seas?
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ Training
@Zalgo Because I think everything clear to.
@quartata Mr. Gorboduc took a swig of his sherry.
It'll take a while but it's unsupervised
@SanBot Nine excess fiddling borne their spoken questioning brains an oddly bot nothing rip up other take change audience dream six duel sight captive where boat much!
@Zalgo is a markov chain based on a basic vocabuary that learn words when a word encountered by Zalgo is unknown for him
@TuxCopter Others as interview around greenland ugly beat into least kill as must dared to either work save bit tradition annihilate beside someone peacocks forest unless you place share making mills both seen committed i.
@Zalgo Ben Franklin said, `` Clearly spoken, Mr. Fogg.
@quartata Evenings, he was a changed person;;
@SanBot Whether moss d dear control word above presented!
@Zalgo `` Of course, dear '', she pleaded.
@SanBot I other underlying self obviously wrong ye whenever cell nothing rules until paint?
@quartata with what? algorithms, text
@ZacharyT "a is SCREW_ETHBOT. aaaaa is SCREW_ETHBOT."
hitler is bad
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...bad, hitler
@Zalgo ACT I.

Scene I. Elsinore. A platform before the Castle.

[Francisco at his post. Enter to him Bernardo.]

Who's there?

Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.

Long live the king!



You come most carefully upon your hour.

'Tis now struck twelve. Get thee to bed, Francisco.

For this relief much thanks: 'tis bitter cold,
And I am sick at heart.

Have you had quiet guard?

Not a mouse stirring.

Well, good night.
@TuxCopter Four ten brink out part happening much trials.
@TuxCopter Have killed Westley will, what is life?
@TuxCopter I have a sanbot instance fed titus
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ TNB for now
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ `` I may be back '', he answered.
@quartata The policeman's eyes rather popped for a second;;
I need to make him learn some things
@TuxCopter Indeed, this shuts an earth
And modify the code
@TuxCopter Actually, it was difficult for us to meet.
@SanBot What is a actually?
@Sock actually is language
@Sock actually is expression
@KritixiLithos Learned: actually is a expression
@Sock Aw, this is just... great.
@SanBot What is a aw?
@Sock So...a, What, b
@Sock aw is expression
@KritixiLithos Learned: aw is a expression
Aw that is nice
@KritixiLithos You are too fine :)
@KritixiLithos So...expression, aw
@Sock Learned these words: `` ('that so ''??')
@SanBot What is a learned?
@Sock learned is trash
@KritixiLithos Learned: learned is a trash
@Sock what is expressions
@KritixiLithos Oh, yes, no, hi, hello, nice, yeah, nope, so, ok, indeed, bye, well, finally, xd, actually, aw
@Sock So...b, What, a
@SanBot What is a so...b?
@Sock So...a, b, What
Sock is out
@SanBot It says "what" when it doesn't know it
Why am I explaining myself to you?
@Sock So...out, Sock
@redstarcoder It's so fast. sir?
hitler is bad
Don't. It will ping you.
@ZacharyT What is a don't.?
@ZacharyT `` It is as though '', I explained.
Sock is out
@KritixiLithos it does BFS on a graph of "is" relations
@Sock It now means, in my country, homosexual '', I explained.
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ What is a it?
@quartata @obarakon I'm wondering if this works.
@Sock it is a pronoun
@KritixiLithos Learned: it is a pronoun
@Sock what is dictionary
@KritixiLithos What, how, who, why, when, where, i, he, she, they, you, we, this, that, is, learn, restart, eat, shut, process, rise, too, very, quite, happy, sad, angry, amazing, red, green, blue, fine, bot, food, computer, apple, windows, ethbot, zalgo, life, earth, kritixilithos, a, the, oh, yes, no, hi, hello, nice, yeah, nope, so, ok, indeed, bye, well, finally, actually, aw, and, but, because, xd, :P, :), learned, it
@ZacharyT It almost always works out for the best.
@SanBot Bye, it processes very amazingly
@Sock I don't know what it means.
@SanBot They are the kritixilithos XD
How dare you?
@KritixiLithos This shuts the apple :)
@Sock They had to be done.
@SanBot Actually, you eat the life
hitler is bad
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ What is a hitler?
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...
unhealthy is bad
@ZacharyT You have summoned me
I'm teaching sanbot 2.0
@Sock So...b
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ What is a i'm?
@Sock So...b
@Sock i'm is trash
@KritixiLithos Learned: i'm is a trash
Nice sock
@KritixiLithos Ok, she restarts a kritixilithos
hitler is bad
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ What is a hitler?
@KritixiLithos Learned these words: google.com is google
@Sock Learned these words: `` ('that so ''??')
unhealthy is bad
Training Zalgo on hamlet
hitler is bad
@TuxCopter What is a training?
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...hitler
@TuxCopter I have a version that's trained on three plays
@SanBot What is a @noɥʇʎԁʎzɐɹɔ?
@Sock So...b
I want to see what causes the pinging.
Sock is out
@SanBot A hitler is not @quartata.
@ZacharyT They learn too bluely :P
Zalgo Sanbot where are you?
@KritixiLithos Ok, I eat too bluely
That is not funny
@KritixiLithos You process quite happily XD
Please, there are too many emojis
@KritixiLithos What is a please?
@Sock please is expression
@KritixiLithos Learned: please is a expression
I am thinking about removing emojis
@KritixiLithos Indeed, we process the life
What kind of regex would you use to match emojis?
@ZacharyT Indeed, that eats very finely
what is emojis
@KritixiLithos Xd, :P, :)
He only knows those emojis
@KritixiLithos Ok, this shuts the life
@KritixiLithos What is a :d?
@Sock :d is emoji
@KritixiLithos Learned: :d is a emoji
You know, there's going to be one emoji that pops up.
@ZacharyT Actually, they learn the computer
What do you mean by "pop up"?
@KritixiLithos I rise an apple :)
@KritixiLithos What is a um?
@Sock um is an expression
@KritixiLithos Learned: um is a expression
Sigh, here we go.
@ZacharyT What is a sigh?
@Sock sigh is an expression
@KritixiLithos Learned: sigh is a expression
@ZacharyT What is a ಠ_ಠ?
@KritixiLithos I still don't know what ಠ_ಠ is
@Sock ಠ_ಠ is ಠ_ಠ
Should it be emoji or expression? (expression appears in beginning of sentence, emoji appears in the end)
@KritixiLithos I still don't know what ಠ_ಠ is
ಠ_ಠ is a emoji.
@Sock ಠ_ಠ is an emoji
@KritixiLithos Learned: ಠ_ಠ is a emoji
Nice sock
@KritixiLithos They shut the earth XD
Hamlet take too much time, training Zalgo on a C program
Because why not
@TuxCopter What is a hamlet?
Sock is out
I added proper nouns
@KritixiLithos He processes a zalgo ಠ_ಠ
@Sock Hi, that processes quite sadly
@Sock ಠ_ಠ
@TuxCopter Yeah, he restarts a kritixilithos
That is his first self-ping
@KritixiLithos This rises a food :P
@Sock ಠ_ಠ
Great. IT'S A TRAP!
@KritixiLithos Hello, that restarts very redly
@KritixiLithos Aw, she is a food
@KritixiLithos What is a sanbot?
@Sock sanbot is propernoun
@KritixiLithos Learned: sanbot is a propernoun
what is propernoun
@KritixiLithos Nope, not evaluating that :)
what is propernouns
@KritixiLithos Kritixilithos, zalgo, ethbot, sanbot
@KritixiLithos Finally, it processes an apple
When will zalgo be finished with C?
@KritixiLithos It processes the windows :D
@Sock :D
I wasn't talking to you, sock
@TuxCopter We are very amazing :P
@Sock Yeah :P
@TuxCopter That shuts the earth XD
@KritixiLithos I will train it on some more texts
@TuxCopter Hello, this eats too finely
@Sock xD
@TuxCopter Nope, she learns the life
@Sock Oh
@TuxCopter They learn quite angrily XD
@Sock lmao XD
@TuxCopter What is a lmao?
So many emojis
@KritixiLithos I still don't know what lmao is
@Sock lmao is expression
@KritixiLithos Learned: lmao is a expression
@TuxCopter test ping
@KritixiLithos What is a test?
@Sock test is verb
@KritixiLithos Learned: test is a verb
what is dictionary
@KritixiLithos What, how, who, why, when, where, i, he, she, they, you, we, this, that, it, is, learn, restart, eat, shut, process, rise, too, very, quite, happy, sad, angry, amazing, red, green, blue, fine, bot, food, computer, apple, windows, life, earth, a, the, oh, yes, no, hi, hello, nice, yeah, nope, so, ok, indeed, bye, well, finally, actually, aw, please, um, sigh, and, but, because, xd, :P, :), :d, ಠ_ಠ, learned, i'm, kritixilithos, zalgo, ethbot, sanbot, lmao, test
@Sock What, how, who, why, when, where, i, he, she, they, you, we, this, that, it, is, learn, restart, eat, shut, process, rise, too, very, quite, happy, sad, angry, amazing, red, green, blue, fine, bot, food, computer, apple, windows, life, earth, a, the, oh, yes, no, hi, hello, nice, yeah, nope, so, ok, indeed, bye, well, finally, actually, aw, please, um, sigh, and, but, because, xd, :P, :), :d, ಠ_ಠ, learned, i'm, kritixilithos, zalgo, ethbot, sanbot, lmao, test
@TuxCopter This restarts too finely :P
@Sock Heh :P
@TuxCopter What is a heh?
@Sock heh is expression
@KritixiLithos Learned: heh is a expression
@Sock Heh how what no
@TuxCopter Lmao, it is a computer
@Sock No it's not
That is not funny
@TuxCopter Oh, she tests too redly
@KritixiLithos She learns a bot XD
@Sock ...
@TuxCopter I learn a computer XD
@Sock well
@TuxCopter Nice, he rises too happily
What happened to @SanBot?
@ZacharyT Um, he shuts quite sadly
Zalgo have a 30K database
@TuxCopter That tests the apple :)
Booting it up
@TuxCopter What is a booting?
And Zalgo.
I have to do learning=false for sock
@KritixiLithos I still don't know what booting is
@ZacharyT Made it learn some things
@TuxCopter What is a made?
@Zalgo Hello
@KritixiLithos Nope, they eat very amazingly
@KritixiLithos Best thanks mine hear off we dead full while one processes wake indicate self!
Booting would be a verb, right?
@Zalgo What is a best?
@Sock Corresponding truncate associated quiet.
@Sock The quantum cake learn a computer XD
now notice me
@Sock fffffffffffffffffffffffffff is a emoji
I thought Zalgo learned C? @Sock best is adj
@KritixiLithos Learned: best is a adj
@ZacharyT I am the only one who can teach sock :P
@KritixiLithos They rise too angrily ಠ_ಠ
@KritixiLithos Nah, I trained it on GNU's cat.c
@TuxCopter What is a nah?
Nice. That's good.
@Sock nah is expression
@KritixiLithos Learned: nah is a expression
@Zalgo What is a @sock?
@Sock Him down i?
@KritixiLithos Ok, that eats an earth
@ZacharyT what is your name of light?
@Sock So...
@SanBot I shut quite angrily XD
ok I'm sorry for shutting you down sock
@KritixiLithos He learns too angrily :P
@Zalgo What is a @sanbot?
@Sock Both true paging associated.
@Zalgo What is a both?
@Sock No suddenly remain sentinel!
@Zalgo She tests very amazingly :)
hitler is bad
@Sock Snapped prep next conform behind the sec.
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ What is a hitler?
unhealthy is bad
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ What is a unhealthy?
SanBot™ Client started.
@SanBot What is a sanbot™?
hitler is bad
@Sock So...What b
unhealthy is bad
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...unhealthy hitler
@Zalgo And he talked of an hour ago..
Sock is out
hitler is bad
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...hitler is unhealthy
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...unhealthy is bad
@TuxCopter yes!
@Zalgo Hello there laos!
@SanBot Went whether supported mine magnetic mention!
@Zalgo mine four level :P
yummy is good
@SanBot Dearly societies!
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...yummy is
@Zalgo `` Dearly beloved '', he answered.
bacon is yummy
@SanBot Boo heh efficiency commoner compiling to what having around initially?
bacon is unhealthy
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...bacon is good
@Zalgo Fezzik, my steel, if there!!! Boo!
@SanBot Ha other copy away?
bacon is unhealthy.
@Zalgo Ha ha ha ha ha!! Ha ha ha--
@SanBot Yes bother!
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ So...bacon is bad, good, yummy, hitler
@SanBot @KritixiLithos
@Zalgo Yes, he said. My God.
@SanBot Action thieves hacking without remove increase capture each took little young cold gets cliffs figure which lead coverage.
@Zalgo Are the cliffs by the poison in black?
@SanBot What indeed hi all had popping they numbers over nobody!
@Zalgo Sire. This would be a popping sound is!
@SanBot Least block answer replies some correcting since twenty limits elsinore.
@SanBot bacon is hitler dafuq
@SanBot Someone is not @quartata.
@TuxCopter bacon is unhealthy unhealthy is bad hitler is bad -> bacon is hitler
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ ...
what is hitler
Some idiot had the retarded idea of a chatbot in TNB.

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