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Folks, someone just posted this in Seasoned Advice - it's not fun reading but quite informative: medium.com/@yonatanzunger/trial-balloon-for-a-coup-e024990891d5
@FaheemMitha it's worth reading this to put things in perspective: twitter.com/Cato_of_Utica/status/826298974361501702
@StephenKitt I don't know about perspective, but this is scary. Without me reading people's columns.
@FaheemMitha I agree it's scary, but it's impossible to know whether it's true, and there are other possible explanations
(not trying to minimise the badness here)
@StephenKitt Impossible to know what is true?
@FaheemMitha That's one of the goals of propaganda (in general). To sow uncertainty, to "let people make up their own minds" (preferably without them knowing the facts, or with filtered facts, or with made up facts).
@Kusalananda I'm not following. Are you referring to the link I posted?
@FaheemMitha impossible to know what motivations result in the behaviour we're seeing
read the Pepinsky piece
@StephenKitt Oh, right. I'm not really concerned about motivations. The actions are scary enough.
@FaheemMitha You have (at least) two teams here, and they are going to be afraid of each other and try to make the other look bad. They will both say scary things about what will happen if the other team does <whatever>.
@FaheemMitha the whole "trial balloon" interpretation depends on the motivations
@Kusalananda By teams you mean the Republicans and Democrats?
I think it's a bit larger than that.
@FaheemMitha it feels more like "the Trump administration" and "everyone else" now
I'm no fan of the Dems, but they're not the ones who just issued an insane immigration ban.
@StephenKitt I hope so. It looks like the Republican Party is still backing him for now.
Posting the Yonatan Zunger link doesn't mean I agree with what he said. But he posted a bunch of informative links. Some of which I was not aware of.
Presumably you're aware the Acting Attorney General was just fired for refusing to obey orders.
(And good for her, btw. If that needs to be said.)
She was fired for "betraying" the DoJ. Now that's a word I don't like the sound of. We have neo-Nazis in Sweden using that on social media far too often.
@Kusalananda and the new AAG said he was pleased to serve the president
when the oath is to the constitution
@Kusalananda It's nice to see public servants standing up for the law. It's not always the case.
In the US, or anywhere else. Good for Ms. Yates.
But I also don't like the word "un-American" (used about the law), for the same reason. "Indecent" is what it should be called.
@Kusalananda How about "obscene"?
@FaheemMitha Whatever word that doesn't drip with nationalism but with some sort of human value.
@Kusalananda Nobody likes the word un-american. It's an awful, meaningless, purposefully obscure, made-up word that reeks of nationalism.
The word "un-American" is generally considered to smack of totalitarianism, but that doesn't stop people from using it.
Funny to see a creep like Giuliani speaking out against the Adminstration. Shows how bad things are.
Wait, what, he did? I thought he spoke out for the executive order, not against it.
@terdon I may be misunderstanding what he said.
"I’ll tell you the whole history of it: When he first announced it, he said ‘Muslim ban,'" Giuliani said on Fox News.
"He called me up, he said, ‘Put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally.’"
Still sounds pretty bad to me.
It should be easy to find the clip.
@FaheemMitha Bad, sure. But for you, not for Guiliani. Nothing there suggests that he doesn't agree with it.
(Bad for me too, of course; just not for little ole Rudy)
@terdon Hmm. Good point.
Remember, you need to start from the assumption that all Muslims are, by definition, bad, bad people who want to kill us in our sleep and destroy our way of life.
But I venture to think that the orange menace would not be happy to hear him say things like Muslim Ban publicly. That's kind of what I meant by - speak against.
Orange menace?
@terdon I'm adapting Anthony's terminology. It's good stuff.
I'm sure it is. But who does that refer to?
@terdon The current President of the United States.
I can also offer "King Pumpkinhead".
@FaheemMitha Why would he be anything but happy to hear someone referring to a Muslim ban publicly? That was one of his main campaign promises.
This is not a secret.
Here, for a random example I just found:
@terdon I guess I'm coming late to this party. Excuse my ignorance.
I envy it. . .
I live on the other side of the world now, otherwise no doubt I would have spent the last year as frightened as everyone else.
I don't know why terrorist attacks are such a big thing to be worried about. You're much more likely to die from a car crash, and just as badly. In the US, you also run a much higher risk of being shot by a fellow American. The fun thing is that being shot by someone wielding a lawfully purchased gun is easily preventable, while car crashes can't as easily be prevented.
Terrorist attacks will happen for as long as a leader pisses people off (alienating, exploiting, etc.). That's preventable too, of course.
@Kusalananda Because they make a very convenient bogey-man that can be used to set up an us vs them culture.
Which is not to say they are not atrocities, mind you. They are just also used politically.
@terdon ... which further fuels the terrorism.
It's the general short-sightedness of that kind of politics that I don't like. You can't stop a disease by getting rid of the symptoms. You have to get rid of the cause of it. And the cause of it most likely isn't "he hit me first".
It's more likely "I made him angry".
Or, to be precise, I've been making him angry for the past few hundred years.
Trump doesn't seem to possess the personality to be able to say/see that though. To him, everything else is doing the wrong thing and he's doing the right thing.
@Kusalananda Sadly, nobody who's ever been in power in the US has been able to see that as far as I know. Or, if they have, they haven't acted on it.
@terdon Well, for other power-hungry people around them, it would be a sign of weakness.
@terdon Actually, one striking thing about terrorist attacks is how few there have been, historically.
Yep. But they cause a hell of a lot of pain, so they make a lot of noise.
For example, there seems to have been remarkably little terrorist activity against Imperial Britain, as far as I can tell. No Indian counterattacks or anything that I'm aware of.
@Kusalananda I meant outside India. It can't be a terrorist attack inside India. By definition, it would be resistance.
@FaheemMitha Yes, funny how words work.
@FaheemMitha so really the only thing that would count by your definition is attacks on the British Isles themselves, correct?
only the IRA did that
and then the London bombings
@StephenKitt "remember remember the 5th of november", if you want to go further back.
@Kusalananda ah yes indeed
"The only man to enter the parliament with honest intent" ;-)
1 hour later…
> je vous hack lol je suis en bts
@StephenKitt bts?
@terdon a short undergraduate course
Le brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS) est un diplôme national de l'enseignement supérieur français, créé en 1962 (décret du 26 février 1962). Il se prépare normalement en deux années après l'obtention du baccalauréat ou d'un diplôme de niveau IV dans une section de technicien supérieur (STS). Il s'agit d'un diplôme de niveau III. L'obtention du diplôme se fait sur examen. À la différence du baccalauréat, il n'y a pas d'épreuve de rattrapage pour ceux qui obtiennent une note légèrement inférieure à la moyenne requise (10/20), mais une simple commission permettant le rattrapage des étudiants proches...
Ah. Thanks.
Damn though, is there anything in the French educational system that doesn't have the word supérieur tacked on?
@terdon everything after the Baccalauréat is "enseignement supérieur" so...
I know, I know. It's just all the écoles normales sup etc that bug the pedant in me.
So, which is it, normal or superior?
ha ha yes
but French normal is superior of course ;-)
David Robinson on January 30, 2017
A while back I encountered a developer who shared a story of a positive experience on Stack Overflow. He'd asked a question late one Sunday on Labor Day weekend, and been delighted that he'd quickly gotten multiple responses. He said he was impressed that someone else in San Francisco was also "burning the midnight oil," and noted it as a testament to the work ethic in Silicon Valley.
@StephenKitt Well, imo attacks on the British in India by Indians during the Occupation would have been resistance. But that mostly didn't happen. Outside India it would just have been violence, again imo. But as far as I know, that didn't happen at all.
There was the 1857 revolt, granted. Which was a nasty affair. But also very short-lived.
1 hour later…
Is there a tool that can give line number from byte offset?
@user367890 you should ask that as a question on the main site
@user367890 But please make sure to clarify. Ideally, give us an example file and the output you would like to see from it.
@user367890 cut -b 1-«N» | wc -l would be the obvious. Please ask a question, though, after considering the difference between bytes and characters. Some characters (like, say, œ) could be multiple bytes—and lines only really make sense with characters. (IOW: the command I gave does exactly what you asked for, but probably not what you want. Unless you can guarantee only single-byte characters—i.e., ASCII or legacy ISO-8859-x encoding)
@derobert That cuts a column out at the specified bytes offsets.
It turns out that part of the file is a binary blob, so I wonder if it's solvable anyway.
@Kusalananda right, I guess that doesn't really make sense does it...
the part about bytes vs. characters does though
I guess head -c would make more sense
@user367890 head -c «N» would make more sense there as @Kusalananda pointed out my use of cut was rather silly
4 hours later…
Experimented around with bash its parser and came across something interesting
probably useless, but might work in other shells as well (not tested yet)
Create an executable (e.g. shell script) in the PATH with the name {
and then experiment around with various invalid shell expressions and if you are lucky this shell script with run
e.g. it works for foo=bar { else }
certainly no shellshock but still a bit of fun, goes to show that parsing shell seems to be a bit like parsing HTML tag soup…
@phk yes, that's the way it's supposed to work
{ is a keyword, like if, do, etc.
it only has a special meaning when it's the first word of a command
when there's an assignment before it, it isn't the first word
(plus a few other contexts, RTFM/RTFPOSIX if you want the gritty details)
@Gilles OK, but why doesn't the shell choke on the closing }?
$ foo=bar  }
bash: }: command not found
$ foo=bar { else }
@terdon Because } is also a keyword.
(here, { is just a script with echo foo)
@terdon print out $1 and $2 in that script
@Gilles Right
I see.
Here, {, else and } are all ordinary words, so this executes the command called { with the first argument else and the second argument }
Contrast with ) which is recognized by the parser, and with [ which is a builtin.
Why all these different things? I dunno. Ask Stephen Bourne or Ken Thompson.
But why should it be ordinary when it has a special meaning at the beginning of a line?
@Gilles Is this because () is also used in various shell constructs such as $() etc, while { } is only used to denote a subshell?
@phk Because you can write echo if, and if is just an ordinary word.
And functions though
@terdon { is also used in ${…}, which predates $(…)
@phk I guess it's for the same reason that ls ls will attempt to run ls on the file called ls instead of executing ls twice. First place is semantically important.
but with echo if something becomes a parameter and not something to run
and with echo { it's exactly the same thing
Yes, but I can't do foo=bar ( as I can do foo=bar { if they're script names.
You said it's because one is recognized by the parser while the other is not. That's what I was trying to grok.
because ( is not a keyword, it's a special bit of syntax
$ type {
{ is a shell keyword
$ type (
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
I see
The historical reason may have been that the original Thompson shell didn't have a parser as such, it executed each line in turn.
Control structures were implemented by jumping around in the shell process's memory, I think.
So if was a command like any other. Except that it worked by manipulating the shell's memory rather than by operating in its own memory space.
So, hypothesis: { dates back from that era, whereas ( came later.
Is there any way I can execute a script called (?
terdon@oregano ~ $ ./scripts/(
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
terdon@oregano ~ $ bash scripts/(
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
So ( got proper parsing but { kept its strange syntax for backward compatibility.
@terdon sure: \( or '(' or "("
Yep, just found it
what you can't do is execute an alias called (
(it helps if you make the script executable first terdon, you idiot)
I'm not sure about functions, some shells allow special characters in function names but not all shells and not all characters
Heh, thanks @phk and Gilles, a nice nugget of new knowledge to take to bed with me. Good night!
I still stand by my tag soup comparison, for such keywords the rule shouldn't be: "Huh, I have no other meaning for this keyword here, I will just try to execute this alias/function/executable."
Especially when the user has numerous ways of making explicitly clear if he/she would want to run something with such a name. Oh and good night to you too, terdon.

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