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lol "Doesn't work apparently"
Seriously use Java. I tried to do something in C++, but it didn't work out, so I used Java and all was good. (Though that may have been due to my lack of C++ knowledge)
@KritixiLithos ...
C++ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Java
Java <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Everything else
These may be sliiight understatements
2 hours later…
Processing was the first programming language I learnt (which is based on Java). The second one is Java. Java is my second-best language (even though my knowledge in it is limited). That is why I prefer Java to everything else. I'm even creating an esolang based on Java called JGolf
0/10 use C#
or JS
C# was my first language, then JS and Python, IMO JS is really similar to C#/Java, plus it's a scripting language, meaning it's really fast to write code in
what do you guys think?
anything i should add to make it useful for challenges?
I don't think that counts as an interpreter
A: How can I evaluate C# code dynamically?

Eli ArbelUsing the Roslyn scripting API (more samples here): // add NuGet package 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting' using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting; await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync("System.Math.Pow(2, 4)") // returns 16 You can also run any piece of code: var script = await CSharpScri...

Roslyn should make it pretty easy
@Everyone just realized Carefully is the best name for an esolang ever, I just have no idea what kind of language it would be
I created JGolf, Java, but shorter
Because I like Java and it is a very useful language, for example in Android dev
Only in Android dev because it's way easier than using C++ because more modules
@KritixiLithos What does class extends Foo implements Bar {} shorten to?
You tell me
@KritixiLithos ?
I don't know. I have never used implementations
D: D: D: wat
I haven't done anything complex
But I have used extends with various classes
D: D: D:
School comes in the way :(
@ASCII-only im not sure if it matters.. i guess i can make it execute the code you input by file or something but it doesnt really change the outcome..
@downrep_nation Yeah, but it's really painful to run right now
Wait who invited me
@Qwerp-Derp Me because this
What should the lang be about then?
Is it the lang that you guys were planning on making?
VSL has its own chat
Hmmm so what should Carefully be?
No idea :P
Also for my lang I need a symbol for rounding
Definitely an esolang
@ASCII-only What symbol should I use for rounding?
No idea
Something like [ maybe to signify it acts kinda like ceil and floor maybe
Nah, using [ for something else
Yeah, I knew it would probably have been reserved
TIL ⌊...⌉ is used for rounding to whole numbers
I could probably use that and extend on it
Maybe ⌊²10.236⌉ = 10.23 (2 d.p)?
@ASCII-only what would be the best way to structure the interpreter so its easy to run programs in?
Just taking the program as input (file and/or commandline)
but then you cannot writeline for example since rosyln is running it
the program would need its own console
i guess ill make that, thanks for the tip
BTW IMO it's not going to be very well accepted or golfy to shorten builtin names
its probably going to be used exclusively by me, but its not just shortened builtins
im a massive advocate for c#, so in the future i will write some utility functions too
its simply a non stack based language people with c# knowledge can use easily
I would change the syntax as well - you don't really need classes, and output should be implicit for it to be competitive (also doesn't changing c to non-generic work?)
good idea. but what should be outputted? sometimes you need more than one variable
Roslyn should just return the result of the last line evaluated IIRC
@downrep_nation But plenty of people already golf in C#
not really, and im just one of them
i want to make basically a big utillity class for c# with shortened names etc
nothing groundbreaking
2 hours later…
@KritixiLithos it was Alphafuck that didn't work, not C
3 hours later…
@betseg But I thought it was the compiler that didn't work
@KritixiLithos you like ternary operators?
I guess so
alphafuck transpiler has great nested ternary operators
But it's C... I would prefer Java
It doesn't take much to convert it to Java

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