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@jesse_b Yes, it returns the expected result.
@FaheemMitha what is the environment? I assume this is your VPS rather than local debian.
@AndrasDeak No, just my usual home machine, which I've used since 2013, and recently upgraded to Debian 11.
I was looking at it very late last night, and probably half asleep. I'll review again now.
make sure to open a new terminal just in case something went wonky
@AndrasDeak Will do.
Just FYI, @StephenKitt and anyone else who is interested, the hosting provider (RamNode), said they use templates from src.openvz.org/projects/OVZT
@FaheemMitha what does that mean?
@FaheemMitha interesting, they have templates even for Debian 11
ah, templates are what define your virtual server, I guess
@AndrasDeak Templates for the VM. I don't know details. If I've ever used OpenVZ, I don't remember anything about it.
@StephenKitt Yes, so I noticed. I asked if that meant I could get it for Debian 11, and they said they would check and get back to me.
If it works out that would mean that you get access to a debian 11 server on someone else's computer, right?
In India that would be code for "you'll never hear back from me again", but I think RamNode is either Europe or US (I'm not sure which), and seem quite professional.
@AndrasDeak Correct.
Currently my VM is Debian 8, which is starting to cause problems.
I assume you can't just upgrade the VM :D
Though one can backport Debian packages even that far (but no further) using Debhelper's compatibility mode. Which I was sort of aware of, but have hardly ever used. And I suspect is not well known.
@AndrasDeak No, it's not a fully virtualised solution. The kernel is the base OS kernel. In my case it might be RHEL, per @StephenKitt.
Was there no option to upgrade the server with your current provider?
@FaheemMitha is that something like a docker container then?
Though apparently the compat only extends to debhelper 9, which also happens to be what Debian 8 is using.
@FaheemMitha I didn’t say it was a RHEL kernel, I said it was based on a RHEL kernel; OpenVZ runs on an OpenVZ-specific kernel based on a RHEL kernel.
not that I know how containers work
@AndrasDeak One can ask for a new VM (OpenVZ thingy) and switch to it, backing up ones data first. Which is what I plan to do if and when the Debian 11 template is available.
@AndrasDeak Maybe. I don't know Docker.
@StephenKitt I assumed the base OS was RHEL, since the kernel was apparently RHEL. Was this assumption wrong?
Does RHEL not support OpenVZ, then?
@FaheemMitha not as far as I’m aware. Virtualisation on RHEL is supported with KVM (as RHV).
@StephenKitt Ah. So it could be RHEL with a RHEL kernel patched with a OpenVZ patch.
@FaheemMitha that’s unlikely. I would imagine it’s Virtuozzo Linux or something like that (which happens to use a kernel based on RHEL, but isn’t RHEL).
@StephenKitt I see. OK.
They might tell me if I asked, but I don't think it matters.
Sometimes reading the meta causes one to think of Matthew 7:5.
@MichaelHomer not to be confused with Matthew 5:7
@MichaelHomer Because that apply to you ? Or because you like to apply it to others to hide your own flaws ? Or else ?
1 hour later…
I confirmed that sort -d companies.txt is sending to standard output using unix.stackexchange.com/a/186462/4671
But if so, shouldn't sort -d companies.txt | less grab the output?
It doesn't. Presumably I'm missing something, but I don't know what.
Never mind, mystery solved.
I was being dumb as usual. My file had a bunch of blank lines, and sort displayed those first.
TeX SE is having a new election - tex.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/8849/…
3 hours later…
Hello. Someone uses Qwant here?
1 hour later…
Hi @PrabhjotSingh Qwant the search engine?
never heard of it. I've just submitted to the google overlords
8 hours later…
I tried to add to this question which is all about the microphone input. However, I could not without also editing the question and adding characters there. Can a moderator do that? :-)

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