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@Tim I was wondering about that. I would expect there to be more people here, not less.
But perhaps people only come into this chat at work? :-)
Currently praying that cases in India don't blow up like they have elsewhere.
How to detach from a docker container with an interactive shell from within a gnu screen session? Since Ctrl+a+d detaches the screen session - not the container...?
1 hour later…
@deostroll I don't know how Docker works there, but Ctrl-a a sends Ctrl-a to whatever's inside the screen session if that's what you need
4 hours later…
@deostroll Also, if you use screen with some program that uses Ctrl-A a lot, it may help to reassign the escape key to something else. The default of Ctrl-A is a nuisance because the default Emacs-style keybindings use it for going to the beginning of a line, and at least I use that quite often. Something like :escape ^Ra would switch screen's escape key to Ctrl-R instead.
1 hour later…
@deostroll Use screen outside of the container, connect to the container and then detach? It may be that I don't understand what you're trying to do.
1 hour later…
Ok, so domestic flights have been shut down too. My yoga instructor reported that they are also sealing off Bombay. If you leave, you can't get back in.
Well, shut down from Wednesday.
4 hours later…
Just curious if everyone's internet connections are functioning normally.
I'd noticed that recent Skype calls were more glitchy than usual.
Normally they are close to flawless.
Glad to see some of the usual suspects are back in the room, though some people seem to be missing. Haven't seen Anthony in a while. I hope he's doing ok.
3 hours later…
As stated In the Q&A unix.stackexchange.com/questions/574325/… I've found an issue related with the needrestart utility and the Jitsi-videobridge service daemon. I managed to get a workaround, which I've added as an answer.
Can I get your opinion if I should file an issue reporting this situation?
@PauloTomé file an issue ... with Debian? Maybe someone like Stephen can easily point to whether the Debian maintainer did something that affected you, or whether it's an "upstream" issue that you'd file with the makers of Jitsi
@JeffSchaller Thanks for your input.
wat up @JeffSchaller
@PauloTomé well, I started my reply as a question becuase I wasn't sure which company was your target for the issue.
I took down that tree over the weekend
@jesse_b another one?
@JeffSchaller Yeah the bigger one that was bothering me
I'm surprised how much bar oil chainsaws use
@jesse_b look at all the problems that chainsaw is solving! Congratulations :)
Basically just dumped a quart of oil in my back yard
@jesse_b well, you could run short of oil and have the tree catch on fire instead
"I had a tree problem so I bought a chainsaw. Now I have two problems"
@JeffSchaller Not a bad plan, that would get rid of the mess too
Apparently it's illegal to burn stumps in all of colorado though, but I can apply for a permit to open burn leaves and the entire rest of the tree
@StephenKitt As stated In the Q&A https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/574325/jitsi-videobridge-service-daemons-using-outdated-libraries I've found an issue related with the needrestart utility and the Jitsi-videobridge service daemon. I managed to get a workaround, which I've added as an answer.
Can I get your opinion if I should file a bug report in Debian or is an "upstream" issue, in which case I'd file an issue with the makers of needrestart or Jitsi.
@PauloTomé just my ignorant opinion here again, but I don't see that package listed in the list of stable packages, so -- if it was installed from a 3rd-party site's deb file, that might simplify your options
@PauloTomé ok, so you're thinking it's a possible bug in the needsrestart package?
Don't know.
fair enough
Possible is a bug that as been already solved at "upstream" but haven't been incorporated in the debian stable baseline.
I'll investigate further.
@jesse_b nicely done! Doin' it right with all the safety gear and procedures. Good job!!
@JeffSchaller Yeah the helmet and chaps were only like $50 or so, I figure it was worth a few bucks to save me from severing my femoral artery
@jesse_b you're a smarter man than I am
@JeffSchaller meh, just afraid of chainsaws lol
although now I want to get an alaskan sawmill
2 hours later…
Italia has a quite interesting page about covid19 with daily information.
[Source site](https://www.epicentro.iss.it/coronavirus/sars-cov-2-sorveglianza-dati)
[Daily PDF for 23 of March](https://www.epicentro.iss.it/coronavirus/bollettino/Infografica_23marzo%20ENG.pdf)
The important point is about the blue bars on the graph. They show the number of cases since **onset**, that is at the day they got infected.
It is clear that the peak has been left days ago and that they have conquered the virus outbreak.In the next days the outbreak will end.
I just hope that they maintain a strong vigilance for any imported cases.

Forza ITALY !!! FOZA AZZURRI !!!! ....
@jesse_b have you seen the "guy tries to chainsaw the ceiling" video?
I'm trying to find it but I'm diving deep into image search results with "osha"
Got it. SFW but your butt might clench youtube.com/watch?v=Du8_ykUa50M
@AndrasDeak wow, I think I had seen that

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