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Ugh, more pain in the rump OPs.
Q: Using a generated list of filenames as argument list -- with spaces

alexisI'm trying to invoke a script with a list of filenames collected by find. Nothing special, just someting like this: myscript `find . -name something.txt` The problem is that some of the pathnames contain spaces, so they get broken up into two invalid names on argument expansion. Normally I wou...

6 hours later…
does anyone know the answer to this question? askubuntu.com/questions/403284/how-to-install-umtsmon
2 hours later…
hello, anybody alive? :-)
2 hours later…
@setevoy No, it's the Zombie Apocalypse.
4 hours later…
my question is... is it good action on stackexchange - answer on own Q, if found solution and can describe it in details? even if somebody in comments (not in A) give an idea which sent you in right way?
@slm must know answer, I think :-)
@setevoy - sure you can do it.
Hi, can I ask here a beginner level question?
@rick - ask questions on the main site, not in chatroom.
@setevoy Yes, you can answer your own question. There is no problem with that. If I understand what you are asking correctly.
@FaheemMitha let's see for example this Q: stackoverflow.com/questions/21236714/…
just want to understand some rules here :-)
@slm I am afraid that my question might get closed. If you spare some time to listen to my question, I would be thankful.
@setevoy Sure. there is no problem with that. Except you don't get any rep if you accept your own answer.
Thanks, @FaheemMitha
@rick - shoot
@setevoy Hah. Good one. But I'm not a cell phone fanatic.
I have logged in to remote server via ssh and currently I am in "practice" directory as below.
I actually need to unzip a file that is downloaded on my local system to that practice directory(remote server) OR unzipping locally and moving the unzipped file to that directory.
@rick local machine Windows or Linux?
I am sorry if it sounds noob, I have always used Windows, I have never used Linux or other command based things much before.
It's mac os x MacBook Pro
I don't sure - but Mac must have scp or something similar... can you try run scp command in terminal?
@setevoy But the thing is I am in current directory in the server as I have shown above. Is there anyway to move local system file to the current directory without mentioning the remote location in the command?
I don't know what to mention remote location as in this ged.msu.edu/angus/tutorials/using-ssh-scp-terminal-macosx.html
@rick This kind of question is best asked on the main site. You'll also get many more eyeballs on it than the few people who happen to be in the chatroom. Who in any case may not be looking to answer questions.
Unless you think it is too simple to ask in the main site. I'm not sure from your description.
I'm not sure if there is a specific prohibition against very elementary questions in unix.sx.
@slm He doesn't seem that bad. Or am I missing something?
@rick: Ok. Well, one reason to post a question is that all the relevant info is in one place, instead of scattered across chat. I suggest (a) post your best attempt at the question (b) wait for feedback on the question. If you wait in the chatroom people can give you fast feedback.
@FaheemMitha Okay,thanks. The thing is as I don't know much LINUX things, I am not sure this could make up an eligible question that is why I asked here.
@FaheemMitha he asked me, I said ask the Q on the main site.
28 mins ago, by rick
@slm I am afraid that my question might get closed. If you spare some time to listen to my question, I would be thankful.
@slm Yes, I saw that.
Okay, will post the question and share the link over here.
@rick your question is far less likely to be put on hold if you respond quickly to requests for clarification and improvement.
$ scp /path/to/local/your.zip myuser@ip-xx-xxx-xx-xxx:/home/myuser/javafiles/practice

run it from your Mac terminal

Kiev, capital of Ukraine, now :-(
@rick - you don't have to put the link here. We see every Q that comes in and quickly try and assist if we can. Posting them here just pollutes the stream.
1 hour later…
@setevoy because of the Darwin subsystem of Mac OS X (Darwin's userland is largely FreeBSD's userland), OS X has all the nice utilities: ssh, scp, ftp, even emacs and zsh.
@FaheemMitha there was a Meta question on this at some point. I can't be bothered to find it, as I only just woke up from recovering from my hackathon. but essentially, newbie questions are fine
@strugee You had a hackathon? Do tell.
I recently went through all the Meta questions. I'm not doing that again.
@FaheemMitha I was at one called CodeDay. a friend and I made something in Meteor.js: sprint.meteor.com; it's a work in progress. I swear by Meteor now.
it wasn't a recent question, I don't think. it was pretty old IIRC
@strugee often it does, yes. It kinda freaks them out and they pass you on to the next poor schmuck down the line until you hit an actual engineer who can help. — terdon 5 mins ago
@terdon man, I wish I knew that. I was once trying to call Dell about a legitimate bug in their BIOS (wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dell_XPS_13 - essentially, all four primary partitions are filled, if you remove any it breaks NT boot, and the BIOS won't boot from a GPT flash drive, even if you have legacy BIOS support on the flash drive)
basically what happened was I got the main XPS support line, who passed me through to the hardware support department, who passed me through to the GNU/Linux support department, who refused to help me because the laptop didn't come with Ubuntu (even though there's a beefier version of the same laptop that does). so the GNU/Linux people passed me on to this fourth department who told me that "we're the support line for people who are having very weird, specialized issues. this will cost you $60."
@strugee Wow, that's a good strategy. I must remember that.
at that point I just said "screw that", said thanks, and left.
A common response (in my experience) by support lines on being informed you are running "Linux" is to blame any problems you are having on that, even if it doesn't make sense.
I think haiku is the born-again BeOS.
People liked BeOS, but it died.
@FaheemMitha I've experienced the same. we didn't have the fastest internet at my hackathon, so I had problems downloading the NPM database (NPM = Nodejs Package Manager; it turns out you can just skip this if you don't need local search), and the Meteor download took forever, so I spent ~6 hours working on a bash script while things downloaded. my friend would tell me that it was all GNU/Linux's fault (although thankfully he was just joking and would believe me when I said it wasn't)
@strugee Sounds like he was just pulling your leg. Unfortunately, there are probably people out there who believe such things.
@FaheemMitha like I said, he was just joking. but yeah, I understand what you're talking about, and have met a few myself
as a side note, I'm a huge fan of Emacs keybindings (as opposed to the arrow keys), and when I was hanging out with this friend - this was about 6 months ago - I mentioned that I had switched to Emacs. so my friend's dad goes, "Emacs? I think I used that like a decade ago or something"
@strugee I'm not sure I get the point of that anecdote.
@strugee - meteor looks impressive. I checked it out mid last year. How was it to work in?
hi there
I installed php5 in raspbian . it just executes basic php functions like echo, phpinfo etc. , When I write any user defined function, it gives blank output.
can some one please help me to solve the problem
@FaheemMitha none. I just thought it was funny. it's vaguely related to the Linux discussion we were having, but not really
@strugee Oh, Ok. Did your friend's dad think Emacs was defunct or something?
@HarshIT ask your question on main. (but as a side note, good job for explaining your question rather than asking if you can ask, then waiting for someone to reply.)
I'm not sure why unix.stackexchange.com/q/110154/4671 was downvoted. It seems a reasonable question, and quite literate compared to some of the stuff we see here.
@strugee , ok thanks
Having said that, there isn't enough info to really offer a useful answer.
@FaheemMitha yep. they both think it's super outdated and old, so I looked it up on Wikipedia and told them that the latest release was (at the time) three months ago
@strugee That's actually not an unreasonable reaction. Software with the kind of lifetime emacs has had is actually not that common.
@HarshIT I'm going to be mean here, and say your problem is that you are using PHP. Sorry about that.
@slm unbelievably amazing. I have all these projects that I've been meaning to make, but couldn't be bothered to learn Rails or Express.js or anything. now I don't have an excuse
@strugee - are you using them to host or did you setup meteor yourself to host locally?
the one pain point was that the package management isn't really tracked in version control at all, AFAICT. that made for a lot of comparing Meteor(ite) package installs when one of us got weird behavior and the other didn't
3 close votes? Hmm. Anyone care to explain why?
@FaheemMitha yep. I didn't find his reaction to be unreasonable, I only found it to be dead-wrong
@strugee Dead wrong? Which part?
@strugee Oh, sorry. I was confused.
@FaheemMitha - closed votes for what?
I thought you were talking about the question I referenced.
@slm they provide free hosting at *.meteor.com. it has limits, obviously, but it's really nice. basically all you need is meteor deploy foobar.meteor.com
Q: What are the tradeoffs involved with different methods of installing a second Python on RHEL?

ws_e_c421I want to install a second version of Python on Redhat Enterprise License Linux. I have been searching the different StackExchange sites as well as Google for how to do this and come up with five different methods: Download the source from and build and install it with ./configure, make, and ...

@FaheemMitha I voted to close that one. Too much being asked in one Q for starters.
@slm Ah, Ok. All related stuff, though.
@slm like I said, I swear by Meteor now.
he needs to break it up. Also there are management apps for having multiple versions of Python, ruby, etc. I've written that up at least 5 times now in diff. answers here, so search first would be another reason.
Personally I think it a reasonable question, and at least it is likely to be of more general interest than just the poster.
@slm Well, I think he is wondering which way to go. That was the point. Use source install, some kind of management app, rpm ...
Personally, I always prefer binary packages, but when they aren't available for the system, then the answer is less clear.
@FaheemMitha I believe we already have a q for that
@FaheemMitha - don't get me wrong, it's a valid topic, but the A's are going to be long and filled with too much details.
Better to break that up into a couple of Q's now
There is a 30K char. limit to a post.
@slm I don't think the answers need to be that long. One can simply state ones preference. I would answer it, but I don't use RH and the poster has not provided sufficient detail for anyone to make a specific suggestion.
If you want to cover all the bases, and address all the issues he raised, then yes, I guess it would go on for a bit. I notice some of the high rep users here try to answer questions more generally, which is good practice, but does require more effort.
@FaheemMitha - I use all the RH distros and his Q is too complicated to answer in a reasonable amount of space. Plus it has a bit of opinion + discussion in it which will make the A's less valuable, IMO. I know these Q's are viewed as answerable, but keep in mind the nature of the A's that might get developed for a given Q. If a lot of ppl can provide various A's that's tell you that the Q hasn't specified itself enough.
In any case, the poster needs to be told what is wrong with his question.
@slm Ok, maybe you know more about the issues that I do.
@FaheemMitha - yes we try to cover all bases, IMO all SE's should strive to do this, but most don't. Canonical Q&A's are best.
@slm True, one should try to make answers as generally useful as possible.
If he left it at the 1-5 list that Q wouldn't be as bad, the whole 2nd 1/2 is really the issue.
@FaheemMitha - I think we try to do it the most here mainly to cut down and having the info peppered throughout many Q&A's. I hate this aspect of SO where the answer to my Q is locked in 10 different threads.
@slm Well, he's just trying to express his thoughts about 1-5 mostly, I think.
@slm if I wanted Canonical Q&As I'd be on Ask Ubuntu
@strugee heh.
I used a c not a C
@slm I know, but I couldn't resist :P
@slm You started the sentence, so it was a capital C. :-)
I've asked similar sorts of questions before (and had them closed), so I see his viewpoint. See for example:
I meant lower. I used the lower case c in my mind when I typed it 8-)
Q: Using different versions of Python

AlexBackground: Since I develop python programs that must run on different python versions, I have installed different versions of python on my computer. I am using FC 13 so it came with python 2.6 pre-installed in /usr/bin/python2.6 and /usr/lib/python2.6. I installed python 2.5 from source, and ...

Q: Using unconventional programming languages for scientific computation

Faheem MithaNote: the following post may include controversial opinions, so please note that they are only my opinions, and not intended to offend anyone. I'm being programming in some form or the other since around 1999. I initially used R, and then later, around 2004, mostly switched to Python. For many ...

That one is much longer and discursive than the python one we were talking about, and seems to have upset the moderators quite a bit.
Poor things.
Still a good question, and I wish it had stayed open. Maybe it would have got some sensible replies.
The replies there are kind of crap, imo.
/me wishes that the SE chat sound system wasn't based on Flash
@FaheemMitha - perfect example of a interesting topic/Q but not a good fit (in it's current form) for SE
@slm Discourse to the rescue!
@slm Yeah, I guess I sometimes chafe against the SE restrictions.
@strugee It is?
Q's on SE should always be answerable (by 1-2 A's). If they aren't then that's a smell that they are opinionated in the nature of responses that they'll generate, which isn't the purpose of SE sites. I've used those Q's on SO where they ask things like...
@slm They wanted me to edit it, but I thought it was fine as it was.
what's the best SVN client. Though useful, they are bad.
@slm I see and understand the viewpoint, but sometimes it seems limiting.
@FaheemMitha - I have many Q's in my mind similar to you (like that one) but I don't ask them directly like that on the sites.
I just wanted to hear about people's usage.
@FaheemMitha I think so. I'm on a tablet and sound doesn't work, so I guessed
@FaheemMitha - hence why i generally answer and not ask. I also answer 95% of the Q's I myself ask.
@strugee If so, it should crash more often. :-)
I think we could tackle these topic on our blog instead. @strugee?
@slm You answer 95% of the Q's you ask? Interesting.
We obviously have the personnel to tackle at least some aspects to these types of things. Ala a best practices or (here's what I do to do task X in my day to day) focusing on tools, workflows etc.
Well, the scicomp people complained my question read like a blog post. I was just trying to provide context. One of the comments rudely said they didn't want to hear my life story. Or something like that.
@FaheemMitha - yeah I have a hard time thinking of Q's to ask the SE oracle, b/c I know how to search so well that I can usually find enough of the A before hand. So I usually will look through our site and if I see a gap, I'll make the Q and then provide the A myself.
the blog's been delayed, btw
Gilles does the same thing (kind of).
why? - the delay.
@slm That's a helpful service.
@FaheemMitha - it's listed as one of the responsibilities as a higher rep indiv.
@slm Where?
I view the site as a knowledge base, so I'm trying to cultivate it.
I didn't know high rep people had responsibilities.
@FaheemMitha - I don't remember where I saw it but i def. read it on the SE site somewhere.
self imposed.
@slm Sure, a knowledge base but with lots of noise. :-/
Hence why I try to keep the garbage Q's out, and try to provide useful A's to OP + future visitors.
@FaheemMitha Yes, I'm trying to reduce the noise.
@slm A worthy effort. But a Herculean one.
most ppl write the A to the OP and that's it. These though helpful to 1 aren't as useful to everyone else, so when writing an A I try to write to both groups.
Gilles and Stephane do this the best IMO.
@slm I think Jeff wrote about it. I do the same
@slm Possibly true.
@FaheemMitha Of course it is, but when I have problems in my day to day, I use U&L all the time to find out how I or someone else did X.
wrt the blog:
@strugee might of been on codinghorror
I'm told that SE is working on making the blog, but they're having some problems with their Wordpress install in general. It is happening though — Michael Mrozek 2 days ago
@slm It's good you find it useful.
OK on the blog
plus the designers need time to make a WP theme
I use SO much more. unix.sx not so much.
I started my blog for the same reasons, I wrote it for me as a engineering notebook, but it's readonly to the world
SE is a shared engineering notebook that we all maintain
I use both
@slm I take it you do a lot of sys admin type stuff? I think you said you play a bunch of different roles.
i actually use SO, UL, SU, SF, AU the most
@FaheemMitha - I'm a software engineer, but I've always known a lot about systems, b/c usually problems were rooted there and if you didn't understand how those things worked, you were stuck. So I was the guy that would figure those things out.
For some reason people have a violent allergy to backporting stuff e.g. for Debian. Lots of people could fix their problems that way, but don't.
@slm I see.
But to learn these things you have to use them, so I have KVM + OpenVZ servers running at my home + MySQL, apache, wordpress, etc. etc.
classic example of the knowledge-base mindset (disclaimer: written by me):
A: Can't setup netcfg service in arch linux

strugeenetcfg is deprecated. Upgrade to netctl and try again.

I host everything myself out of my house. + I have 30+ VM's 3 KVM hosts at work.
even though OP is clearly gone, it will be useful to Googlers
I setup NIS, RAID + LVM all that, hence I have a deep practical knowledge from hands on.
@slm That's nice. Sounds like a lot of work, though. I hope your employers appreciate you. :-)
@strugee That's the perfect use of SE, they become beacons on the internet to this kind of crap.
I tried to do the knowledge base thing with my recent write to pdf thing, but no answers. :-(
@slm I'm confused by the last part of your second sentence
@FaheemMitha They do, but I do these things so that I can expand my understanding, it just so happens that knowing how to do things usually means you can get a job, since you know how to do this stuff.
@slm Agreed.
Many times the info on the internet becomes old and outdated, but it persists so when you start to try and do X you'll run into it. By making that kind of A to a Q, even creating that Q you're making a "beacon" that says, "hey all that crap is now wrong, ignore it"
@FaheemMitha that's basically the reason why the self-answer checkbox is a thing
@slm oh, I see what you're saying now
I find that SE is an especially good place to talk about Unix history. I mean, where else else would you put those questions? certainly not on e.g. the Arch forums
@strugee Not many people talking about Unix history though. Mostly they use it as a help desk. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
@FaheemMitha look at my profile. about half the questions are Unix history-style questions. although I think you're right; most people don't care.
@strugee I see a few, but half?
@FaheemMitha well, it was an approximation. I meant the style - some are "why does such-and-such work this way" instead of dealing directly with Unix history
if that makes sense
@strugee I see.
there's the - does anyone use troff/groff anymore? Which I think qualifies as history.
yeah, if you're talking about actual history, and not history-style, there's only ~5 at most
@strugee The BSD/GNU userland question definitely qualifies as historical. Good answer by Bruce Edigar, though it could more complete/detailed. Upvotes for both.
@FaheemMitha thanks! I think both you and @slm have been voting on my stuff; thank you.
let's just hope they don't get reverted for serial upvoting
no I'm careful, I don't just randomly vote on stuff, I look at the A and if it's a good one I'll vote it up, that's my normal process, but I like to focus on regulars and give them the recognition for good A's.
Braiam's too
I'd rather give the votes to ppl that participate regularly vs. someone new. If an A is awesome I'll make a note and come back to it on another day too.
Yes, I don't randomly upvote either. That would be dumb.
@slm I feel the same. only 31 rep to go... although I did get a shiny new badge for the BSD/GNU userland question
@slm what's your normal limit for voting on one person's stuff? I started looking at questions from @Braiam but stopped at like 3 because I wasn't sure when the system would start reverting votes
I think people overstate the GNU userland thing. GNU stuff is a tiny portion of the stuff on my system. it is a tiny part even of the stuff i use regularly, and i use both gcc and emacs.
@FaheemMitha sometime I'm going to write a script or somesuch to determine what portions of systems come from where. it'd be interesting to see results for both source and binary
I usually do 7-10
I mix in others so it isn't a straight line of you being UV'ed
@FaheemMitha Usually if someone writes 1 good A they're likely to write many others, so I like to find them and see those too. The UV'es serve to pull up good stuff above bad, and also reward the OP for their effort.
@strugee - asking OP's to accept Q's is easy 15's too.
Q: I disabled Compiz and the title bar on every windows is missing now

MeysamI am on Linux Mint 15 (Mate). I installed Compiz following the steps in this tutorial. Then due to some problems I faced, I decided to disable it. So I executed the following command: metacity --replace Then removed compiz --replace from the Startup Applications and reverted org > mate > desktop

augh! I'm on a tablet and keep going back to some tab that's been unloaded, then upvote something and get an error that my vote's locked in place. so I refresh and it turns out that the cache has screwed with me and I've already voted on half the stuff on the page.
@strugee - welcome to 3k
@slm yeah, I saw that - thanks. I do it sometimes when I notice but I don't usually check to see if Qs are accepted. usually it happens when I feel narcissistic and start browsing my answers :)
I like to see it done b/c I find it nicer to hit our site and there are Q's with A's that the OP has taken the time to mark as their solutions.
plus it discourages ppl from posting more A's to Q's that don't need them, better to focus on the stuff that hasn't been marked.
@slm thank you! I got up and started cheering and dancing around my room and stuff, and now my dog's all excited :D
Keep up the good work! You did the work, just helping it to get recognized.
now I don't have to bother Michael with flags
@slm I think the SQLite question probably has the only answer from you that I've ever downvoted, ever
@strugee - yeah I saw that one and wondered if I should delete it or something.
That was an early A from me when I first started on the site too.
I guess it's good to have it more for the anti-answer than the answer.
I have no OSX practical exp. and was dealing w/ the issue from a Unix only perspective, but knowing that in certain situations on OSX you don't want to do this is valuable.
@slm heh, clearly you're more active than me (I've actually been here longer). it was the correct solution from someone who hasn't used Homebrew; I think it's fine.
So me voting that one up is actually a good thing from the perspective of promoting the better general solution, though the OP was able to accept mine since it solved his specific issue, or at least allowed him to work around it.
@strugee - do you know offhand how to make the default size of windows when you "put" them to N,S,E,W? in GNOME?
I think it's like 100% vertical and maybe 50% of that height for the width.
There's a plugin for GNOME called put windows, but it wasn't working for me.
@slm you mean set the size, or turn the behavior on in general?
I drag gvim windows over and want them a bit wider
that put window extension seemed like the right one but it didn't seem to do anything when I changed the settings and dragged windows over there.
@slm if there was a built-in way to do it it would be in the dconf values for either mutter or gnome-shell. but I doubt it.
@strugee Congrats on 3K.
thanks! @slm good luck, let us know how it goes
@strugee - yeah I might breakdown and even ask it here.
though I'll likely have to figure out the A myself 8-)

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