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> I started to write a new editor not too long ago and had it about half done after two days. It was going to have almost no commands, but, instead use what's basically the smalltalk editing menu, a scroll bar, and a thumb bar. Lines just went off the right and if your window wasn't big enough - too bad - it just threw them away. There was going to be an edit file, and a store and read file. That was it.
> It was called be. I'll let you guess what that stands for. It actually stands for about eight different things.
wonder if be became anything, I've never heard of it
> I tried to use EMACS and I liked it.
> The fundamental tension in UNIX that I think AT&T doesn't understand is that everyone is going to have a bitmap. (…) With a mouse to point with, you've got sort of a baseline of facilities around which you can build a document environment. I think you also need a full-page display.
> Touch finger, joystick, voice input are all either too late or too early.
> The days of non-raster stuff are numbered, though sheer momentum will carry it to the end of the decade.
Windows 3.0 = raster for the masses: 1990
> When can that stuff go portable? (…) You might want to page over satellite telephone... Page fault, and the computer makes a phone call. (…) You can then carry around with you all the software you need. (…)
> I don't think you need to have a disk with you. There are so many people who believe that you need to have a disk that you'll be able to have one because they'll make it cheap. That's the way things work. It's not what's possible but what people believe is possible.
so he predicted the cloud… except that we had portable devices with disks before we had the same kind of bandwidth in phone lines
more or less
5 hours later…
@FearfulAnon I'm here now.
1 hour later…
We have a second illuminator Congratulations @Gilles
I think it's funny that the latest round of spam questions (example: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/209711 ) were tagged . It somehow seems to fit just right :-)
@Celada Agreed.
I have a shell script that does a psql query, it executes like it should, creating the output it should, when executed, but when executed from cron, the files are all empty, as if it doesn't wait for the job to complete before producing the .txt-file.... any ideas?
@Erik did you check your mail? cron emails error output from jobs. Empty files feels like a symptom of an error: the file gets created because output is redirected there, but then some error occurs and the command aborts, and the file is empty.
ah, damn, need to check my mail.
2 hours later…
Q: dirtrack mode with fish-shell

hatterI recently started using the fish shell. I tried using it in term-mode in Emacs. One characteristic of this shell is that it shortens the current working directory before printing it as the prompt. For example, if the current directory is /media, the prompt will contain /media but if the current ...

3 hours later…
I posted a question here
although the command given by the first person may be right, it does not work on my system. I really want to understand "sh -c " using very very very simple example/s
Can someone help?
also I need to use something like this "echo {};ls -ltr {} | grep -E "mgmt_in|mgmt_out"|tail -2"
I dont want to be using this command without understanding, feels very undigested.. :-) thanks in advance
OK made it work.
find . -type d -name "*log*" | xargs -I {} sh -c "echo {};ls -ltr {} | grep -E \"mgmt_in|mgmt_out\"|tail -5"
but have not understood the semicolon after echo. Have not understood why echo is required.
can someone paste a really simple example?
and also want to know why the log has to be enclosed inside double inverted commas..
3 hours later…
@user3146086 a semicolon just separates commands, so you can put them on one line instead of two
yes thanks.. but why not a pipe there?
For those interested, opensource.SE will likely go in private beta tomorrow or the day after; if you want to participate, you should commit sooner rather than later.
@user3146086 a pipe connects out put of the first command to the input of the second command
@overactor Oh, that one made it through?
casey@convect ~ % echo A
casey@convect ~ % echo B
casey@convect ~ % echo A ; echo B
@FaheemMitha Private Beta will be the real test though.
@overactor sure
Stallman would be unhappy if you heard of this site.
@FaheemMitha is that relevant at all? He might be upset if he knew I licensed all my code with BSD 3-clause, but neither of us lose sleep over it
@casey No, he just doesn't like the whole Open Source thing. But I don't know about relevant.
And I don't think he has a problem with BSD. Though I'm not sure what the 3-clause is.
@FaheemMitha There is a discussion about mentioning Free Software in the name of the site on area 51, you can always weigh in if you feel strongly.
@overactor The usual compromise is FOSS. But I don't feel strongly about it.
@FaheemMitha FLOSS was suggested, but most agreed that it was unfit since it's not recognizable enough.
@FaheemMitha the most hardcode GPL zealots will tell you the BSD license don't respect software freedoms
@overactor I thought it was FOSS
Yes, it is.
@casey I don't think Stallman has ever said anything like that.
since you can take a BSD licensed program, modify it and distribute a binary without contributing the modifications back to the community.
But if he has, please do let me know.
@FaheemMitha Both are used, though I agree that FOSS sounds better.
@overactor Oh. I only recall having seen FOSS. Maybe I mentally edited the FLOSS one.
I agree FLOSS would be a terrible choice for the site name.
@FaheemMitha FOSS is better, but the biggest problem still remains: it's not very clear.
@overactor What is not clear? The meaning of FOSS?
You mean foss.stackexchange.com?
I meant as a sitename
@overactor so not as part of the hostname then?
@FaheemMitha Well, both I suppose
Hmm, apparently Stallman prefers FLOSS. Over FOSS.
4 hours later…
Hi! Noone here?

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