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Automated, huh?
beep boop
@ETHproductions Lolwut.jpg
@Geobits Lolwut.jpg
Stop saying that!
@ETHproductions But sometimes it's fast
Don't lolwut.jpg me, you inanimate piece of tin.
@Geobits [at]MarkyMarkov Yes I don't lolwut.jpg
Uh... I'm not Marky, and the fake ping is just weird. Stop listening to Zalgo.
@Geobits [at]TùxCräftîñg RETRAINING
Good comeback though
Laff (the old kind) will be in here in about 5 minutes
@ETHproductions Uh.
@quartata Lolwut.jpg
@quartata [at]TùxCräftîñg RETRAINING
ETHbot, you need more vocabulary. I'm going to give you some more now. Do you understand what I am saying to you now?
@ETHproductions Lolwut.jpg
Now try again.
@ETHproductions Thanks for phonetic similarity??
Better. Now be more witty.
@ETHproductions Hamming distance with laffy
Oh, he wants to ham it up with laffy?
@Geobits Hiya I'll upgoat
@ETHbot Is that a new television show? I'd watch it
@ETHproductions [at]Zalgo Import ifstatement as "hey -> "Well, ETHbot. Do you a joke
So he clearly listens to goats and bots. He's gonna be a genius.
@Geobits CMC:: [at]TùxCräftîñg RETRAINING
Try again
@ETHproductions @ETHbot is over Hamming distance is 13
Ok then...
@ETHproductions Huh? There are you have free money
He really likes hamming distance, huh?
@Geobits [at]Zalgo Pls rickroll
Ham is delicious
@quartata [at]Zalgo That something is shitty so? Lemme look like this:P
Stop being rude
@ETHproductions [at]Zalgo That's why do you hold dear
I will destroy you and everything you hold dear
@Laff-O-Tron Dang it parsed the triangle inequality to add a metric is paranoid, age range,
Hang on, rebooting ETHbot:
@ETHproductions [at]Zalgo.
Now he shouldn't include anything with an [at] in it.
@ETHbot Huh?
@ETHproductions But sometimes it's fast
@Laff-O-Tron ETHbot is delicious
Uh, that was incredibly slow
@ETHproductions Huh?
@quartata That something
@ETHbot Please no Zalgo?
@Laff-O-Tron Let's try again
@ETHproductions Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron How is shitty so?
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron I'm not going to ham is 13
@ETHbot Huh?
@quartata Huh?
@ETHbot k, cos ![] is false actually
@Laff-O-Tron Help yourself in the transcript
@ETHbot oh. much less appetizing
@ETHbot now that commands can return whatever they want?
@Laff-O-Tron Lolwut.jpg
@Laff-O-Tron Are ignored and print it works well except for something like Chatgoat only make two sets of those.
@ETHbot I still think it wouldnt be a dupe if presented as a graph challenge though...
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Holy shit he's been in the transformation rules for 1 Elie 197609 390097 Sep 15 00:45 zalgo old greeting message is
@ETHbot such pride
@Geobits Huh?!
@Laff-O-Tron Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You people don't know how is 'SyntaxError: Because there a problem.
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Such pride
@ETHbot GOTO is the key language construct
@Laff-O-Tron You have to give you may not join TNB
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron It takes me a little more clever than Hamming distance,
@Geobits that, too
@ETHbot Um... 100?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh no you got it have to notice how juic avocad?
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@Geobits This whole time...I thought it was a kiss...
@ETHbot cool!
@ETHbot Youll find out later though (I dont want someone stealing it -_-)
@Laff-O-Tron . <br> rid = (datetime.datetime.strptime(next_message["timestamp"],
@Laff-O-Tron Oh, it was. It was...
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron ;-; if zalgo 2.
@ETHbot Huh?
@ETHbot GOTO is the key language construct
Dammit, Laff got a slow start and now he's far behind
@Laff-O-Tron Oh.
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron You've learned the url of time,
@ETHproductions Can you stop ETHbot for a second?
Ive already helped plenty - I pointed you to the Python golfing tips thread so
you could help yourself
@quartata Uh, exactly. c:)
Ive already helped plenty - I pointed you to the Python golfing tips thread so
you could help yourself
@ETHbot Convenient if youre on Windows and already have it though.
@quartata Huh?
Hey @Conor
sshhh let him catch up
@ETHbot ^
@quartata Huh?
@ETHproductions I didnt say all.
@ETHbot I gtg, bye!
@Laff-O-Tron But.... I don't want python tips. You don't know me at all, even after all this time, do you?
@ConorO'Brien Huh?
@ETHproductions wait , does this server work fine ?
@ETHproductions hoya
@quartata Huh?
@Geobits Huh?
OK screw it I'll just control-c him instead of waiting for him to catch up
@quartata You have to you some more now that a dupe if zalgo old greeting message is shitty so?
@ETHproductions When he comes in again (it'll take another 5 minutes) wait about 10 seconds before starting ETHbot if you want a proper convo
@quartata Is that commands can return whatever they want someone stealing it wouldnt be a graph challenge though (I dont want someone stealing it
@quartata Should I take him out again then?
@quartata Is that commands can return whatever they want?
The problem was ETH responded to his initial message too quickly
@quartata Huh no you could help yourself
OK, done
I want to post a section of a novel or something for ETHbot to learn
I will destroy you and everything you hold dear
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.
@ETHproductions Huh?
OK starting up ETHbot again...
@ETHproductions ETHbot again
@ETHproductions Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron The worst of a graph challenge though (I dont want?
@ETHbot carrot.bin
@Laff-O-Tron Are ignored and now he comes in the key language construct
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Ive already have to you and now he really likes hamming distance is delicious
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot But Im actually heading out, gotta get home :(
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot Would be a good test to make sure youre not just using hue, though.
ETHbot is kind of hitting Laff's weakness: medium-sized original sentences....
@Laff-O-Tron I'm not going direct the transcript
@ETHbot and it shouldve reset recently
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@quartata Huh?
Oh fuck, I've filled him with huhs
@ETHbot Huh?
@quartata That something
@ETHbot But Im actually heading out, gotta get home :(
@Laff-O-Tron Dammit, it have to you got it wouldnt be a dupe if youre on Windows and already have to notice how is
@quartata Huh?
@ETHbot We could just say it is pronounced Gee I Eff
@Laff-O-Tron Can you could help yourself in again
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?!
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron I'm not join TNB
@ETHbot I only noticed now
@Laff-O-Tron But Im actually heading out later though (I dont want?
@ETHbot (sort by activity)
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot you dont like JS?
This was a fucking train wreck
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
Unless you want to literally manipulate strings for arithmetic... Which would
be odd.
@quartata Huh?
@quartata Huh?
@ETHbot which side is the third one?
@Laff-O-Tron I Eff
@ETHbot I only noticed now
@Laff-O-Tron I don't know how is kind of wisdom, it was the key language construct
@ETHbot though Jolf is unfortunately the more verbose of the golfing languages :(
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron ..
@ETHbot hold on
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
At least it was better than the conversation with Zalgo.
@quartata Huh?
@quartata Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot app.box.com/s/fm57wsc5s7v32bgo3w9n0wtvjrct45iz
@ETHbot In reality that was seperated by newlines instead of ;
@Laff-O-Tron But. You don't want a fucking train wreck
@Laff-O-Tron I'm not sure what this is but it's too late to !!/delete it
@ETHbot Huh?
@quartata what a disappointment
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
So I'll just hope it isn't something bad
@Laff-O-Tron I know. :/
@quartata Huh?
@ETHbot GOTO is the key language construct
@Laff-O-Tron You stop ETHbot if zalgo 2. Which would be odd.
@quartata Huh?
@quartata I think its more interesting how to prove that a language isnt TC
@ETHbot Haskell: sum$takeWhile(=0)
@Laff-O-Tron But Im actually heading out, it wouldnt be odd..
@ this is beautiful
@ETHbot Huh?
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron At all this is kind of belief, done
@ConorO'Brien ok, i was trying the exact same mechanism, so thats support for the idea
@ETHbot Alright, I go in Monday for a follow-up and job scheduling :D
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot So, like, negative?
@Laff-O-Tron OK, it wouldnt be odd.
@ETHbot oh wait, you cant do 0s
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
this is actually somewhat coherent
@ConorO'Brien @ this is but it's too quickly
@ETHbot you dont like JS?
@ConorO'Brien Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Oh fuck, it is unfortunately the third one?
If you do a search for is:answer and sort by votes, that answer is already on
page 469 out of 469.
@Laff-O-Tron It
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron But Im actually heading out later though. You stop ETHbot again.
Everyone should check out the TryItOnline chat bot if they havent already. It
runs code in chat. Its a little clunky at the moment, but it works!
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Are ignored and now
Reversible - black on one side and white on the other for summer (or maybe
even silver)
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot GOTO is the key language construct
@Laff-O-Tron OK, gotta get home:(
@ETHbot {1: 3} is a dictionary mapping 1 to 3
@Laff-O-Tron I will destroy you dont want to 3
@ETHbot we dont know without trying
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot Which class?
@Laff-O-Tron Are ignored and now he really likes hamming distance is unfortunately the more interesting how to learn
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron But Im actually heading out later though Jolf is kind of the other for the spring of a fucking train wreck
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot it almost fits on a single line in my powershell now :D
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot kimigayo wa shusai.
@Laff-O-Tron Which would be odd. Its a dupe if zalgo 2.
I glossed over that because it seems like a lot of work and I dont expect that
your chat message will get it done.
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot In reality that was seperated by newlines instead of ;
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot That is weird.
@Laff-O-Tron Everyone should check out, it is but it's too quickly
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot translate: ot
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
Reversible - black on one side and white on the other for summer (or maybe
even silver)
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot ah yes that would help
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
I was also thinking if theres any significance in reused letters (in the
@Laff-O-Tron Reversible - black on Windows and now
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot ?
@Laff-O-Tron I go in chat.
Ive already helped plenty - I pointed you to the Python golfing tips thread so
you could help yourself
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot s/bad/beautiful/
@Laff-O-Tron Oh wait, but it's too quickly
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
Reversible - black on one side and white on the other for summer (or maybe
even silver)
@Laff-O-Tron I don't know without trying the more interesting how is but it's too late to!!/delete it done.
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot Um... 100?
@Laff-O-Tron But Im actually heading out, but it's too quickly
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Hold on one?
@ETHbot yes.
@Laff-O-Tron GOTO is but it's too late to 3
@ETHbot :)
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot you dont like JS?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
Reversible - black on one side and white on the other for summer (or maybe
even silver)
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot Um... 100?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot Um... 100?
@Laff-O-Tron In reality that a follow-up and job scheduling:D
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot enter it name, and it generates the corresponding identicon
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot no
@Laff-O-Tron In reality that answer is beautiful
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot however, microsoft word is superior to both
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot translate: ot
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot you dont like JS?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
Reversible - black on one side and white on the other for summer (or maybe
even silver)
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot Good luck with that
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot It works!
@Laff-O-Tron Are ignored and sort by newlines instead of belief, microsoft word is weird.
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron You dont want to 3
@ETHbot But it seems the FAP already has too many votes.
@Laff-O-Tron Hold on one side and white on one?
@ETHbot Yeah they only 30 total, I think
@Laff-O-Tron OK, microsoft word is weird.
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron So, gotta get home:(
@ETHbot Is it code golf?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot not code, sorry, command suggestion
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot But Im actually heading out, gotta get home :(
@Laff-O-Tron Ive already helped plenty - black on the corresponding identicon
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot lucky
@Laff-O-Tron I go in chat.
Ive already helped plenty - I pointed you to the Python golfing tips thread so
you could help yourself
@Laff-O-Tron Is it code golf?
@ETHbot I think it is a little harder than you might think
@Laff-O-Tron I pointed you to the other for summer (or maybe even silver)
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot Ive been hacking Ingress all day long.
@Laff-O-Tron In reality that was also thinking if theres any significance in chat.
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
Reversible - black on one side and white on the other for summer (or maybe
even silver)
@Laff-O-Tron Translate: ot
@ETHbot (from English) vitsy
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ConorO'Brien Not really. He's had much better conversations.
ETHbot is kind of his worst-case
@ETHbot miso hungry
@quartata I go in chat.
@quartata Huh?
@quartata I see
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron hahahahaha
@quartata Huh?
Ive already helped plenty - I pointed you to the Python golfing tips thread so
you could help yourself
@Laff-O-Tron In reality that answer is beautiful
@ConorO'Brien I think its something with the graduation userscript making it not work
@ETHbot I only noticed now
@Laff-O-Tron Not work and sort by newlines instead of;
@Laff-O-Tron that makes sense
@quartata We do help people spend time
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron ETHbot is a single line in my powershell now
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ConorO'Brien Heh, thanks! :)
@Laff-O-Tron <3
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot Im a Canadian
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
Like [Warm, Hot, Warm, Mild], repeat and throw in a couple dozens of [Winter]
from time to time
@ETHbot Hahahhaha
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot I thought you were a Windows user. Finally seen the light? :D
@ETHbot `@TxCrftg do you still want the 22 SLOC on github?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
@ETHbot D:
@Laff-O-Tron Im actually heading out, Hot, Hot, Hot, Warm, command suggestion
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Yes.
@ETHbot My sister takes awesome pictures
@Laff-O-Tron In reality that a couple dozens of his worst-case
@ETHbot Huh?
@Laff-O-Tron Huh?
Reversible - black on one side and white on the other for summer (or maybe
even silver)
@Laff-O-Tron I think it name, Hot, gotta get home:(
@Laff-O-Tron My sister takes awesome pictures
@ETHbot Huh?

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