I mostly agree though, people are only a product of their experiences. I don't like corporal punishment but I don't think there is a better known solution in many cases
Assuming they fell on him. I'm fuzzy on the timeline.
Also, people in the West tend to give undue attention to Hitler and his friends. Speaking from my perspective, as mass-murdering psychos go, he wasn't particularly unusual.
Though the other mass-murdering psychos get much less attention because they mostly murdered brown or black people. Which is, of course, only right and proper.
Though perhaps not from the perspective of the people concerned.
Anyway, I don't really know what is going on with Syria. Though I'm sorry for the Syrian people, if they are having bombs dropped on them. I'm sure they have enough troubles already.
I'm new to Linux and I'm having trouble install this script (https://github.com/rolandoislas/drc-sim) using the Windows 10 Bash Shell.
Every time I've tried to install the script, I run into this error:
compilation terminated.
CMakeFiles/drc_sim_c.dir/build.make:326: recipe for target 'CMak...
@FaheemMitha Could mean several thing, most of the time means that a fake site as been setup to set you up. If a link to a file is present, then it's most likely a compromised host
@FaheemMitha if the admin of the site is reasonnable I think best pratice is to have a [email protected] where you could receive complains like this. But I think it's not done in most case.