Greetings! MathJax seems to be broken (does nothing on cs.SE and cstheory.SE, [Math Processing Error] on math.SE). It has had hickups for about a week or so, but never this bad. What is going on?
@Raphael Have you tried a refresh (hard refresh - shift+F5 I think) and clearing your cache/restarting your browser? Everything seems fine on crypto and mathjax is loaded from the mathjax CDN, as opposed to from SE.
It is fascinating to see how performance enables a site like SE to work at all; if it was as sluggish like this all the time, who would want to use it?
@Sathya The chat has many cool features. It is hard to use it only with the keyboard (in particular responding or selecting people from the @-suggestion drop-in). Or are there nice shortcuts?
Use /command shortcuts to perform common chat tasks:
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Legends tell of a prolific Meta Stack Overflow chatter who despised using their mouse above all things. In an effort to keep t...
By the way, it is kind of annoying that the moderator toolbar shows me a chunky icon proclaiming "1 suggested edit" but I can not deal with it because it is a tag wiki edit (by myself) and I can not yet decide about those. Is there a way around this?
That was quick, thank you. I guess the underlying problem/bug is still there, though? ;)
It is the day of dead CDNs, apparently. Not the editor bars are gone. "Error: The connection to ws:// was interrupted while the page was loading. Source File: Line: 6"
Where are we today?
Doing a comparison of back in the days and now, we have appeared to improve on everything except for the amount of questions per day. We've went from 2 questions per day to almost 1 question per day. As a logical result, this results in more answers on existing questions.
If only I could sort this page by these statistics; but I think one third of beta sites graduate, one third is somewhat OK and the last third is kinda/really bad...
And well, then another question is how well the graduated beta sites perform.
There should be a CHAOS-like team purely for betas...
Meh, got myself temporarily locked out of Stack Exchange. But on a first look the graduated sites look good.
@awoodland convert to comment/delete. Generally latter, since it's mainly by spam users. If it's a new user, we leave a comment explaining why it's not a good answer. If no reply then it gets deleted