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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

When I run it in the console, it just spits out gibberish or HTML code. Not even text in the HTML.
Just random empty <span>s and <div>s.
Change in to of
!dilbert 2015-12-10
(AUTOMATED RESPONSE) @ETHproductions Current commands: !cbrt_*x* !dilbert_*date* !e !help !hoh_*n* !irreg_*n* !ln_*x* !log_*x* !phi !pi !pingme !sqrt_*x* !time
*n* is an integer literal, *x* is an integer or float literal.
"e", "pi", or "phi" (sans quotes) may be substituted for any float literal.
Dates should be given in the form YYYY-MM-DD
<The Tin Soldier> @ETHproductions Commands: say; time; eval; scope; alex; help; status; stab; doorknob; punishment; blue; cure; ಠ_ಠ; delete_self
No docs yet.
(AUTOMATED RESPONSE) @ETHproductions dilbert.com/strip/2015-12-10
(automatic response) "Congratulations! The simple fact that you're standing here listening to me means you've made a glorious contribution to science."
(automatic response) "[laugh]"
(automatic response) "Those of you helping us test the repulsion gel today, just follow the blue line on the floor."
Wow. I went to my code and didn't check this for a bit, and the chat apocalypse happened.
Now Downgoat's code doesn't work for me either...
#hi rikerbot
Rikerbot says Hi to you.
okay who is epic?
Can I see downgoat's code?
<The Tin Soldier> @RikerW ಠ_ಠ
<Papyrus> @Thatha You're blue now.
(AUTOMATED RESPONSE) @RikerW 3.141592653589793
(AUTOMATED RESPONSE) @RikerW 1.618033988749895
!eval rikerw
<The Tin Soldier> @RikerW Error: Undefined symbol rikerw
stupid bot.
@RikerW Maybe I should add that command...
Please do.
@quartata I will succeed!!!! !eval rikerw
!eval rikerw
<The Tin Soldier> @RikerW Error: Undefined symbol rikerw
(AUTOMATED RESPONSE) @SuperJedi224 irregularwebcomic.net/irreg_1.html
Also, I just made a minor update to the bot. I'm about to reboot it to load the update.
(AUTOMATED RESPONSE) @SuperJedi224 Hello!
Okay, it works.
#hi rikerbot
Rikerbot says Hi to you.
who is epic
who is epic?
[object HTMLCollection]
@RikerW Is it supposed to post that?
Yes, well except the HTML stuff.
Which is what I meant.
It is supposed to post "Pinging you 'cause I can" + the username of the caller.
here is my code paste.ee/p/JOcNC
@Thatha LOL
I forgot I made that command silent ping alex
<The Tin Soldier> @RikerW ಠ_ಠ
<Papyrus> @Thatha Don't make me use my special attack.
stop trying to ban my own bot please
I better fix that.
Both you and me are flipping rooms. Ha.
Oh, Thatha isn't even owner here anyways
I take that back do whatever you want
What? I was talking to you.
Whatever. Completely missed that.
Aww. He turned it off.
who is epic
Pinging you 'cause I can. @RikerW
Well, it works in firefox, not chrome.
who is epic
Pinging you 'cause I can. @RikerW
Who is owner here? @quartata?
i hate perl
I love Perl!!!! /s
Just got this from google: link
it is about perl
hi rikerbot
#hi rikerbot
Rikerbot says Hi to you.
hi rikerbot
Rikerbot says Hi to you.
hi rikerbot
Rikerbot says Hi to you.
hi rikerbot
just talking to myself here.
Yeah, what about me? BTW, type #help or #about for more.
<The Tin Soldier> @RikerW Commands: say; time; eval; scope; alex; help; status; stab; doorknob; punishment; blue; cure; ಠ_ಠ; delete_self
No docs yet.
<The Tin Soldier> @RikerW Commands: say; time; eval; scope; alex; help; status; stab; doorknob; punishment; blue; cure; ಠ_ಠ; delete_self
No docs yet.
<The Tin Soldier> @RikerW Commands: say; time; eval; scope; alex; help; status; stab; doorknob; punishment; blue; cure; ಠ_ಠ; delete_self
No docs yet.
<The Tin Soldier> *RikerW poisons The Tin Soldier*
<The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, RikerW ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
Does that bot reply to everything containing the word help? I need a help command for mine.
<The Tin Soldier> *RikerW poisons The Tin Soldier*
<The Tin Soldier> No! W–Why would you do that, RikerW ?! I'm dying now. Slowly and inexorably. (Type `!status` to see how I am doing i.e. how much time I have left.)
<The Tin Soldier> I am poisoned by RikerW and have 4 minutes left to live.
Nobody cure him please
Only I can cure him.
Well don't.
<The Tin Soldier> I am poisoned by RikerW and have 2 minutes left to live.
Can't doorknob cure him as well?
Got to go now late bye.
<The Tin Soldier> You killed me, RikerW . Now, I die.
@SuperJedi224 Nope.
<The Tin Soldier> You killed me, RikerW . Now, I die.
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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