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03:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@derobert I don't remember that. But it does sound like a bad idea.
I think 'all across that network' may have only been the trilogy at that point. Or maybe there were a few more sites... probably something about it on meta.SE
Anyway, time to go home.
Be sure to take a look at Braiam's nice work in putting together some nice overviews of our site's usage.
@derobert Take care.
Q: What's our status in voting?

BraiamThe most upvoted answer in the questionnaire in the recent moderator election, pointed out two issues: U&L is way below average among SE sites when it comes to questions with at least one upvoted answers not everyone shares this impression of being welcomed The second one is a highly subjecti...

Yep, I saw that
That was more of a PSA
@slm PSA?
public service announcment... it's not really a question.
anyway, actually going!
sheesh, it's been raining all week here. it's getting tiresome.
If Bombay doesn't get enough rain it is very very bad, so one should not really complain, though.
@derobert nope, it doesn't, there's a feature request asking for it
@Braiam so still feature wide by default?
any flagged chat post appear to all 10kers and moderators network wide
BTW, is there anyone here who knows how water supplies in the West are handled? eg Europe, US? Many places there don't get much rainfall.
@FaheemMitha much of the water in the North East + Canada comes from the great lakes, other parts make use of the various rivers throughout the west (Columbia, Mississippi, etc.) and in the mid-west (the middle part of US) they have extensive aquifers (underground water) for farming etc. The aquifers have been being depleted over the last 20-30yrs and there is concern that they're being used up and will not be there in the future. Much of the farming we do is a result of them.
Aquifers in the United States An example of a significant and sustainable carbonate aquifer is the Edwards Aquifer in central Texas. This carbonate aquifer has historically been providing high quality water for nearly 2 million people, and even today, is completely full because of tremendous recharge from a number of area streams, rivers and lakes. The primary risk to this resource is human development over the recharge areas. List of notable aquifers * The Ogallala Aquifer of the central United States is one of the world's great aquifers, but in places it is being rapidly depleted b...
The US is going to have major problems in the future if we do not manage these resources properly. The mid-west and south west (Arizona, New Mexico, etc) are major contributors to several of these being "overused". Water will be a cause of a lot of strife in our future.
Can someone help me in framing this sentence better?
I would also like to thank the Unix & Linux Stack Exchange community which helped me in solving my problems.
I am planning to include in my thesis acknowledgement section :)
@slm Thanks for the information. The last para is you, right?
@slm And this as well?
India has the same sorts of problems, but much worse. Bombay live on the edge of running out of water all the time.
@FaheemMitha yes the paragraphs above and below are me
@slm So you take an interest in this, then?
Humans have wasted resources for 1000's of years and gotten away with it, now that there are 6B+ of us we need to be doing a much better job of using things more wisely
@slm Very true.
@FaheemMitha oh course, I have children and the decisions we make will impact their's and everyone else's quality of life.
@slm Agreed.
many things are out of our control, but for the things that are, we can and should.
fyi, Bombay is currently 25 days away from running out of water. Fun fact, isn't it?
watering grass here in the US is a complete waste
@slm why?
esp. with drinking water. b/c ppl care about having green lawns I guess, I do not care, so don't. Even then you can collect rain water in barrels and use that to water things instead of using drinking water for such things
@slm i guess people are lazy about such things.
Well, must be off back to sleep. Take care everyone.
@slm, @FaheemMitha, any thoughts for this?
I would also like to thank the Unix & Linux Stack Exchange community which helped me in solving my problems.
I am planning to include in my thesis acknowledgement section :)
as far as how to reference it?
@Ramesh I've got similar things in my paper acknowledgements. Do you want a quote?
@FaheemMitha, if you can, it would be helpful :)
@slm the sentence is not looking good to me. I need to rephrase it with more better words.
03:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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