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So...who are the lucky people?
16 hours ago, by ArtOfCode
Ah, good. I have a reply to a ticket I sent in an the lack of mods. "We'll send out emails sometime on Friday."
Did we just get a custom close reason?!?
Really? goes to look
@Andy Oh dear...
We did indeed get a custom reason
Not sure how I feel about that...
We have a custom close reason:
> Requirements are too broad — This is a community-run website to help users complete an exhaustive solution search given very specific requirements. Posts should detail why a simple product search did not work for you. Unfortunately the "requirements" listed are not sufficient to narrow down the possible solutions in any definitive way. See helping broad questions.
And it's a tinyurl...
heh. that means Robert ran out of characters
Though, I thought SE had their own shortener
I thought you had a gazillion chars for close reasons?
400 I think
Or is that bounties? I can't remember now...
What is SE's short URL? I've never seen it before.
I've always wanted .se to be a thing. Like hardwarerecs.se. That's not possible though.
A: What shortened URLs are available through s.tk?

Jeff Mercado General /: Stack Exchange /about: About /apps: Stack Apps /area51 Area 51 /attribution: Stack Exchange Attribution Policy /blog: Stack Exchange Blog /blogs: Community Blogs /careers: Stack Overflow Careers /chat: Chat /data: SE Data Explorer /elections Stack Exchange Moderator Candidate Stati...

s.tk apparently
Robert is a traitor!!!!!!!!!
Hardware Recommendations doesn't have a shortened url
Software Recs doesn't seem to have one either
The shortened URL in the close reason goes to this post, so everyone is aware: meta.hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com/a/186/57
@Cfinley That linked post that you have pinned on the right... meta.superuser.com/questions/6166/…
I was completely unaware of that shortener. Good to know.
Okay, using the feedback below, I managed to work up a close reason that actually fits, while maintaining that helpful, prescriptive tone. I've had some really good luck with this format in general, so hopefully this will prove to be a user-friendly way to explain to folks why some questions are simply not quite ready for this site. — Robert Cartaino ♦ 6 hours ago
@Zizouz212 Thanks for posting that
@Andy Not I
1 hour later…
@Andy So the laptop carrying case question has been flagged as off-topic. I voted to leave it open. We'll see how this turns out.
That's cool. I'm not going to complain if it gets closed. It's out there as a test question.
@Andy If we're talking about custom URLs... thefinalfrontier.stackexchange.com
@Andy fwiw, getting the email is IIRC generally considered confidential
If for no other reason than not stirring up disgruntlement
9 hours later…
Good Saturday everyone
@Andy Same!
Greetings from the future.
(Sunday's almost over here)
Send lottery numbers
There was no lottery today ;p
Also, cow massagers are a thing.
That is a happy looking cow
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek which one should I buy? is that on topic here?
1 hour later…
You should buy the model with the integrated WiFi, camera and cow happiness sensor, so you can monitor how happy your cows really are :-) @enderland
Q: Will I be able to reinstall games after XBOX 360 format?

Mateusz SowińskiI know it might not be the best StackExchange Community, but it's the best i've found I want to sell my x360. Do I have to format It or just remove all user profiles? And will the person that will by it, be able to reinstall games (from CDs) Thanks

I've seen quite a few questions like this. Asking for help with something hardware-related, but it's not asking for a recommendation. Perhaps we should have a specific close reason for questions like these..
Q: Can we have a 'blatantly off-topic' custom close reason?

UndoWe got a custom close reason for unclear questions - yay! However, when we got this it deactivated the 'standard' blatantly off-topic reason, thereby making us have to use custom comments for questions like this one. Can we have a 'this just doesn't belong here' reason? The standard, boring on...

1 hour later…
Ay, where da mods at?
@Adam We'll probably get 'em on Monday
Usually this kind of thing doesn't happen over the weekend
1 hour later…
So... any thoughts on this new question about time travel?
I flagged it as unclear.
OK, that'd fit under @Undo's blatantly off topic reason. I voted to close too.
I'd like a technical support close reason too
That would help a ton.
Q: Is this question on-topic?

RubyJunkThis question, Gaming PC from 2005, What Parts?, is rather unique on HR. It asks about common hardware from 2005. I think it is an interesting question, but I'm not sure if it is on-topic. It doesn't seem to have any specific guidelines, so I'm not sure if it should be closed. This type of quest...

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