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@Jochem So you're going ahead with the Monster server?
@Coronus likely, yes. I'm still futzing about with it for now, trying to get a nice world generated, pondering mods to add / remove, that sort of thing
Hmm how many mods is that? (too lazy to count)
I'm tempted to see if it runs on my old machine.
@Coronus it's about 180 mods
@Jochem Extra bees got added by the FtB team in the update from 1.0.5 to 1.0.9, so that spares me the hassle of fixing ID conflicts.
@Arperum nice!
@Jochem I'm working on the maze rtight now too :)
@Arperum Need a hand? :)
Oh, it's got Sync and the fancy portals? Neat.
@Coronus yeah, it's a pretty cool pack, there's a bunch of new stuff to try
One that I like from the B-Team pack is Food Plus. I like the extra food recipes.
I know know how Guude etc felt on day one of FTB. Holy balls so much stuff.
3 hours later…
@Unionhawk That happens every time you start a new pack.
@Arperum It doesn't help that NEI shows all the things by default, so it ends up being 200 pages with microblocks etc
(yes I know you can change that)
@Unionhawk Yea, I alwyas end up typing some random garble in the searchbox, so it isn't as bad.
I cba to change options for that.
Yea, I really want to catch up on the changes to Computercraft and related mods... Hopefully the documentation on it isn't an bad as miscperipherals was...

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