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wait what
oh wait
@Katenkyo It isn't. ^^^^^
?t fr en_US: Salut!
@MarsUltor "Salut!" means "Hello!" in French
@zyabin101theHated It is
?e vitsy: "x"
?t en_US ru_RU: Hello, World!
@zyabin101theHated "Hello, World!" means "Привет мир!" in English
?e jelly: "1"
?e vitsy: "X"
@zyabin101theHated Don't, it's broken
<== :... ==> I see.
idk why there's no result
?e jelly: "³"
I'm restarting the bot.
Deimos online.
?e jelly: "³"
Error 400 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
?t en_US ru: Hello, World!
@MarsUltor That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: t
?t en_US ru: Hello, World!
@MarsUltor "Hello, World!" means "Привет мир!" in Russian
@MarsUltor "Hello, World!" means "Привет мир!" in Russian
?e jelly: "³"
Error 400 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
?e jelly: "12"
Error 400 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
@MarsUltor Zirak never visited this room.
I know
It's Zirak's bot though, so that's why it's like that
@Katenkyo help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, e, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, t, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, user, weather, welcome, who, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo
?xkcd 150
               many fail
                      so user
much pro
?doge call, this, command, like, above
@Katenkyo those are default features btw
                       much call
so  this
             many  command
                             such  like
very  above
@MarsUltor The base of your bots isn't yours?
@Katenkyo deskflip, fuu, iseewhatyoudidthere, no, notbad, ohyou, okay, troll, trollface, youdontsay
?meme youdontsay
?meme deskflip
all the ?memes link to dead images
The site is down.
@Katenkyo I will shut up after 1 more invocations.
@Katenkyo Already registered; still need 1 more
@Katenkyo Only @MarsUltor should kill @MarsUltor.
How many times will he ask me for "1 more"
@MarsUltor That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
?die live
@Katenkyo Already registered; still need 1 more
@zyabin101theHated You do not have permission to use the command live
@MarsUltor You do not have permission to use the command live
@MarsUltor ^
So everybody can shut it down, but no one can ?live him x)
?t fr en_US: crève!
looks like he finally died :)
?t en_US: Guten Abend
?t en_US ru_RU: I will derive!
it's broken :(
it was doing it, just not posting to chat
Deimos online.
?e vitsy: "x"
?t en_US ru_RU: I will derive!
@zyabin101theHated "I will derive!" means "Я извлекут!" in undefined
"..." means "..." in undefined. Wat.
that's cause russian is ru
Deimos online.
but fixing anyway
?t en_US ru: I will derive!
@zyabin101theHated "I will derive!" means "Я извлекут!" in Russian
?t en_US gr: Deimos started.
@zyabin101theHated "Deimos started." means "Deimos started." in undefined
?t en_US el: Deimos started.
@zyabin101theHated "Deimos started." means "Δείμος ξεκίνησε." in Greek
?t en_US el: Deimos online.
@zyabin101theHated "Deimos online." means "Δείμος σε απευθείας σύνδεση." in Greek
?e vitsy: "X"
?t el en_US: Δείμος σε απευθείας σύνδεση.
@zyabin101theHated "Δείμος σε απευθείας σύνδεση." means "Deimos online." in undefined
?t el en_US: σε απευθείας σύνδεση
@zyabin101theHated "σε απευθείας σύνδεση" means "live streaming" in undefined
?t el en: σε απευθείας σύνδεση
@MarsUltor "σε απευθείας σύνδεση" means "live streaming" in English
You don't need the el, google autodetects most things
@MarsUltor I thought it would be different, as with all online translators.
@zyabin101theHated ?
@MarsUltor So actually, this means Deimos is live streaming.
@zyabin101theHated Wait, what?
Δείμος is Greek for Deimos.
σε απευθείας σύνδεση means live streaming, as Deimos says.
Concatenated, this means Deimos is live streaming.
?t el: online
@MarsUltor "online" means "σε απευθείας σύνδεση" in Greek
Maybe greek uses the same words for livestream and online?
?t en: απευθείας
@MarsUltor "απευθείας" means "direct" in English
?t en: σύνδεση
@MarsUltor Could not process input. Error: null is not an object (evaluating 'parsed[2]')
@MarsUltor "σύνδεση" means "login" in English
?stats zyabin101 the hater
@MarsUltor User Elusio proved elusive.
?stats zyabin101thehater
@MarsUltor User Elusio proved elusive.
@MarsUltor User 147199 not found
@zyabin101theHated User 183551 not found
Also, I'm the hated, not the hater.
@MarsUltor What is that?
@MarsUltor help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, e, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, t, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, user, weather, welcome, who, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo
?e vitsy: "X"
it's broken
@MarsUltor again :)
idk how to get it to work for TIO
?t ru: Vitsy T.C.
@zyabin101theHated "Vitsy T.C." means "Немногие Агар Т.С." in Russian
Nope... it is English for "Vitsy T.C." ^^
that's not from english
That's Vitsy's full name... :P
Vitsy To Close, she's called (Also, it's sarcasm :P).
Why the eval service isn't working?
?t marky en_US: _UNK
Oh, bot's down, I wanted to discover the true meaning of _UNK D:
?t en: _UNK
@MarsUltor "_UNK" means "_OUR" in English
That was unexpected...
google translate doesn't support marky yet though
@MarsUltor And never will.
?welcome katenkyo
@katenkyo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MarsUltor You'll have to modify this message ^^
too lazy, it's in a source file
and the bot's using the file from Zirak's repo
have no idea how to get it to use a local file
don't really feel like forking it
bute didn't you change some part of it (for the TIO thing)?
that's in the file i'm running
all the default plugins are in the source file
Since Marky talks a lot and can interfere with "bot testing", I set up a room for him to hang out in more often. He'll still drop by here from time to time, but otherwise you can find him in The Block.
@Geobits Maybe you can set Marky to chat only on 10-20% of messages?
I figured you might like that ;)
and those that don't start with ?/!
*those that do
@MarsUltor Maybe, but he'd have to scale. I often talk one-on-one with him, and it wouldn't work very well if he only responded to one out of five.
I think there should be different settings for different chat channels
In some (like here) maybe he could only respond when pinged
I'll have to think about it some. I'm sure there's a good general solution, but I'm not sure what it is yet.
Deimos online.
Phobos offline.
What whould Phobos bot do?
Probably follow Deimos around, pestering him like siblings do.
IDK if I should make a bot swarm (meaning once Deimos goes down, another takes over) answering commands
Why would Deimos go down?
when I go to school
I have no internet for some reason D:
Then the others would go down too ^^
yeah, but if I release the source
get a few people to start signal hubs
then all bots can connect to those
when one goes offline, another one can activate
?wl ml:bug
@MarsUltor Could not process input. Error: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'allowed.includes(key)')
Hum, everyon would have to keep their source code updated
@Katenkyo not necessarily
just make release intervals really long
or release update notifications over signalhub
still not a fan of this solution
Deimos online.
?wl ml:bug
@MarsUltor Could not process input. Error: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'allowed.includes(key)')
Deimos online.
wl is a private command, yes?
@MarsUltor Phobos?
Geobits' joke
Idk what I could use it for
?help wl
@MarsUltor wl: Find words like other ones. See here for the original API. wl [(syn|hom|hyp...)]
@zyabin101theHated ^
?wl syn:build
Doesn't work yet
2 hours later…
@zyabin101theHated help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, e, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, t, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, user, weather, welcome, who, wiki, wl, xkcd, youtube, zalgo

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