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I think your commitment gets fulfilled when you ask or answer ten questions, period. No time limit.
@Undo Sounds weird. There hasn't been a beta badge awarded on Worldbuilding since September29.
The odds against that are staggering.
I don't know how Area 51 works :P
Found him
@Zizouz212 I count 7
Still <10, though
7 answers, one question, 67 votes cast as of now
I got beta badge on Open Source with only nine posts. I posted the 10th the day after.
@Zizouz212 Anything deleted?
@HDE226868 beta badge != fulfilled commitment, though
@Undo Hm. Interesting.
6 answers, 1 deleted answer, 1 question
So why are you able to commit to a proposal and select the "just curious" option? You're still committed just like everyone else.
@Adam That's a good question. I don't know
@Adam Those stats aren't used for anything, as far as I know
Trick: Get 200 committers to commit as "Just Curious" :)
The "just curious" users wouldn't be able to fulfill it.
The team might be wary of sending a site with all "just curious" users into private beta, though
That's what I did for this. Listed as "Just Curious"
That wouldn't surprise me
@Undo true
Quite honestly, I probably couldn't tell someone what "hardware" is without being laughed at :/
Is there a reason to worry about not fulfill the commitment?
Does the scores of the 10 posts matters when fulfilling commitment?
This is my first private beta, so sorry if this is a noob question.
@Cfinley You don't get to commit to another site if all 3 of your commitments are tied up already
So if you commit to three sites, they launch, and you never touch them, you won't be able to commit to another
@Zizouz212 "A special set of predefined technologies such that X and Y are not W but still relate to computers and the like while A and B..."
@Cfinley You get three commitments maximum. You can only do another commit to a site if you fulfill a commitment on another site.
Too complex.
Plus, you get 50 rep on Area 51 for fulfilling too :)
Thanks guys
@Undo That's gotta be unfair.
@Adam Too complicated. English please :)
@HDE226868 Has to be, somehow
So commitment has no time limit then?
I don't think anyone knows
But then if people commit, then don't fulfill, then that's just sad if the site closes and for those who try
Got to go, cya later folks :)
Commitment shouldn't come without a consequence if you don't fulfill your word
But then if you do, I think that they should step up how many times you can commit at once
By, Undo!
@Adam You can edit your previous messages :) Just click the arrow at the left :/
Too lazy right now :\
Alright, lol
Great, so 6 more posts :/
I know nothing about anything! I'm literally about to cry...
Okay, someone in the TL says that you need three posts during private beta with positive score or ten posts overall with positive score. Ten is apparently if you miss part of the private beta.
I feel so much better.
So basically earning the beta badge?
Looks like it.
Let me try to find/ask on Meta SE about this...
@HDE Three what? Questions?
@Adam Posts with a positive score.
Sorry about that.
Oh, okay. I feel better about my semi-false commitments now. :)
I'm going to ask this on Meta SE. Hope I get an official answer there.
Good luck. But I think the staff keeps it quite for a reason.
If you dont know what it means to fulfill your commitment, you will be more active.
Not necessarily. You shouldn't really care about commitment in the first place if you plan to be active
I commit mostly because I'm curious, and generally I ask a few questions. Then I fulfill it and I move on.
11 hours later…
meta.hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com/q/181/8 - Um. Should we really be doing this now?
That type of thing has been closed on other sites where I've seen it early-beta.
Q: What should our logo and site design look like?

belfordAs all we know many beta sites look the same and it would be nice to be distinguished somehow. Jeff Atwood wrote a blog post about it: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/07/our-designer-in-residence-jin-yang/ Maybe an idea stemming from the community will be taken into account ;). Do you have...

2 hours later…
re-reading, I currently have 9 posts with a positive score, with 12 total, so I think I will be OK for the badge
3 hours later…
we have a tag for HDMI, but not for displayport
or DVI, VGA for that matter
I would create displayport but do not have the permissions I am afraid
On your newest question?
Q: KVM with four ports to support 4k Resolution

Adam ComerfordMy limiting factor from a video perspective at home is now my KVM. It is DVI based and supports up to 1920x1200 resolution. If I want to move to 4k I am going to need a replacement. Can anyone give a specific recommendation in terms of a KVM used successfully with higher (4k) resolutions, or e...

@AdamC I added the tag for you. If that was the wrong question, edit it back out.
@Cfinley - displays isn't wrong as a tag, but the others are still missing
if we have HDMI as a tag, then DisplayPort should be one too, and similarly DVI and VGA - they are all similar technologies
this question should have all of them: hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com/q/68/122
(for example)
for DVI, there would be several synonyms too: DVI-I, DVI-D, DVI-A
@AdamC I think the DVI tag should cover the DVI-I, DVI-D and DVI-A sub-categories
that's what the tag synonyms are for - like an alias
You're right. I always forget about that.
the only actual tag is DVI
also: any thoughts on a tag to refer to 4k - we have 1080p already, would make sense for 4k to exist
assuming people are happy with 1080p (I think it might be too specific)
If 1080p is ok, then 4k should be as well
and 1080i, 720p, 720i, etc.
a HighDefinition tag might be better - point 1080i, 1080p, 720p etc. at it as synonyms
then UltraHD - 4k and whatever comes next
^ +1
I can edit the 1080p question to use that tag.
Might need to edit JohnB's post about tags to add the 1080p tag to be merged into it.
Q: Should we group technical terms (like 1080p) into more generic tags (like HDVideo)?

Adam ComerfordWe have a 1080p tag currently, which means that in theory we probably need 480i, 480p, 720i, 720p, 1080i, 4k etc. That seems a little too specific to me for this type of site, and the list will only get longer. What if instead we use catch-all tags like HDVideo and UltraHDVideo instead and use ...

I thought about it a bit more, and decided to ask on meta for more opinions on the specificity versus aggregation
Q: Should we group technical terms (like 1080p) into more generic tags (like HDVideo)?

Adam ComerfordWe have a 1080p tag currently, which means that in theory we probably need 480i, 480p, 720i, 720p, 1080i, 4k etc. That seems a little too specific to me for this type of site, and the list will only get longer. What if instead we use catch-all tags like HDVideo and UltraHDVideo instead and use ...

1 hour later…
I have voted to reopen the wrist rest question. If my monitor stand question is on-topic, then the wrist rest should also be on-topic.
this is my first beta, it's interesting to see how the sausage gets made - impressive (and encouraging) to see the effort people put in
I have based my decision on Adam's and John's answer to
Q: What type of hardware is allowed?

enderlandI have asked this question: Standing desk with ability to raise/lower? It is receiving a few close votes for "not about computing hardware." A key thing this site will need to determine is what the scope of "hardware" is, right now there are questions about: Computers Audio equipment Headphon...

@AdamC This is also my first private beta. So far its been fun. I just want this to go public so we can get more fresh questions.
@Cfinley Have we decided either is on topic?
I think if we decided broadly, that ergonomic hardware was in scope, then it would cover both
it's the type of thing plenty of people want hands-on recommendations for
the wrist rest is pretty specific, but if you were looking for a recommendation for preventing sore wrists while typing, it would be more on-topic I think and gel wrist rests would be the answer for some
Wrist rests are "computer hardware" according to Newegg, no further discussion necessary ;)
I added my thoughts to that question
A: What type of hardware is allowed?

Adam ComerfordI would like to propose that ergonomic hardware be considered in scope, examples: Adjustable/motorized chairs (Gaming chairs too) Trackballs, trackpads and other mice alternatives Split keyboards, different key types, alternate key layouts Supports, rests, stands I'd rather see broader quest...

An ergonomic tag would make sense too
@Andy My question is still on topic (only two close votes). Johns's answer has 4 net upvotes while Adam's has 1.
limiting the scope based on the site's name doesn't make sense. We don't need to change the site name to "Hardware and Hardware accessories Recommendations" to allow such accessories
prime example: Bitcoin.SE allows question about all kinds of cryptocurrencies despite the name
A: Should we group technical terms (like 1080p) into more generic tags (like HDVideo)?

AndyWe shouldn't be creating tags just to make synonyms of them. Discussing merges/synonyms of existing tags makes sense, but if we don't have certain (hypothetical) tags yet, they shouldn't fall into our discussions. Tags can be reorganized in the future. If you think we need one of those possible ...

2 hours later…
@JohnB Software Recommendations doesn't do hardware purely on the basis that the name says “software”
ok, we're not SR :)
I think "Hardware and Software Recs" is a much further reach than "Hardware and related accessories", don't you agree?
@JohnB I think it would have made sense.
It wasn't my preferred option, my preference goes to a site for hardware and a site for each software platform (Windows, Unix, Apple, Android, etc.). But the existence of SU makes this impossible.
So we get to have a separate site or three just for recommendations.
my point up there was in response to Adam's answer in regards to how far we should be pushing "Hardware"
@Gilles I was a little surprised to see the web recommendations proposal, I take it those kinds of questions are off topic at SR? I don't spend time there
@JohnB SR only recommends software: hardware-automated processes that process data in some way. Websites and other data sources are off-topic.
@Gilles I guess the line between "website" and "software" is a little blurrier to me. I can see questions being off-topic, but is it permissible to answer a SR request with a website/webapp solution?
@JohnB the status of webapps has always been contentious: what really distinguishes a webapp from a gnome who types really really fast?
“hire someone to do it for you” is not a valid answer, “download that software and use it” is valid, “submit your data to this website and get the result back” is somewhere in the middle
I voted to reopen the wrist rest question, so it's open now. This is a milestone in the short history of Hardware Recommendations.
Well now I'm going to ask for an exercise wheel recommendation since questions relating to mice are on topic
Not before I ask about a good treadmill for my dogs.
Q: Should we have a custom 'too broad' off-topic reason?

UndoIn Robert Cartaino's answer here, he mentions this text: Closed as a broad recommendation or poll "Hardware Recommendations" is a community-run website to help participants complete an exhaustive solution search given very specific requirements. Unfortunately, questions seeking broad pro...

@Gilles Would it make sense to just blend SR and HR together? It might help with the lack-of-experts problems that both sites are going to / are facing.
Just thinking out loud
@Undo YAY! Instant Graduation
Think of all the records we'd set on SE
But seriously, if we could have all the technical-type experts in one place, and all the recommendation-moderation minded users in one place, wouldn't it be a win-win?
People that know about hardware will probably know at least a little about software and the other way around.
Having not participated on SR except to ask a single question, I have no idea what the scope is there. I also don't know the culture.
From an SR user's point of view, I'd think it'd be jarring to suddenly expand the scope to cover this entire new area too. You worked through the entire A51->Beta->Grad proccess with one scope
@Andy Of course
Plus, I imagine some might be a bit miffed that HR didn't have to do that
I'm not saying we rush into something like this.
@Undo I think it would have made sense to do it at the beginning. Now it would be somewhat disruptive, because there's an inbalance of established software stuff vs new hardware stuff.
We'd just get to piggy back on their good fortune
@Gilles True
we might have to overhaul all kinds of policies, tagging, etc.
I'm not against it, but I expect that there'll be a lot of opposition, including from SE
Of course
I'm not about to go throwing meta posts everywhere
and it could fail spectacularly
I do, however, see the sense in having a single "recommendation" type site.
Mind you, that could be a good thing… Fail SR and HR, use that as an argument to force recommendations back on SU
How many SR users have you guys seen here?
@Gilles Sounds like a good argument against it :P
Is there a lot of cross over?
@Andy Looking over the top users list, probably five or six I recognize from the flag queue
I really want softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/users/185/izzy, but he said he's busy with life
There's a big blob :P
Ok, so there is cross pollination. That's good.
\o/ Work day is over. I'll be around later.
Area 51 has statistics about committers
users also committed to
8.0% Software Recommen...
6.3% Law
6.3% Website Recommend...
5.8% Computer Graphics
37.9% only this proposal
committers active in
48.2% Stack Overflow
21.9% Super User
17.0% Meta Stack Exchange
13.4% Software Recommen...
10.7% Meta Stack Overflow
10.7% Programmers
@Gilles We need an active-users-active-in list
@Undo data.stackexchange.com (but that has to wait until the site is public)
Or write a script that uses the API to enumerate the users, in the private beta there aren't many of them
@Undo Do some API magic
I am not volunteering
@Andy I might sometime
2 hours later…
Have to say, this is the first beta where I approve of all the moderator nominees to date.
Also, this is the fewest I think I've seen after this long
Hey, you can't approve of yourself. That's conceited. ;)
Fine. I approve of all the ones that aren't me, and maybe all the ones that are me :)
Are you saying you rigged the system and put in multiple votes for yourself?
Tsk tsk, so many questions ;)
Alright I concede.
Are GPS watches on-topic?
@HDE226868 I would think so
If mobile phones are, GPS watches should be
Great, thanks. @Undo @Adam.
@Undo I agree; the candidates are good.
Am I the only one adding excerpts to tags?
Obviously someone else did a few but it's been a while.
@Adam I tend to wait until a site gets it's own moderators to do that
Or at least two people who can review them
No reason to burden the CMs with reviewing them when we can do it ourselves in a few days/weeks
@Undo Makes sense. Sorry Robert.
@Adam Hehe, it's fine
He's used to reviewing them for private betas.
That's what I figured. Might as well clarify some tags so they'll be ready right when we need them.
I typically write an absolutely terrible first tag wiki by accident, then get my act together and write decent ones in the future. Each site lends itself to slightly different wikis.

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