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@FaheemMitha Yes because as you know we mostly use English, When I want to write something in Devanagari, as we've discussed earlier - chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/25526291#25526291
When will I want to (frequently) type in devanagari in future, I am planning to use Devanagari keyboard and have to practice on it.
i.e for rare use it is convenient to use online tool but in case of regular use, it is recommend to practice on devanagari keyboard layout
@Wildcard (for unix.stackexchange.com/q/269840/66803) which OS?
CentOS 6.6.
what "yum search Perl-compatible regular expressions" outputs?
In the meantime I found Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ stackoverflow.com/a/22944075/5419599
But, one moment....
pcre.x86_64 : Perl-compatible regular expression library
pcre.i686 : Perl-compatible regular expression library
you can also try "yum search pcre | grep regex" @Wildcard
Even without the grep I get:
pcre-devel.i686 : Development files for pcre
pcre-devel.x86_64 : Development files for pcre
pcre-static.x86_64 : Static library for pcre
pcre.x86_64 : Perl-compatible regular expression library
pcre.i686 : Perl-compatible regular expression library
None of those looks completely promising.
I don't strictly need the pcresyntax man page now that I found the stack overflow faq I linked above, but
it would be nice to know the general answer to the question I asked.
(Even if it's just "hunt with yum and hope you find the package" ;)
I have to drop offline now but thanks for the tips and the chat invite! :)
@Wildcard let me know about man 3 pcrepattern?
1 hour later…
@Wildcard check the revised answer that may help you
@Pandya it's not clear what you are replying to. Use the nice reply thingy.
As I am doing here.
@Pandya I wasn't aware Devnagri keyboards existed.
10 hours later…
This is OT, but given that there are some Indians occasionally in chat, can anyone recommend a good Hindi <-> English online resource? Dictionary or something more fancy.
3 hours later…
@FaheemMitha I use Google translate for all the languages that I know, unless I'm looking for a specific expression that I cannot find in Google.
@Fabby Sure. I was looking for something a little more fine grained. Maybe a dictionary, but with a better interface than they usually have.
@Fabby There's no hindi.SE yet.
Perhaps surprisingly.
@FaheemMitha Indeed!
How many Indians are there?
1 billion?
Hindi Language

Proposed Q&A site for hindi Language is a proposed Q&A site for linguists, translators, speakers, serious Hindi language enthusiasts, and people learning Hindi.

Currently in definition.

@Fabby Nobody knows. But I've heard the figure 1.3 billion mentioned.
That site proposal does not seem to be progressing swiftly, however. Perhaps not enough of those 1.3 billion are visiting SE.
Of course, living where I do, I'm not sure how many people would understand correct Hindi if I was to try to speak it.
@FaheemMitha Well, English is the dominant language in India...
How many Hindi speakers?
@Fabby It's the official language of India. I think. So hundreds of millions of people should speak it, in theory.
@Fabby Englis?
@FaheemMitha I was under the impression English was the official language and then there were a ton of secondary languages...
@Fabby I'm not sure if that is the case.
@FaheemMitha Like I said: just an impression...
Maybe someone who really knows India and gets around a lot could provide a better answer to that...
@Fabby Most Indians who speak English butcher the language, anyway. So, it also depends on what you define English speaking to be.
@FaheemMitha I thought you lived in Bombay...
@Fabby I do.
@FaheemMitha "Butcher"???
"Hindi in the Devanagari script is the official language of the Union. English is an additional language for government work."
@Fabby Yes, butcher. Or massacre, if you prefer.
If you go by numbers, Indian English is the dominant version of English and
[speaking in fake Indian accent] we should all be speaking like this bobbing our heads
@Fabby Yes, and PHP is also very popular.
@FaheemMitha Yeah, but that is of mediocre quality...
@Fabby yes.
@MichaelHomer Yes.
The Indian government made passing exams in Hindi compulsory to get through school.
That was the case in my day. Probably still is.
@FaheemMitha Yeah, you old fart! ;-)
I kept failing my exams. I didn't want to learn Hindi.
@Fabby Now, now.
Anyway, if there was a Hindi SE I could learn lots of new words that nobody around here would understand.
Sometimes spam is funny:
> This is an official notification to you by the board of trustees Microsoft Corporate Citizenship, you have been selected for using Microsoft services,
view the attached document for more details.
A friend of mine lives in Kerala at the moment, having moved from Italy last year, and is now working on her third and fourth getting-through-the-day languages.
It seems to be an interesting experience all around.
@MichaelHomer Moved to Kerala to do what?
@FaheemMitha Some sort of physics. She was at SISSA in Trieste before that.
@MichaelHomer Oh. That's an odd place to be doing physics.
India is certainly nothing if not interesting if you are coming from Western Europe.
They have a university.
She's not Italian, she was just there for her PhD.
@MichaelHomer Oh.
@MichaelHomer Yes, India has lots of universities.
That's all that's really required to be doing physics. The main impression I'm getting from the whole process is of loudspeakers everywhere at all hours.
@MichaelHomer To be precise, it's what India calls universities.
@FaheemMitha Sounds legit! Did you click the link??? >:-)
@Fabby clock?
Oh, you mean, look at. No, I didn't.
Sounds like a ransomware scam...
I mean, I'd be quite happy to get money from MS. But it doesn't sound very likely.
@FaheemMitha I'm not really sure which university it is. She did astrophysics mainly, and there seems to be some sort of space-research centre around there too, so maybe that.
I recently got a spam message offering me an opportunity from "Mr Bernard Madoff", which was at least on point.
@MichaelHomer Yes, maybe. There are a fair number of research centers scattered around India. Some in out of the way places.
@MichaelHomer Yes, sounds apposite, at least.
POSIX is controlled by The Open Group. Reading the spec costs $220. TOG’s membership form is a PDF with a title of “Microsoft Word”.
@Seth M$ was part of the POSIX group...
(I'm not surprised!) :P
what is the difference between ordered mode and writeback mode in journalling? I can't find any good answer online.
@AbhishekBhatia In ext3 or ext4, or something else?
in general I guess, does the terminology change with different filesystems?
@AbhishekBhatia I don't know.
@AbhishekBhatia The information in kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/ext4.txt isn't sufficient?
See "Data Mode" section.

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