Don't think of it as creating work, it's my job to write and communicate with folks. It's just a matter that at times I like to write a little too much. And sometimes I actually catch myself.
I think the first thing to do is stop thinking of it as nyxing the community voice, though. If we make a decision from on-high that goes against the community consensus, that would definitely warrant us making an announcement.
Moderators are appointed by the community to serve as exception handlers, but one of the wonkier points of our process is that we don't have defined "terms" during which they serve. They basically serve until they feel they wish to step down, unless exceptional circumstances occur which would be, as noted, announced. Recently had to do one of those for SO I believe.
But these aren't exceptional circumstances. These are members of the community who were appointed and then after several years of service, felt they needed to go in a different direction. It's time-consuming work, after all.
I don't disagree that it's less-than-helpful to the community to be silent on the matter if they do depart. But I do not think it's counter to the community's voice for them to step down.
Because what the community elected is someone to actually continue to do the job. And most every time a moderator chooses to step down, it's because they can't continue to do the job. Most commonly it's time constraints. Sometimes it's a conflict of interest. Sometimes they found a brilliant opportunity.