Warning: Running this command in most shells will result in a broken system that will need a forced shutdown to fix
I understand the recursive function :(){ :|: & };: and what it does. But I don't know where is the fork system call. I'm not sure, but I suspect in the pipe |.
What's the difference between executing multiple commands with && and ;?
echo "Hi\!" && echo "How are you?"
echo "Hi\!"; echo "How are you?"
I use perl for sed usually. Unless it's very short. I;ve been meaning to really learn sed but I have never really needed to. Perl can do anything that sed does.
@TylerMaginnis That's partially true. They need to be written as if you're teaching someone how you went about doing it. Also explaining the method of how it works is extremely useful. I've searched for things and many times have found those same Q's and the A's have been very helpful in understanding something that had nothing to do with the specific Q.
@TylerMaginnis terdon and I have tried to take those Q's too on several occasions and provide as many methods as we can conceive of. It's basically a programmers game of tying 1 hand behind your back and trying to do X
@slm The implementation of FaiKVM is a software project based on KVM that is deprecated because it is not something that the maintainers have time to work on anymore... But networking is a part of it, as well.
@slm @Ramesh linuxpmi.org/trac/wiki/FaiKvm This is the page for the FaiKvm. It's pretty tricky to track down a DVD-iso of it, but I'm sure it's out there somewhere still.
> A list is a sequence of one or more pipelines separated by one of the operators ‘;’, ‘&’, ‘&&’, or ‘||’, and optionally terminated by one of ‘;’, ‘&’, or a newline.
> control operator A token that performs a control function. It is a newline or one of the following: ‘||’, ‘&&’, ‘&’, ‘;’, ‘;;’, ‘|’, ‘|&’, ‘(’, or ‘)’.
Okay, I hope this is the right place to ask. I have 2 files.
The first file has 4 fields: class CRN #, Instructor ID #, Class Section #, Number of Students.
0002 T00005 006 15
0004 T00004 012 26
The second file has 6 fields (as best as I can tell): Instructo...
This question is extension of this question about listing questions of directories.
I get a problem that I need to understand the original section of the text.
Current output
where you see the second question does not make sense.
It was included in the subsection Takayasu arteritis in the ...
I am doing a Makefile which I run regularly by Crontab every day at 0230
crontab -e; 30 2 * * * /bin/thePseudocode
Python-like Pseudocode
directories = ["Cardiology", "Rheumatology", "Surgery"]
for directory in directories
files = directory.files(); % not sure if such a parameter exists
It's tricky to find good clients anymore. I might have a gig on the horizon, but it's just reshipping parcels from a factory in Thailand, because I have a U.S. address, and I know the guy well enough to where I know it's not a scam.
Part of me is hoping that by contributing this site, I will eventually receive a request to solve problems in exchange for currency, but I am sure that rarely happens, if at all.
Yeah I wouldn't do those types of jobs if I were you. Better to build yourself an actual reputation as a solid community member and provide solid answers. Employers will snap you up if you're qualified and have a proven track record.
@slm if I want to verbally berate people, SDF's, "pcom," mode has a couple 14 year olds that talk some serious smack to me, and I bring it right back to them.
I often see tutorials online that connect various commands with different symbols. For example:
command1 | command 2
command1 & command2
command1 || command2
command1 && command2
Others seem to be connecting commands to files:
command1 > file1
command1 >> file1
What are these things...
had Ubuntu 12.04 LTS running completely well on my x-64 system. Last week I upgraded my OS to 14.04 LTS. Since then my Ubuntu Software Center is not running. Even I am not able to download packages from the terminal. Can anyone help me out with that?
facepalm why is anyone running 12.04 LTS? ohhh, it's because Ubuntu incentives deprecated versions, because they "support" binary blob drivers from graphics vendors.
so you get your old'buntu with an old'kernel. but when you dist-upgrade... oooooooh
I wonder why so many things break when you go from 12.04 to 14.04
^^ mocking the obvious. I'm telling him to reinstall.
Hm... I actually want to help you today.
# File 1 contains 1,2,3,4,5 on new lines
# File 2 contains 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 on new lines.
diff -y 1 2 > diff
# Compare differentials side-by-side
sed 's/[ ]/d' diff > MATCHES
# Print lines to file which do not contain ">" prefix.
sed '/[>]...
@terdon Sorry about that. I have had that quite a few times, seeing that a new answer got posted before I was finished with something too similar to post. Strange thing is that that upvote only got me +3 points, maybe because I was over 200 rep gain?
had Ubuntu 12.04 LTS running completely well on my x-64 system. Last week I upgraded my OS to 14.04 LTS. Since then my Ubuntu Software Center is not running. Even I am not able to download packages from the terminal. Can anyone help me out with that?
LWN.Net Xinput Multi-Touch History
This is the history of the xorg-multitouch extension. It touches on gestural programming, and references the uTouch Gestural Programming project.
These two informative articles are good source material, and should give you the momentum you need to get started....
@TylerMaginnis - it's a good start, is there a command that you can provide him that will let him see the events as they're seen by UDEV or the kernel? That sounds like what he's really after.
@TylerMaginnis - as it stands this is borderline a link A
If you look at Gilles, Stephanes, or Mine or Terdon or any of the other front page users' answer you'll see fairly long form "tutorials" on a subject matter. We generally strive to have this type of content here.
It's def. not for the faint of heart but we try and discourage 1-2 sentence A'ers.
or links. There are times when these are all that's relevant, but on a Q like that there's a lot of room to provide guidance to this user, since they don't know what directions to go, you're essentially the tour guide, showing him the path as you'd take as the developer
@TylerMaginnis a good answer to that question could be: no, standard linux libraries do not have multitouch event capabilities, because X and Y reason, for that you need foo library, but such library do not have Java equivalents because bar
Yes Braiam's point is an excellent one too. Often times ppl don't have the foggiest idea how to approach a solution so they're throwing many things at the wall, some relevant some not, so you can negate things that they've listed and explain why w/ references as an A and then provide the path but not necessarily spell the full solution out tooo.
Hard to drill down on an answer when there are 4 type of commands and 6ish commands per type that could be useful, depending on what dist someone is using.
Find out if you have a 'RealTek' 'BroadCom' 'Atheros' Chipset
To find out why this is happening, generally if you can correlate your chipset to what driver you are using, you can find out what exactly is going wrong.
When i use vi editor to add some codes to /vmlinuz I see it in a bad format.It seems a binary file.
I am going to improve security and add extra steps for checking password.
How can i edit vmlinuz?
TracWiki: Project Management System
TracWiki is a light-weight project management wiki-portal which runs over HTTP ports.
Install Guide
Easy Setup
Modular (Multiple Projects)
Hot-Copy Backups On-The-Fly
Non-Invasive (Standard Wiki Formatting, similar to StackExchange Markup)
I'm surprised nobody suggested a Lightweight Wiki Platform, like Trac, for this requirement.
@terdon I edited your answer. I'm not sure if classifying ;&&&||| according to their syntactic category is the right thing here, maybe it should be the sequential operators ;&&|| vs the parallel ones &| ?
I missed the starting gun. Are we submitting questions that might be duplicates of the new “What are the shell's control and redirection operators?” canonical question? Here’s one that popped up just a few days ago: When is 'if' not necessary?
@G-Man - no starting gun was fired. Use the normal methods of flagging it as a potential duplicate and then let it run it's course through the review queue. You can always mention it here too to help get more eyeballs on it as well.
A few of us were discussing the fact that information on the various shell operators is spread across multiple Q&As. For example:
Is there a difference between `;` and `&&` and `|`?
redirection and pipeline
Confusing use of && and || operators
Difference between > and | with /dev/tty
How can on...
I searched through man find but it doesn't give me the answer to a simple task:
I want to list all files inside a folder that were modified during the last 5 hours.
I tried
find ~/.purple/logs -type f -mmin 1000
to show modified files during the last 1000 minutes, but no hits.
Maybe it's m...
I need a shell script which finds files which are created 1 hour before or 1 hour after a particular file (test.txt) was created.
If I go with find -newer, that means I'd have to create a temporary file, use touch to change the time on that 1 hour before the creation time of the test.txt file, ...
I used to zip a few files induvidually and move them to a different folder which included lots of steps. So I thought of moving those files to a new folder and move it to the intended folder after zipping the new folder. Is it possible to do it with few commands? suggestions are welcome
I have a script file which i need to modify with another script to insert a text at 8th line.
String to insert : Project_Name=sowstest
in to a file called start
i tired to use awk and sed but my command is getting garbled please help me out
Thanks in advance
Insert lines into the file and refresh the config. Use the $> diff -y file_1 file_2 output to determine which lines are different, as I understand you only want to borrow specific lines.