@strugee all the man pages are just files right? first there is a man page for every package being there (and almost any from the distro installed binary) but there are also these kind of pages that do not belong to any program. If these man pages make it into the distro or not, is decided form the distro maker right?
@strugee yep, there is zero info about /sys. not even this question could be answered unix.stackexchange.com/questions/77036/sys-documentation maybe it's because /sys is pretty new and all the content found in /sys is also present in /proc for backwards compatibility reasons. Do you maybe know if that is the case? can all info form /sys be found in /proc ? just differently displayed and arranged?
binaries generally do however - some distros have a policy of not shipping binaries without associated manpages, and if upstream doesn't have a manpage the packager is expected to write one
@Junaga metadata is basically additional information about something
for example if you have a JPEG the data is the photo itself and metadata would be things like the camera that was used, the geolocation, the time the photo was taken, what the shutter speed was, what the aperture was... etc.
for packages the metadata is stuff like dependencies, a description, the license... etc.