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06:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

@Ronan yeah
2 hours later…
@Ieuan @KevinvanderVelden worked out the problem, I had the wrong part in one of the spots.
The difference between white and nearly white-yellow is sometimes hard to spot =p
Hopefully it's working now, considering I left it running overnight.
Check dynmap, see if your base is still there =p
Well according to dyna---
@Ronan your base still exists on dynmap, but that doesn't mean that much :)
Can you rotate the isometric view?
That's a shame.
I've probably wasted a bunch of uranium running the reactor, but it's not like that was expensive.
It's surprising how much better my process became when I started washing the crushed uranium first.
you really just want the plutonium to start with :)
@Jochem For crafting or is that better in reactors?
You can make it into iridium
@Ronan you can make your first iridium with it, and then scan it and replicate it with UU matter
Also a nuclear reactor creates more than sufficient power to get more uranium then you put in it
@KevinvanderVelden Get more uranium how?
@Ronan auto sand sieving
there's also MOX reactor designs that you heat up and then let run (good ones are temperature stable) and produce insane amounts of power
And making the sand
like... 1300EU/t
@KevinvanderVelden Oh sure, but that was runing of water wheels just fine.
@Jochem How do you get MOX fuel again?
@Ronan Mine currently uses about 2100 RF/t for the sieves
@KevinvanderVelden Mine runs significantly slower. But I can always speed it up if I need.
@Ronan uranium+plutonium
@Ronan more like, no way you're getting that out of water wheels =p
(I mean, I literally put a stack of the speed upgrades in it)
@KevinvanderVelden what I did was take a screenshot of @Jochem's reactor contents and one of mine then layered them in Photoshop and set the top one to Difference
@KevinvanderVelden Heh, I don't think I have any in there.
All black with just some green bars means it's the same
@Ieuan heh, not a bad plan
@Ronan @ratchetfreak six U238 (the stuff you get tons of) and 3 large plutonium. they run twice as fast, and give you the same profit in tiny plutonium piles.
@Jochem But I'd need to run a regular reactor for the plutonium?
@Ronan yeah, you'll need 3 full plutonium for each piece of MOX fuel
So get plutonium from a regular reactor and then build a mox reactor
but the plutonium isn't consumed, a MOX reactor has the same net profit of plutonium per run. You just need a regular reactor to start it out
even if you don't heat them up, they should produce more plutonium per hour than regular reactors
also, you'll need plutonium for the RTG pellets in the creative energy cell
@Jochem Oh weird.
What about temps?
Can a MOX reactor run with the same design continuously?
@Jochem and the RTG pellets for iridium
and RTG is used for other things as well like BigReactor
Hey @KevinvanderVelden can you make the path 1 block to the East?
Because I'm not moving my house one block to the West
@Ieuan I can make the machine if we reenable funky locomotion
But you get to chunkload it
(i.e. sit on it, because everything else crashes)
Does it automatically stop when it runs into something?
Because then sure, I'll sit on it for a few hours
On the other hand.. funky locomotion did break the server
@Ieuan it's perfectly fine as long as it's not moving when being unloaded
@KevinvanderVelden Alright
@KevinvanderVelden So as long as you don't leave the chunk it's fine?
@Ronan yeah
So just sit on the thing
And/or disable it before leaving
Well we could just use worldedit to make a line of chunkloaders until it's done :D
@Ieuan heh, there's probably even a command for it
Though, doesn't railcraft also have line anchors or something?
I know we can't craft them but
Doesn't seem like it
That's what I was talking about, those only load 9 chunks apparently :(
I mean, we can give the bridge builder a formation plane and a bunch of stacks of world anchors
It'll put some extra load on the server but we can remove those when done
This should work :D
INB4 You replaced a perfect line through my disk drives with those things
Also @Ieuan you should re-enable funky locomotion while I'm not there
@KevinvanderVelden it goes from my base to your portal and I don't see any leftovers from that platform so should be good
@KevinvanderVelden sure will do in a bit
Heh I was joking
@KevinvanderVelden that's a waste past the first one, UU matter is much cheaper and quicker
@Jochem meh
@KevinvanderVelden I've got 320 iridium ore in my AE system, and I've been very lazy about refilling my 2 reactors lately :)
I've got the reactors automated
I'm currently generating more power than using with my insane resource generation setup
that represents 26billion RF if you made them in the assembly table
So the rest is being siphoned off to UU
(And my system is stockpiling MOAR beef wellington)
one of these days I should run my AE system over to the reactors... I've already automated crafting the fuel rods, I just have to fly them over to the reactor manually a stack at a time
I've got a hybrid system
and I should really set up a third reactor using MOX fuel
Anything item moving intensive is AE, reactors are still LP
Because the reactors need 14 item transfers every ... what, 11 hours?
nah, more than that, but I get your point
I'd just set up a transfer node on an interface
I've used an active supplier so it would LP craft it
I'm still using that to because it works with AE too
the interface keeps a quad fuel rod in stock, the transfer node keeps pulling it out until it's full
Though it can't autocraft I just tell AE to keep a stack in stock
@Jochem that requires an interface per nuclear reactor though
I have a mk2 transport pipe with an active extractor (mk2) and a supplier in it
@KevinvanderVelden not really just one interface+storage bus
why? I'm doing the same with two chests now
you don't even need the storage bus, the buffer for your reactors lives in the transfer node
@Jochem ooh! right
@ratchetfreak how are you getting the items into the transfer node then?
I mean, I'm sure it'll stop scaling at some point, but that point is probably past the number of reactors I'd want to run anyway
@KevinvanderVelden you can then use LP to pull it out of the system
@ratchetfreak ...
We're talking about not using LP
The solution to that is not to use LP =p
Also that's what I'm doing already
this is literally all you need:
replace the chest on the right with an interface, move the retrieval node to that interface, put a quad fuel rod in the stock row of the interface and a crafting card, and you're done
Oh you're using one transfer node for multiple reactors
That makes sense
add speed upgrades to taste :)
Stacks and stacks of them of course
14 atm
Also it'd be more efficient without branches
@Jochem 14 stacks? I approve
lol :)
and yeah, it would be, but I prefer not having an explosion path go between the reactors
I mean, they're stable... but bugs happen
@Jochem and then put a crafting upgrade in the interface and keep it always stocked with fuel rods or what?
I still don't 100% understand how interfaces work, always worried I'll end up setting something up that will keep my main crafting CPU occupied for ages
I'm pretty sure you can set which CPU the interface will use
How? I've not seen such an option
You can of course do so when crafting manually but the interface is automagic
One day I'm going to stop forgetting ! in my code.
` == false` best inversion
I always assume it picks the smallest possible CPU, but that might be wrong
@KevinvanderVelden I just keep forgetting to inverse the things I need to inverse.
@Jochem unfortunately not
I tend to find it picks the largest
My solution has always been to just build them all gigantic
how big is gigantic?
I dunno, in this world? 128k with 10 co-processors
Though I've not yet standardized
@Ieuan's is much bigger than that
well that came out wrong...
I'm really not sure how big mine is even
I just kept adding more storage and coprocessors to it hoping it'd fix the issue
Which wasn't even related to it apparently
you should really disassemble that thing and build many different ones, it'll help much more than a gigantic block of megabytes of crafting storage you'll never use
@Jochem well yes but he's insane
@Jochem I mean, it has storage for like 5 or 6 ultimate solars now
I don't know when I'd ever need to craft 6 ultimate solars, but if I ever do I'm now at least prepared
if you split it, you don't have to worry about your "main" crafting CPU being taken up by any autocrafting, because you won't have a main crafting CPU
@Jochem but then I won't be able to craft 6 ultimate solars in 1 crafting order
@KevinvanderVelden this road is faster than a vanilla arrow
That's pretty cool
Heh cool
It's also a road that requires fricking rocket fuel to make so it had better be good
@Ieuan so you could shoot yourself in the back, like you did with that crafting CPU :D and the chunk full of capacitors last server :D
(Though it did get me off my ass and make me finally automate plastic sheets)
@Jochem there was a server between those
@KevinvanderVelden How did you go about automating that?
@KevinvanderVelden that's the one that died after a couple of days, that doesn't count
@Ronan 2 vats, fed with the required things from an interface, going from water -> (vat) hootch -> (vat) rocket fuel -> (cyclic assembler) plastic
@KevinvanderVelden Exactly the same way I did it. :P
I just remembered AE allows you to specify multiple outputs.
@Jochem honestly that chunk full of capacitors wasn't that bad
brb rushing AE.
Taking it down was a bitch but while it was just sitting there it didn't do much bad
oh, @Ieuan, I set up a matter receiver/transmitter, so if you want to visit my base you can teleport over!
@Ieuan as long as you didn't touch it. Or look at it
@KevinvanderVelden :D
Just be glad I didn't fill a chunk with conduits
@Ieuan it brought the server to it's knees and you had to spend forever disassembling it
Those things aren't nearly as well optimized
@Jochem it brought the server to it's knees when I disassembled it
And like my plan of using the actual capacitor banks as cables was a pretty bad plan
but other than that just an idle capacitor bank barely does anything to the TPS
Fairly sure it was causing like 10% of the tick time when you weren't doing anything with it
@Ieuan no, it took the server out back and shot it in the face repeatedly when you disassembled it :)
@KevinvanderVelden yeah, something like that, if not more
that server had a weird TPS profile
@KevinvanderVelden so... still less than like 2 LP blocks :D
@Ieuan those do not take 5 miliseconds
(nor in fact, do they take 2.5 miliseconds)
admittedly, with the sheer number of pipes our three bases had put together, it was pretty damn bad
But that wasn't 2 blocks =p
I wonder how bad the pipes are on our server right now.
And it was mostly the items moving through them
@Ronan pretty bad
Oh @Ieuan when you're reenabling funky locomotion also instal opis
@KevinvanderVelden I'd have to also install mobiuscore
@Ieuan The server seems to be running just fine.
@Ieuan We already have it from waila
@Ronan it's holding up but pretty much just LP got it to 10TPS
@Ronan the 3 idiots getting AE and moving away from LP bought us a lot of breathing room
Just once, I'd like to see the monster servers they must use to keep Forgecraft running like it does
@KevinvanderVelden That's true.
Server starting up again
Soaryn and Direwolf20's LP system was a lot more complicated than mine, and they've got a bunch of other heavy users on there
@Jochem 'running like it does' is not exactly 20TPS either though
I always find it funny that minecraft models real life in that you have to do the shitty solution first.
@Ieuan the times I've seen them use /cofh tps, it's usually at 20TPS
Likely just a decent dedi with a nice quad to 8 core CPU, 16GB of RAM and an SSD
dw20 videos don't really show any tickrate lag
@Ieuan multi core isn't going to help a minecraft server
not even dimensions are run multithreaded
it's probably an overclocked something or other, or some ridiculous xeon
@Jochem are there no mods at all that use multithreading?
@Ieuan not afaik
You'd expect things like AE and even just transfer nodes to use a separate thread for their lookups
But regardless, Forgecraft probably has a pretty decent CPU, a decent amount of RAM to limit swapping and an SSD
I'm just thinking about the number of people's jobs that pay for that server.
@Ronan pretty sure like 4 of those main Forgecraft guys are sysadmins IRL
@Ieuan I'd expect mods that use multithreading to use it badly
there's another multithreading project going on for >1.7, not sure how far this one will get
Multithreading for games is a weird thing.
@ratchetfreak true, they probably either only multithread irrelevant things or literally everything
@Ieuan exactly
Minecraft has enough item disappearing glitches without concurrency issues.
I don't believe that there is a central Executor in minecraft that modders can use for their async stuff
I could see dimensions being run in separate threads, if it wasn't for tesseracts and their like
so they'll need to create their own Threadpools which will add a lot of threads that cannot be reused by other mods
cross dimension interaction is pretty rare so it could be solved but it needs to be explicit in what you can and cannot do
I suppose tesseracts could be rewritten to support stuff like that... low tickrate in the overworld could just have it reduce RF/t output or something
but it's not the only cross dimension interraction
there is also the AE quantum bridge
the enderchests
I don't think it's a good idea to desynchronize dimensions. You do have to wait for each to complete their ticks
@Jochem Minecraft mods are already weird enough as it is, having a dimension run slower as cannon wouldn't be farfetch'd.
but they can run independently
@ratchetfreak yes
But there's no need to do complex things like slowing down RF/t if one dimension is running slower
If I remember correctly Eve did a similar thing, making time run slowly in places where there were too many people.
it could be a pretty big deal, if you encourage people to build in their own dimension
Also, cross dimension interaction will need a custom implemention anyway so that can be done without issue
@KevinvanderVelden I don't think they meant explicitly reducing rf, just fewer packets per second, fewer rf/s.
@ratchetfreak that's really the main issue, Minecraft already is a side project at it's core
Just have it lag 1 tick behind
It doesn't have any of the base stuff a proper moddable game needs
Because that wasn't even relevant at that point
but retrofitting async dimension simulation is going to be a pain
@Ieuan it doesn't have any of the base stuff a proper game needs
@Ieuan Weren't they going to make the whole game a mod at some point?
@Ieuan forge could add it
@KevinvanderVelden Did they?
Before v1! Then uuh that'll be later, v1.2! No wait uuh 1.7 will have something, no 1.8 will no........
and the modding API vaporware
@KevinvanderVelden Thought as much.
They're adding some things now with the JSON model definition things but that's not modding
@KevinvanderVelden that's purely resource pack related
@ratchetfreak "but that's not modding"
and they did a bad job with it as well
@ratchetfreak problem with that is that forge is ran by LexManos
@Ieuan yeah I've had a run in with him about adding what is basically the ID map that is in minecraft today
Yeah he's just the most lazy person I've ever witnessed running a project like that lol
but will put a lot of energy into arguing his point
@ratchetfreak well yeah how else will you make sure other people agree
and if they don't
just ban them from your IRC channel and website
The only nice thing I ever seen him do was give me a 12 hour ban because I was drunk and spamming the forge IRC channel and he 'allowed' me to come back the next day
Lol fucking universities that automate their scores being sent to students in a Word document
"U had 66aantal vragen goed daarmee is uw cijfer een7."
I'm more eager about the W10 version, since it's rewritten in C++
It will probably be way harder to make something like Forge for it
@DH. I was really pumped when they announced it
But it's not even the same game
It's a port of the phone version
@DH. No. Forge will be impossible basically
Sure, in a couple years it'll be roughly the same level as Vanilla but better optimization
but it won't be moddable
Yeah, they are at the same point as of now
Even if they add some sort of modding API it still won't ever receive the kind of mods we have
Because mojang
@KevinvanderVelden unless they embed a JVM into it
They'll change all game models to fucking insane json format so that resource packs can have custom models and call it 'mods'
Yeah they made their announcement but only most saying about those server plugins and command blocks
The Forge-kind of mods may never exist for this version
there will be some mods, I mean... there's mods for GTA V... but they're not nearly as involved as what java minecraft has now
@Jochem yes but those are just copying stuff and inserting custom scripts
@Ieuan exactly
I don't think they fully appreciate what minecraft modding is
@Ieuan Well, I got perma-banned from there for suggesting to someone to put the code common to their mods into a separate "library" mod.
@MartinSojka Yeah you can expect stuff like that lol
@ratchetfreak I'm not sure where I read it but basically if Notch hadn't embraced modding Mojang would've made it against the TOS
I think it was an interview somewhere
@MartinSojka For 1.9 there was a try for that right? Not on Forge I mean, something from the modders for the modders
basically when they made Mojang and hired some people one of the legal guys was like hey these guys are modifying our game and I don't think that's okay
i.e. they've never really wanted modding
It's just that Notch is a cool guy and never took Minecraft or Mojang seriously
He just became insanely rich and depressed
@Ieuan s/Minecraft or Mojang/anything/
@Jochem well yeah
But that's also what made Minecraft a success
yeah, definitely
He was like hey this is fun let's try it instead of hey this is fun but people might not enjoy it so not worth the time
I still can't believe how much money MS paid for it
Over 10 billion right?
I'm halfway sure there was a private bidding war going on
microsoft couldn't have been the only one interested in minecraft
Like it was with Blizzard?
@Jochem MS knew using Minecraft to market the Hololens alone would get them that kind of money back
@DH. I think $2B, one billion for notch, and one for that other guy
@Jochem which other guy?
the CEO
Notch hired a CEO
"Minecraft sold: Microsoft buys Mojang for $2.5bn"
Wat so he hired a CEO who got half just for being CEO?
and sold half of mojang to him before mojang was worth $2.5bn
or something
I forget what, I just remember Notch getting half
@Ieuan CEOs getting a ton of cash for just being a CEO isn't that unusual
and honestly, if I had any hope of modded minecraft working with a hololens, I'd be drooling over one as well
@Jochem oh man
That would be sweet
Especially since it's augmented reality
I'm way more pumped about AR than VR
@ratchetfreak and CEOs of small companies generally have a major percentage of it's stock. If Notch was smart, probably 49.9%. Reduces the risk for him personally, but leaves him with final say
Because simply being able to do things like seeing your inventory or map on the wall next to your PC monitor or w/e is already way more awesome than being able to look around by physically moving your head
@Ieuan I'd be super pumped about VR if I lived in a nice large house with a spare room or two
@Jochem well I sold plastic & cardboard phone holders for a while
Even that is already pretty cool
The head tracking is good enough to play games like Minecraft without too much trouble but things like UI are harder
Only reason to get a Vive or Oculus really is for games like Mirror's Edge (super fast paced) and Amnesia (immersion)
oh god, I think you'd die from the sheer force of your projective vomiting if you tried Mirror's Edge in VR
I really want a vive now.
I'm just worried that VR will be another Kinect
Damn people making me think about it.
If they do the head tracking properly and the FPS high enough it should be fine
@Jochem From the steam demos it looks soooo good.
@Jochem really depends on the implementation per game
Fahk, a game like Outlast with VR, I would just die
Kinect was just buggy as hell but custom software running on the Kinect was pretty cool
Things like actually controlling your PC rather than shitty game stuff
They have proven already that VR can be more than just a gimmick
super cool in theory, but in practice it wont have enough market penetration to be fully implemented and have exclusives
Now just hoping that devs do it properly
I'm worried that games will just be "works with VR" to "add value" if you have VR, but will still be playable without.
What I expect is most studios will go the both with and without VR route
and then likely add VR as post-release patch because pirating
That would be so bad though.
the economics of that don't work out very well though
VR games have to to built for VR.
@Ronan that's not true
Imagine Minecraft in VR
That would work really well
Not all of it.
still you would need to revamp the entire engine to work with VR
Imagine Mirror's Edge in VR, Amnesia in VR, Skyrim in VR
Fallout in VR
It would still have to be a different game.
Basically any first person game >could< work really well in VR
mirror's edge has too much moving around, you'd end up with motion sickess so quickly
It'd need some major overhaul but still it'd work
game engines today just aren't built for VR
I don't want to play Skyrim not sit
the camera in a VR game shouldn't move unless your head does (or you walk with your controller)
@ratchetfreak PC hardware just isn't built for VR yet
You need a sick PC to really use VR
All those people who got a Vive now are happy with their tech demos but the first VR games will really only be for that 1% who paid 12k for their rig
the low latency and high res requirement is killer
@Ieuan which is why the headset price point isn't really an issue.
@Jochem well it is going to be an issue if they don't get those prices down
but for now indeed
People who can barely afford a Vive won't be able to properly run the tech demos most likely
Let alone a real game
@Ieuan you need to spend at least $2000 on your PC to be able to run most stuff, so $500 for a headset? eh, whatever
On the other hand the Vive really does look insanely promising
More so than what I've seen of the Oculus
Oculus had a promise 3 years ago
They are on the same promise ever since
Being able to see your "hands" in VR is a game changer.
If you look at the passthrough mode it has where you basically see what your eyes would be seeing, there's really not a lot of latency and the cameras are really really accurate
Vive got "here" later, so they could think better about it
@DH. and probably will be for a while
Oh and I really liked the video showing Leap Motion being used together with VR
Sounds promising for a precise hand movement game, like sword fighting
And about REAL games with VR, I really recommend watching thevoid.com their videos
@DH. problem with all these things is that they're $500-5000 peripherals you need to buy separately
and they mostly use proprietary technology because unlike things like xinput/directinput and basic mouse movement there really isn't any PnP standard
@Ieuan Leap motion? It got a nice lib for Unity and it is 99$ IIRC
Vive thing has it included
@KevinvanderVelden Vive has two controllers, yeah
@Ieuan with realtime 3d location + orientation tracking
But still there's no standards for either controller or headset so devs still have to decide between Oculus and Vive (hoping Oculus will fade away before VR becomes actually relevant)
As in, they're accurate enough that with the VR goggles on and the game rendering where they are you can pick them up no problem
06:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

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