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Um... guys... I just got the golden linux badge. Just like the corresponding bash badge I got some time ago, I attribute them both to erroneously tagged questions. There can be no other reason.
hahaha :)
@Kusalananda congrats!
Congrats on the badge. :) ...So you think you might lose your gold badges due to future retagging edits?
now, run for unix badge !
For the badge, is it really that the questions were tagged wrong, or just that they were asking about something that didn't happen to differ across popular Bourne-style shells?
@EliahKagan Shell questions are often tagged with bash because that's what the user is using, even though the answer may well be in the POSIX shell domain.
@Archemar That would be something!
@EliahKagan Haven't seen that happening before with my other badges. I don't even think that's a thing that can happen.
It's quite common that shell scripts have a #!-line specifying bash as the interpreter even though they don't use any bash extensions. I suppose it's because people in general don't know the difference between the POSIX shell and bash and they're playing it safe.
It seems to be possible to lose tag badges. Thinking about it more, though, I would be somewhat surprised if you ever lost those particular adges, because the tags are very popular, and even if tags are removed from some of the posts, your answers on other posts with those tags will continue to garner upvotes over time (and that's even not accounting for future posts).
@EliahKagan Yes, I'm not worried.
Hm... there is actually a unix tag. It's currently attached to 9 questions.
That seems... like not the best tag for questions on this site.
@EliahKagan I fully agree.
I added the "sparse-files" tag to unix.stackexchange.com/questions/435499/qcow2-actual-size but since the user who posted the question doesn't know that their issue is about copying sparse files, was that the right thing to do?
I would say "just what you did" maybe/hopefully OP will learn
3 hours later…
Good job on that product description page... smile.amazon.com/dp/B000O37TDO
Wolfram Alpha informs me that's useful for weighing very large oil supertankers.
@derobert perhaps they have a balancing point indicated on their keels so they can be weighed using one of these in a dry-dock...
As long as they're under 0.000000005884GN, according to the capacity spec. Of which it'll display 1 decimal digit of that :-D
Maybe it's for use off-Earth? I mean, 600g is probably over a giganewton on a neutron star.
@derobert ah maybe, the spec doesn’t say anything about resistance to tidal forces
Well, at least I know where to get scales to use at my neutron star vacation home now!
@derobert As I recall, a Newton is a unit of force. Not a unit of mass.
Someone is confused.
Yes, the SI unit of force. An appropriate name, at least.
It doesn't seem to come up much in everyday contexts, though.
@FaheemMitha It's a scale using a load cell, so it's actually measuring force.
@derobert oh
But in that case why does it mention gram and ounce then?
Those are both units of mass.
Because those are the units it actually works in (by assuming Earth gravity)
@derobert I see.
But in the Best Circles, one never does assume Earth gravity.
Suppose one wanted to go on a quick weekend jaunt to Mars?
Pretty silly one would look with a scale that assumed Earth gravity.
Well, we've got to somehow get to an amount of force where giganewtons is appropriate for something with 600g of mass or less... Mars isn't going to help.
@derobert Yes, somewhere in the region of a singularity, perhaps.
Perhaps that scale is an import. Perhaps it was manufactured in the vicinity of a black hole.
A neutron star is sufficient!
@derobert That's a bit infra dig, but ok.
Well, less than a black hole!
Does that thing really have a 10 year warranty?
For a small piece of electronics? Is it bullet-proof?
I suspect gunfire damage isn't covered by the warranty.
Just a figure of speech. Not to be taken literally.
Most of the small cumsumer electronics I've run across has a 1 year warranty, and often doesn't even survive that long.
I suspect the manufacturers assume people are going to throw it away rather than invoke the warranty. Plus, some are quite good at giving the runaround.
@FaheemMitha Yeah. I mean, I'm pretty sure it'll exclude all kinds of misuse from subjecting it to a force anywhere near a giganewton, to getting it wet, etc.
@FaheemMitha Really? Maybe they just send all the ones that fail QC to India...
@derobert That would explain a lot, actually.
I have one of their (American Weigh) scales that I bought in 2012 and still works fine. Cost a whole $8.27.
smile.amazon.com/dp/B002SC3LLS ... apparently price has gone up a tiny bit
No, wait, read the number wrong. $8.79, so it's gone down...
In adjusted dollars, presumably.
All of those nominal. Did not apply any inflation adjustments (in which case, it'd have gone down even more)
@derobert I misread, sorry.
Apparently this one ships to India, for $20, all costs included.
My biggest complaint with their scales is, AFAIK, no way to disable auto-off.
Might be a good buy if it survives the journey.
I've never heard of American Weigh. Are they a "reputed" brand, as they say in India?
That's one adverb that never did catch on the West, but Indians love it.
Judging from the graph online, that used to be really popular usage once upon a time.
I wonder if they make a good kitchen scale. We have an ancient one.
They make a ton of scales....
americanweigh.com should have the whole list
@derobert badum tchi
americanweigh.com/… apparently you can disable auto-off on that one!
I have a different brand 5kg x 1g scale, and a 1kg x 0.1g & 200g x 0.01g scale from American Weigh. All three of which I use for cooking.
awscales.com is also one of their sites, but appears down at the moment...
@derobert That's on Amazon, but they don't ship it to India.
And it would probably be expensive if they did.
5 hours later…
$ mkdir test && mkdir test/inner
$ cd test/inner
$ rm -rf ../../test
why isn't test deleted? inner is deleted though
On what system? That deletes both test and inner when I do it on my Ubuntu 16.04 system.

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