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@terdon Hello
Hi. So, what's the problem?
I made moved the iso to the usb with dd command, when i boot, and i am using rEFInd in a macbookair
Ah. So many possible issues already. . . OK, this will be better done if you ask a question on the main site then.
but when i choose the EFI mode, it doesn't boot, it says
rEFInd - Booting OS

Starting vmlinuz-arch.efi
Using load options
Make sure to include 1) the exact dd command you ran; 2) the fact that you're on a mac and using rEFInd and 3) exactly what's going on.
aha, okay, i will :-)
I remember I had some trouble booting at some point too. Do macs have a legacy boot option?
it boots okay from legacy
OK, I'd also try that, at least to boot the first time.
Although, actually, I think you need to be booted in EFI mode to install EFI style.
will, rEFInd gives the options to boot from legacy or EFI
If you've posted questions on tghe Arch forums, make sure to include the links and the suggestions you received in your question. Also explain what you tried or what parts you're having trouble understanding.
good, i will try my best to be specific
and oh i think i should mention that i am using arch-anywhere
but i tried archtect and antrgus and the all give the same result
Sounds like you've done your homework. We have a few Arch experts around.
With any luck, one of them will answer.
@terdon Hello
here is my question
Q: Can't boot arch in EFI mood, rEFInd stucks in installation.

RonnieDroidI have been trying to install arch on my mid-2011 Macbook air, i moved the ISO to an 8GB USB-Drive via the dd command like this dd bs=4M if=/home/ronnie/Downloads/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress && sync then i restart and get the rEFInd boot-loader and have four choices to boot from...

please let me know if i have to provide more information or if i have to change anything
Yep, saw it. Thanks for posting. I can't think of anything else to ask for off the top of my head but I know very little about EFI stuff.
okay, thanks for the edit
3 hours later…
android.stackexchange.com/questions/166081/… ← so tempted to ask OP if his phone was ever going 88 mph...
@derobert Heh, what are the chances they'll get the reference?
@terdon Depends on if they have Google handy, I suppose.
Maybe if I link it to scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/14812/… to be sure...
Better :)
Did your phone perchance reach 88 mph? In all seriousness though, it's technically possible to take snapshots, then you can roll back to a previous snapshot—but I doubt any phone does this (but it's a feature of Linux, so possible). Though maybe they'd use it for backups—one use for snapshots is that they don't change on you, allowing a consistent backup. — derobert 10 secs ago
@derobert Say what? It's a feature of Linux?
@terdon snapshots, yes. E.g., device-mapper does them.
No shit? I had no idea
that's how LVM snapshots work, for example...
Or you can do semi-crazy things like unix.stackexchange.com/a/312008/977 (which uses device-mapper directly)
@terdon Everybody on the Net would get that reference.
@FaheemMitha Everyone on the net over 30 or so.
I think, anyway. I mean, come on, those films were popular when I was a kid. I doubt today's 20somethings know them well enough.
3 hours later…
Speaking of kids these days, "RedHat 5" came out in 1997. "RedHat 6" came out in 1999. grumble
@terdon Here's a pop quiz. What does the phrase "dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps" mean to you? Without looking it up on the net, naturally.
@derobert You mean how they call RHEL RedHat?
@FaheemMitha yep
@FaheemMitha Without having actually seen said film, I'd guess it has something to do with tradition. But now to ask Google...
I agree, that's annoying. But I guess the number of people who remember the RedHat series is starting to decline.
@derobert tradition?
Guessed the wrong film I hadn't seen.
You mean you didn't recognize the reference to one of the most famous films of all time?
Huh. I thought everyone had seen that film.
Not I. At least, not that I remember. Who knows if I saw it when I was three...
Even Pratchett references it. It has the Pratchett Seal of Approval.
Like the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. Only better.
@derobert That's probably about the right age to watch it.
@FaheemMitha Hah, but who remembers movie quotes at that age?
@derobert Hmm. It's really more the image I was going for.
Also... I wonder, on this site, have more people seen it or The Princess Bride?
We should have a Poll.
Yes, definitely a Poll. Complete with a worryingly capital letter.
We could throw BTTF into the mix and have a three-way contest.
@derobert Hey, I like suitably random Capital Letters. Sue me. I'm all 17th Century that way.
Random Pratchett quote, just because it's so good.
> And then Jack chopped down what was the world's last beanstalk, adding murder and ecological terrorism to the theft, enticement, and trespass charges already mentioned, and all the giant's children didn't have a daddy anymore. But he got away with it and lived happily ever after, without so much as a guilty twinge about what he had done...which proves that you can be excused for just about anything if you are a hero, because no one asks inconvenient questions.
Spoken verbatim by Ms. Dockery in the film.
I'm not sure what an "enticement" charge is.
One forgets how quotable Pratchett is. Or should that be "was"?
Haven't seen the film.
@FaheemMitha law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2422 would be one meaning... but I'm not sure how that'd fit.
I guess it could be the more general definitions.uslegal.com/e/enticement
@derobert It's not bad. Michelle Dockery might be the best thing in it. She doesn't get much to do, but she looks great.
But, can she speak in small-caps?
@derobert Maybe with enough practice.
@FaheemMitha Mary Poppins?
@terdon Indeed. Did you cheat?
Somehow Anthony didn't get it. I'm not sure how that's possible.
Didn't need to
I haven't seen/can't remember having seen the film....
@terdon Ah. Well, I was just making a point. MP came out in 1964. It's about 50 years. I suspect people will still remember the 88 miles an hour thing. 50 years after BTTF came out.
I only have vague recollections of it, but I remember the chimney sweepers
/me mutters something about cultural memory.
I was also in a choir where we sang one of its songs when I was around 6, so that sort of thing sticks.
@FaheemMitha Or at least "time travel" + "something miles per hour" will be enough, even if they can't remember the exact number
50 years after 1985 is 2035. Let's check back then.
@FaheemMitha Ah. Terry will be sorely missed.
To be really obscure, I guess I could have gone with 142kph. Or 39m/s.
No one would get it then :-)
@terdon I can imagine. I think I watched it as a child. But don't remember any details. I just got it for my mother. I'm now regretting it somewhat, because she insists on watching it incessantly.
heh :)
Anyway, my point is that I would still have recognized the reference regardless. And the better known songs. You've got to hand it to Disney, they do cultural penetration like nobody else.
I got mine the complete Fawlty Towers and Yes Minister/Prime Minister a few years ago. I can live with watching that incessantly.
And if they can't make it, they buy it. E.g. Star Wars.
@terdon I've never been a big fan of Yes Minister/Prime Minister. Partly because the overarching premise is so silly. IMO.
@terdon Amen to that.
@UTF-8 Sorry it's late. I re-read the last few comments I wrote and I come across as a bit, how should I put it, irritated.
@UTF-8 I'm just tired.
@terdon I haven't watched Fawlty Towers yet. qr/Yes (?:Prime )?Minister/ was good, though.
@derobert @Kusalananda you can't ping users in chat unless they've been here in the past 3 (?) weeks or so.
@terdon Who did I try to ping??? (That hasn't been here)
@derobert it was bloody brilliant, yes. Fawlty tower is probably the best intelligent situation comedy/slapstick I've ever seen.
I wrote some comments on a Q that I feel possibly could be interpreted as being irritated or being overly defensive.
But possibly not.
@Kusalananda You should probably put the apology on the question then, presuming your comments are still there. And of course delete your old comments.
@FaheemMitha The premise? It's depressingly realistic, I find. But, in any case, it is the sheer unadulterated joy derived from the calisthenics Sir Humphrey puts this English language through that I enjoy.
@Kusalananda Sounds fine to me. I write comments like that all the time.
@terdon What, that the Civil Service secretly runs the UK?
@FaheemMitha Ok, it's probably ok then. I'm a bit too tired to judge how others may think ATM. About to go to bed.
@FaheemMitha Nothing remotely secret about it. The civil service are permanent. Politicians come and go.
@Kusalananda Not all the time. I haven't been that active recently.
@Kusalananda if that's what you consider rude, I wish everyone were as rude as you.
@Kusalananda Yeah, I don't think there is anything bad there. Of course, please still clean up obsolete comments.
@terdon :-) I care too much about tone in my own writing sometimes, that's true.
Remind me to show you some nice examples of rudeness that I've had to clean up. . .
In all seriousness, I don't even see what you could possibly find objectionable there.
@terdon The premise of Yes, Prime Minister is that the Civil Service actually makes all the decisions. Just to be clear. And they're some sort of Machivellian organization.
Just caught myself being defensive.
As I said. Going to bed.
@FaheemMitha Yeah, OK. It's satire, sure, but it shouldn't be too far from the truth either. And especially later in the series, the PM gives as good as he gets.
@Kusalananda It's probably better to be more sensitive than not sensitive enough.
Within limits, of course.
@terdon I have a hard time believing there is any substance in it at all. I'm don't suppose they are nice people, but I also doubt they call the shots. Though I admit I don't know much about the Civil Service.
@FaheemMitha The civil service does make a lot of decisions. Not all of them, of course, and the show is an exaggeration.
Anyway, the absurd improbability of the premise (at least to my mind) does affect my enjoyment of the show.
@derobert Well, as directed by elected officials.
They don't do whatever the hell they feel like and ignore the instructions of their superiors. That part just sounds like pure fantasy to me.
@FaheemMitha And yet you read books about a world supported by four elephants walking upon the back of a turtle swimming through space :-/
@FaheemMitha They don't really call the shots in the show either. They just manipulate the PM into doing what they want. And that, I'm sure, has been known to happen. Still, as I said, the whole thing would be worth it even if it were just Humphrey Applebee pontificating for half an hour.
@FaheemMitha That really is odd. It seems all too plausible to mine.
@derobert Yes, but I don't believe it's real. I also watch shows about a flying man who shoots lasers out of his eyes.
@terdon I think politicians are dirtbags. In the real world. The world of Yes, Minister seems to be focused on putting the blame elsewhere, on the scheming Civil Service.
And it also has gems of pure truth like:
> Hacker: Don't tell me about the press. I know exactly who reads the papers: the Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country; The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country; The Times is read by people who actually do run the country; the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country; the Financial Times is read by people who own the country; the Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country; and The Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is.
@FaheemMitha Neither did Appleby. Not sure how much of it you watched, I feel it didn't really get its stride until somewhere around the 3rd episode (if I'm remembering right). 1st one was, err, not that good. 2nd was OK. 3rd was where it got good.
@terdon I expect some manipulation might happen on an individual level. But the show portrays it as systemic.
@FaheemMitha Oh no! Not at all! It shows politicians in a very, very bad light. You should see more of it.
@FaheemMitha But it's satirical, too.
@derobert Well, fair enough. He didn't actually ignore the instructions. He used to agree to everything, and try to arrange it so that things fell out the way he wanted.
@terdon Hacker, at least, comes across as relatively innocent and well-meaning.
BTW, have either of you ever watched "The Good Life"?
An idiot who only cares about his image in the press, yes.
@terdon And there I almost lost my tea all over the keyboard & monitor.
@terdon A well-meaning idiot. Vs a scheming scoundrel.
> In a programme screened by the BBC in early 2004, paying tribute to the series, it was revealed that Jay and Lynn had drawn on information provided by two insiders from the governments of Harold Wilson and James Callaghan, namely Marcia Williams and Bernard Donoughue.[12]:98 The published diaries of Richard Crossman also provided inspiration.[6][13]
In particular the first of these describe his battles with "the Dame", his Permanent Secretary, the formidable Baroness Sharp, first woman in Britain to hold the position.
@FaheemMitha Humphrey wasn't a scheming scoundrel. He just wants to keep the status quo.
@derobert :)
@terdon Interesting.
@terdon There seemed to be an awful of scheming involved in keeping the status quo.
I mean, sure, it's satire and should be treated as such but I really don't find it particularly far fetched.
@FaheemMitha Errr.... not really. At first he appears to be. Later he's scheming too, just for different things (like, getting votes).
@terdon That's a good bit, agreed. Almost Pratchett-worthy.
Oh the writing of the show is absolutely stellar.
Anyway, I'm off to bed. Night all!
@derobert Well, he gets more like Appleby as the show goes on, that's true.
Started naive, and was corrupted by the system? That sounds pretty realistic.
@derobert Perhaps. I admit I don't remember the series that well.
I need to watch House of Cards someday, too.
@derobert Watch Mary Poppins first. And Fawlty Towers. Though the former really is for little children. Mostly.
But what if I don't have any medicine to take with my spoonful of sugar? That's said film, right?
@derobert Indeed it is. And in that case, you could just take the spoonful of sugar neat. But don't tell your dentist.
Netflix has both on instant watch, I believe
you were talking about this one
sorry, haven't read the entire chat
I need to watch both someday. I'll probably start with the British one, just because it was first—but I don't think there is any real reason to.
not realated
but this is my favorite movie :3
@FaheemMitha Unfortunately not on instant watch. Will have to get it on DVD.
@Junaga Pretty sure that's sitting in my Netflix queue somewhere, too.
@derobert You could rent it. Do you still have Netflix?
@FaheemMitha yep
that's what I meant by get it on DVD
I actually thought the film a bit dull. It's quite different from the books. Which I prefer.
lol lol
The tone of the books is dramatically different.
@derobert Right. I buy DVDs here. I realise that's a dying practice.
I am not sure if this is allowed in here?
but for everyone not knowing it, try alluc!
best way to see streams of movies, tv shows ever.
I think we generally try to stay away from links to less-than-legal services.
I know that streaming movies and tv-shows isn't illegal in Germany.
I'm not sure what SE's official position on it is (especially in chat), and of course they're not based in Germany.
I was just trying to justify my position :(
Fair enough.
Personally, I happen to agree with you, and find criminal sanctions for sharing media unjust... but I have no idea what SE (or their lawyers) think. I imagine if someone complained, they'd delete that message.
god I hate things, that restrict sharing, like totally. I am not sure why I am such a leftwing. But no matter if it's about closed software or just copyright youtube.com/watch?v=tk862BbjWx4 itself. I am just getting triggered all the time.

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