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@Phonon got 26/40 for the final exam
2 hours later…
@IvoFlipse Oh wow dude! are you still getting the certificate?
@IvoFlipse Now that I think about it it's not that bad
I read 26/50 first
Haven't taken mine yet
Will take it this weekend
4 hours later…
@Phonon I dunno, messed up one of the quizzes too
But at least I passed all the PAs
But I never liked the quizzes for this course very much anyway, so I'm not to worried
I learned some dynamic programming, that's good enough for me :)
@IvoFlipse Agreed. We'll see how I do.
You should be fine
@IvoFlipse May not be much better lol
In most cases I just made the wrong choice, because while there are 4 options, its mostly one of each pair
In case of algorithm X this is or isn't NP complete
I see
I'm now watching video's for Computational Methods for Data Analyses
The Matlab stuff can be interesting
But the Math is too complicated, the code is too simple :P
I like that = )
Should definitely take that class at some point
I don't, I have no clue what some of the Math he talks about is means
then I see the code and am like: is that all?
I did like how he simply makes his own Gaussian to filter the fft domain
I never realized it was basically just something like this: F = exp(-0.0001 * (KX-401).^2 - 0.0001 * (KY-301).^2);
Note that KX and KY are the x's and y's of a meshgrid
I also still have to watch the Data Analysis course video's
I did the quiz at the last moment yesterday
Though while the format of the assignments is interesting, I don't feel like doing the work for the deadlines
wow nice
I'm totally going to take it
Yeah, I never realized how the magic behind the scenes really worked
the Image processing class covered some interesting stuff too
Like how you can easily calculate the mean by using a Gaussian or something like that
Can't recall what the topic was exactly
But sadly very low on applying the stuff in practice
@IvoFlipse I agree with that. Often the math is too complicated and matlab makes things so simple you sometimes have errors from it attempting to guess what you need, in my opinion.
My biggest problem is that the type of calculus I learned isn't the type of calculus used for this stuff
@IvoFlipse :(
So he writes some kind of formula and then goes like: and now we take the derivative. And what he writes down just looks like gibberish to me
I was wanting to take that class, but as I always have, I ran out of time on the previous class and did not get it done.
@IvoFlipse :(
@Kortuk Luckily there will be plenty of new classes in the future :P
@IvoFlipse generally, things like gaussians are very simple derivatives, but very messy to write down if you have all the terms.
@Kortuk Exactly
@IvoFlipse I am watching the videos for intro to philosophy right now.
@IvoFlipse I dont think I am going to make this for other reasons.
I no longer have enough hours in a day to keep up with every interesting course
Another problem is that you can't master everything
@IvoFlipse sounds legit, the data analysis class that is starting sounded fun, but by the time I found time, too late. I had a really nastey flu last week and got behind on everything.
Studying more Math and Statistics is all nice and well, but I'm also expected to program some of this stuff (or now how to use the libraries properly), clean up the data or make tools to clean them, know what the data means, design a GUI so non-programmers can view the results, write about what this stuff means in practice
Most people just get to focus on their specialty
And every time I learn something new, I just scratch the surface of yet another topic I don't know anything about
@IvoFlipse the interesting problems in science are always a problem that crosses a boundary between specialties.
@IvoFlipse That is how the world works.
@Kortuk Auch, are you feeling better now?
And the Data Analysis course seems good, but I can't stand R's syntax
@IvoFlipse Professor once put it, you start learning and realize how little you know, then get to a point where you feel like you know it all, then you keep learning and learn all that no one knows.
But alas, I'll just bite the bullet and try to master it some more
@IvoFlipse Yeah, I wanted to learn R, which is why I signed up, is it nasty?
@IvoFlipse Flu turned into bronchitis, I am not doing better yet.
@IvoFlipse Ha, that is the @IvoFlipse I know.
@Kortuk I don't find it very consistent and it looks ugly
@Kortuk That doesn't sound well indeed
@Kortuk Heck, a year ago I didn't know what a Gaussian was to begin with
@IvoFlipse That is a pretty amazing step forward, to know how to use a gausian filter as opposed to learning what a gaussian is. Very impressive!
What helped is that so many courses used exp and log for statistics and whatnot
I never had to deal with that kind of stuff
to me statistics used to imply painstakingly copy pasting data into SPSS
@IvoFlipse That makes stat sound really boring :(
@Kortuk It was really boring
And it completely ignores time series, because those in most cases are too complicated for intro to stats courses
One problem I have with my pressure measurements is that there's so many variables and degrees of freedom
I can compare the summed up pressure over time, but not every step has the same duration
I can normalize them, so they have the same length, but that means I can only compare the pattern/shape
Off course, I can do another statistical comparison based on the absolute values of the step durations, but then I have to somehow combine the results afterwards
@IvoFlipse Yes, this is the challenge when you go from analyzing a picture to a video. Sounds like a serious challenge.
I was just about to say, it gets worse when looking at the raw pixel data
I can normalize the size, so I can compare the distribution, but you lose the size information
Or if someone only loads half his foot, and I'd want to compare the distribution with a regular foot, I can't scale his half foot up to the full width, because I'd be comparing the wrong part of the foot
@IvoFlipse you can simplify one dimension by removing it, but then you lose it. :)
So I'm thinking about simply doing any statistical test I can come up with and then find out which actually make sense
But then I need sufficient data as to not be overfitting
And obviously there's something to say against using a shotgun approach
@IvoFlipse That is an issue.
Indeed, but I bet there's also a publication bias against a lot of variables
So we simply don't know what's interesting and what's not, because the uninteresting results never get published
And most humans aren't very good at keeping tons of variables in their head, so they focus on those that are easily accessible or clearly show differences
Btw the Data Analysis course is indeed nice, it at least takes the time to explain what things 'mean', rather than assuming you already know it
@IvoFlipse hmm. Well I am heading home from Work. I hope you have a great night.
@IvoFlipse I will see you tomorrow.
See you and get well!
@IvoFlipse I will see you soon, I am sure.
You know where to find me ;)

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