tough ... we are moving to a new building next month .. and I have many projects that I want to finish soon ... publish some paper as a lot of people are working on and I don`t want to loose our edge on that
Bill goes to a library and asks for a book ” Psycho, The Rapist”. The librarian searched for hours… comes back slaps Bill She says ” Idiot! The book is called Psychotherapist”
@you can`t get stuck in 1970`s programming scenario ... things have changed and came really far ... need to use all the new programming tools to make life easier and faster throughput
I agree ... i havn`t use matlab that much ... but still python does the same job ... and its FREE ... i don`t have money to buy matlab ... so i used octave .. but still
I found Joe Kington's answer that mentioned using Glumpy instead. At first I couldn't get it to work on my own data, but with some help on chat we managed to figure out how to adapt one of the Matplotlib examples that come with Glumpy to work on my data.
import numpy, glumpy
from glumpy.pylab im...
I just need to figure out how to fix this thing (again)
I need to embed that Window into a wxPython window, but the backends don't seem to match :\