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@slm I'm with you, but I'd like to point out that arguably this goes against the UNIX Way.
@strugee - which way?
The unix way would be to chain 10 more basic tools together to do X
GNU tools are already busting at the seams w/ too many options 8-)
go through the unix_history.ppt slide deck.
It's in this zip file: unix01.zip, which is linked off of the main url I gave you.
@slm - true. I was thinking about the no-nonsense philosophy of UNIX (e.g. rm not having any prompts). I suppose that may be a lesser-known facet, though; I got that from the introduction to UNIX history chapter of Classic Shell Scripting.
The Small is Beautiful philosophy was driven by necessity, and can even be seen in the cryptic and abbreviated names for the various programs: cp (copy), rm (remove), ls (list), cat (catenate), dc (desk calculator), ttt (tic tac toe, a game, Belle in 1980) and ed (line editor). (Many names, like ‘ls’ and ‘pwd’ were literally inherited directly from Multics)
pg 11 of that slidedeck
we might like this Q in our ranks superuser.com/q/710844/235569
seems approp.
bring it over
does anyone know of distros?
this reminds me that I heard the other day how they broke into the point of sale systems at Target over the xmas break.
the POS systems at major stores run on, you guessed it, windows XP.
This reminded me of a talk where we had several vendors in at Kodak which were pitching RTOS (Real time OSes) and one of them was NT, I remember asking each group the footprint they required and as each went through they were like 200k, 500k, and embedded WinNT? 16MB.
small by today's standards, but w/ smallness you are also building in a degree of protection in what a hacker can do damage wise too 8-)
@slm check it again ;)
I invalidated two answers but whatever
@Braiam thanks for the edit, voted to reopen
@slm @Braiam have you guys seen this?
Q: No on-board sound on Dell Optiplex SX-280 post Linux Mint Petra Install

AshStuartNot sure this fits in here.. We recently installed Linux Mint Petra on this small-form-factor dell desktop. The weird thing is, the sound does not work on board, but works on a speaker connected to the audio out. I've checked all details I could about the alsa mixer, sound card mute check etc. ...

I'm sure it's just some module loaded when it shouldn't or not loaded when it should be.
@terdon maybe is just muted... seriously...
@Braiam I doubt it, i) the OP checked (I know, but sometimes it's true) and ii) it works when speakers are plugged in
pulse is weird... both outputs, front and rear, output sound in my system whenever I select headphones or speakers in the gui
pulse is very weird
I normally consult Takkat in AU for pulse and alsa stuff
Maybe he could have a look?
I'm just curious and the OP has put in the effort
I asked for some more info in comments that he told me I should ask, will tell him if I see him either way
Cool, thanks @Braiam. What will those two commands show?
never mind
I just saw what they were :)
@slm I quote:
> This [the don't be chatty] principle has further implication. In general, Unix tools follow a "you asked for it, you got it" design philosophy. They don't ask "are you sure?" kinds of questions. When a user types rm somefile, the Unix designers figured that he knows what he's doing, and rm, removes the file, no questions asked.
@slm the famous UNIX license plate? the truth-speaking Dilbert comic on UNIX? that presentation means business
@strugee interesting example he chose:
Q: Does 'rm .*' ever delete the parent directory?

terdonThe expression .* is expanded by bash to include the current and parent directories: $ ls -la total 2600 drwxrwxrwx 2 terdon terdon 2162688 Sep 10 16:22 . drwxr-xr-x 142 terdon terdon 491520 Sep 10 15:34 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 terdon terdon 0 Sep 10 16:22 foo $ echo .* . .. If I run rm -rf...

@terdon ah, yes. I didn't include the little asterisk after the last sentence that pointed out that rm occasionally prompts when you want it to remove suspicious files, e.g. write-protected files or ...
write protected, it also has the -i flag (GNU ls) and the -I flag
and you can't rm -rf /
@terdon yep, the -i flag was mentioned too.
> * For those who are really worried, the -i option to rm forces rm to prompt for confirmation, and in any case rm prompts for confirmation when asked to remove suspicious files, such as those whose permissions disallow writing. As always, there's a balance to be struck between the extremes of never prompting and always prompting.
I remember being so offended the first time a Linux desktop asked me to confirm a deletion. Must have been when I switched to Gnome from the good 'ole WindowMaker. I was like, huh? Is this Windows now?
@terdon and this is why I don't ever open Nautilus. I use GNOME and I actually like the GNOME Shell but if I'm going to manage files, I'll do so in a real environment (GNOME Terminal), thank you very much
Yeah, I haven't used a GUI file manager in years.
@terdon I'll be moving stuff around in a Cygwin terminal when a friend will walk up and say, "what are you doing?" and I go, "I'm managing some files" and they go "um... so you aren't hacking??" and I go, "no, I'm just managing some files" and they get very confused
@slm great slide deck. I especially liked that it mentioned Plan 9 - <3
although I'm not sure where it got the "Inferno is for set-top boxes" thing from
@strugee Hah! That's nothing we had a tv crew once in the lab where I did my PhD and they wanted to film us scientists doing science stuff. I was puttering about on the terminal, uploading files for my Dad's webpage on ftp. The journalists loved it and got it all on film :) They were sure I was sequencing DNA or something
I would love a command called rt -fm...
@terdon .0...
@Braiam I have it installed
$ rtfm -h
Usage: rtfm [OPTION...] [SECTION] PAGE...

  -C, --config-file=FILE     use this user configuration file
  -d, --debug                emit debugging messages
  -D, --default              reset all options to their default values
      --warnings[=WARNINGS]  enable warnings from groff

 Main modes of operation:
  -f, --whatis               equivalent to whatis
  -k, --apropos              equivalent to apropos
  -K, --global-apropos       search for text in all pages
  -l, --local-file           interpret PAGE argument(s) as local filename(s)
@terdon hah. I'm a member of this community called StudentRND, and there was some company that was talking about maybe doing a show on us (don't know where it came from). and we were talking about this in the facebook group and it was determined that what we should do was act super cool on the first day, using tons of terminals, bringing out all the party tricks, etc., and then just be ourselves for the rest of the show
people can't understand why I use Emacs, either
@strugee nobody understands why people use emacs until they start using emacs.
@Braiam :)
@terdon exactly. I'm all like, "I know C-n seems instead of the down arrow seems weird but it's actually the best keybinding scheme ever" but you can't get it until you try it
I actually use the down arrow
I forced myself through using C-n when I did the first third of the tutorial, and it paid off. it is legitimately faster.
my nice mechanical keyboard doesn't even have arrow keys because I like the Emacs keybindings so much.
anyway, I have to go. nice swapping stories with you :)
Well, I've never been through an emacs tutorial, I've learned by using it and having people tell me how to do things and then reading up on specific tasks. I actually didn't even know about C-n since the down arrow has worked since the 1st emacs I used
I have all sorts of random holes in my emacs knowledge
Hmm, computers in general actually
@slm thanks for the link, looks interesting but I can't confirm since I don't have the symptoms. I have the relevant files on my system and they look as described but that's all I can say.
yup, whether in vim or emacs, i use the arrow keys. If I were to use C- bindings to move around in emacs, I'd use the ergoemacs bindings C-[ijkl] to do it.
@casey you're another 'macs freak huh? Who's our vi guy?
I think slm's vi
I'm a bit of a hybrid. I used vim for years and years, but I'm slowly moving to emacs
I'm just finding too many things useful (like org-mode) that just don't have equivelents
You've seen the light huh?
Its been shining at me for a while, I just stopped resisting it
:) When I was a virgin (untouched by text editors) I tried both and couldn't get my head around vi modes. I know vim's great and I really should take the time to learn it but I was scared back then
and listp is much friendlier than vimscript
modal editing is pretty alien at first, but it can be incredibly efficient, especially once you learn the vi dialect
the only editor I didn't like from the moment I saw it was pico
and to this day the first thing I do when installing a new distro is to remove nano
never used it. I guess I must have at some point or other but not enough to develop an opinion
@casey lol, why? Poor thing is tiny. I just install emacs.
So, guys, how does one remove malware from chrome running on Linux and how the hell did it get there?
by this point its a ritual, and I'm set in my ways I guess
@terdon extensions...
and google Sync
@Braiam don't use sync. Probably an extension you're right
sync is great and terrible all at once
I'm trying to track it down, the thing throws a pop-up every now and then and opens a page
very annoying and hard to debug since it only happens about once a day
@terdon some good guys sold their extensions to shady unscrupulous big shots to show ads
Any reason why it would hide in shortcuts or favicons?
$ grep -R valuablecredit.info .config/google-chrome/
Binary file .config/google-chrome/Default/Shortcuts matches
Binary file .config/google-chrome/Default/History matches
Binary file .config/google-chrome/Default/Favicons matches
wait, you have the domain?
That's one of the pages it will load, I get why it's in history but shortcuts and favicons?
@Braiam it loads various pages. That's one
what is the output of ls .config/google-chrome/Default/Extensions?
<-- is sure is an extension or a plugin
(that was chromium)
@Braiam just a list of meaningless plugin database names
yeah, but you can check the update history and calculate when the problem started
damn thing is uploading stuff too, I get a message about chrome uploading data if I try to shutdown without closing chrome. grrr
@Braiam no go, I installed most of my extensions on the same day
disable one by one the extensions until it allows you to close chrome
@Braiam ah, that might work but I need to attempt a shutdown to get the message. Hang on, let me check netstat
How can I list active uploads?
Should be some way with netstat right?
@terdon I do use vim & gvim
@slm thought so, you always go for the alternatives and underdogs like vim and RH
I used xemacs at work for several projects b/c it had better VHDL lang. integrations
@terdon about:net-internals
RH - last I checked is the most profitable of the distros
@Braiam - you're like neo in the matrix
you know all the little secrets
Yeah, he's great for all the esoteric browser pages, thanks @Braiam but what am I looking at?
I generated some kind of report but it's supposed to be parsed, not read
Ah, gotcha, I need to look at the output of sockets
@terdon you might want to look at sockets for currently active connections
@terdon He also seems to know a lot about SE and all the plumbing
All the esoteric pages then :)
OK, nothing active at the moment that looks strange
This looks fishy:
Start Time: 2014-02-04 03:30:03.003

t=1391481003003 [st=0]  DOWNLOAD_ITEM_ACTIVE
                        --> danger_type = "NOT_DANGEROUS"
                        --> file_name = ""
                        --> final_url = "https://install.fusioninstall.com/o/FlashPlayerPro/Player-Chrome.exe?filedescription=FlashPlayerPro&subid=matomy_lightspark-display-fr&user_id=31d8c0b4-f3bf-4ffa-8795-e651a659ec0c&thankYouUrl=ec2-54-221-98-168.compute-1.amazonaws.com%2fThankYou%2flightspark%3fsource%3dmatomy_lightspark-display-fr%26subid1%3d366151%26subid2%3d101031%26userid%3d31d8c0b4-f3bf
@terdon uuuuuu
do you have the starter event?
How can I find it?
is that an export, right?
ah, no, that was searching for dowloaddino in events
do you have something like "--> source_dependency = 298844 (HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_REQUEST)"
in blue normally
weird, it triggered a warning
yeah, should have
=1391481776252 [st=    0]    DOWNLOAD_URL_REQUEST
                              --> source_dependency = 299017 (URL_REQUEST)
Damn, sorry but my laptop just ran out of battery and I've left my charger at work :(
It just died on me, I'll have to look into this tomorrow. Shit. Thanks for the help @braiam, we seem to be getting somewhere dammit
Oh well, it's almost 4 am anyway so I may as well go to sleep. Night all
meh, don't worry, I would disable all extension to be on the safe side, night
1 hour later…
@terdon yeah, I only made it about a third of the way through. I can't even manipulate windows properly.
@terdon yes, he is
@casey I actually like nano. not for anything real of course, but I find it's a useful utility for one-off jobs.
@Braiam agh, beat me to chrome://net-internals...
ooo the coveted ls badge
/me applauds
is the maintenance window lasting longer than planned?
@slm ?
site was readonly
huh, didn't notice.
just us, or network-wide?
just us
huh. wonder why
14 hours later…
sounds interesting: arkos.io
That it does
2 hours later…
@terdon I tried to follow the instructions here, having discovered Alt/Ctrl/T via Google. The first Removing existing drivers line said it failed, but I pressed on and the second seemed to work, as did the next (very long) line cut&pasted.
...I then downloaded & extracted "the appropriate driver", but the next bit says I have to remember to navigate to where you extracted the driver to beforehand. I can't see how to do that. My cwd was "home" under some long user-specific name, that doesn't contain the "download" folder where the driver is sitting. Also, that terminal window has mysteriously disappeared now, so I'm going to have to reboot...
@FumbleFingers gimme a second to read through what you did
OK, you can open a new terminal with Alt/Ctrl/T again, no need to reboot
If you downloaded through a browser (chrome you said right?), the file should be in /home/fumblefingers/Downloads
You can check by opening a terminal and running :
ls ~/Downloads
@FumbleFingers that should have failed, don't worry about it. It just means you did not actually have the drivers installed. That's just a precaution to make sure the system is cleaned out before installing the new ones.
OK, I'm up to speed now. Do you have a terminal open?
Well, pretty much exactly what I expected has happened. The system wouldn't restart (hung on a blank purple screen). I've just rebooted from the install cd, where its asking if I want to "try" or "install". Should I start all over again? Or is there a quick way in?
yeah, hung driver installations are annoying. Do you remember the last command you ran?
never mind, it was extracting the drivers but it is probably looking for them now. You;'re booted into the live session now right?
I tried double-clicking the *.run file that I extracted from the "appropriate driver" download
Ah, you did find it then
OK, are you in the live session?
If you're into hardware (CPU) a OP asked a Q about a tool I'd never heard of lstopo.
A: Interpret the output of lstopo

slmHere are the answer to your questions: I'd view it as a graphical image rather than a ASCII image.                       "PU P#" = Processing Unit Processor #. These are processing elements within the cores of the CPU. On my laptop (Intel i5) I have 2 cores that each have 2 processing elements...

i think im in "live" if i close the install window booted from cd, yes?
@FumbleFingers yes, live just means you have a running system without having installed anything
Trying to think how to get you back to a graphical system easily
without reinstalling
i think unless there's a better way I should put a 2nd h/d in the machine and use paragon backup to make an image before messing about any more
@FumbleFingers as you wish but it shouldn't be necessary, nothing we do will affect the data on your drive
on the other hand, having a backup is never a bad idea
if you have any ideas for right now, fire away!
Series of commands:
shall I close the "install" window?
@FumbleFingers yes, and open a terminal
Then run:
sudo mkdir /mnt/foo
Ah, I will also need the output of
sudo fdisk -l
I need to know on which partition you have installed your system
dammit! I'll have to use firefox on the ubuntu pc (am on the xp machine right now)
heh, on the small screen eh?
Anyway, the process is: i) identify where your system is installed ii) mount it iii) trick your machine into thinking it is running the installed system and iv) continue the installation of your drivers where you left off
okay - am back (on other pc)
shall i copy/paste those earlier lines now?
@FumbleFingers first run
 sudo fdisk -l
and paste the output here
Oh, selecting text in the terminal (or anywhere else) automatically copies it, you can then paste it by middle clicking
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders, total 976773168 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00091fbe

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 2048 972582911 486290432 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 972584958 976771071 2093057 5 Extended
/dev/sda5 972584960 976771071 2093056 82 Linux swap / Solaris
OK, perfect
Now, run these commands:
sudo mkdir /mnt/foo
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/foo
sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/foo/dev &&
sudo mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/foo/dev/pts &&
sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/foo/proc &&
sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/foo/sys
If all goes well, no error messages, run:
sudo chroot /mnt/foo
Simply copy pasting (middle click) the whole list will run them sequentially
In fact, the second block needs to be pasted together or it will hang (the && means run the next command if the 1st was successful so it will hang unless there is a subsequent command)
done (wish id read the last bit about @copy whole list)
(must watch out for " and @ keys reversed)
prompt is now root@ubuntu: slash hash (can't find those on kb yet! )
Ah, yes, that took me a while to get used to when I lived in the UK
@FumbleFingers perfect (and they're right next to shift and shift+3 respectively)
Changing the layout is trivial but let's leave that for later
id rather tell ubuntu i have a uk kb, as i did in original install!
@FumbleFingers you will, it should be fine, when you restart\
OK, now you're in the chroot environment so it's like being in the installed system
|sure - i meant later
you need to go to wherever you had the drivers
this can probably be done by
cd /home/fumblefingers/Downloads
change 'fumblefingers' for your actual user name
i typed cd .. which says im in "home", but there's no "downloads" folder there
the command 'ls' (that's lower case LS) prints the contents of a directory. WHat's the output of
ls /home
There should be a directory with the name of your user there
gotit! didn't realise "Downloads" is case-sensitive!
Ah yes, everything is in the default Linux file systems
the run file is there
Now, you follow the instructions:
sudo sh *.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/precise
i think its doing it. i accidentally hit some key thats maximised the terminal window, but it seems ok. how get back to resizable window?
There should be a button for that. I believe the default Ubuntu interface has it on the left.
Because they're that cool.
NOT the X button
You might also be able to just click on the title bar and drag it down
@FumbleFingers let it do its thing and @ping me when it's finished (going for a fag)
(back on xp system) the ubuntu pc seems to be locked up. Dragged title bar of terminal window down, and it became resizeable. Can switch cursor between Firefox and terminal, but can't type. terminal window is stuck on "removing temporary directy ... fglrx-install-xxxxx
(am gonna have my fag here! :)
@FumbleFingers can't type on firefox either? That's strange. OK, let me know when you're back
I don't know if the SO system will get bothered by this, but I'm now typing on the Ubuntu pc, having successfully closed & killed the stuck terminal window.
No, they don't care, I've used both ipad and laptop with the same account at the same time.
OK, let's see if it worked, run ls again, do you see any files ending in .deb?
i suppose i have to go back to the right downloads folder again. ls shows nothing in new terminal window
Hi guys.
@FumbleFingers yes, you need to go back.
Hi @Faheem
@terdon helpdesk time?
:) Yes, dealing with this:
Q: Basic question on setting higher screen resolution

FumbleFingersI have two Intel Core2 Duo desktop PCs both connected to an iiyama Prolite E2407HDS monitor through a VGA switch box. I've just reformatted the hard drive and installed Ubuntu 12.04 on one. In descending order of priority, the things I want to be able to do on the Ubuntu machine are... 1: Ru...

AT the moment, we have an incomplete install => booting to blank screen
Just set up a chroot environment, and are following this
am lost. i dunno how i found my (username) home before, but i canmt find it now
OK, it should be one of the directories you see when you run ls /home
Ah, no! Hang on, you've killed the terminal
OK, you need to get back into the chmod environment first so run:
sudo chmod /mnt/foo
now it should be one of the directories you see when you run ls /home
and you can access it with
cd /home/USERNAME/Downloads
it says missing operand after /mnt/foo
Sorry, typo, should have been chroot /mnt/foo
@terdon I see.
cannot change root directory to /mnt/foo: Operation not permitted
Have you restarted?
Looks time consuming.
(at least I'm getting better at cut&paste hehe! :)
Hang on, that is AU.
OK, this is the command you should run:
sudo chroot /mnt/foo
sudo lets you run things as the administrator (root)
Hang on, questions get migrated from unix.sx to AU?!!
@FaheemMitha yeah but I know this particular user from another SE site and wanted to help out. It's perfectly on topic here too.
@FaheemMitha they can yes but this hasn't
Ah, it just was
Yes, I was wondering why it was closed as off-topic here.
am i taking up too much time? last command worked, btw
@FumbleFingers Don't mind me. Just stopping by.
@FumbleFingers not at all. @FaheemMitha just noticed that the Q has been migrated is all.
OK, now you should be able to cd back to the Downloads directory
the run file is now gone
@terdon Right. Wonder why it was migrated. Strange.
@FumbleFingers could you post the output of ls in the downloads directory?
@FaheemMitha because this is an ubuntu-specific issue. They have their own system for dealing with the proprietary drivers and ubuntu specific stuff gets migrated.
oh - it is still there
@FumbleFingers perfect and the .deb files have been generated
@FaheemMitha see the on-topic page:
> Note that Ubuntu posts are a special case. If your question applies to Ubuntu only, or you're looking for answers that are Ubuntu-specific, you should post it on the Ask Ubuntu Stack Exchange site. If your question applies to other distros or you welcome more generic solutions, you're in the right place here.
that sounds encouraging
@FumbleFingers Now you should try installing these .deb files:
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
@terdon I see.
its chuntering away, having said unable to resolve (ubuntu) at first
fglrx, Ok. Ubuntu does something special with that?
i now have a functional prompt!
@FumbleFingers whohoo!
Now run this :
sudo aticonfig --initial
@FaheemMitha they have the whole proprietary drivers GUI thing (which has failed in this casse)
seems to have worked
@terdon You can't just do what one does in debian?
m-a etc?
@FaheemMitha I think this is an issue with the specific, older card, that needs the drivers to be downloaded directly from the ATI site.
@terdon Ok. I have no idea.
I checked whether it's supported by the versions in the repos and it looks like it isn't.
Anyway, this seems to be the official Ubuntu way according to that very upvoted AU post.
@FumbleFingers did you run the sudo aticonfig --initial ?
@terdon Ok.
im not sure. i thot so, but the display is very confusing. i tried it again and it says unable to resolve host ubuntu
Which command is this?
root@ubuntu:/home/steve/Downloads# sudo aticonfig --initial
sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
Uninitialised file found, configuring.
Using /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Saving back-up to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.original-0
root@ubuntu:/home/steve/Downloads# sudo aticonfig --initial
sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
Found fglrx primary device section
Using /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Saving back-up to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.fglrx-0
OK, that's fine it worked
i can have another CELEBRATORY fag, since i don't have to go outside!
My bad actually, the sudo is not needed. I'm copying these commands from an answer of mine but you're already root in this environment and don't actually need the sudo.
@FumbleFingers grrrrr
OK, it should have worked. Theoretically, you'll have a working system upon restarting
ah - does "sudo" mean "do as superuser"?
am gonna reboot way-hay!!!!!
By the way, you can access the manual pages of most commands by running
man command
for example
man sudo
at least I learnt what one command means!
@FumbleFingers <drumroll>
ls = list
cd =change directory
mv = move (works as rename)
cp = copy
ERK!!! (from XP) - it says there's still a process running in the terminal! Shall I kill it?
@FumbleFingers yes, that's just the chroot, it shouldn't be an issue
Or, to be nice to it just run :
back again. After reboot i got a load of message about cant install (whatever), and cant report it either. is it possible ubuntu cant run my video card properly?
I doubt it. Something probably got screwed up somewhere along the line. It might be simpler at this point to reinstall and then follow the same instructions again. I am guessing that any complications arose because we were doing this from the live system.
Can you boot into rescue mode? It should be an option when you fust turn on the machine and get the list oif operating systems
i'm impressed with this level of personal support, but getting worried that ubuntu (all linux?) seems pretty obscure. maybe that's to be expected when i know so little
Well, ATI+Linux has a long and troubled history but this really shouldn't be this complicated.
yes it asked me to choose this time (never before) i chose the top option
Well, if you can get into the rescue mode, we'll at least have a command line to play with (no GUI though)
how can i tell if im still in 12.04?
@terdon sorry
What do you mean?
@terdon i mean it wasn't obvious that one of the options was @boot into 12.04@ jafter reboot
how do i ask linux what version im running?
Unless you have another Ubuntu install, they should all be 12.04. One of them should say "rescue mode" or similar.
@FumbleFingers try running
lsb_release -d
ty yes its 12.04
OK, so you have a command prompt? Where did you run that command?
i did ctrl / alt T and got a terminal. just copied ur line in and pressed enter
@FumbleFingers but I thought you said you could not reboot
i asked if i should kill the terminal, and you said yes. then it was possible to reboot
but it came up with those boot options i never saw before, and i chose the top one
OK, that should be your normal system
you then said this:
11 mins ago, by FumbleFingers
back again. After reboot i got a load of message about cant install (whatever), and cant report it either. is it possible ubuntu cant run my video card properly?
If you rebooted, chose the 1st option and now have a working system, it sounds like everything is fine. What am I missing?
yes, i suppose it is. sorry, but its all very new and confusing to me
@FumbleFingers no worries, I remember the feeling
Try opening a terminal and running
the point is, i still only have the same original resolutions available in Display
Ah, ok you did check that
hang on, ignore that last command.
Please post the output of
i did it already. load of what look like help messages
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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