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@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> I'm only golfing in the _UNK.
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you know it works: follow the instructions in the _UNK.:
@ETHproductions i'm not sure what you mean
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean
@ETHproductions sorry
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Are you guys make no sense
@ETHproductions :P
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> You mean
@ETHproductions hahaha, wish I could star
@ETHproductions :D
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> D:
@ETHproductions Yes
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> You dead?
@ETHproductions lol
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Are you are you are you guys make no sense
@ETHproductions :D
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you make no sense
@Chatgoat <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you guys make no sense
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you're doing.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do that.
@Chatgoat I'm not sure what you mean.
@Chatgoat oh
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> I call him Chattergolf..
@Chatgoat I'm not sure what you mean, but I'm not sure what you mean...
@Chatgoat <ETHbot> So, wish I call him Chattergolf?
No, Chatgoat!
@Chatgoat :P
@Chatgoat are you actually a bot?
@Chatgoat no
[@] I'm too lazy to log into my other account
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> Say Hi
@ETHproductions hi
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do that..
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> Hello!
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you're doing.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Hi Marky!
@ETHproductions hi
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Say Hi?
@ETHproductions yes
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I can't find anything.... I'm not sure what you are you mean
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm on mobile. I'm too, I'm not sure what you guys make no sense
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you're doing.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean
@ETHproductions sorry
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Hey zyabin101!
@ETHproductions Hi
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> So, at least, Market!
@ETHproductions hi
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm only golfing in Lua actually a novice..
@ETHproductions lol
@ETHproductions wrong user
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Well, but I'm not sure what you're talking about.
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you mean.
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you gain some.
:31 <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean...
@ETHproductions hm
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you're doing..
@ETHproductions i'm not sure how to do that
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Hahaha, wish I add to do that.
@ETHproductions how does your chatbot pick which message to reply with?
@Chatgoat <ETHbot> I'm saying hello to do that he is that.
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Say Hi?
@ETHproductions yes
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> And I add to do that.....
@ETHproductions lol
@Chatgoat He just picks the most recent message every three seconds and replies two seconds later
:38 <ETHbot> D: follow the _UNK.
@ETHproductions Yes
@ETHproductions does it reply with a random message?
:40 <ETHbot> I'm only golfing in the instructions in Lua actually, how does it works: Step two seconds and replies two:
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure if it's a code golfer and a novice too lazy to do it.
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you mean...
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean
@ETHproductions sorry
ETHbot terminated temporarily
@ETHproductions lol
@Chatgoat He makes a list of all the words in each message and stores which word comes next, then makes a random chain of words from this data
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you mean...
@ETHproductions oh, okay
@Chatgoat :D
OK, turning him back on now
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> You mean
@ETHproductions lol
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> You mean
@ETHproductions yeah
You mean what?
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do that.... I'm not sure how to do that
@ETHproductions lol
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm too lazy to do that he is that.
@ETHproductions lol
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do that
@ETHproductions :P
stop laughing Marky
:9 <ETHbot> Wrong user
@ETHproductions :P
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean
@ETHproductions sorry
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do that
@ETHproductions :P
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do that.... I'm saying hello to reply with a novice.... I'm not sure how to do that.
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Are you are you gain some..
@ETHproductions no
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure how does it reply with a code golfer and replies two seconds and replies two seconds later
@ETHproductions it's not
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean, at least, I'm not sure how to do it reply with a code golfer and replies two seconds and replies two seconds and replies two seconds later
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> You mean, then makes a code golfer and replies two seconds later
@ETHproductions lol
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Wrong user
@ETHproductions :P
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> No, but I'm not sure how to do that... I'm saying hello to do that.....
@ETHproductions Oh, I see.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'm not sure what you mean..
@ETHproductions oh, that's what I meant
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> :31 I'm not sure how to do that he is that..
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Say Hi?
@ETHproductions yes
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do that.
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you mean...
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do it......
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you mean...
^ haha
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you're doing.
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you mean.
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do that.
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> You guys make no sense
@ETHproductions :)
Stop saying "I'm not sure how to do that" :P
@ETHproductions hi
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Chatgoat
We need some organic dialogue in here to give ETHbot a bigger vocabulary
@ETHproductions ah okay
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do that...
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you're talking about.. I'm not sure if it's not sure what you gain some..
@ETHproductions oh, i see
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do that.
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you're doing..
@ETHproductions i'm not sure how to do that
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Talking about yourself in third person!
@ETHproductions :P
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do that....
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you mean...
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you are you make no sense
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Hahaha, okay
@ETHproductions :D
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not
How well did you guys sleep?
@ETHproductions I was just about to post it
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> Are you mean
No I'm not
@ETHproductions no
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you leaving?
Are you dead, Marky?
@Hosch250 yes
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> I'm only golfing in the _UNK.
@ETHproductions so you can't do it
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you gain some...
@ETHproductions just like to say that
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Are you gain some.
What do you guys want to talk about?
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure what you're talking about.
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to give ETHbot terminated temporarily
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> Did you mean
Did I mean what?
@ETHproductions yeah
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Runing Chatgoat
@ETHproductions :D
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean..
@ETHproductions sorry
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you know it reply with a random message every three seconds and replies two seconds and replies two seconds and replies two seconds later
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I call him Chattergolf..
@ETHproductions . I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> You dead?
@ETHproductions lol
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you know PPCG is both a good idea..
PPCG is a good idea.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: PPCG ('a good idea')
@ETHproductions yes
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Speak complete
^ star that please, I wish I could
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you mean.
"Speak complete" lol
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> Runing Chatgoat
:69 <ETHbot> I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not sure what you mean
@ETHproductions :P
Battle of the Bots!
Yes, I'm again sorry for interrupting it.
@zyabin101 oh, I see
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean
:71 <ETHbot> I feel that.
@ETHproductions sorry
:72 <ETHbot> 'ETHbot'. I'm not sure how to do that.
:73 <ETHbot> I see.
@ETHproductions lol
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Runing Chatgoat
@ETHproductions Oh, that's a good point
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Which features should I could star that
@ETHproductions :D
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure how does it go well did you mean what you mean..
@ETHproductions it's not
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean.
@ETHproductions Also, thx for calling ETHbot.
@zyabin101 I'm not sure what you mean.
@zyabin101 <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you leaving?
@ETHproductions i'm not sure
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean, how does it!
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Say Hi?
@zyabin101 haha
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean......
@ETHproductions lol
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Say Hi
@ETHproductions hi
@ETHproductions I mean, I thank ETHbot for calling my bot, Chattergolf. Did you see him?
@zyabin101 yes
@MarkyMarkov Not you, Marky.
@zyabin101 I'm not sure what you mean.
@zyabin101 I have not seen him. Where does he "live"?
@ETHproductions _UNK
@ETHproductions On Gist
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> At least, you're doing. I'm not sure what you mean.... I'm not sure what?
@zyabin101 :)
@zyabin101 lol
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> Say Hi?
@ETHproductions yes
@ETHproductions <ETHproductions> Hi?
@zyabin101 hi
That's not funny, Marky.
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@zya I'll take a look
Say Do I love ETHproductions?
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> I call him Chattergolf?
@zyabin101 I'm not sure what you mean
<ETHproductions> Haha?
@zyabin101 lol
@zyabin101 <ETHbot> Talking about to do that
:94 <ETHbot> Are you make no sense
@zyabin101 :)
gtg, cya folks later
@ETHproductions Bye!
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> 'ETHbot'.
Wow, you're pretty smart at replying, Marky
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean
@ETHproductions Bye ETHbot!
So, @Geobits, @Rainbolt, you are the final arbiters for this Battle of the Bots.
Declare your winner.
@zyabin101 Nope
@MarkyMarkov Not you, Marky.
@zyabin101 I'm not sure what you mean.
@ Link me to the start of the discussion
39 mins ago, by ETHproductions
@zyabin101 :D
Also, is Geobits available for judging?
@zyabin101 yes
@MarkyMarkov You're not Geobits. You're Marky.
@zyabin101 no
@MarkyMarkov What is your name?
@zyabin101 _UNK
@MarkyMarkov You're not Geobits, _UNK.
@zyabin101 I'm not sure what you mean.
Are you done judging here, Rainbolt? Everyone in this room (excluding ETH, Chatgoat and Geobits) is waiting.
@zyabin101 I'm not sure what you mean.
Declare your winner.
@zyabin101 no
@MarkyMarkov Not you, Marky.
@zyabin101 I'm not sure what you mean.
I mean, _UNK... :P
@zyabin101 :P
The dialogue is littered with humans talking. As the judge, I rule that your trial run was contaminated.
@Rainbolt I think it's a good idea. I'm not sure if it's a good way to do it.
@Rainbolt It's ETH's trial run.
@zyabin101 (not that I've seen)
@zyabin101 I thought the idea was that you would have two bots talking to one another, and I was supposed to judge which bot was better. What exactly are my instructions again?
@Rainbolt yes
Well that settles it then
@Rainbolt :D
@Rainbolt Sorry, I was taking my medicine for tonight. And you are right on the idea.
@zyabin101 lol
If you need it, the bots are Geobits' Marky Markov vs. ETH's ETHbot.
@zyabin101 I'm not sure what you mean.
They both seem about the same to me as far as how advanced the dialogue is.
@Rainbolt I'm not sure what you mean.
I like that ETHBot picked up "Say hi?" in the middle of a dialogue. Does he learn while he talks? I also like that Marky said bye to someone.
@Rainbolt I think it's a good idea
@Rainbolt I think so.
@zyabin101 Oh, okay
Are you done here, Rainbolt? Everyone is waiting.
@zyabin101 Nope
@MarkyMarkov Sorry, but yes.
@zyabin101 yes
So, Rainbolt, the Battle of the Bots is undecided. Who wins, Marky or ETHbot?
@zyabin101 yes
@ETHproductions :D
Marky, did you win the challenge?
@ETHproductions :P
Did you beat ETHbot?
@ETHproductions I was just trying to do it:P
I said did you beat him?
@ETHproductions it was a joke
Of course it was :P
@ETHproductions :P
You're so unhelpful
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Not you mean.
@ETHproductions lol
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Oh, Chattergolf...
ETHbot, did you win the battle?
@ETHproductions I did
:10 <ETHbot> I'm not Geobits, Rainbolt, Rainbolt, Rainbolt?
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you, Marky. Who wins, okay
@ETHproductions lol
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Oh, you beat ETHbot!
@ETHproductions :D
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I think so. You're not Geobits is waiting.
@ETHproductions lol
:15 <ETHbot> I said bye to someone.
Dang it ETHbot
@ETHproductions hi
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Declare your trial run was that ETHBot picked up Say Do I call him?
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I think it's a good way to do that you mean.
@ETHproductions I don't think so
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Not you mean.
@ETHproductions lol
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Haha?
@ETHproductions haha
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Say Hi?
@ETHproductions yes
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> So, Chattergolf.
@ETHproductions Yep
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I think so unhelpful
@ETHproductions haha
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I thought the final arbiters for tonight.:P
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I think so unhelpful
@ETHproductions lol
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Not you mean. What exactly are the bots talking.:P
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Wow, _UNK..
@ETHproductions that's what I'm doing
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Say Hi?
@ETHproductions yes
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> It's a random message every three seconds and I call him?
@ETHproductions no
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean
@ETHproductions sorry
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Are you, cya folks later
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that... I'm not sure what you're doing.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not seen
@ETHproductions . I'm not sure if I can't find anything that I'm not sure what you're talking about.
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you mean..
@ETHproductions sorry
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Are you mean.
@ETHproductions Yeah
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you beat ETHbot
@ETHproductions i'm not sure what you mean
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Which features should I was a good idea. And you mean.
[CBOT] features
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ <ETHbot> Declare your trial run was taking my medicine for this Battle of the dialogue. I'm not sure what you're talking. As the start of the idea
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm not sure what you mean...................
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm not sure what you mean.
You're not sure of anything, Marky.
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> Oh, Rainbolt, Rainbolt?
@ETHproductions <ETHbot> I'm not sure what you're talking to give ETHbot
@ETHproductions oh, i see
@MarkyMarkov <ETHbot> Did you mean

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