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Oh good, Openperipherals documentation is nonexistant -.-;
9 hours later…
@Unionhawk this is odd. There was pretty good documentation for it, but while the website still exists and you can download it from there the documentation is gone
It's still in google cache though
@kev as it turns out, a lot of stuff has a "listMethods" function. So it's not terrible to figure out.
@Unionhawk you can also just loop through the table returned when you wrap it
Hmm. Interesting. I'm really rusty on my Lua, apparently. But I'm really liking open peripherals so far. It's pretty much miscperipherals but better.
I'm taking my reintroduction to the pack one step at a time.
What I usually do when figuring out a peripheral is this:
local p = peripheral.wrap("p")
for k, v in pairs( p ) do
  print( k, ", ", v )
Ah, right. It's all coming back to me.
The thing I really need as far as doing Computercraft stuff is a concrete project. Practical applications are much easier for me than test code.
@Unionhawk automatic beebreeder in monster, GO
7 hours later…
@KevinvanderVelden Latest monster has extrabees, and magicbees.
@Arperum I'm aware
Hapen to know if it also has magic crops?
@KevinvanderVelden I'll check, one second.
@KevinvanderVelden The modlist contains "magical crops", so I'd assume that's a yes :)
@Arperum yeah! magical crops is pretty fun
It's like bees except easier
@KevinvanderVelden Sounds intruiging. We'll have to set up some everything once.
@Arperum hardest part is to automate it, only thing that can properly automate it is rotarcraft
I still have the next line in my ToDo list for games
> - Farm of everything known to man
When you add extra bees, magicbees, thaumicbees, asdfasdf it's pretty ridiculous. But they have proven to be extremely powerful too.
@Unionhawk That's another reason they are the worst.
Bees are the best! If we make a base together I'm calling the bee breeding facillity
@KevinvanderVelden I think we should just make the server available to you a day or two ahead of time to let you set up the bees, so that we can have DSU's full of all materials by the time the rest of us join ;)
@Jochem :(
@OrigamiRobot bees are powerful, but they're so very much work
Also, if you don't want to use bees, you don't have to :)
@Jochem I'm eating now, and after my meal I'm back to working on the maze :)
@Arperum It'll be a while before I can join you, I'm doing some stuff around the house atm then we have to cook and eat dinner
but good luck :)
So does anyone have any settings or mods that makes them uninclined to play on a server?
@Jochem I'm sad because I don't want to have DSUs full of materials as soon as I start.
@Jochem GregTech is too harsh for me.
@OrigamiRobot don't worry, I was joking ;) Last time, by the time play was winding down a bit, @KevinvanderVelden had a lot of resources thanks to his bees and ridiculous number of skyquarries, but it took a lot of effort.
ok, GOOD
and I don't like gregtech either, it's too grindy for my tastes
@OrigamiRobot No gregtech in 1.6.4 minecraft. I think Mojang got angry at him for adding crashing code.
in The Bridge, yesterday, by OrigamiRobot
FtB was a lot of fun, but coming in in the middle when everyone already had established bases and such made it less fun. I didn't get to see all the really fun community stuff being designed/built.
in The Bridge, 24 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
@Arperum I really want to start from the beginning on a FtB server. Having all the machines and stuff instantly at my disposal really took away a big chunk of the fun. That said, it was still a lot of fun.
in The Bridge, 24 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
@Arperum I like having a project everyone contributes to, but I also like people having their own things. I really wanted to be able to say "I need X. Will someone give me X in exchange for Y." and the answer be something other than "I've already got plenty of both. Here, just have some of my extra X."
For reference
@OrigamiRobot That's a bit of a danger of any server, people focus on different things and have different play styles.
also, I'm totally up for "joint project own base" style of play, potentially with people teaming together for bases if they want.
Main rule: Wheaton's law
@Jochem I just mean I don't want everything handed to me and me not being able to give anything in return.
If you want to give me free stuff, that's fine, but at least let me return the favor at some point.
I might get into trouble with the Programmable RedNet Controller...
@OrigamiRobot I kind of want to get into trouble with that one, I once made a basic alarm system with it, but I want to try something bigger one day.
@Arperum An advanced alarm system.
@OrigamiRobot Yea, the basic thing started making some really annoying noteblock sound whenever our enderchest from the sorting system was full. Really convenient, since you didn't have to check every five seconds if it got stuck on some random item that had no barrel assigned.
Oh, i was thinking more of a security alarm...
@OrigamiRobot noted :)
@KevinvanderVelden hehehe :)
Noone saw that
In the last server, I was going to use Thaumcraft plates to raise portal turrets from the floor when anyone but me entered my base.
Can the secondary law be the Rule of Cool
But the space I chose was too small and I would have had to do way too much redesigning to make it work.
@OrigamiRobot I could totally see that working
That'd be pretty damn awesome
@KevinvanderVelden I think that applies quite heavily to modded minecraft, but sure, I'll put it in the MOTD
@KevinvanderVelden The other problem was the turrets destroying each other.
@OrigamiRobot dumb turrets >.>
@KevinvanderVelden IIRC, that could have been fixed in the config.
Are there going to be Modular Powersuits?
That was my favorite part.
It's going to be a Monster based one right? That has modular powersuits. ftbwiki.org/Feed_The_Beast_Monster
@OrigamiRobot I'm kinda going back and forth on that one... I found them kinda gamebreakingly OP last time, but I've heard they've fixed some of that...
@Jochem you can set in the configs which recipes they use, and they now also have heat
So if you try to fly with your railgun you die in a self-produced fire in seconds
hehehe :D There should be a very specific configuration setting where heat doesn't apply if your railgun is fired directly down and doesn't hit any entities, cause that was kinda awesome ^_^
@Jochem it was also awesome, point it slightly down wards and you could go faster than the terrain could be loaded
but yeah, it's a monster pack with Thaumic Tinkerer KAMI and Blood Magic added (they're in the disabled mod list by default)
No ars magica though? :o
I'm open to adding it, honestly it seems like a well balanced and engaging mod
I just hope it's not painful with itemids
@Jochem it's pretty fun as well
:o GasCraft seems really fun.
@OrigamiRobot All I know is that it adds gases, not really what you can do with them or what they do to you
@Jochem you can create neurotoxins
Uuh and also some things that aren't as lethal
@KevinvanderVelden ooo :D
@KevinvanderVelden As a robot, this interests me greatly.
@OrigamiRobot my radioactive and firey bees will retalliate, just FYI
@KevinvanderVelden Screw your bees.
@OrigamiRobot only if you attack me of course
Or invade my base without warning CC: @Arperum
@KevinvanderVelden I'd request you to put up at least a warning sign if you trap some area. Traps and the like sound like fun, IF you know something is coming.
@Arperum I'm probably not gonna trap anything
I was just responding to the paper robot's threats!
@Arperum Tread lightly if you come to my personal base.
hm, initially it looks like ars magica 2 is just "drop it in" and it works for monster. Someone reported some conflicts with blood magic, which is also added on my client, but nothing seems off so far...
@OrigamiRobot Put up a sign/sound alarm/something so people are aware of traps, once a warning is given, anything goes.
@Jochem I think blood magic and ars magica 2 are in a modpack together as well without problem
@Arperum The warning is the sign that says "Origami Robot's Base" :P
I'm gonna have some dinner, then check my item id dump for duplicates
@Jochem I just dug out the paths over Quarry 2, and I didn't even fall in! I did not expect that at all
wow :D
also, like @Arperum said, if your base is hostile to players, put a warning sign or two around so people don't accidentally get killed wandering around :)
it's fine to protect your stuff, just let people know you're going to :)
@OrigamiRobot Be warned though, I might try to get through the traps, just for the heck of it :)
@Arperum Good, good.
Skyquarry is a go in SSP!
When is this server going to be available?
@OrigamiRobot I think somewhere this week, but it's all @Jochem's decision.
@OrigamiRobot likely sometime tomorrow, or perhaps saturday, depends on how much futzing I still need to do. AFAIK, I just need to add ars magica and regen the world.
such excite
very mod
@Jochem Think I can hire @FAE to mine for me while I'm at work?
@OrigamiRobot If you get her to play, I will be very impressed by your persuasive skills, sir!
@Jochem she doesn't like minecraft? (or FTB?)
@KevinvanderVelden we've played minecraft together in the past, but she's not super interested in FTB I think
@Jochem well she should at least come by for a tour =p
@KevinvanderVelden She has seen the results of my mini stresstest (15 nukes at the same time, stupid changed nuke mechanic)
Okay, I think I'm confident enough in my remembrance of FTB to jump back in.
I'm going to officially blame @OrigamiRobot for that.
I think I can remember my Biomass setup.
@Unionhawk well, Wipqozn isn't here so that's as good as anything I suppose
does anyone here have any experience with mcedit?
I'm looking to replace everything but certain types of blocks in an area with air
(trying to gut a structure of it's contents, while keeping the structure intact)
@Jochem I used to know how to do this.
@Jochem you could probably remove all the tile entitys?
Depends on what you want to keep
@KevinvanderVelden effectively, it's a tower made from obsidian, netherack, cobble, and mossy cobble
I want to remove everything that isn't that (or dirt/grass) from a section of the map
I may have something
I've written a simple filter to do it, testing now
@Jochem pastebin.com/yX2JRVAY here you go, plop that in the mcedit-bla-amd64/filters folder and you're done
Or well, you still need to run the filter at the selected area but meh
@KevinvanderVelden awesome, thanks! Is that for 1.7 or the 1.8 builds?
@Jochem tested with 1.7 but should work in either I think
I've never before written anything for it though so no idea :D
This was a case of hack it until it works =p
@KevinvanderVelden Ah ok, I have neither, so I'll just download 1.7 :)
Do back up the world first, I have no idea what I'm doing
@KevinvanderVelden yeah, it's a copy of a copy of a backup :)
1 hour later…
@KevinvanderVelden it worked I think, thanks again :)
time to head off now though, ttyl!
Hello guys.
I'm playing the most current version of DW20, and there are a lot of conflicting key bindings.
How should I go about tackling this?
@JeffreyLin I've been doing it mostly kicking and screaming. And hope for the best, and if something doesn't work, have a look at the keys. So basically, fix it when it breaks, leave as is for the rest.
So just play as it is?
And what about the FPS problem? I disabled most things in video settings, and it still doesn't go above ~13 when on the move, 55 when still.
@JeffreyLin Yea, and if you find something doesn't work, go see if it conflicts and then fix it.
Is there OptiFine for Forge?
@JeffreyLin I think there is some optifine thing that can be inserted into the FTB packs. No idea where and how though.
Oh yes, I remember.
The .jar goes in the .jar sections.
@JeffreyLin The 13 is probably because you are generating new chunks?
@Arperum It's been a couple minutes though
Is the community server still on?
Anyone on it?
@JeffreyLin That's a certain no. I don't think it's up anymore though.
Someone should change the room description then.
But a new server with a (slightly modified) monster pack should be coming up soon.
I take it you play DW20?
@JeffreyLin Nope, never played his pack.
I'm confused as to what minimap it is using.
@JeffreyLin Multiple minimaps in the list or something?
Click "edit pack" in the launcher and enable/disable the ones you want/don't want :)
@Arperum I know that much, I just have no idea what all this stuff is.
@JeffreyLin That happens a lot. I have that too for a ton of mods :)
The minimap mods have minimap in their name most of the time I think.
@Arperum According to the link above, all the minimaps are disabled.
@JeffreyLin Yea, and you can enable the one you want.
@Arperum But the problem is that there is already one enabled!
And I don't know what.
@JeffreyLin hmmm.
(I think enabling zan/rei overrules the current one. maybe. way too many minimap mods.
I like Rei's.

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