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Can anyone give your ideal about this question unix.stackexchange.com/q/265149/38906
2 hours later…
@cuonglm Simple, read exit with 1, `set -o errexit` stops the script.

Why read raise a non-zero exit code? Because it fails to read the stream as asked: It reads the stream EOF marker before finding a matching '\0'.

What is difficult to understand there?
@BinaryZebra: There's no EOF there, read can not completely read the input.
@cuonglm Read reach the EOF of the stream. And the variable does store the whole input.

Again, for the third time: try:

read a < <(printf hello) ; echo $?; echo $a

Is the hello printed in full? Yes? What is the problem then?
@Gilles and @StéphaneChazelas: please help us clarifying this problem. Thanks.
@cuonglm You are really tenacious. And call others to defend you?
I'll check again tomorrow (maybe).
@BinaryZebra defend him? That implies you are attacking. Lets keep this civil please.
@terdon: Do you see @BinaryZebra always provide personal attack in discussion? Do you have any rule to prevent this?
It doesn't seem to me from the documentation that it is reporting an error, just EOF.
Whether it should really have used that means to indicate that state is questionable, but we're stuck with it now.
@MichaelHomer: How can it be EOF? AFAICT, in printf 1 > /tmp/test, /tmp/test has no EOF right?
With this case, IFS= read -r l </tmp/test return non-zero
But printf '1\n' > /tmp/test, then IFS= read -r l </tmp/test return 0
Well, the file does end
"The return code is zero, unless end-of-file is encountered, read times out (in which case the return code is greater than 128), a variable assignment error (such as assigning to a readonly variable) occurs, or an invalid file descriptor is supplied" reads to me as a list of non-zero returns, three of which are described like errors and one of which is neutral.
Both of your answers seem to be saying it's an error, though, so I don't really get what the disagreement is. It's pretty arguable that all non-zero returns are just errors by definition.
@MichaelHomer: Fair, just want to know the exact reason
@Seth Defend his position, make his case, uphold his point of view.

And that needs to be said, yes I am attacking his opinions, making a case against his errors.

And NO, no Seth, I am not being in-civil. If you want to side with him, you are welcome to it, but not because I am in-civil. Hold your horses, will you?
This isn't "you vs him", lets not make it that.
You have been less than civil. Please improve on your tone. Thank you.
@cuonglm I am not personally attacking YOU. I am confronting your OPINIONS, if you fail to see the difference, well, it's your fault. And @terdon also.
@Seth Thanks for making your position clear.
@Seth It is you who are making it userA against userB by saying: 'implies you are attacking'. I'll suggest you get back to the issues at hand and not about the opinions and feelings of people involved. Will you agree with this?
If you will keep your tone respectful and civil there will be no issue. As it is at least 3 people have found your overall tone to be rude and/or disrespectful.
@Seth What is exactly your point?
Though that question is pretty awful. Unfortunately there isn't a close reason entitled "this question sucks".
There is, it's called a downvote ;)
@FaheemMitha I would say no
@MichaelHomer Ok. Unfortunately I can't find a better match. But that question isn't very clear, anyway.
@Seth Downvotes don't close a question.
It's fairly clear. It's a closed question, so it's not really a good fit for the system
As in yes-no, not closed closed
@BinaryZebra My point is that you are starting to cross the be nice line. Please re-evaluate the language you use to be less personal and degrading.
@FaheemMitha Downvotes are for "this question sucks", not close votes. Bad questions are still questions. Edit them into the best shape you can, and then answer.
If none of the close reasons fit don't spend time trying to make one fit, just answer it already ;)
@MichaelHomer I don't follow. What question is closed?
A closed-ended question is a question format that limits respondents with a list of answer choices from which they must choose to answer the question. Commonly these types of questions are in the form of multiple choices, either with one answer or with check-all-that-apply, but also can be in scale format, where respondent should decide to rate the situation in along the scale continuum, similar to Likert questions. == Ordinal Scale questions == Respondents are asked to decide where they fit along a scale continuum. These questions contain an ordered set of answers. A common ordinal scale ask...
@Seth The question on hand already has two answers. Which is two more than it deserves.
Poor phrasing in this context though. I meant a yes-no question
@FaheemMitha I respect that opinion. Downvote and move on then.
I hate downvoting. Though in this instance, I'm tempted.
Well, it is already at -6, I personally don't see a point in adding another.
Yes, there's that too.
It's not even that bad of a question. It's answerable and not fundamentally unreasonable to wonder
@MichaelHomer Ah, Ok.
@MichaelHomer exactly.
@MichaelHomer Well, it's not clear what is being asked. IMO.
This is probably why many new Linux users I've talked to on AU are scared of posting here. They're afraid their questions are too "noobish" and will get downvoted.
Or at least that was the way it was a few years ago.
"Is there an operating system named Linux?" is a very clear question
@MichaelHomer Well, in conjuction with the first sentence, it's a little confusing.
and honestly the answer is both yes and no.
"I found the operating system used to learn linux (or unix) is Ubuntu in my college labs."
Um, what?
@Seth Go not to the elves for counsel...
Wow, another LOTR fan. Apparently.
Apart from minor ESL issues I don't really see anything wrong with it, in fact.
Apparently the film sets for Hobbiton are now a tourist attraction. Yay for the commercialisation of Middle Earth.
@MichaelHomer ESL?
Well, what else is anyone going to use them for now?
Non-native speaker who uses some words oddly
@Seth I'll tell you what you imply: *there will be no issue*

That a Threatening remark: Something bad will happen ....

That certainly does not help!. How do you expect me to react to that: with fear?

Is that the way you set the example of: *Being civil*? By flaming?.

I have nothing else to discuss as the real issue seems that has been solved between MichaelHomer and cuonglm.

Expecting to really end this: I'll very respectfully suggest that you return to the issues at hand and not to any feelings.
@BinaryZebra: What was solved between @MichaelHomer and me?
@cuonglm I believe that that what was said:

*Well, the file does end
"The return code is zero, unless end-of-file is encountered *

Clearly explains why read exits with non-zero status: Because it reached the *End-of-File*

Am I still wrong in your opinion?
@BinaryZebra: No, that's what you and @MichaelHomer opinion
I still wait other persons to show theirs
Oh, English as a Second Language.
@FaheemMitha: Sorry for my bad English :D
@cuonglm I wasn't referring to you. I was referring to Michael's use of ESL earlier.
I probably should have used the nice reply thingy.
@cuonglm I did not say that, in fact, i did not used @cuonglm in the last comment to let things quiet down. But you still expect more to be said about this?
@BinaryZebra: Ah ok, sorry for that.
2 hours later…
Who and why is this answer downvoted?: unix.stackexchange.com/a/265434/79743
@BinaryZebra: Your answer don't solve the problem, see other unix.stackexchange.com/a/265429/38906
@cuonglm How does that answer fit the

"listing lines ... that contain one or more words that start with 42"
grep -E '^42.*X+$' fit with line start with 42
and end with one or more X
@cuonglm I'll repeat "cotain one or more words that start with 42"???
Yes **a line** not **a line with several words**

Please read the question!!
That question is very unclear
Yes, I fully agree ....
For me, it's clear. The OP wants any line start with 42
and end with one or more X
@cuonglm Well it definitely doesn't say that, but do the words or the lines end with X?
It needs to provide sample input and output
I fully agree that a sample will clarify the issue (sssss, yes several).
@MichaelHomer: Yes, let wait the OP's editing.
@MichaelHomer: Do you have any ideal about this question unix.stackexchange.com/q/265431/38906
@cuonglm I saw the question. I've never noticed that, and I don't really keep up on zsh development, so I don't have any clue why they did it.
zsh has a lot of pattern extensions, so my best guess would be that it comes out of that somewhere and maybe nobody noticed.
@MichaelHomer: Yes, I also think like that. But for ksh, it's really surprise me. I don't have ksh88 to test
But I guess ksh88 will be compliant
Oh, the title and the body of that question have completely different questions. It's just a mess all around. I have VTC unclear and we'll see if he bothers to fix it.
And it has both a ls | grep ... and grep ... filename Which is it then?
@cuonglm There's the "Be nice" policy which @BinaryZebra has repeatedly ignored. In his defense, English is not his native language and he might be unaware of how rude and aggressive his comments appear.
@BinaryZebra your tone in this conversation was very rude and very aggressive. Since this is not the first time, I will ask you to be doubly careful with what you write. Avoid personal attacks and keep discussions technical.
And civil. Civil most of all.
@terdon exactly where the conversation in this chat room was rude (in your opinion) ?
> What is difficult to understand there?
That suggests that it is obvious and the other person is an idiot for not understanding.
> Is the hello printed in full? Yes? What is the problem then?
That formulation is quite aggressive though I understand that you might not realize it.
> @cuonglm You are really tenacious. And call others to defend you?
What defending? You're the one who suddenly got defensive. All cuonglm was doing was trying to understand. There's nothing wrong with that.
> And NO, no Seth, I am not being in-civil. If you want to side with him, you are welcome to it, but not because I am in-civil. Hold your horses, will you?
That borders on paranoia. Nobody was "taking sides". Why should there be sides in the first place?
That was a moderator trying to keep things civil. Next time, I suggest you hear him.
And the general tone in the discussion was aggressive from the beginning. Again, I'll grant you that you might not realize that. If so, just be careful with what you say. English is a less direct language than Spanish. It is easier to come across as aggressive.
Plus, I think the whole thing was a misunderstanding with you using "EOF" to mean "end of file" and cuonglm meaning the string "EOF" that was in the question.
Interesting list. In The first three I did not meant anything special. Its odd to me that those could mean anything rude.

I am defensive because of the constant, insistent persecution of cuonglm. Read all his comments on my answer, repeated till no end. That sure feels like an attack. Exactly as he downvoting two of my posts after we talked here (is that not persecution?) Is he being nice?. I sure do not feel he is being nice, not at all.

About taking sides, I'll refrain from even commenting.
Probably is better not to try, yes.
@terdon And that is a constructive comment from you?
@BinaryZebra Well, what do you expect me to say? This isn't the first time I've mentioned that you come across as aggressive. I have told you that you need to try and be more calm and polite in your interactions with other users. If they don't seem to get it, walk away. If you can't do so then yes, it might indeed be better not to try.
Have I been agressive to you?
See, there MUST be a reason, Not?
But I haven't disagreed about technical aspects of your answers with you.
The pattern I've seen is that you seem to take people disagreeing with your answers very personally. All I'm saying here is that you can come across as aggressive and that's something you might want to look into.
We have disagree on other issues, but we quickly reach an understanding. That cuonglm keeps insisting for days on no end also has its consequences.
This is especially likely to happen when you have two people disagreeing about something in a language that is foreign to both of them.
@BinaryZebra Yes, I can understand that it can be annoying. However, in such cases, the only solution is to walk away. If you get angry, you lose the argument even if you were right about the technical aspects.
Believe me, I know. I've had this sort of problem myself. It's just easier to identify when you're not involved in it yourself.
I take a very firm position to defend my ideas, yes. But also, when shown wrong I VERY QUICKLY understand and accept. If I insist, there should be an strong reason, it is not for free.
What you recomend does not work, it can not work. Is just leaving the field to some to do as they please, downvote, and worse. It has already happen.
Why don't you recommend cuonglm the same? Why are you directing the correction only to me?
@BinaryZebra Because you're the one I saw being aggressive.
And you saw me here because cuoglm asked me to come here!!!
That the start, the reason, the initial action has never been mine, I am just reacting.
And what I'm saying is that you need to try to react less aggressively. As I've told you before, if someone else is being rude or aggressive to you, flag them.
And if I fail to even understand that what I say is agressive (as you said) how can I be a good judge of what others tell me as "being rude or aggressive"?
Probably what I should do is come here a lot more often to ask for someone point of view about what happens. Yes, that seems like the best way to understand correctly what is being said.
Is that allowed?
Or doing that is also aggresive?
@BinaryZebra And encouraged. Thank you.
And I understand how annoying this is. You're communicating in a language that you speak very well but is not your own. This means that you can miss certain nuances and implications. It is, obviously, much easier for those of us who are native speakers to deal with this sort of thing.
To make things worse, we're all *nix geeks here, a breed famous for our obsession with detail and not really known for our social skills. But that's why being extra careful to be civil is so important. Precisely because what we have here is a collection of highly intelligent and highly opinionated people.
Oh yes, I must be missing a lot of the nuances, but that could not be solved by flipping a switch anywhere, So, I must learn by asking others .....
I remember when I first went to Spain and didn't speak the language. People were trying to speak to me in English as best they could and I kept feeling that they were being very aggressive and rude.
Yes count me in the group of highly opinionated people, on the other of highly intelligent, I just hope I am!! :-D
Same here :)
Many of the nuances are impossible to get unless one can see the "body language", the subtle reactions that people have to some language.
That, sadly I do not have available to get a better picture of the true meaning. However, you are very easy to agree with, I just hope we all could get better by copying. It is allowed to copy others I suppose :-D
@BinaryZebra Sure, just give proper attribution: "Thank you (reused from terdon)"
@BinaryZebra: I downvote your answer, because I see it's wrong.
I don't have (and can not) explain to you, we have conflicted, but I feel it's hard to construct something with you, so let others do it.
@cuonglm That you have repeated for n-tmes. I am not having this discussion with you again. Not now.
@cuonglm yes, please let it drop.
@terdon: thanks, let it be :)
♪ When I find myself in EoF trouble, father terdon comes to me, whispering strings of wisdom, let it be. ♪
LOL (y)
@muru: I updated my question here unix.stackexchange.com/q/265431/38906
@terdon I don't get that particular (presumably popular) cultural reference.
@FaheemMitha You've never heard Let it be?
@terdon I don't think so.
Ah, the beatles.
Well, not until now.
@FaheemMitha You have heard of them, right? :)
@terdon Who, the Beatles? Yes, I have.
That's one of their most famous songs.
@FaheemMitha I seem to be having a senior moment. What's the opposite of sum? As in The sum of 3 and 2 is five, the X of 3 and 2 is 1? The best I can come up with is difference.
@terdon Difference works. What's the context?
@FaheemMitha A variable name. I wanted something more specific than difference. Never mind, I want for $valueChange.
Hmm, I have heard that song after all. But it's been a while.
1 hour later…
@BinaryZebra What terdon is saying, ultimately, is that it is easy to misunderstand people over the medium of written words, especially coming from a stranger in a distant place. So one needs to be especially careful. It's difficult enough without throwing cultural differences into the mix.
I've seen too many fights/arguments/disputes to count blow up on the net, often over essentially nothing.
Remember that with the written word, one is losing important context, as compared to two humans talking to each other. Body language, facial expressions, tone of voice.
For anyone who follow the original post, @StéphaneChazelas gave me his opinion unix.stackexchange.com/questions/265149/…
and also the thread on bash mailing list thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.shells.bash.bugs/24988
And the advice to walk away is very good. I always try to do that. People regularly try to pick fights with me. When things start heating up, I basically stop responding. There's really no winning scenario in an argument with a distant and hostile stranger.
Also, life is too short.
@FaheemMitha: agree (y). For me, finding the truth is more important than finding who is winner
Hello everyone!
@cuonglm Well, I don't think the concept of "winning" really makes sense here. When things get unpleasant, we drive people away, and ultimately everyone loses.
@AlexMitan Hello.
@FaheemMitha: Ah, of course, I told that because of your previous statement
@cuonglm Ok.
@cuonglm So, how's married life? If I'm keeping track correctly, you got married recently.
Or possibly are about to get married. I'm not sure.
@FaheemMitha: Thanks, I'm in my honey moon :">
@cuonglm Seriously? What are you doing here, then? :-)
Just spend a little time here, my wife is pleased with this :D
My wife needs a little time to rest, we're at the end of honey moon
@cuonglm Oh, I see.
Where are you having your honeymoon?
I'm in Nha Trang city en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nha_Trang
It's one of the best coastal city in Vietnam. If you go to Vietnam, you should visit Nha Trang, highly recommend.
@cuonglm Ok. Looks scenic.
Nice beaches?
Are you using hotel wifi?
Wow, the population of Vietnam is approaching 100 million. That's a lot.
guys, how do I concatenate a series of arguments (for arg in "$@") without explicitifying them?
as in "$USER shows just that, rather than my username"
@all (case 1) What is wrong with this answer:
@terdon Delta comes to mind.
@StéphaneChazelas Do you mean to say that my answer is incorrect and therefore @cuonglm is right? That is exactly what he is saying.
No answer.
@all (case 2) what is wrong with this answer: http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/265434/79743
That is beside the issue that the question is very badly written and the OP has not corrected any of the many errors.
@all (case 3) what is wrong with this answer:
All three cases were down-voted by @cuonglm last night upfront, no attempt to improve anything was made. Could that be described as a case of persecution? Is that being nice ?
No answer 2.
By your silence you are saying that cuonglm is acting correctly, therefore encouraging his actions. Is that how you want this site to work?
@Seth Yes, that might work.
@BinaryZebra let's not discuss that in he comments. Frankly, I really don't want to get pulled into this discussion especially since both cuonglm and you (and certainly Stéphane and Michael who've also chimed in) probably know more about the internal workings of the shell than I do.
I'd have to investigate to have a strong opinion and I don't have the time to do so now. I'm a moderator of the site, that just means I help keep the site running smoothly not that I'm some kind of *nix authority :)
@terdon That is fine with me, sorry for asking you to perform the wrong task.
So, anyone. Is this answer correct:http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/265195/79743

Does it correctly answer the question of the OP? The code from the OP has no while and the while will both shield the `set -o errexit` action and on read emitting an non zero exit code will avoid the execution of the echo line.

To show how even an string without a NUL is read to the end by the command read, try this code:

until $ended ;do
read -d '' line || ended=true
echo "$line";
done < <(printf 'ThisIsOne')
If you do not believ in a until, then this is the while loop exactly equivalent:

while $ended ;do
read -d '' line || ended=false
echo "$line";
done < <(printf 'ThisIsOne')
No answer 3.
@terdon I remember watching this one a long time ago.
I think it's from some film.
4,265 pressed the dislike button on this. It's a strange world.
John Lennon singing Imagine. It doesn't get more iconic than that. In popular culture, at least.
1 hour later…
Can anyone recommend an easy to use recording program? Anthony suggested something bundled with pulseaudio called parecord, but it doesn't seem obvious to use.
When I click on chat in a particular chat's front page, I get directed to chat.stackexchange.com, which is not especially helpful. My recollection is that it used to take me to the main chat room. Am I misremembering?
@FaheemMitha Yes, it always went to that site's list of chatrooms but the URL was chat.SE.com
@terdon Does that make a difference? And how do I get to the main chat room for the site?
It's usually the one on the top left. The rooms are sorted by activity. There's no is_mainRoom flag or anything.
@FaheemMitha If you have HTTPS enabled SE won't know which site you're from and will direct you to all the network rooms.
@Seth Oh, that would explain it then. Blast. And yes, I do have HTTPS enabled.
What I do is "star" the rooms I like and then I can just click "favourites" from the network list and go to the room I want.
@Seth Sounds like a plan. Can I temporarily disable HTTPS everywhere, then?
@FaheemMitha That would work too.
Or you could add an exception for SE.
So with regular http, it would look at where I was coming from, and direct me to the right room?
@Seth Is there any reason to use https with SE?
Or at least I think HTTPS Everywhere supports exceptions.
@FaheemMitha not the right room, but it would only show you rooms associated with the site you were coming from (which narrows down the choices significantly)
@FaheemMitha Best practice and it helps prevent MITM attacks.
@Seth Yes, it would.
@Seth Ok.
Is there some easy way to filter per site within chat.stackexchange? That would work too.
Ah, yes. click on "site" on the bar on the top right.
Hi. I've tried a couple of different recording programs. They both say "jack server is not running or cannot be started". I'm guessing that's a bad thing.
sound.SE might be more on-topic, but there is nobody in chat.
My dreaful ISP has now started sending me messages as browser popups. I wish I could sue.
One of them referenced some account which was not mine, and told me I'd used more than my data allocation. Spam from my ISP. Fun.
Maybe they'll start sending me messages about penile enlargement soon.
1 hour later…
Wow, this is terrifying.
Someone explain to me why there are two sound servers, and some programs use one and some the other?
@FaheemMitha Since when have there been only two?
Jack is older. You'd have to ask Lennart(?) why he decided to write PA.
<Gnashes teeth>
@derobert Well, the prevailing view is that Lennart is the offspring of Satan. That's probably why.
Both audacity and ardour want to use jack. The question is why.
Well, Jack is typically used by professional audio apps—that's why ardour wants to use it... And audacity's PA support (via ALSA plugin) is pretty broken...
@derobert Sigh.
Jack offers all kinds of stuff that is useful for pro audio work... So if you're going to do that, you probably want to install & configure it.
Then configure PA to feed in to it.
@derobert Well, I just wanted to do some recording.
But the youtube video above has some instructions.
Using this pulseaudio-module-jack thing.
@derobert Do the instructions in that video look sane to you?
Well, I tried the instructions in the video, which at least were clear.
And it may have worked, at least I don't get an error from audacity now.
@FaheemMitha Of course they're not sane. It's a 10-minute YouTube video instead of a text document. That in and of itself is insane...
The content? Who knows. Too much work to find out.
@derobert Well, the content is: add two lines to /etc/pulse/default.pa. Namely:
load-module module-jack-sink
load-module module-jack-source
That sounds sane. You might need to also comment out the udev autoprobe line
Why did that take 10 minutes of video?
@derobert Well he mistyped pulse and had to go back and redo it.
@derobert Which udev autoprobe line?
@FaheemMitha Right. Hence why I avoid youtube videos like that!
load-module module-udev-detect?
@derobert I'm not that down on videos, personally. Sometimes I find it comforting to hear people talking. Yes, I'm a sad, sad creature.
I know for example terdon is also quite down on videos. And no doubt other people.
@derobert What problems could that cause?
A good video would be OK. Starting by, I don't know, having an editor that says "NO! 90% of this is $#@(*$ that belongs on the cutting room floor."
@FaheemMitha possible PA might try to fight Jack for control of the sound hardware. Not sure...
@derobert Well, he uses vi, if that helps.
Well, vim, to be precise.
@derobert That sounds like fun.
And how come you know all this stuff, anyway? Do you have a secret life as an audio engineer?
@FaheemMitha Thankfully not....
That's a shame. I was imagining you in a cape emblazoned with a capital A.
Maybe as an Anime superhero.
@derobert Well, I did a recording with Audacity. At first there was a high pitched background noise, but then it went away, no idea why. :-( The good news is that the recording is pretty clear after that.
But it looks like audacity can use pulseaudio. So do I really need to use this jackd thing?
Hmm, the docs seem to say Audacity uses pulseaudio by default, so I'm confused.
I was using this tutorial, which works (manual.audacityteam.org/o/man/…). But one difference is that the peaks are much lower than the tutorial says they should be.
So, what do people use for microphones?
I have an old cheap Logitech.
I can't afford anything nice :(
I have a really cheap one. I looked up good ones, and they're insanely expensive.
The good ones are like these Blue things.
@Seth Wow, there's someone else here? Yay.
What brand, exactly.
This one looks nice, but it's ridiculously expensive. The US price isn't that bad. The Indian price is double. :-(
So, do USB mikes work ok on Linux?
@FaheemMitha Mine do.
(I also have a USB headset with a mic)
This one is slightly less insanely expensive.
@Seth Any advice about using recording programs? I was trying to use Audacity. See above.
Blue is a good brand.
@FaheemMitha PA has always just worked for me iirc.
@Seth Freaking expensive. They import that stuff here.
I haven't done much recording though.
@Seth You didn't do this jackd thing, then?
If you want, go talk to Mateo in the AU General room. He knows a bit about jack and ardour and recording.
Do you ignore the jackd complaints then?
@FaheemMitha I've tinkered with it before, but I don't recall if I ever got it working..
@Seth Is that the guy @terdon mentioned the other day?
I don't remember what I needed it for.. a MIDI piano perhaps.
@FaheemMitha No idea..
@Seth Ok
I just wanted to use a recording program. To make sure my new sound card wasn't broken.
Anyway, jackd and PA seem to be both working.
For the moment anyway. I guess I'll leave it alone for the present.
@Seth To be clear, audacity works with PA?
@FaheemMitha I just installed audacity. Picked up my laptop's internal mic and recorded no problems.
@FaheemMitha yes.
@Seth Ah, Ok. Then I probably needn't have bothered with this jackd thing.
But I'll leave it for now.
@FaheemMitha oh. Takkat. He knows a lot of about audio too, although I'm not sure if recording is his thing. I know Mateo does that though.
What logitech model do you have?
@FaheemMitha I'm not sure. They stopped selling it.
@Seth Ok, different people then.
@Seth I probably couldn't get it here, anyway. Just curious.
Are Takkat and Mateo both regulars in AU Chat?
@FaheemMitha Yes.
@Seth I tried with arecord initially. It was very noisy, so I was a bit concerned.
But the audacity sounds fine, even with my crappy mike.
So the sound card is probably Ok.
@FaheemMitha found it: amazon.com/Logitech-Desktop-Microphone-Black-Silver/dp/… I obviously didn't pay that price.
@FaheemMitha yeah it's probably fine.
@Seth Wow, that's the one you got?
Probably a $15 mike new.
I didn't need anything fancy (although I might have wanted one :P)
@FaheemMitha It was about $20.
@Seth Ah, Ok. People sell stuff for crazy prices.
Well, try to sell. In the hope of finding a suitable sucker.
Thanks for the feedback.
Well, AU is chatty.
Yes we are :)
You should hang out if you want to chat ;)
btw, about that Blue Yeti:
I see Mateo is there. I'll talk to him tomorrow. If he is willing, of course.
I've got some studying to do so I'll be out for a bit.
Ok. Thank you.
Wow, that's an impressive looking mike.
In India, you really need people who are willing to ship stuff in for you.
Otherwise it gets crazy expensive.

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