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12:57 AM
@terdon :-)
1 hour later…
2:02 AM
our Unix & Linux's moderator @terdon is on the HNQ
2:14 AM
@Braiam HNQ?
2 hours later…
4:38 AM
Ping test.
5:24 AM
@FaheemMitha 23 bytes from derobert
@derobert Hi, how are you doing? Long time no see.
--- derobert ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 2760000 ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev 2760000/2760000/2760000/0.000 ms
@FaheemMitha Has it really been that long?
@derobert Seems like it's been a while.
It's been busy at work. That's probably why.
@derobert Sure. Most sysadmin stuff?
5:29 AM
@FaheemMitha Nah, I got to clean up a Wordpress install! Oh fun.
@derobert Eek. And eww.
I hate PHP.
@derobert I have unanswered TeX questions. What is your expertise level?
@FaheemMitha Errr, not really an expert at TeX. I know enough to be dangerous :-/
@derobert Ok, no problem. I generally pester people on the TeX chat.
I've having kind of a silly problem. Probably something stupid.
3 hours later…
8:32 AM
@terdon I've read guidelines, Now does this seem ok?
1 hour later…
9:38 AM
@derobert yes, it was something stupid.
9:56 AM
@Pandya Much better, thanks!
3 hours later…
1:06 PM
its a terrible rainy morning and my espresso machine won't be ready for another 10 minutes :/
@casey Life's a bitch and then you die.
No coffee in the morning is hell.
1:28 PM
I have my coffee now so that is good, but this non-stop rain is going to keep me checking the basement every hour for water :(
2:05 PM
Personally I prefer fruit juice.
@FaheemMitha That's like saying you prefer soccer when we're talking about literature ;)
@terdon How so? A drink is a drink.
Personally, I've never been a hot drink person. Though I like vegetable soups.
@FaheemMitha Coffee is not "a drink"! That's like saying that the second world war was "a disagreement".
I mean, it true, as far as that goes, but it misses the point entirely :)
@terdon Ok, enlighten me, then.
Coffee is the reason I wake up in the morning.
It is the focal point of my existence in those horrible moments between opening my eyes and drinking my coffee :)
2:14 PM
@terdon Horrible moments? You need to customize your alarm clock to play you soothing Italian opera arias. Suggestions available on request.
Plus, it sounds like you need to get more sleep. Off to dinner. Take care, everyone.
2:50 PM
@FaheemMitha neither sleep nor opera contain caffeine
my double shot of espresso is probably around 150 mg of that wonderful drug
though that could vary to be as low as ~60 or 70 mg depending on how the shot is pulled, which sadly I'm not too consistent at yet
Mocca for ever.
@casey More sleep. More opera. Less caffeine.
I think I'd kill myself if I heard Opera in the morning. Melodious Jazz might, just about, cut it.
3:06 PM
@terdon You should try playing "Nessun Dorma" in the morning. That seems appropriate.
@FaheemMitha "more sleep" is not an option. Once the kid is up, so are you. In any case, I could sleep 10 or 12 hours and I feel the same way as if I had 6 or 8. I am not a morning person.
I'll stick with dorma thanks :)
Instead of Pavarotti in the Park, you get Pavarotti in the Bedroom.
@casey That! Why do people assume you'd feel better in the morning if you'd slept more?
The world is unpleasant between awakening and quickening (coffee). Period.
@casey Hmm. I'm usually wide awake after 8 hours. Sometimes 6. Depends on the quality of sleep.
@terdon Because you should leap out of bed with a cheery yodel to greet the new day.
I don't think either of you would do well on a farm.
3:08 PM
@FaheemMitha Ugh. The day can fuck right off until I've had my coffee, thank you.
@terdon That sounds vaguely vampiric.
Nothing worse than people who're full of cheer in the morning.
@FaheemMitha Indeed.
@terdon Ok. Whatever you say. :-)
@terdon You must really hate Julie Andrews.
Just Not. A. Morning. Person.
@terdon yep, that!
6 am is a great time to go to sleep, not be getting close to waking up.
3:11 PM
I knew I liked you for a reason @casey.
This is turning into a positive love-fest.
Us night owls gotta stick together.
unfortunately that schedule doesnt work well for me anymore with a kid and a town that only has fast food open after 10 pm. It was nice in Austin, TX being able to go to a restaurant at 4 am
Oh man, I spent a month in Strasburg once and, not being a complete hick, I knew that restaurants closed early. So I went to dinner at 7pm. That's about 2 or 3 hours earlier than I'd like to, and the bleedin kitchen was closed!
@terdon Are the Germans early risers then?
3:19 PM
@terdon wow, thats early to close up.
I have since been told that my experience was not representative, but still...
@FaheemMitha Technically, that's still France.
@terdon oh.
Since the 2nd world war, anyway.
@terdon right. excuse my ignorance.
Alsace, the region whose capital is Strasburg, has gone back and forth between Germany and France quite a few times. Hence the German sounding name. They also have a local language which is a dialect of German.
3:22 PM
@terdon I see. Alsace-Lorraine?
Sounds familiar.
Yep, those two
3:36 PM
@casey I thought 6am was what the clock said when you've stayed up a few hours too late. Certainly nowhere near time to get up!
@derobert reminds me of a time before I had a kid. I let him sleep until he wakes himself up but that is rarely later than 8 am, usually closer to 7
@casey Hopefully he'll eventually outgrow it, and sleep in.
@derobert That depends when you go to sleep. Are you a coffee fiend too?
@FaheemMitha No, can't stand the stuff. I prefer tea.
Well, except the aroma. Coffee has a nice aroma. Just tastes terrible.
@derobert any idea about this?
2 days ago, by Fabby
@derobert: I've been told to ask you if there are any decent Docker manuals around (I've done the Docker tutorial already and have been told to look at the 2buntu blog) but I'm an old fart, so looking for some more in-depth stuff)
3:39 PM
@derobert Oh. Well, that's variety, at least. Apparently preferring fruit juices is not acceptable.
@terdon no idea, I haven't played with Docker yet.
@FaheemMitha its fine to prefer it, it just isnt an alternative to coffee
@casey Well, in the US I used to drink it all the time. Preferably chilled. Probably would have ended up with diabetes if I hadn't left.
They've got lots of varieties. The stuff you get in India is nasty. Full of sugar.
And way expensive.
3 hours later…
6:53 PM
Crap, now that the blog has been killed, is there any way of finding @strugee's nice post about using git and dotfiles?
@terdon not sure his recommendation, but I just make a e.g. .vim or .emacs.d a repo and then make symlinks in ~ that point at the relevant file in the repo. Don't need it for emacs since it can use ~/.emacs.d/init.el, but ~/.vimrc -> ~/.vim/vimrc
I found it, still here:
7:09 PM
@casey you can make your home a git repository, with a big ignore list
7:25 PM
@Gilles true. I've considered doing that and making my current individual repos submodule of that one, if for nothing else that giving me a bit more flexibility in what I'd pull to individual computers
7:58 PM
@terdon isn't that where it's always been?
8:58 PM
I like github.com/RichiH/vcsh for that kind of stuff (dotfiles in git)...
@StephenKitt it seems overkill for what it does
I don't see the point of separate repositories for separate applications
Separate files on different machines, yes, but it isn't clear to me from reading the documentation how vcsh helps
@Gilles So you can mix and match depending on what environment you're in
share certain repositories but not all
maintain branches that make sense (e.g. for different versions of desktop environments etc.)
@StephenKitt but why per application?
I do see the point of machine/site-specific files, e.g. .ssh/config
(mine is generated by a shell script)
as a concrete example, we share IDE configurations that way at work
but I wouldn't want to share my .ssh
and my .zsh wouldn't make much sense for anyone else
but there's nothing you can't do manually using only git
anyway got to go, good night!
1 hour later…
10:31 PM
@derobert Yes, but I didn't remember the URL and the link on the site points to the main SE blog.
10:53 PM
> ext4: make fsync to sync parent dir in no-journal for real this time

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