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I like to keep a file named -rf in all of my directories. Best to live life on your toes
2 hours later…
Q: No public key available for the following key IDs: AA8E81B4331F7F50

overexchangeBelow command: RUN apt-get update -y && \ apt-get install apt-transport-https curl python-dev python-setuptools gcc make libssl-dev -y && \ easy_install pip is giving error: Step 9/14 : RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install apt-transport-https curl python-dev python-setuptools ...

Am looking solution for this problem. Answer does not have the solution.
@overexchange you might help your case by giving a reason why you're creating a brand new docker container with an EOL OS; see also the article I linked in with my comment. Also, why did you tag the Question with Ubuntu when it seems to be Debian-based?
@JeffSchaller where did I refer in docker file to refer EOL os
@overexchange I'm basing that off all the "jessie" instances in your question as well as derobert's answer "your bigger issue is that you're using jessie-backports. That was EOL'd along with Jessie"
You didn't show your dockerfile, it's true
I don't know... The meaning of Jessie backport
Am just install ing some packages using apt-get
is your base image Debian or Ubuntu?
@overexchange Also, please stop multi-posting to SO and U&L; it duplicates & wastes efforts in both communities.
Delete the U&L one if you're going to post it on SO.
I dont see any effort
here is the base image - FROM jenkins:1.642.1
Am not able to delete in U &L
@overexchange that's from 2016! (jenkins.io/changelog-stable)
@overexchange yes you are -- at least, you would have been before derobert answered. The link is near the "edit" and "share" links under your post.
You cannot delete this question as others have invested time and effort into answering it. For more information, visit the help center.
@overexchange Then you should not have posted it on SO, as you had an answer on U&L
I have no clue.. what this answer is talking about
I do not understand a single word
I have no idea... how apt-get works
my task is to install some packages
@overexchange I'm no docker expert, but I agree with derobert's general guidance: stop creating new things on deprecated (3 year old!) technology. The jenkins page on docker says "This image has been deprecated in favor of the jenkins/jenkins:lts image provided and maintained by Jenkins Community as part of project's release process. The images found here will receive no further updates after LTS 2.60.x. Please adjust your usage accordingly."
am testing with FROM jenkins:2.60.3
With this version.. problem is not resolved
Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.XSLdbeFik9/gpg.1.sh --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu:80 --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
gpg: keyserver receive failed: No data
after executing RUN apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu:80 --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
3 hours later…
Genuine question, apropos of nothing in particular: if someone persistently spams this room with low-quality irrelevant questions betraying not even the barest modicum of effort or competence or care or improvement over time, how long would they need to do that for before one of that majority of regular attendees of the room with the ability to do so intervened to stop that from happening?
@Jesse_b Interesting philosophy of life you have. Do you install land mines in your apartment too?
@MichaelHomer What would you like us to do?
6 hours later…
@MichaelHomer I'm rather new to the idea of moderating chat, so if people have ideas around better guidelines for what's acceptable here, let's hear them.
I know we recently had someone in here that was semi-coherent; if it's disruptive, then we should let them know, ask them to stop, and then escalate to something like a chat suspension.
More recently, we've had someone posting questions (either from SO or U&L) here; given that the room's topic is "General discussion for unix..." it seems to me not very far off-topic. I can't put my fingers on it at the moment, but I have a memory of there being advice to use the chat room to raise awareness of an (unanswered) question.
We're here to learn, and maybe to teach; I'd encourage us to be a little careful about what we want this room's topic to be, given that it's the chat link from the main site.
My own personal two cents around Questions in general is to show your effort; as to posting them in chat, my own request would be that you (1) consider your audience, and (2) explain why you're posting in the chat room -- do you think someone there could answer it? Do you want help rephrasing it? Do you think it'll solve a problem they're having?
searching for "https://" in the chat room's search box shows a range of people posting both Questions and Answers here, so I'm curious if there's a line that we need to draw about what's appropriate.
@MichaelHomer I have a hard time with it because occasionally I'll post a question in here, usually for other reasons, but the situation you are referring to does just seem different to me. At this point it does feel sort of like an annoyance.
But I know I am certainly not one to be the judge of what should or should not be in this room. I'm probably barely allowed here as it is :p
apparently my personal inclination is the positive version of "don't 'question 'dump'", which I just learned is "pasting a question link into a chat room without context'
I think in an ideal world it should be allowed but the user should also be able to recognize when it's becoming too much and self regulate
well maybe not without context, even if the context is just "Hey I'm really in a bind with this issue, I would appreciate it if anyone in here is able to help"
IMO what is annoying about the particular user is that it seems they post every single one of their questions here, as if that is just part of the process of asking a question on SO. It doesn't seem like they even give the community a chance to answer before assuming it won't happen.
I like to think that this room enjoys technical discussions (keyboards, awk, RAID arrays, computers vs tablets, etc); but they're all multi-person discussions.
For myself, I'd love to help a person write a good question (hint, hint)
@JeffSchaller What can I do better? :p
(I think most of my questions have been duplicates so probably research harder first)
If you asked me, I'd say this room is not a great place to answer questions -- people go to the site(s) to answer questions; and they can do that by looking for questions they want to answer
@Jesse_b get a chainsaw
What I meant was, someone coming in here saying "I've got a problem (and I want to ask it on the site) but I can't describe it very well"
@JeffSchaller I got like a 16" blade for my sawzall and it has been accomplishing most of what I need :)
pruning blade*
always a fan of mechanical advantage
brb, meeting
Where is the convention that an exit status of 0 means success documented?
> The value of status may be 0, EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE, [CX] [Option Start] or any other value, t
But I haven't found a clear standard that states that an exit status of 0 means success.
I answered a question over on AU asked by a C programmer who was having their program exit with 1 for success, just as you would for a function returning true, and I wanted to point the to the official docs that show why exit status should be non-0 for failures.
@terdon The bash manual says 0 is success: gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html#Exit-Status
@adventistaam Salutations
@Jesse_b \o/
it says the following about EXIT_SUCCESS:
> On POSIX systems, the value of this macro is 0. On other systems, the value might be some other (possibly non-constant) integer expression.
but still not an official posix document
@terdon: I think this is it:
> A value of zero (or EXIT_SUCCESS, which is required to be zero) for the argument status conventionally indicates successful termination. This corresponds to the specification for exit() in the ISO C standard. The convention is followed by utilities such as make and various shells, which interpret a zero status from a child process as success. For this reason, applications should not call exit(0) or _exit(0) when they terminate unsuccessfully; for example, in signal-catching functions.
@Jesse_b Ah! Thanks!
I wonder if Debian (and/or other distributions/OS's) have made any moves towards requiring a homepage for packages.
On the one hand, it's difficult to require upstream to do anything.
On the other, if there is no home page, it's hard to know where to go for further information.
Even GitHub would be better than nothing. And presumably it was downloaded from somewhere.
@FaheemMitha not really, it’s not even mentioned in the upstream guide (although it’s mentioned for dependencies).
There is a Lintian pedantic-level note, but obviously that can’t force anyone to do anything.
@StephenKitt Mentioned for dependencies?
Quite a lot of software would have to be removed if this was required... And obviously software is downloaded from somewhere, and that’s tracked in debian/copyright (and debian/watch), but sometimes the download location is now Debian’s infrastructure!
I'd say there is some room for a push in that direction. By default, list the page that the source was downloaded from, perhaps.
@FaheemMitha the upstream guide mentions that dependencies should be documented, including their homepage.
@StephenKitt That would presumably be for orphaned software. In that case, why can't Debian be listed as upstream?
A more Debian-centric view would be that package descriptions should be improved so that you can decide whether to install them without referring to their homepage...
@FaheemMitha what would the homepage be then?
@StephenKitt Dunno. Whatever page the source resides on, I suppose.
@StephenKitt I wonder - do all those packages really have no homepage?
@FaheemMitha if it’s orphaned upstream, the source is only in Debian, so I’m not sure it’s very useful to list Debian as the homepage; that’s not a desirable condition, we don’t necessarily want to be the long-term caretakers.
@StephenKitt Ok.
Just a thought.
@terdon NP, you didn't mention you were answering a question for my doppleganger :p
@FaheemMitha no, quite a few of them have a homepage but lack the information in debian/control.
@FaheemMitha yeah, I understand, it’s an interesting thought but not one we can do much about really...
@StephenKitt Is that something that could be added by an NMU?
@FaheemMitha no.
@StephenKitt Ok.
Appstream metadata would be a cross-distro way to encourage homepage availability, I’d say it would be more productive to contribute to that ;-).
@StephenKitt Yes, I see. Does Debian source that, then?
wait so in C a function should return 1 for success?
@FaheemMitha not in Debian’s infrastructure, but some software does use it.
@Jesse_b It depends on the semantics of the call. Some functions returns a positive integer or zero for success, but -1 or the EOF constant for error (e.g. fscanf()), others return some other specific constant on error.
@Kusalananda Thanks, I understood some of those words :p
The main thing is that the return value used for success and failure is documented.
well that sounds like C programming
It's because it is.
Yes, you really need to check the docs, there’s no rule. C functions which return some other value will often return negative values on error. C functions which return a boolean to indicate success or failure usually return 0 for success (see close).
This leads to odd code such as if (close()) { // something went wrong }
I'll stick to shell and occasionally dabble in other interpreted languages. You guys are literally wizards
or the ever-surprising (to me) if (!strncmp())
@StephenKitt The OpenBSD devs recently made a number of commits to the base system to change such code into tests against explicit values.
@Kusalananda yes, that’s my favourite approach too
@Jesse_b Ha! Yes :)
I'm currently on a train. I like travelling by train, but right now we're just standing still on the track in the middle of a forest... which is less than ideal as I'm about to miss a connection.
@Kusalananda When I used to take the train to work every morning it got delayed once for several hours within walking distance to my station but they wouldn't let us out. I got very angry about it but it turns out a train in front of us had hit and killed a pedestrian
I felt bad about being angry after I found that out
@Jesse_b I was once in a train that hit a pedestrian
after a few hours the replacement driver arrived and the police let the train continue
it turned out that the police were a bit hasty
@Jesse_b This particular stop was due to fallen down wiring on one track. So it's single track for a while. (we're moving now)
and the passengers on the wrong half of the train deeply regretted that the driver hadn’t waited a bit longer
@StephenKitt Ok.
David Carlisle is just about to hit 10k answers on TeX SE. That's a lot of answers.
Though the site leader is close to 20k.
Faheem, I wanted to ping you - are you a regular at the TeX.SE? I'm wondering about bringing some of my Wildcard-inspired challenges there, and wondered if you had any guidance for asking Questions at TeX
(if you can compare/contrast to the U&L crowd, that's the one I'm familiar with)
@JeffSchaller Depends on how you define regular. You can of course see my activity on the site. It's not high. I do hang out in chat a fair amount there, though not as regularly in hear. Since around 2014 or so, I suppose.
TeX SE is reasonably helpful and friendly, particularly towards beginners. Comparable to here, probably. And certainly much better than places than SO. However, just a tip. They like MWEs over there. Like, really like them. As in, they're unhappy if you don't.
I'll browse some questions before I post, of course. And re-take the tour; just wondering if you noticed any pointy corners that people run in to
@FaheemMitha so: post the non-working code, fair enough; what about pictures of the desired result? Or just a description of the goal?
@JeffSchaller The MWE thing, mostly. I don't always want to take the trouble, and people occasionally make sarcastic remarks about that.
@JeffSchaller Post the code. Post the error(s) you get. If it doesn't work, then no point posting a PDF, or whatever.
BTW, it's not a bad idea to run a trace on it, particularly if you can't figure out where the error is coming from. A common problem with TeX.
@FaheemMitha sure; I was wondering about a mock-up of some sort. Maybe it's only my imagination that's weak :)
Though, if you aren't used to TeX, that might be more terrifying than helpful.
@JeffSchaller Sure, a mockup is also good. Though most people probably don't bother with that.
@FaheemMitha I haven't learned how to do that yet; I suspect I'm getting "good" errors -- it's just that I don't know how to approach doing this-or-that
BTW, trace has a specific meaning in TeX. No relation to the Unix trace, and relatives.
I assumed so; that'll be a "just in time" thing to learn, if someone asks for it
tracing basically means you ask TeX to be much more explicit about what's it's doing. It's a verbose log, basically.
And when I say verbose, I mean verbose. For my fairly small documents, the log is like 500MB or so.
Oh, and just to be clear. They don't want to see your actual code. They want to see a stripped-down version which exhibits the problem.
If it gets too long, they'll probably be unhappy too.
You see what I meant above by not wanting to take the trouble.
Hmmm; well, my existing code is a rats-nest of "tried this, didn't work" -- my real questions would be more along the lines of "I want this stuff in a numbered list here, with lines over there"
I mean, I could show all the non-working versions :)
Of course, my perception may be skewed by the high rep users I talk to in chat. Who tend to be members of the LaTeX team. Like David, Ulrike, Joseph, egreg.
well, I want to write a good question so I get a good answer
They're definitely quite fussy. There are many other people in the site, and they're probably less fussy. Though for some reason it's also the case that the high rep users virtually always answer my questions. As you can check.
But TeX SE also seems unusually skewed in terms of who answers the questions. It's disproportionately the high rep users. Unlike here, for example. Or probably even SE. Though I haven't seen any statistics.
@JeffSchaller Try to isolate the problem. You can also try bouncing things off people in chat. They won't bite.
fair enough; thank you for the insights! I spent enough time last night banging my head against the wall that I realized I should probably just ask some smart people how to do it
They're kind to beginners. I've been around enough that they don't bother to be particularly nice to me. It's like: Faheem again, trying to take a shortcut and refusing to show us the code...
hehe! I'm ... not entirely new to it, but I'm well aware that I don't have a full grasp on it -- no idea what lualatex or xelatex are
(or the installed environment -- I just ran a few "apt" commands on a Debian VM to get bootstrapped)
@JeffSchaller I forget. What distribution/OS are you using?
I use TeX Live on Debian with the Debian packages, which is relatively standard.
@JeffSchaller Is Debian your regular working system, then? At least for TeX?
apt install texlive texlive-latex-extra seem to be what I ran
@FaheemMitha it is right now; I've got a broken Arch VM somewhere too -- I'm not particular
@JeffSchaller Hmm. You might need more than that, but that would do to start with.
it's seemed to contain all the packages I've looked for, so far
looks like I brought in the -extra for the lipsum package
It's easy enough to install other stuff. If you start using LuaTeX you might want to try to stay more current. But LuaTeX is more if you want to do backend stuff. It's not super common. Though I've started doing it a fair amount for my purposes.
I'm afraid that I'm pushing a square peg through a round hole, but I'm giving it the ol' college try.
Like reading stuff from a db. Or even a CSV/config file. For example, YAML.
The texlive-luatex packages would be good enough for most people, wouldn’t they?
@FaheemMitha none of that for me; just plain-Jane typesetting. With an unknown text, which might be swimming upstream
@StephenKitt I'm not sure what you're asking. You mean the default Debian packages in stable, or whatever?
@FaheemMitha yes, as opposed to installing TeXlive from the TUG CD or downloading it
@StephenKitt Right. Yes, that should be ok most of the time. But Debian packages, at least in stable, do date, as you know. But backporting TeX Live is fairly easy, except I had problems with biber a couple of times.
Help me to create event in nodejs!
I mean, sometimes you need to stay a bit more current. And LuaTeX and the overall system is still changing quite fast. For example, they're in the process of merging Harfbuzz with LuaTeX, which is quite major.
That will probably knock out XeTeX as a competitor. At least David Carlisle thinks so.
@adventistaam What sort of event
I wanna listen error, Im trying emit with EventEmitter, but I cant
@adventistaam consider also the dedicated Javascript chatroom on SO
Ah, thanks!
I`ll look for
I was wondering. Do people here keep the phone number they are using for 2FA secret? I read a comment somewhere saying you should.
@FaheemMitha I use a yubikey
@Jesse_b People use mobile numbers here. Send OTPs (One Time Passwords).
How would a yubikey help with that?
@FaheemMitha The yubikey provides a one time password
To be fair my phone is also setup as a backup 2fa device so I still would suffer from any potential vulnerability from it being compromised
@Jesse_b The reason you have different kinds of return values for errors in C functions is that there's no single "undefined" or "false" value you could return from any function. You have to return something that fits the type, but is not something that could be the result of a successful call.
So a function that returns a pointer to an object might use NULL (basically zero) to signify an error (think malloc()), but a function that returns the number of bytes processed could return a zero as part of normal operation, so it has to use something like -1 instead (read()).
while interpreted languages the typing often isn't that strict and they have those special "undefined" values (undef in Perl, None in Python, nil in Lua). And C also doesn't have exceptions which you'd commonly use in Python and C++...
@ilkkachu or multiple return values like Go
I find C to be extremely overwhelming.
@StephenKitt that too
@Jesse_b what? C is easy, it's just like programming in assembler but the syntax is a bit nicer </sarcasm>
But error-handling isn’t nice in any language — I mean I’ve never come across a language whose error-handling idiom feels nice in all cases...
@StephenKitt nodejs error handling seemed really cool to me but I mostly just learned about it and haven't actually used it much in practice
@Jesse_b I’m not familiar with that one, how does it work? With callbacks?
@StephenKitt yeah I think mostly callbacks. joyent.com/node-js/production/design/errors
It's been about a year now since I really did anything with node
and of course strcmp() that Stephen mentioned is also completely logical, it returns the difference of the arguments. :)
@StephenKitt we just got bitten by this bug at work. Do you have any insider knowledge? It's a kernel issue, so it affects all distros, do you have any way of knowing if anyone is working on this that isn't available to me?
@Jesse_b I'm not sure how that would help.
@terdon no insider knowledge, no; on the Ubuntu side of things it should be fixed in 5.0.0-34.36
@FaheemMitha it replaces the OTP over SMS
so your second factor isn’t something that can be intercepted or remotely compromised
@StephenKitt Yes, but wouldn't the other party need to be willing to work with it? The bank or whatever?
Or, to use the standard terms, the provider would need to support it.
@FaheemMitha yes, of course
Oh yes, sorry I thought it was for a system you manage. Although a lot of the third party applications we use do support them already
Missed my train connection in the end, by literally 30 seconds. Next train was only 20 minutes later though, so I'm OK. Spent the whole day talking so I'm dead tired. Work retreat.
@Jesse_b No, it's for banks and stuff. Nothing I manage.
To return to my original question, should one keep the phone number that one uses for 2FA a secret?
Though perhaps this would be better asked on Security SE?
In the European Union, banks are now forced to move away from SMS. Most are using their own banking apps on smartphones, but there are other solutions too.
@FaheemMitha A secret from who though? Everyone? I'm no security expert but I feel if your phone is compromised you are probably completely compromised already
@FaheemMitha it’s better if it’s not public knowledge at least, IMO. If searching “Faheem Mitha” on a search engine leads me to your phone number then that’s not good.
I don't think it would be practical to maintain a second phone for use only with 2fa though
@Jesse_b it’s not about compromising the phone, it’s about redirecting the phone number.
@StephenKitt I've not seen banks here offering alternatives. But India isn't exactly on the bleeding edge of security and technology. Or current, even.
@Jesse_b Supposedly people can get the provider to get a new SIM, using social engineering or some such. Basically hijack your number.
@Jesse_b Actually, I have two numbers already. But they're both public. Quite common in India, because the networks aren't that good. So people often use two networks.
@StephenKitt Yeah true since the topic is specifically about SMS. I also was considering things like google authenticator or duo for 2fa
Then you also have to consider that most of those apps can be "recovered" via SMS so if they compromise your number they can probably access them as well
@Jesse_b yeah the latter are safe enough, although in many circumstances they don’t qualify as 2FAs (e.g. you shouldn’t authenticate with a phone-based 2FA on an app on the phone, or a web site accessed on the phone).
@StephenKitt True, I've never used them for that. I use duo for various websites that I suppose I could technically authenticate through my phone but I would still consider it 2fa because I'm using a password and the phone
One more reason not to use phone apps, though. And I don't, for anything sensitive.
I consider phones insecure generally.
hello :)
Tim! Did you survive your trip, or is it still upcoming?
@StephenKitt Yeah, we can't update though. Looks like the patch came from one of your guys though: Yan, Zheng
@terdon yes, it did. What kernel do you currently have?
I did. but I was trememdously slowed down when trying to finish PFPL
I just wrapped my head a little bit around symbols, dynamic classification, dynamic dispatch, sum types, dynamic typing
I only saw symbols are provided by Scheme, but not have seen its use in practice
I am now moving to context stack, continuation
After that, concurrency and parallelism
after that, modularity
Then finish
@Tim glad you got back OK!
@StephenKitt 4.15
I hope the concepts are useful in learning languages
And this is a production machine, so we need to stay on Ubuntu LTS versions and on the latest LTS we can't go up to version 5.x
@terdon looks like 4.15.0-68.77 should have the fix too, it’s in proposed-updates now
Thanks @StephenKitt. I'll tell our sysadmin to try that out.
When a car's back seats are full of junks, it means there is no choice
@terdon in any case the fix has to come from the Ubuntu kernel team; since 4.15 isn’t an upstream LTS kernel it won’t get a backport from the kernel people (or from Red Hat)
@StephenKitt Yes, I know. But I was hoping you could help me find one that wouldn't be affected and I think you did! Thanks!
TMobile currently has a 30 day free trial of hotspot, and allow me to keep the device regardless of whether I will continue. Anyone interested can give it a try. https://www.t-mobile.com/offers/free-trial#

But the device is locked, while Freedom Pop uses AT&T network (unlocked Tmobile hotspot might work). How sad
@terdon you’re welcome!
hmm, boolean logic and de morgan's laws seem to be a bit of a FAQ
@ilkkachu good point, I should add that
1 hour later…
@StephenKitt Go's approach seems pretty nice. I especially like the explicitness.
Maybe relevant to room denizens:
> Linux Foundation publicly announces ban of conference registrant on social media
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21476407
@AaronHall Reasons unclear.
@AaronHall Interesting. The most illuminating responses I found were this thread (twitter.com/solderjs/status/1192278645412204545) and this thread (twitter.com/ajaxdavis/status/1192298237694078981)
@StephenKitt Can you elaborate what is not nice about error handling in the languages that you have seen? What do you think might be nice?
The book I am reading seems to touch the same thing.
@Tim I think there are two fundamentally incompatible philosophies about error handling. One is that the programmer shouldn't have to think about error handling all the time; it should be hidden away and work magically how it's supposed to. The other philosophy is that error handling should be explicit and entirely non-magical.
I like the Go philosophy, myself.
@FaheemMitha it's Linux?
@AaronHall Er, what?
oh, I see, "banned for unclear reasons" yes.
@AaronHall Yes. Sorry, I guess that comment was a bit cryptic.
@Wildcard When it comes to error handling, it's helpful if it's clear where the error is happening, to start with. It's distressingly common for that not be the case.
@Wildcard I now remember that PFPL says using option type to represent both normal values and errors. Is that one of two philosophies that you mentioned?
There is also exception handling. Is that one of the two philosophies?
when to use option type and when to use exception handling?
Does Go use one of them?
@Tim yeah, that's what I was referring to in the first philosophy I described.
@Tim See the link I posted. :)
Actually, the whole concept of an exception, dropping out of the program, is rather ugly to start with. It's much better if the program can pause execution. But few environments do that. And it's so rare now, that if a program does do it, a lot of people wouldn't understand what it's doing.
TeX does do that, as it happens. For example. But it's a very old program.
And until recently, I didn't understand what it was doing, either.
The Lisp family does do it, but it's very much the exception these days.

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