I think you need to check sudoer file and add the user through root privileges.
The sudoers file located at: /etc/sudoers(depends on linux base), contains the rules that users must follow when using the sudo command.
Read out for suoders for you version of Linux/Unix. you will get lot of materia...
Code which works with a single document
pdftotext *.pdf - | grep therapy
You can use find as described in the thread How can I grep in PDF files? but I would like to understand why the above command is not working.
Differential code where pdfgrep may add some benefit but still early in devel...
How can a post be deleted?
By a user:
You can typically delete your own posts at will; for exceptions, see When can’t I delete my own post? below. To delete a post, just use the delete link below it.
Moderators can delete any post instantly.
Users with reputation ≥ 2k (more precisely, the edit...
> Users with reputation ≥ 10k (more precisely, the moderator-tools privilege; 2k on beta sites) can vote to delete questions that have been closed/on-hold for 48 hours. It takes three votes to delete; more if the question is popular, but ten votes at most.
It seems that my own accepted downvoted answer ought to be a) eligible for deletion votes and b) ineligible for self-deletion, so self-VTD would be possible
I'm pretty happy how wget -r works and downloads the things.
I have set up a localhost server which serves a website and the pages look like this: