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@Gilles Where?
A: Preserving color output with cut

Stephane ChazelasYou've got two problems here ls -G stops outputting in colour when the output doesn't go to a terminal (here to a pipe instead). Set the environment CLICOLOR_FORCE to a non-empty value to tell it to always output in color. Colors are achieved by output escape sequences that are a sequence of ch...

@Gilles - never would've noticed it
know little of BSD
Q: Installing ia32 Libs Need to Downgrade Packages

Insanity133I've been trying to install ia32 libs for ADB and fastboot through apt-get but I get a message stating I have held broken packages. So I have tried Aptitude and instead Aptitude keeps telling me that I need to downgrade a whole bunch of packages and uninstall a further four; Is this a safe operat...

I've gone ahead and downgraded the packages anyway.
Hopefully it was a safe thing to do.
@slm I can't do squat in tcsh, and I take great pride in that fact.
the touch question's been picked up as a hot network question
just saw it in the sidebar
Anyone running Arch here?
@Seth yes, it's my primary distro. why?
if you have a question, just ask it. a lot of people pop into the chatroom later and read the backlog. if you haven't actually stated what your question is they won't be able to reply
@strugee Could you pop over here please? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/201/ask-ubuntu-general-room One of our users needs some help and we're lost..
2 hours later…
wow, apparently unix.stackexchange.com is my most-visited site.
(yes, I'm aware I'm on a Windoze box. don't judge.)
1 hour later…
@FaheemMitha I've noticed you making small edits to tags and stuff recently. I'd be fine with it except that it pushes the question to the front page again. shouldn't we keep edits substantial? for reference, I'm thinking about e.g.
oh. I was expecting that to get oneboxed
2 hours later…
@strugee I don't make tag edits. Perhaps you are thinking of someone else. I usually do typo fixes, and minor grammar corrections. Yes, it puts them on the front page. So what? Granted your example was a pretty minor change. I generally make slightly larger changes. Actually, I think I was planning to make more changes to that question - the grammar is slightly dodgy - but ran out of energy.
5 hours later…
Hey guys. We found a great question suited for U&L, should we get it migrated over?
Q: How to do sudo apt-get on an AIX machine

alvasI don't understand this AIX. How do I do sudo apt-get on AIX? -bash-3.00$ sudo -bash: sudo: command not found -bash-3.00$ apt-get -bash: apt-get: command not found

@pauska sure, it would be fine here.
It's also perfectly on-topic on Super User though. How do you plan to migrate it?
@pauska also note that it has received three perfectly good answers on Super User. It would indeed be welcome here but I see no reason to migrate it from a site where it is both answered and on topic.
@pauska @terdon - can you use apt on AIX?
@slm dunno but I very much doubt it.
@terdon Yeah you can't, that Q should probably be closed.
@slm I was thinking that it could be answered by explaining how IAX deals with installing software and switching to root.su should work I guess.
@terdon - not sure it's worth your time. Seems like there should be copious amounts of info on internet for pkg. mgmt. for AIX. This user just didn't understand that OSes are diff.
sorry, that one got lost in translation
jaws dropped in the SF room when we saw the question.. sudo and apt-get on a AIX
(it was pun intended to post it here)
@pauska Great question? It's insanely dumb.
@pauska yeah, I just saw you were relatively low rep on Super User. I then checked your Server Fault profile and WTF? This guy should know better! :)
1 hour later…
@FaheemMitha it may have just been that one example
@strugee about:me? Where does that come from?
@strugee Minor edits are fine by me, as long as you don't do a bunch of them at once. Pushing one question to the front page isn't a big deal, flooding the front page is. That is, provided you have enough rep that your edit doesn't go through the edit queue. Of course, its still best to fix all issues with a post in one edit.
Hah, my most visited site is www.google.com, second most visited is localhost...
@derobert it's an extension. IIRC, it's from Mozilla labs. it tracks interesting browsing habits, like... oh yeah you found it
unix.se is third...
Today I'll get to rack up a bunch more localhost visits :-P
heh. seattleacademy.mrooms3.net is my school's instance of Moodle (online homework submission/calendar/etc.)... so clearly I have a unix.se/Tumblr addiction
I just found a similar one for chrome. chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/melytics/…
Wow, my Firefox/Inceweasel has history going back to 2011. So a lot of the Google is from back when Reader was still around.
Would be nice to be able to change the time range in about:me
Wow, I was just roundly beaten by Stephane's great answer. Could you guys upvote it? It is much better than mine but mine has the highest votes
Q: grep to find instances of "Foo" where "Bar" does not appear within 10 lines

John DiblingSuppose I want to search an entire tree for all CPP files where "Foo" occurs. I might do: find . -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep "Foo" Now suppose I want to list only those instances where some other string, say "Bar" does not occur within 3 lines of the previous result. So given two files: a.cp...

Obviously, he does not know POSIXman:
+1: Excellent. Thanks so much; I'm sure it wasn't easy to figure out the correct regex. I very much appreciate your efforts. This seems to be working exactly as I wanted. — John Dibling 1 min ago
"I'm sure it wasn't easy to figure out the correct regex. ": Yeah, right.
Well, just sent off my kernel bug report this morning. My do_IRQ issue seems to be caused by git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/…
Hasn't show up in the archive at lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/iommu/2014-January/… yet, but soon will, hopefully
@derobert Did you bisect the git repos?
@FaheemMitha at many hours to deny the bug is present, thankfully no! I took a random guess and got lucky.
Ok, not really random, as it popped up a scary message in the kernel log...
And clearly is a change to how IRQs work on the board.
@derobert So you did test it without that changeset then?
@FaheemMitha Well, I tested it with a patch that disabled the quirk. That changeset doesn't back out cleanly anymore...
Patch is in my email, I'll paste a link when they finally update the list archive page.
Didn't help that the email got delayed half an hour due to greylisting.
@derobert Ok. Sounds like the whole thing was a pain, but hardware issues usually are.
Thankfully, this one just spewed messages everywhere.
@derobert greylisting? yuck.
Well, it's a mailing list which (hopefully!) allows posting by non-subscribers, so... hard to run one of those w/o a lot of anti-spam stuff.
@derobert Is that a kernel mailing list?
@FaheemMitha Yep. One for IOMMU stuff in particular.
And it seems they only run their archiver once per hour (I hope...) around 14 past.
Oh wait, that's UTC not EST
Last archive run was 4 hours ago...
mail-archive.com/[email protected]/maillist.html doesn't have it either, so maybe the list just lags a lot :-(
2014-01-14 13:12:23 Start queue run: pid=3704
2014-01-14 13:12:26 1W37zv-0007TN-NY => [email protected] R=dnslookup T=remote_smtp H=smtp1.linuxfoundation.org [] X=TLS1.0:DHE_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1:128 DN="O=*.linuxfoundation.org,OU=Domain Control Validated,CN=*.linuxfoundation.org" C="250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 44E0820074"
2014-01-14 13:12:26 1W37zv-0007TN-NY Completed
2014-01-14 13:12:26 End queue run: pid=3704
... so it left my system.
@derobert exim or postfix? Looks like exim
yep, exim
@davidkennedy85 good for you, see if anyone can help you in the place where you posted your question. You might want to wait a bit more than an hour before badgering people in random chat rooms.
especially rooms of sites that have nothing to do with your question.
Funny how the SLA for a free online site is higher than actually paid services 8-)
@terdon sorry, I was actually thinking maybe I should have posted it here since ppl here would likely have more experience with git
And if I'm a little impatient it's because I'm trying to fix it now and very confused
@davidkennedy85 Than on Stack Overflow? That'd be surprising...
Well git was originally only for nix systems...
It's also a tool used mostly by programmers.
True. Again, sorry.
I've only ever squashed commits like that with rebase -i, but of course that's before pushing it
Rebasing after pushing generally makes people unhappy, when you break their pull.
Private repo with me only
then maybe you can do it that way? No idea.
For the next 12 or so hours, until my team mate in Australia wakes up :)
you ought to edit those details into your SO question, in particular that no one else has pulled those changes yet.
assuming bitbucket will let you, you can probably do normal history rewriting then
of course, you should take everything I said with a grain of salt, I'm not a git expert. If they're around, they're on SO.
My mistake then
But I guess I did post it in the right place after all... By the way, isn't pretty much everyone who uses nix a programmer of some kind?
/me didn't even know there was a git squash command...
@davidkennedy85 No
@davidkennedy85 Nope
... then again, neither does my git know about git squash
I'm just not sure why your average end user would go with nix over Windows or Mac, unless one of their close developer friends told them to
Any number of reasons—anything from it is cheaper, to philosophically liking free software, to being a sysadmin.
But its past lunch time—someone else will have to fully answer that...
In my tiny world admins == programmers
I work on a small team
@davidkennedy85 It is really not that hard to run free Unix-like systems these days. You don't have to be some wizard. Check out the people on Ask Ubuntu for example.
This may have not been the case in 1992-1994 for example. I don't know. I wasn't really using computers much then. When I started with Red Hat in 1998, it was already quite usable, though not comparable with where these systems are today.
I know anyone can install Ubuntu instead of Windows and most users would probably not notice a difference, but I was still under the impression most users didn't have a reason to choose any distro over Windows
I guess the free argument is pretty convincing however
@davidkennedy85 Well, no viruses springs to mind as a reason. Also, no spyware.
Still, most desktop users probably don't even consider nix a possibility
I'm with you but practically speaking
Apparently proprietary systems are getting worse and worse in that respect.
Most definitely, but would your mom know or care?
There are occasionally times when one has no choice but to use proprietary systems. Tax preparation programs for example.
@davidkennedy85 I take it you don't literally mean my mom. There are lots of people in the world you aren't professional computer people but who care about privacy and freedom. Not to mention viruses. :-)
Look, I'd take Ubuntu over Windows any day but reality is that most people buying computers have no idea what they want
I guess senior citizens aren't the most likely to take it up, unless they have some sort of technical background.
They get a desktop from Dell that comes with Windows so they use Windows
@davidkennedy85 Agreed.
Or they are trendy hipsters so they get a mac
Kidding... Windows is more hipstery these days
At least their marketing is
So it follows you can assume most nix users are programmers/developers/admins of some kind
And I assumed this would be a perfectly good place to ask about git
@davidkennedy85 I dunno. I'm not aware of any polls. Anyone else care to chime in?
Me neither, I'm just making an educated guess
@davidkennedy85 As others have said (and I agree) SO is better. Though it is still ontopic on unix.sx, true.
Lots of people use Ubuntu these days. They can't all be tech people. I really don't think there are that many tech people.
Actually, I've spent time in Ubuntu channels, and most of the people seem fairly clueless.
That's not too surprising
It is a testament to how far things have come that people like that can successfully use these systems.
Yeah I guess you're right
Still, I'm pretty sure everyone that chats on U&L is a programmer :)
Back in 1998 when I started using RH, there wasn't even a decent free browser. Or a proprietary one. The only thing available was Netscape 4.77, which froze my computer all the time.
@davidkennedy85 Define programmer. :-)
ahem developer
Someone who makes stuff with scripting/programming invovled
@davidkennedy85 That's a pretty general definition. Does tweaking .bashrc count?
No but who would tweak bashrc but a programmer
Someone who uses Linux purely so they can edit config files is a hobbyist I suppose
But I doubt there are many of those
@davidkennedy85 Well, you could try asking the people here, but nobody seems very interested in this conversation. :-)
I myself do lots of programming, but don't generally think of myself as a programmer.
Why not?
@davidkennedy85 Well, the programming is generally a side-effect of the research projects I work on. I'd actually be quite happy to do much less programming. It is way time-consuming.
Sometimes it can be interesting, but mostly it just slows one down a lot.
What kind of research do you do?
And once you've written a certain number of lines in most languages, the novelty has pretty much worn off.
@davidkennedy85 I've worked on projects in the area of applied probability, applied statistics, bioinformatics, and computational biology. A bit of a mix. Some of my stuff is online.
I should probably have all of it online. I need to set up a web page.
Cool, so why do you use Linux?
@davidkennedy85 The usual reasons. As stated above. Plus free Unix-like systems are simply a better choice for scientific computation.
Arguably for any kind of computation.
And the Linux-based systems are the leaders in that area.
In practice the choice is easy.
I'm not sure why a Unix machine would be better than Windows for computing things since that's what all computers do... they compute
If you mean processing speed that's hardware related and not OS
Of course I mean that both ways, i.e. I don't see why a Windows machine would be better than Unix in that domain either
@davidkennedy85 : i mean computing from the human perspective. Debian for example has tons of stuff available, all ready to go - you just need to pull it off the network. Try reproducing that on a Windows machine.
Ah I see
Packages you mean?
I guess that does make sense that the scientific community would be more interested in Unix if that's where the software is available
@davidkennedy85 Yes.
Also, systems like Debian just make a better programming environment.
With the shell, you have native scripting, for example.
Makes you a programmer in my book :p
@derobert - I think you typed in the wrong box: unix.stackexchange.com/a/109343/7453
@davidkennedy85 no worries, it's just considered bad for so to speak, to post Qs in chat rooms unless you've given them a chance to be answered through the usual channels.
@davidkennedy85 I was one for years. I was using Linux for quite some time before I learned how to write my first bash loop.
As for why, a lot of research involves manipulating loads of text files. *nix is extraordinarily well suited for this and has a great set of core utilities that makes that very easy to do.
My work (I do bioinformatics/computational biology) would be almost impossible on Windows systems. Even without programming, simply the core utils are essential.
@terdon Do you have enough priv to move @derobert's comment to the right place?
@FaheemMitha no one can move a comment
@Gilles Move answer to a comment.
What Gilles said. Only mods and @derobert can deal with that.
I guess @derobert will ger around to it.
@terdon Ok.
Poor guy, he'll have 14k pings waiting for him :).
@FaheemMitha Delete and add it including the original authors name is the only way to do that beyond the author doing it themselves.
@slm Ok. Can a non-moderator do that?
@FaheemMitha - don't know you'd have to ask them. But I would guess no.
@slm Ok
Do you have the privs to do that?
@FaheemMitha no one does. Comments are untouchable by anyone except their author and a mod.
By the way, could one of you @ping me, I want to test a desktop notification system
@slm @FaheemMitha @terdon Hah, apparently I hit the wrong button in the mobile app
@derobert It happens. I'm impressed you can post from those things.
And it appears you can't delete your answer from the mobile app, so had to wait until I was back in front of a browser... It wasn't loading in Firefox on my tablet for some reason.
I only got 5 pings on it :-/
/me wonders why neither his original message nor repost (sent via Google, instead of directly) have made it to [email protected]
Of course, nothing else new has either... so maybe it's just having issues.
/me testing : @terdon
@terdon again
@terdon is it working?
Thanks, yes
Trying to get it to work with gmail chat now.
Any of you have desktop notifications for new chat messages using firefox and gmail talk?
wait... firefox has desktop notifications already?
@Braiam trying an addon

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