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6 hours later…
@Ungeheuer Upvoted, FWIW. But you wrote:
> The "0" on the far left
when clearly it should be the far right.
It sounds like the X server isn't doing what you want. In that case, you'll need to add a config file. From your post, it sounds like you don't currently have an X config file. But if you don't, you should say so explicitly. And if you do, post it in the question, obviously.
Using GUI front ends to configure stuff is, in my opinion, not a reliable way of doing things. Configure stuff in text config files, and version control them.
My desktop/workstation has a /etc/X11/xorg.conf, last modified June 2017. Once it's working, you don't need to change it often.
Funny, I don't remember making those 2017 changes at all.
Oh, and you should also post the relevant bits of /var/log/Xorg.0.log. If you've posted it in the question, I've missed it.
Unfortunately, a quick search gives arjan.opmeer.net/elantech
> Arjan is unfortunately no longer available to help you with questions or provide assistance developing the driver.
That appears to be the original author of the driver - github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/input/mouse/…
> [ 12.022516] pstore: crypto_comp_decompress failed, ret = -22!
[ 12.022578] pstore: decompression failed: -22
[ 12.022684] pstore: crypto_comp_decompress failed, ret = -22!
[ 12.022736] pstore: decompression failed: -22
[ 12.022831] pstore: crypto_comp_decompress failed, ret = -22!
[ 12.022881] pstore: decompression failed: -22
[ 12.022974] pstore: crypto_comp_decompress failed, ret = -22!
[ 12.023024] pstore: decompression failed: -22
[ 12.023127] pstore: crypto_comp_decompress failed, ret = -22!
3 hours later…
Q: what is the purpose of overlay network driver?

overexchangeBelow is the command run on ubuntu to create overlay network driver for swarm cluster instead of using bridge network driver $ docker network create -d overlay xyz $ docker network ls NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE 9c431bc9fec7 br...

2 hours later…
leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy jenkins!
@Jesse_b Hi. Did you go somewhere?
@FaheemMitha What up Faheem. I was on vacation for a while
@Jesse_b That explains it.
Away from the computer?
@FaheemMitha Yeah and the internet for the most part
@Jesse_b Probably a good move.
Any idea, how network namespaces sitting in multiple host connect to each other?
So... 1) Is docker_gwbridge a layer2 connectivity between the different network namespaces in same host 2) Is overlay a layer3 connectivity between docker daemons of multiple hosts? — overexchange 15 mins ago
Layer3 connectivity?
Linux guys.... please provide some input
What about linux girls?
Wow there are way more BSDs than I thought
'm getting this error while starting Debian after upgrading from 9.9 to 10
@Paṇḍyā That's known as writing things in the wrong order.
1 hour later…
@FaheemMitha He also wrote the kernel docs for the elantech stuff kernel.org/doc/html/v4.12/input/devices/elantech.html. Much sad when I saw that.
I'll revise the questions
@FaheemMitha I never posted any of it, I will. I also found some posts where people grepped for "input" in dmesg output, so I'll need to redo that. A few friends have mentioned that X, or Xorg, can't remember if they meant the standard or the implementation, sucks, is prone to data leaks between clients, and is antiquated. Is that the reality? I remember reading an article describing the X standard and it sounded beautiful, really well put together.
@Ungeheuer I don't know much about X, except that it (mostly) works. But I can believe there are memory leaks.
But my guess is your problem is that the device you have (which I'm guessing is old), isn't very well supported any longer.
Are they still sold?
@FaheemMitha It's a HP Pavilion Power Laptop 15-cb0xx which I bought last year. The line was probably first manufactured in 2016. Mine was a referb. I think the guy said HP asked retailers to send em back to put new hardware in em, but that's probably some bullshit line. I saw a 1TB SSD, 16 GB RAM, and a solid i7 7700HQ CPU and threw my wallet at him...
Pretty sure the line is no longer produced.
@Ungeheuer Oh, the touchpad is part of a laptop? Somehow I thought it was a standalone touchpad.
@FaheemMitha Ah, no. Built in touchpad
@Ungeheuer 2016 is quite recent, though. Do other laptops use this touchpad?
@Ungeheuer Yes, I got that now.
You could also try contacting the kernel people, though I would not expect much joy.
It's not really helpful for the driver writer to post that he isn't answering questions.
Happily, that's not common practice. Though regardless it does not mean you'll get a reply.
I've seen other questions about elan touchpads, but I'm not sure what this model is.
All the output in my code blocks in the question just show some variation of "elan touchpad"
@Ungeheuer Hmm. Is the model critical? Or possibly just relevant?
@FaheemMitha You asked "do other laptops use this touchpad" I interpreted that as the touchpad model, but I'm guessing you just meant the manufacturer. I have no idea if the model would matter. My guess would be no, as the drivers probably have backwards compatibility for older models. I'm probably gonna go the route of trying to create Xorg configuration files for the touchpad.
@Ungeheuer Yes, I just meant the manufacturer. There might be small differences, but those should not be important if sanity prevails.
Though, sadly, one cannot rely on sanity when it comes to computer hardware manufacturing.
I just ran inxi -Fxmz and in the section for graphics, I have this line: Display: server: Fedora Project X.org 1.20.5 driver: none tty: N/A
An older version of this dump has Display: x11 server: Fedora Project X.org 1.20.5 driver: vesa unloaded: fbdev,modesetting
I'm guessing part of the change is that I had not yet installed the Nvidia drivers and done everything to set up my dGPU as the old dump shows the Nvidia card didn't have any driver set. But it's odd that the "Display" field no longer has "x11", and the "driver" is set to "none" now. Literally no idea if this means anything...
I have an interesting question on ethernet endpoints created for docker containers...
will post in an hour....
Came across this is in dmesg. It must have escaped copy/paste because I was using the touchpad: [ 1856.428680] elan_i2c 5-0015: failed to read report data: -6 Gonna add to the question.
BTW, what does dmidecode say about that touchpad, if anything?
`Handle 0x001D, DMI type 21, 7 bytes
Built-in Pointing Device
Type: Touch Pad
Interface: PS/2
Buttons: 4`
I'd never heard of dmidecode! The output looks really useful.
@Ungeheuer Hmm, not terribly informative. It doesn't include any manufacturer information?
I searched the output for mentions of "elan|Elan" but nothing came up
What would the four buttons be? Right-click, left-click, middle-click, drag the mouse around? This is a buttonless touchpad.
@Ungeheuer Hmm, ok. If the manufacturer put in the name, it should come up.
@Ungeheuer Dunno.
@FaheemMitha This is my Xorg.0.log, which was last modified on 3 August 2019. pastebin.com/4fuWL2q0
@Ungeheuer Sure it's the right one? It says terminated with a fatal error.
@Ungeheuer BTW, googling that error brings up a bunch of stuff.
2 hours later…
Now wielding the golden hammer! Look out! Oh, I'm a moderator? Never mind then...
congrats && wat up @Kusalananda
@Jesse_b Hiya! Not much. Had a stroll down to the university campus with the girl and had some Indian food earlier. Nice weather. What's happening your end?
@Kusalananda Just recently got back from vacation. Getting readjusted to work
"getting readjusted", ouch :-) "readjusting" would have felt better, I'm sure.
Wow, I have no recollection of posting stackoverflow.com/q/5863272/350713
Then again, it's been a while.
@Kusalananda Was it good Indian food?
Believe it or not I've never had "bad" Indian food
@Jesse_b That sounds unlikely.
I've had mediocre Indian food but I've always been satisfied with it
I wonder if I have ADD. I've been trying to post a question on TeX SE for a couple of hours now.
Of course, part of the hesitation may be because I suspect it will be downvoted for laziness. I consider laziness a virtue. Others do not necessarily concur.
Done. Now bracing for downvotes.
@FaheemMitha It was good. Slow food, cooked from scratch. Took two hours from ordering to paying. Vegetarian masala.
@Kusalananda So, Indian restaurant?
My favorite Indian dish is a cheeseburger with french fries
@FaheemMitha Yes. They do lunch buffets during lunch hours in the weeks (mostly for uni campus staff/students I guess), but this was a la carte.
@Jesse_b That's not an Indian dish.
@Kusalananda Indian food isn't normally a lunch buffet thing. Except in India, I suppose.
There's a pizza place next to this one called "Pasta la vista, baby".
@FaheemMitha They have mcdonalds in India
@Jesse_b They do. That doesn't make it Indian food.
@FaheemMitha I disagree
Just a culinary abomination.
If it's made in India it is Indian food
@Jesse_b At this point I'm going to repeat what many people have said to me over the years.
> I'm not going to argue with you.
I am obviously joking about the mcdonalds stuff but I normally argue against the naming of foods after cultures
Something about it just doesn't seem right to me
Food has a cultural identity. What's wrong with that?
Especially when people talk about "Chinese food" most of which would be very hard to actually find in China and even when authentic it's just a small subset of what people in China eat
It would be more appropriately just called "stir fry"
@Jesse_b The stuff in the US isn't Chinese food. It's just some fried thing.
"Indian food" is typically thought of simply as curry or variations of such, but I'm sure you don't eat curry every day...people in India probably eat chicken noodle soup, so why wouldn't that be on the menu in an Indian restaurant?
@Jesse_b Indian food is a lot more than curry. And I do eat a lot of curry, actually. Though not recently.
@FaheemMitha That is exactly my point though
@Jesse_b I forget what your point is.
@FaheemMitha That the food represented by a cultural restaurant is only a small subset of that local cuisine, and often times not even that.
Indian food may be a poor example since I believe curry is a large portion of what is eaten in India however there are probably a million dishes eaten in India that you would never find on the menu at an "Indian" restaurant. And anyone used to "Americanized" (although certainly not exclusive to the US) Chinese food would probably be astonished at the actual food that they eat in China
Actually, Indian food is something that seems to survive transplantation relatively well, though I don't know why.
Some other cultures don't do as well.
I just think they should be more about the specific cuisine served rather than try to encompass an entire culture. There are a few but you rarely see an "American cuisine" restaurant. They would just call it a steak house or burger joint.
But seafood is also, although obviously not exclusively, a huge part of American cuisine. If you did make an "American" themed restaurant where do you draw the line?
Would they make burgers, steaks, Americanized Chinese food? Clams?
You absolutely do see explicitly "American" restaurants
> There are a few but you rarely see
But they're character restaurants, not regular places
I guess because, mostly, the basic nature of the food at them is not that different from the homogenised McDonalds and KFC down the street
Well also the basic nature of food in all first world countries is roughly the same
I mean in the sense that burgers are basically interchangeable
Another example that I hate are "Mexican" restaurants which are usually not much more than a taco house. Mexicans eat a lot more than just tacos, many of them eat very similar foods that Americans eat
I think you should just say it's a taco place and not a Mexican place
The cultural homogeneity of exported American fast food is a bit of a confound for there, but you do see, say, English restaurants
I hear Indian restaurants in the UK can be quite good these days.
And they usually have a hodgepodge of things that are essentially everyday meals and the weird traditional stuff from assorted parts of the country that is recognisable, but not common
@FaheemMitha Yea, but what's even more suspicious is that it appears the log was last edited on 3 August. It is the Xorg.0.log. I'm guessing something happened to the X server when I was messing with Nvidia? Might explain why stuff isn't getting logged, but I'm not sure. Maybe I need to reinstall Xorg somehow...
@MichaelHomer They, meaning Indian restaurants in the UK?
You definitely wouldn't say that an English restaurant was representative of what people do usually eat there (which today is more likely to be curry than jellied eels), but it does represent a sampling of recognisable cultural elements
@Ungeheuer If you don't have the current log in that file, that's definitely odd. What was the last time you started X?
I think I also dislike it because any restaurant with too many items on the menu will almost certainly be terrible, and in order to encompass the cuisine of an entire country you would need to have way too many items on the menu.
I meant English, but presumably also Indian
What's an English restaurant? You mean a restaurant serving British food?
I was thinking English, but I guess you can see broader versions too
Well, English or British, that's a restaurant I would want to avoid.
Yeah I've always heard British food is terrible
@Jesse_b In my (limited) experience it's true.
Tikka masala!
I'm sometimes thought it might partly account for the British Empire.
Because they all had such bad digestion, they would be in a really bad mood all the time. So they needed to take that aggression out on someone. And what better than the world?
Well, although obviously not entirely true, white people are notoriously bad at seasoning food and it doesn't get much whiter than Britain
Well, yes? Spice routes were a major driving influence
Presumably to let you forget what a jellied eel is
Jellied eels are people too.
@FaheemMitha I've only ever used startx occasionally. I've not started it Xplicitly (lol puns) in the recent past. I thought X was started automatically when the default.target symlink was set to the graphical target for systemd. I must admit a significant amount of ignorance about all of the pieces that go into displaying things on screen and tying together all the hardware to do that.
@Ungeheuer The X log is written whenever the process starts, regardless how it's started.
Let me rephrase. When did you last reboot that computer?
More recently than 3rd August?
@FaheemMitha multiple times within the last 7 days

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