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@Gilles ah, that makes sense to me now. thanks.
12 hours later…
hi all
have a question
I am trying to retrieve data from a hd I "wiped"... :/
I found interesting things about "scalpel" that should retrieve data, but seems like I have to define file extensions I want to retrieve! In my case I'd like to get back all my files, i have several extensions, and I don't know them all! I have files (text) without extensions, I have several pictures format, audio formats, documents with several formats too from openoffice to msoffice too, pdf's,... even big disk images too. how to get all that back?
@FaheemMitha Yeah, I think you're probably right. I was hoping something would jump out at me if I plotted.
1 hour later…
Hi @terdon.
So, how's the new job going? Exciting stuff? Or drudgery? Or a mixture?
Mixture. Naturally :)
@terdon Ok. Well, I hope they are paying you reasonably, at least.
Any actual science, or more Perl scripting?
Not really, at the moment. But I hope that will change shortly. I'm still on a 3-month trial period.
@FaheemMitha Some, but not much. We'll see how it evolves.
Ok. Well, keep us posted. So, they aren't paying you reasonably? Bummer.
Hi @JennyD.
@FaheemMitha Welcome to Greece. Nobody is paid reasonably here the past few years.
@terdon I thought you were working for a Swiss company.
You should be raking in the shekels. Or dubloons.
I am, but in Greece. Eventually, I should be paid less than the Swiss but more than the Greeks but we're not there yet.
Should we re-open this question unix.stackexchange.com/q/256029/38906
I don't think it's duplicated
@terdon Eventually?
2 hours ago, by terdon
Not really, at the moment. But I hope that will change shortly. I'm still on a 3-month trial period.
@terdon Doesn't mean they can't pay you reasonably during the trial period.
@cuonglm I think it is. Your answer says pretty much exactly the same thing as Stéphane's.
@FaheemMitha We'll see. Things are complicated in this country at the moment.
@terdon Yes, sorry about that.
@terdon: It's only the same about SIGPIPE
that question is about whether
@cuonglm Why would you say that?
> How does this work? What does head tell the kernel?
The OP want to know is dmesg killed after head output 10 lines
I don't see that. Look at what I pasted above.
The answer to that is SIGPIPE. Which is what your answer states as well.
@terdon: Yes, but I only used it to explain the process
the main statement is It depends on the OS buffers and the timing between the 10th and 11th writes of dmesg.
@cuonglm OK, but that's not what the question was asking. The question was:
> I presume the OS sends back some kind of signal to dmesg once head has read 10 lines. How does this work? What does head tell the kernel?
The answer is "It works via SIGPIPE, head sends a SIGPIPE to the kernel."
@terdon: Ah, well, the OP have edited the question
@cuonglm No they haven't. I mean, yes, they did but only to add the line about "clean" closing. The original question was the same. Either way, I don't see why it's not a duplicate.
The question in the title with the one in the body are not the same
@terdon: I mean with the question in the title, then it's not duplicate. With the one in the question body, it is.
@cuonglm No it's not. Again, the question is "how is dmesg being killed". The answer is "via a SIGPIPE". I don't see a problem here.
@terdon: I guess it mean is dmesg being killed after 10 lines of output?, that's the main question
the (how) was in the parentheses
and as I remember, the question in the body wasn't like that at the first time I read that question
@cuonglm Oh, I see. That's not how I read it at all. It doesn't make much sense without the how.
@cuonglm It was.
I just checked.
Wow, actual talking in chat. Freaky.
Either way, personally, I don't see any value in reopening it. Feel free to post on meta if you feel strongly about it. In my opinion the questions are duplicates or, at least, close enough that it makes no difference.
@terdon: Maybe we should request the OP clarify his question, since when he/she had conflict question in the title and the body.
Anyway, IMHO, I also mark it as duplicate with the question in body
Why? They accepted your answer, anyone who finds it wondering whether dmesg actually stops after 10 lines will find it and anyone who wonders how the thing works generally will be redirected to the dupe. What would be the benefit of reopening it?
@terdon: Just left a chance for anyone to provide his/her answer for the question, since when mark as duplicated question can not have more answers
Does it really need any more answers? The second answer already only mentions SIGPIPE and yours does explain that it could have read more than 10 lines (and I'm still not convinced that's what the OP was asking). Leaving it open will just invite yet more explanations of sigpipe.
Anyway, as I said, I am not convinced they're different enough to warrant reopening, so I don't want to go against the community decision here. You have cast a reopen vote, if enough people agree it will be reopened. If you feel so strongly about it, post on meta. I won't modhammer it open though.
This question must be quite fascinating to be worth all this discussion. Anyone care to post a link?
@terdon: Don't mind. I have no complain, I respect the community decision.
@cuonglm I know you do, and I know you're not complaining :) do feel free to bring it up on meta if you like. I just don't want to do it myself.
1 hour later…
@FaheemMitha Hi. Sorry for the delay in responding; I was in a meeting.
No problem.
I had the most amazing experience. I was in a meeting with two sales people, one head of marketing, me and two other techs. And the most interesting and fun person to talk was the marketer!
@JennyD That does sound strange.
Sometimes I wonder if watching television is killing my brain cells.
@FaheemMitha facile response: Depends on what you drink while watching it.
@JennyD Yes, actually I was thinking I should work a reference to alcohol into it.
@FaheemMitha more serious response: Probably not, but it probably also doesn't exercise the brain - and like muscles it needs exercise to keep functioning better
Though I don't actually drink.
@JennyD I'm not sure that's actually the issue. It's more like thinking someone's else's thoughts. If you know what I mean.
@FaheemMitha I do... but I feel more like that when I'm reading than when I watch TV. Probably because when I read, I sort of place myself into the story, but when I watch TV I don't get that connection.
@JennyD Hmm. Well, point taken. But reading has more room for interpretation. Also, TV thoughts are usually pretty trite pop culture thoughts.
It's like your brain has temporarily turned into an echo chamber for TV Tropes.
And yes, you need to work your brain to keep it in shape.
@JennyD BTW, I forget, are you a member of the Buffy fan club?
@FaheemMitha I'd say to some extent it depends on what you watch. I'm still on my Buffy/Angel re-watching binge. Some episodes are pretty much brain-candy, others do make me think and see things differently
@FaheemMitha I suppose I am.
I'm not in the "Joss Whedon is the bestest guy ever and if you don't love him you are evil"-club though.
@JennyD Me too. Probably. Though I'm not really much a fan of things in general.
@JennyD Me neither.
Though it's hard to imagine an adult actually saying that, even in jest.
You might want to watch the new Supergirl series. It has surprising depth
@JennyD Actually, I'm watching it already.
I'm kind of a sucker for any member of the House of El.
They got to me when I was like 8. You're pretty much helpless at that age.
@FaheemMitha I've got one or two unseen episedes to go before I'm caught up. But right now I'd say that it's probably the most feminist TV-series currently being sent. Possibly the most feminist one since Xena.
@JennyD Yes, I read complaints about how it is beat you over the head feminism.
And I have to say the complainers have a point.
@FaheemMitha I am not complaining.
@JennyD Well, I don't have a problem with it personally.
But whatever you think of Whedon, watching other tv shows often just reminds one of how much better his were.
@FaheemMitha True
I'm not saying he's a bad person. But he, like all of us, has his faults and his blind spots. Re-watching Buffy, I truly deeply wish he'd never made the horrible Xander character.
Buffy was probably fairly feminist, though it didn't talk about it much.
@JennyD You didn't like Xander? Why?
Well, I personally wouldn't really call myself a Whedon fan. But he did seem to have a vision of something better than what passed for television at the time. I was there when Buffy Season 2 was airing, and I can still remember how taken aback I was when what looked like a fairly enjoyable monster show suddenly turned into... something else.
@FaheemMitha Nice Guy [TM] about sums it up. There's an episode where he's blackmailed a schoolmate to cast a spell to basically roofie his ex. Only it backfires and affects every other woman instead of the ex. And there's a scene where Buffy comes on to him. And he says no - not because it would be rape to have sex with her when, due to his actions, she is unable to give consent, but because it wouldn't be meaningful for him in those circumstances.
"If you only know what it would mean to me. But you don't. So, no."
@JennyD Hmm. Obviously you've given a lot of thought to it.
And that's "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered".
And I'm only mildly embarrassed I know that off the top of my head.
Also, the way he talks to and about Cordelia is awful.
@JennyD Hmm. Example?
I personally don't have a problem with him. But then, I'm not a woman.
"Wear something trashy. er".
Men are often not nice. Then again, so are women.
You can panic... now
Cordelia really wasn't a nice person either. She didn't go slut-shaming others, though.
@JennyD I think the context was that he was annoyed with her.
And was being a jerk about it.
Wasn't he frustrated because their reunion didn't go as planned?
@FaheemMitha The context was that he was unhappy that Willow had found out he was messing about with Cordelia and he took it out on Cordelia.
@JennyD Oh? Ok, I don't remember.
I thought it was a relatively honest attempt at showing a fictional representation of the dysfunctional relationships that exist between the sexes.
@FaheemMitha It's the episode where they go get the RPG to take out the Judge, in season 2. The reunion ep was later.
Both sides being horrible to the other. Rather true to real life, i think.
@JennyD Ok.
@FaheemMitha It was really dysfunctional... So was the relationship between Buffy and Riley, at least in season 5. And I'm very OK with showing that - I don't have to like the characters involved, though.
@JennyD Agreed on both counts. And relatively realistic.
Xander and Cordelia were never that close, nor did they have much in common.
As Cordelia herself said, they kept being put in danger together. I think she said something like that in "The Wish".
@FaheemMitha Yeah, that depiction of how their relationship deteriorated was very realistic to me... and that, I think, was one of the most feminist hings about that show. Because the essence of the breakup was that Riley couldn't handle Buffy not having him as the center point. He kept pushing her to be what he needed.
So that created a bond, or something.
@FaheemMitha Yes. and let me tell you, at that age, my relationship choices were equally well thought out and worked through :-)
@JennyD "their relationship", as in Buffy/Riley?
@JennyD :-)
@FaheemMitha no, Xander/Cordelia
@JennyD Ah, Ok. I was confused, because you then referenced Buffy/Riley.
@FaheemMitha it's hard to carry two threads at the same time :-)
@JennyD Yes, well, one thing that is very noticeable, and very cross-cultural/international, about male-female relationships, is how dysfunctional they tend to be, for various reasons.
In TV, but also in real life. That, at least, is something soap operas get right.
@FaheemMitha I've found that getting older and not letting my hormones override my brain so much has helped immensely.
So, is your husband also a Buffy fan?
@JennyD Yes, hormones are a pain.
@FaheemMitha Oh yes! When we first started watching it, we binged three seasons in about a month... it was during the Christmas holidays so we had a lot of time. "Let's just watch one more episode"...
Actually, I've got this theory that porn isn't really so much about sex as about men taking revenge on women for not being nice to them.
@JennyD Well, it's nice to share the same tastes. :-)
and it was still being broadcast then, and there was no bittorrents... he got friends in the US to tape the show and mail the VCR to us each week.
@JennyD So, when was that exactly?
@FaheemMitha It was in 2002/3, I think. We bought the DVDs as soon as they came out, too, because the VCR'd version was really crappy.
@JennyD Oh, that's a long time ago. That's when you first started watching it?
So you didn't watch it when it was first broadcast?
@FaheemMitha We got Season 2 on loan from a friend and got hooked. I'm not sure when exactly that was, probably in late 2001. Then we bought all the seasons that were on DVD so far and binged on them, and then it took a while to find a way to get the then-current eps.
@JennyD I see. As I said earlier, I was watching it live.
And when Surprise and Innocence aired, wow, I was quite, um, surprised. But I already said that.
@FaheemMitha I'm not sure when they actually started sending it on Swedish TV.
@FaheemMitha Those two episodes are really good.
@JennyD Those were the breakout episodes. Before that, Buffy was just a good monster show. And about a blond cheerleader fighting them.
I like how Whedon played with sound, in seasons 4, 5 and 6. In 4, there's "Hush", where people don't talk. In 5, there's "The Body", with no background music. And in 6 there's "Once More, with Feeling", the musical.
I didn't think television could do that. I'd never seen anything like it.
@FaheemMitha It was really groundbreaking.
Of course, at that time, I didn't realise I was witnessing pop culture history in the making. :-)
I mean, it's going on for 13 years since it finished airing, and we're here talking about it.
And looking back, Surprise/Innocence was as if a Mickey Mouse cartoon had suddently morphed into Gotterdammerung.
@FaheemMitha yes! No wonder we got hooked after watching that season!
@JennyD True. Though apparently I got hooked a little earlier than you.
@FaheemMitha That was the first season we watched :-)
You didn't watch the first season first?
Hi @MichaelHomer.
No, we got lent the 2nd season.
That must have been a bit confusing.
Hey, we're bucking this chat rooms annoying trend of staying on topic.
@FaheemMitha Not too much, I think Whedon did his best to bring new watchers in withouth losing them.
Starting with season 3 would have been much more confusing.
@JennyD Well, TV shows are usually good at letting people jump in at any point. But Buffy has fairly strong continuity. Then again, it was only the second season.
And not that much happened in the first season. By Buffy standards it was fairly ordinary. There were not much torturing of the characters. Nobody of importance died. Unless you count Darla.
@FaheemMitha I think at that point, Whedon hadn't thought through her backstory so much. Otherwise her death would have had more weight to it.
Right now I've got the final S4 ep on, the one where tehy're all dreaming.
@JennyD Who, Darla?
@FaheemMitha Yes
Well, she wasn't a very important character initially. She became more important later.
@FaheemMitha Exactly
And I think on balance Whedon was lucky with his actors.
Very much so. I really like Anthony Stewart Head.
Even the relatively minor supporting ones were good. Then again, he actually gave them stuff to do. Buffy was sort of a wet dream for an actor. I mean, you got to do everything.
Take Alyson Hannigan and Dopplegangland.
@FaheemMitha That is a really good episode
She got to be Willow, Evil Willow, and Willow pretending to be Evil Willow.
I mean, what actor wouldn't want to do all that?
Oh, and one of my favourite recurring villains is Ethan Rayne.
@JennyD It was.
@JennyD He didn't recur much. :-)
He turned Giles into a demon at one point.
Also the Mayor, he was great. The first time we saw him, he looked perfectly normal. Only, his underling trembled when he spoke. That was the only overt sign that something was wrong.
And there was that Halloween episode. I think that was Rayne.
@FaheemMitha Yep. Also the ep with the demon that infected Jenny Carpenter.
@JennyD Yes, the Mayor was very effective. Kind of a Republican villain. George W. Bush if he was a demon.
@FaheemMitha laugh
@JennyD Don't remember that one.
@FaheemMitha I think it was the next one after the Halloween one. It's where we got the backstory on Giles, that he'd been into black magic when he was young.
@JennyD Ever watched a show called "Early Edition"?
Ethan Rayne was also in the Band Candy episode, which was hilarious
@JennyD Ok.
@FaheemMitha No, what's that about?
@JennyD Yes, I remember that one.
@JennyD It's about a reluctant super-hero. A distant cousin of Buffy.
@FaheemMitha Sounds interesting. I'll put it on my list.
A man who gets tomorrow's paper today. Then he tries to use it to stop bad things from happening. It's on the list of my favorite TV shows.
Ran from 1996-2000.
He's really, really not happy about it.
Like Buffy, really.
One of the many strong things about Buffy is SMG getting across that Buffy really, really, didn't want to be a superhero. She just wanted to be an ordinary girl.
And Gary, the hero of "Early Edition" really doesn't want to be a superhero either.
In fact, that is more or less explicitly said in the first episode.
He says to his friend Marissa "What, you want me to run around in a little red cape saving the world?"
A fairly obvious reference to you-know-who.
EE is a bit more of a mixed bag than Buffy. It was mostly not anything like as strong. Then again, few shows are.
I'm looking forward to it. I needed something new to binge on anyway :-)
@JennyD Hah, you have spare time?
@JennyD hi
Well, you might not like it. But give it a try.
Q: Is it possible to find out when and which program make an archive?

edward torvaldsI want to find details about any archive file (if applicable/possible) that would include when it was made, which program made it.

@edwardtorvalds That's probably going to get closed as too broad.
@FaheemMitha Well, I fell off and hurt my leg so I've not been riding much the past few weeks... but it's getting better
@edwardtorvalds Hello
@FaheemMitha how broad?
@JennyD Oh, sorry to hear that. Glad it wasn't more serious.
How's work?
@edwardtorvalds "any archive file", and a fairly general request for details.
@FaheemMitha The fall as such wasn't bad, but my leg connected with one of his hooves. Just hurt the muscle, not the bone, it should be OK within a week or so.
@JennyD Ah, ok.
@FaheemMitha I am asking for the archive that it applies to, so it isn't that broad
@edwardtorvalds Well, I don't know what the AU people will think.
@FaheemMitha Work is good; I still can do much of it from home which has been very useful with the hurt leg - I've been sitting in one comfy chair, with my leg on pillows on another and a laptop in my lap and a big monitor on a table..
@JennyD Ok. Well, doesn't sound too bad.
I mean, people get seriously injured in falls.
@FaheemMitha and a blazing fire
Did you make any mistakes that led to the fall?
@FaheemMitha I've been very lucky. The worst I've had was a broken leg; both the tibia and the fibula were broken and it took a long while to heal.
@JennyD And chocolates?
@FaheemMitha I didn't notice that there was a small black cat sitting nearby. It jumped down right next to the horse - he got scared and jumped sideways, and I fell.
@FaheemMitha Always!
@JennyD Oh! Your horse sounds skittish.
@FaheemMitha He's usually fairly calm, but he was unusually skittish that day. I'd originally planned on going out riding alone, but I noticed when I brought him in from the field that he was very jumpy, so I stayed in our small indoor arena instead.
@JennyD It's good to be sensitive to your horse's moods. Since he can't talk to you. :-)
Maybe we'll eventually get Talking Horses, like in Narnia.
@FaheemMitha Sometimes he can be very eloquent even without words...
@FaheemMitha Sometimes I'd really like to know what he's thinking... Other times it is very clear what he's thinking :-)
Of course, often people don't talk to each other, even though they can.
@FaheemMitha So very true. And sometimes people talk and still don't understand eachother.
@JennyD One more thing before you wander off. You said earlier you weren't a fan of Linus T., and presumably his management style. I was just wondering, did you have any direct contact with him and/or his people?
Or just as an observer?
@FaheemMitha Just an observer.
@JennyD Nice chatting with you. Probably should try to get to sleep now.
@FaheemMitha Likewise! Sleep well!
<Buffy time is over. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.>
@Julo0sS cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk but don't get your hopes up, at best you will recover some of your files (assuming you just deleted them or did a quick format, if you actually wiped the HD then by definition it's wiped). For the next time, remember to make backups!
2 hours later…
Is there a badge for "only time in history that one of your answers scored higher than Stephane's" ? there should be.
@JeffSchaller you'd be the 381st to get it, assuming a 24-hour cutoff (to exclude answers posted long after the question)
@Gilles whoah! well, that's relatively rare. I won't link the question because it's only 2 votes to 1 (and his was a completely reasonable answer, as you'd expect). Thanks for that data.se link -- I keep forgetting about it, and it's awesome.

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