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00:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

brikerw left the game.
Phasesaber left the game.
MagentaField left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
HelkaHomba joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Hi
Lumien joined the game
<Lumien> hallo
<HelkaHomba> Hey
<ElectroRedstoner> hey!
<Lumien> ... :(
<HelkaHomba> hm?
<Lumien> There was a little platform here that I could glide from...
<ElectroRedstoner> ?
<HelkaHomba> Oh, the cobble thing?
<Lumien> yeah
<HelkaHomba> by Magentas
<ElectroRedstoner> wasn't that a mob farm or something?
<Lumien> It's okay, I just dirt-pillared up.
<HelkaHomba> I removed it since it didn't look important ._.
<Lumien> Okay, where are you?
<Lumien> Just in general terms. Near the sheep farm?
<Lumien> Near the phase's-avatar wall?
<HelkaHomba> thinking about fences by my house
<Lumien> Weren't you working on spawn clearing?
<HelkaHomba> I was but shovel almost dead
<Lumien> ahh, okay
<Lumien> I'mma fly there anyway.
<Lumien> Man, Elytra is amazing.
<ElectroRedstoner> yeah, I wish I had one
<Lumien> So, we're gonna use cobble for the fence?
<Lumien> That doesn't look too bad.
<HelkaHomba> Maybe
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> ohai
<HelkaHomba> I like the gray
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<Lumien> We don't have to use one color. We could make patterns.
<Lumien> I agree though. Gray is good.
<brikerw> omw to spawn to help
<Lumien> Is there such a thing as stone gates?
<brikerw> no :(
<HelkaHomba> No
<Lumien> okay
<brikerw> ninj'aed
<brikerw> what is the nether coors of the spawn portal
<brikerw> ?
<Lumien> -9 72, IIRC
<brikerw> thx
<brikerw> quartata's outlet to the overworld is right next to me. :P
<Lumien> So, Helka, cobble fence all the way around?
<HelkaHomba> I guess so
<HelkaHomba> Or mossy cobble if preferred
<Lumien> Alright, I'm gonna head back to my place and grab cobble.
<HelkaHomba> Still need to flatten lots of the far places
<Lumien> hmm, point
<Lumien> Let's finish that first.
<Lumien> I've got a good shovel with me already.
<HelkaHomba> We could do the fence area at least, then the central parts later
<HelkaHomba> This side is nearly done
<HelkaHomba> I've got lotsa dirt if needed
<brikerw> sleeeeeeeep
<Lumien> Yeah, I'll probably need a few stacks.
<Lumien> Actually, there's some over here I can dig to flatten.
<Lumien> Oh, yep, definitely a lot over here.
<ElectroRedstoner> So, what are you guys doing?
<Lumien> Flattening the spawn common area.
<HelkaHomba> ^
<ElectroRedstoner> can I help?
<HelkaHomba> and fencing it
<Lumien> absolutely
<HelkaHomba> sure
<HelkaHomba> @riker did you really want mossy walls? vines are tricky to get lots of
<brikerw> near a swamp?
<brikerw> i can grab some, but we don't need to
<brikerw> they look nice though
<Lumien> You harvest vines with shears, right?
<ElectroRedstoner> fair warning: I haven't really doing caving, so... no diamond tools
<brikerw> yeah
<brikerw> i have some
<Lumien> @Electro: you can place dirt.
<brikerw> sorry shears not diamonds
<HelkaHomba> Basically all the ground in this area needs to be at this level (y=64)
<brikerw> should I grab vines or not?
<HelkaHomba> If you really want, but else I'm just using cobble walls
<Lumien> Sure, the *whole* fence won't be mossy, but it'd be nice to have a little decoration.
<ElectroRedstoner> I have some vines at my place, should I grab them?
<brikerw> yes
<HelkaHomba> Ooh, can you get lotsa gray wool Electro? We'll need that
<Lumien> .....wow, this is gonna take a LOT of digging... ._.
<HelkaHomba> I was thinging the area could just extend to the start of the water, instead of that farther line
<Lumien> I was thinking that we would stop at the river, actually.
<HelkaHomba> That's what I mean
<HelkaHomba> thx
<Lumien> Yeah, I got that. I meant that I was thinking the same.
<Lumien> y = 64 means that when I hit F3, I should see...what?
<Lumien> 65, okay
<HelkaHomba> "Looking at" the grouns should show y=64
<HelkaHomba> ground*
<Lumien> okay, got it.
<HelkaHomba> So your Y is really 65, yes
<ElectroRedstoner> Just came back from a trip, and parents are telling me to clean up stuff, so I'm gonna be AFK :P
<Lumien> okay
<ElectroRedstoner> should I find a safe place to AFK, or will you guys keep sleeping the night away?
<brikerw> just did :P
<HelkaHomba> Well probly sleep
<Lumien> yeah
<brikerw> ^
<brikerw> conversion from cobble to mossy?
<HelkaHomba> The recipe? not totally sure
<brikerw> brb googling
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<HelkaHomba> 2x2, cobble in diag cornere, vines on othere
<brikerw> 1:1 mossy to vines
<HelkaHomba> darn
<Lumien> ....Helka, do you really want to go all the way to the river's edge?
<Lumien> It's something like a hundred blocks or so further on the right side.
<brikerw> 2 stacks of vines
<brikerw> so that equals 2 stacks of mossy walls
<HelkaHomba> Right, I meant the line could be here instead - from the left edge
<Lumien> oh, yeah, that'd be fine by me
<HelkaHomba> ok
<HelkaHomba> I'll remove the outer cobble
<Lumien> alright
<Lumien> Could we also build towers along the perimeter for using Elytra?
<HelkaHomba> Sure :D
MagentaField joined the game
<brikerw> hai
<MagentaField> hi
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<Lumien> hey
<MagentaField> helka, i assume you saw it
Phasesaber joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Hmm?
<Phasesaber> omg why so many people
<MagentaField> ah, you didn't! give me a sec to post it
<Phasesaber> Is Electro new?
<brikerw> can't sleep and yes
brikerw left the game.
<Lumien> SLEEP GUYS.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> aka pls sleep
brikerw left the game.
<HelkaHomba> one sec
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> thx
<Lumien> Whew, alive to see one more morning.
<Phasesaber> Where are you?
<brikerw> me?
<Phasesaber> no the guy who says he's dying
<Lumien> Oh, I was way out in the field.
<Lumien> No shelter nearby.
<Lumien> Working on clearing/flattening the common area.
<HelkaHomba> ^
<HelkaHomba> Caould use help :)
<HelkaHomba> Could*
<Lumien> ^
<Phasesaber> oo ima come
<Phasesaber> eff4 shovel if you need it
<Lumien> That'll be great.
<HelkaHomba> I need lotsa gray carpet for fence
<Phasesaber> Is it this grey building that looks like Helka's?
<MagentaField> shhhh
<MagentaField> it doesn't exist
<Lumien> I was wondering about that...
<Phasesaber> So no?
<Lumien> What doesn't exist?
<HelkaHomba> wut
<MagentaField> damn
<Phasesaber> next to magenta's orange shapes
<HelkaHomba> My house duplicated...
<brikerw> wtf?
<MagentaField> i ran out of cobble
<HelkaHomba> kinda
<Phasesaber> rofl
<brikerw> ^
<Phasesaber> pranks unfinished
<MagentaField> sorta
<MagentaField> if you didn't see it for ~2 min, it would have been cool
<brikerw> HelkaHomba how much mossy cobble could you use?
<brikerw> in stacks
<HelkaHomba> We want to build a fence around community area @Magenta btw
<HelkaHomba> Your front yard is kinda in trhe way
<Phasesaber> trhe way
<MagentaField> *the
<Phasesaber> just tell me what to do!
<Lumien> You have an F4 shovel, yes?
<Phasesaber> yup
<Lumien> Come to the sheep farm.
<Phasesaber> unbreak3 as well
<HelkaHomba> Put gray carpets on these fences (or go help El)
<Phasesaber> I've got no wool :P
<HelkaHomba> @riker I havent used any mossy cobble yet, but you can replace some fences where you think it would
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> i have 5 stacks, gonna keep going until this shears gives out
<Lumien> Okay, this isn't all the way over to the right, but this is the depth needed.
<Phasesaber> alrighty
<Lumien> So, clear these hills. :D
<Lumien> Okay, gonna go fill in ponds and the like.
<MagentaField> need dirt?
<Lumien> Oh, I've got plenty, and it's very easy to get more. :P
<MagentaField> i just have a lot left over from phase's terraforming
<Phasesaber> ._.
<Lumien> oh lawl
<MagentaField> and consequently a lot of sand
<MagentaField> @Helka, do you think that i should continue building 'your base'
<HelkaHomba> not really :P
<Lumien> Hey Magenta, want to help with placing dirt?
<MagentaField> sure
<MagentaField> where?
<Lumien> Meet me at the sheep farm.
<Lumien> Okay, the level I'm standing on is where all the land should be.
<Lumien> Which is y=65 for yourself, y=64 when looking at the ground.
<Lumien> If you ever run out of dirt, there's plenty in the surrounding hills.
<Phasesaber> if you ever run out of dirt, it's in the ground
<Lumien> Which is pointless if you're *filling in* the ground.
<brikerw> anybody have 4 stacks cobble?
<Phasesaber> tons over at spawn in the ground
<HelkaHomba> Chests at spawn?
<Lumien> ......I have like a chest full of stacks of cobble in my house, let alone at spawn. :P
<brikerw> Phasesaber really?
<brikerw> I have like 4 double chests full of pure stone, but not cobble
<brikerw> ohai
<brikerw> where can I start helping?
<Lumien> Meet me at the sheep farm.
<Lumien> Bring a shovel.
MagentaField left the game.
<brikerw> already there
<brikerw> specifically can I help place fences?
<Lumien> Oh, yes, you can.
<HelkaHomba> I've already done a lot
<Lumien> The right side still needs fence.
<brikerw> show me?
MagentaField joined the game
<HelkaHomba> behind golem farm
<Lumien> Along this cobble line.
<brikerw> just fence it all?
<Lumien> I think so, yeah.
<Lumien> Helka's in charge of the fence.
<brikerw> inside this gap?
<Lumien> yep
<HelkaHomba> Or one block over - magentas stuff in in that line..
<Lumien> Oh, true.
<Lumien> So, just inside the line?
<HelkaHomba> yes
<Lumien> riker
<HelkaHomba> Briker, did you want vines?
<Lumien> That's the wrong line.
<brikerw> bleeep
<brikerw> HelkaHomba have 5 stacks mossy cobble
<Lumien> There, cleared it for you.
<HelkaHomba> Not sure what these stone bricks next to golem farm were
<brikerw> wait is this fence one block too far?
<HelkaHomba> z=217 fence
<brikerw> Lumien can i have some of my fence back?
<Lumien> I think that's the right place to put it.
<Lumien> Lemme fill in that dirt.
<HelkaHomba> thats right
<brikerw> thx HelkaHomba
<Lumien> That was weird. I could see the grass vanishing, but not the person breaking it. :P
<brikerw> dang that is fast
<brikerw> wtf
<Lumien> ?
<Lumien> Haha, yep, F4 shovel... :P
<Lumien> Mine's only F2.
<HelkaHomba> A smooth transition outside fence is good too
<Lumien> Thinking like steps?
<brikerw> any more wall area?
<HelkaHomba> yeah
<HelkaHomba> No more wall relly
<brikerw> :(
<brikerw> have 4 more stacks....
<Lumien> You could replace the plain cobble fence, I guess.
MagentaField left the game.
<HelkaHomba> I was thinking we'd have little spots of mossy here and there, not everywhere
<HelkaHomba> but up to you
<brikerw> can i fence off magenta's thing?
<HelkaHomba> Yes
<HelkaHomba> lol at the horseholes
<Lumien> o.O?
<brikerw> &
<brikerw> *^
<HelkaHomba> lots of horses in 2x2 holes they wouldn't get out of
<Lumien> oh, lol
<Lumien> Such a pity that digging out dirt does not grant XP. :P
<Lumien> I need three more levels to make new lvl30 pick and shovel...
<Lumien> Or I guess I could try repairing the pick instead.
<Lumien> That one's a good one. Shovel could be better.
<Lumien> brb
Lumien left the game.
<Phasesaber> Helka I've got 3 stacks of light blue wool if you need it
<HelkaHomba> Need gray only
<brikerw> i have 2
<HelkaHomba> for tops of fences so players can jump over
<HelkaHomba> 2 stacks?
<brikerw> 2 block
<brikerw> helka is your house next to magenta's fractals?
<HelkaHomba> No!
MagentaField joined the game
<HelkaHomba> It only liiks like it is >_>
<HelkaHomba> looks*
<brikerw> is it the cobble and glass one?
<HelkaHomba> yes
Lumien joined the game
<brikerw> HelkaHomba i kinda maybe fenced it off with magenta's fractals.
<MagentaField> yeah, what was with the fencing off of my area?
<brikerw> part of the spawn fence, sorry.
<brikerw> should i remove it?
<HelkaHomba> Wait, whats thsi fence?
<brikerw> oops
<brikerw> crap
<MagentaField> i moved my lawn for the fence, so it should be ok
<Lumien> Wait, having Mending on a pick means that when you mine diamond, it automatically gets repaired?
<brikerw> wtf?
<HelkaHomba> Its just this line that needs to be fenced
<brikerw> crap
<brikerw> i asked fence off magenta's area, and i thought yes meant all around........
<HelkaHomba> @Lumien, yes, via experience, only when in main/offhand
<HelkaHomba> @bri I though you just meant this front part
<Lumien> Oooh, xp suffices. Sweet.
<Lumien> ...okay, lvl30 enchant shovel, and I get Eff4, Unb3, and.....Silk Touch.
<HelkaHomba> Magenta's stuff is not part of community zone
<brikerw> bleep
<MagentaField> we could share your house copy
<HelkaHomba> Hmm?
<ElectroRedstoner> I'm back
<brikerw> anyone have wood?
<MagentaField> it took way too long to make. im not going to take it down
<ElectroRedstoner> I have tons of jungle wood
<brikerw> turn around
<brikerw> wood?
<brikerw> pls
<ElectroRedstoner> at my base...
<ElectroRedstoner> I'm getting it
<brikerw> far?
<ElectroRedstoner> no
<brikerw> wait there are 2 helka houses?
<MagentaField> yay confusion
<brikerw> :/
<MagentaField> no, there's one
<MagentaField> i copied it
<HelkaHomba> The south one is mine
<brikerw> woah thx
<brikerw> IKR
<Lumien> ....and I'm picking up grass blocks. Silk Touch. >_>
<Lumien> I could sell these as a commodity. :P
<brikerw> ohai zombie
<brikerw> kthx DAI
<brikerw> HelkaHomba is this okay for a fence?
<Lumien> ?????? I'm experiencing a weird glitch.
<HelkaHomba> yes, though part of that may be in the mountain eventually
<brikerw> yeah
<brikerw> brb guys, maybe 5 min
brikerw left the game.
<Lumien> Hey Magenta
<Lumien> c'mere
<MagentaField> yes
<Lumien> Am I glitching a bit?
<MagentaField> no
<Lumien> Try jumping there.
<MagentaField> ah, i know what happened
<HelkaHomba> block looks invisible to you probly
<MagentaField> try now
<Lumien> ahh, yeah
<MagentaField> there was a grass block
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
<Lumien> hah, was mining too fast :P
<Lumien> *shoveling
<Phasesaber> light grey or dark grey wool?
<Lumien> dark
<HelkaHomba> dark (normal)
<HelkaHomba> @Magenta can you rearrange your front yard so we can have a clear straight fence past?
<MagentaField> what part of it
<HelkaHomba> Everything at or south of the fence
<HelkaHomba> Thanks
<HelkaHomba> You can add a gate or arch if needed
<Lumien> I am now glad that this shovel is not enchanted with Fortune. :P
<Lumien> Coal?
<HelkaHomba> need xp for my mending shovel
<Lumien> That's what I figured.
MagentaField left the game.
<Lumien> lawl
<Lumien> @Phase, try shoveling one row at a time.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> ohai
<brikerw> what?
<brikerw> whose?
<brikerw> hai
<brikerw> is there a enchantment table nearby?
<HelkaHomba> One at my house
<Phasesaber> lumien's house
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> brr
<brikerw> *brb
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> moar brb
brikerw left the game.
<HelkaHomba> Nice work flattening
<Lumien> :D
brikerw joined the game
<Lumien> I found some coal, so I'm gonna grab my mending pick.
<brikerw> what does that do?
<brikerw> anyone have a name tag?
<Phasesaber> not me
<Lumien> nor I
<Phasesaber> *neither I
<Lumien> @Helka you're going to grassify the whole "floor"?
<HelkaHomba> Sure
<Lumien> oy
<brikerw> phase do I wait up the stairs or in the wall for your zombie farm?
<Phasesaber> read the signs
<brikerw> they don't say beyond "go up"
<brikerw> there are 2 ups.
<Phasesaber> wat
<Phasesaber> just
<Phasesaber> up the stairs
<brikerw> thx
<Phasesaber> where the arrow points
<brikerw> the arror points into the wall
<brikerw> then a 90° turn leads upwads
<Phasesaber> how does i get out of spawn
<Phasesaber> big fence in way
<Lumien> We'll have carpets on the fence eventually.
<brikerw> Phasesaber majik
<HelkaHomba> That's what the gray carpets are for
<Phasesaber> MAJIK NO WORK
<brikerw> try avocad juic
<brikerw> still no wurk?
<brikerw> #nozombies?
<brikerw> Phasesaber your zombie farm broke... ?
<Phasesaber> WHHHHAT?
<HelkaHomba> You just need to be within 16 blocks of the spawner
<brikerw> can see lik 8 blocks away
<brikerw> waiting at the hopper works?
<Phasesaber> no
<brikerw> I tri for 30 min but no zambie juic
<Phasesaber> somebody is a terrible decorator
<HelkaHomba> ?
<Phasesaber> just wait here
<Lumien> Alright, gotta go for a bit.
<Phasesaber> that's not "wait here"
Lumien left the game.
<brikerw> kthxbai if chat says Phasesaber was killed it worked.
<Phasesaber> do you see a light over here?
<brikerw> not other than the spawner no
Phasesaber left the game.
Phasesaber joined the game
<brikerw> bai
<brikerw> is it too far?
<brikerw> i see occasional zombies, but not much.
<Phasesaber> Stand ***____RIGHT HERE____*** for zombies to spawn
<brikerw> okai
<Phasesaber> it takes a while for them to build up at the bottom
<brikerw> standing
<brikerw> and okai
<brikerw> they come where?
<Phasesaber> go down there in 5 minutes and there will be some to kill
<brikerw> got it
<brikerw> bai
<Phasesaber> o/
Phasesaber left the game.
brikerw left the game.
Phasesaber joined the game
brikerw joined the game
<HelkaHomba> thx
brikerw left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
<HelkaHomba> blarb
HelkaHomba left the game.
<MagentaField> wow, not bad. just needs to be lit up
Phasesaber left the game.
Phasesaber joined the game
Phasesaber left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
<MagentaField> hi
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<MagentaField> i found this wonderful masterpiece
Sp3000 joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Sp :O
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<Sp3000> I'm too lazy to mine for materials :(
<Sp3000> But I want to build :P
<HelkaHomba> lotsa cobble in community area
<Sp3000> Wouldn't feel right taking so much from there though :/
<MagentaField> its going to be thrown away otherwise so go for it
<Sp3000> Thrown away? How come?
<HelkaHomba> Well you could help mine out the last rock layer here :P
<Sp3000> Err whereabouts?
<MagentaField> near the sheep farm
<Sp3000> Coming
<HelkaHomba> and I mean to keep any cobble, not throw it away
<Sp3000> What needs removing?
<HelkaHomba> We want entire place to be flat grass, so just this stone layer
<Sp3000> Ah k
Lumien joined the game
<Lumien> ...someone mined a maze. :P
<HelkaHomba> hi
<Lumien> oooh, coal
<Lumien> Anyone mind if I mine it for xp/mending?
<HelkaHomba> its only coal
<Sp3000> "only" :P
<Sp3000> zzz anyone?
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
<Lumien> woooo
<Sp3000> Everyone's so geared up :P
<Lumien> haha, yeah
<Lumien> Okay, is that ALL of the land?
<HelkaHomba> I think so
<Sp3000> So is the fence all around the designated the community area, is that what that is?
<HelkaHomba> Yep
<HelkaHomba> Lets move the stuff in these chests to the chests by portal
MagentaField left the game.
<ElectroRedstoner> when people riding horses go invisible...
<HelkaHomba> yeah
<Lumien> haha, indeed... :P
<Sp3000> brb
<HelkaHomba> Still need to carpet all the walls
MagentaField joined the game
<Lumien> oh right ._.
<HelkaHomba> and torch dark areas, but that's less urgent
<Lumien> What's the dark gray dye?
<HelkaHomba> ink + bonemeal
<Lumien> Also, we should probably make a wheat farm next to this.
<HelkaHomba> will do
<Lumien> torch spree!
<Sp3000> Woo free cobble
<ElectroRedstoner> are we skipping night?
<HelkaHomba> Why do the beds near portal always say monsters nearby?
<HelkaHomba> Pretty sire they arent
<HelkaHomba> sure*
<Lumien> I think it's because of the mountain.
Sp3000 left the game.
Sp3000 joined the game
<ElectroRedstoner> I'm gonna do some testing in a singleplayer world, bbl
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
<Sp3000> Test
<Sp3000> k better
<HelkaHomba> This ok place for wheat farm @lum?
<Lumien> Sure, that'll be good.
<Lumien> A little smaller than the max.
<HelkaHomba> no?
<Lumien> Oh, no, it's fine.
<Sp3000> Hmm do we have a beacon?
<HelkaHomba> No
<Lumien> not yet
<Sp3000> k, just wondering
<Lumien> yay wheat farm
<HelkaHomba> hehe, can't get me zombie
<Lumien> woot
<Lumien> We should probably put torches at regular intervals.
<Lumien> What do you think?
<HelkaHomba> If you want to organize them you can but o.o
<Lumien> lol, okay
<HelkaHomba> You need a horse
<Lumien> I have one. He's back home.
<Sp3000> Woop, definitely lag o'clock over here, just got 30 blocks undone
<Lumien> If we had towers, there would be no problem getting around.
<Lumien> There's a way to make a safe slime block elevator, right?
<HelkaHomba> Yes
<Lumien> Like in the old world, but with stuff around it so you don't fall and die.
Sp3000 left the game.
<Lumien> How big are those, usually?
<HelkaHomba> 3x3 or 3x4 column I think
<Lumien> okay
<HelkaHomba> though corner blocks aren't necessary
Sp3000 joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Where's charlie?
<HelkaHomba> oh
<Lumien> I'll put ladders on this pillar when I come back with food.
<HelkaHomba> bright floor o.O
<HelkaHomba> Where are you sp?
<Sp3000> Underground about to start mining
<Sp3000> Need help with something?
<HelkaHomba> No
<Sp3000> Does coal get affected by fortune?
<HelkaHomba> Yes
<Sp3000> Yay
<Lumien> I have a few stacks of coal blocks because of Fortune. :P
<Sp3000> I'd like that :P having said that I don't use coal blocks that much though, probably should
<Sp3000> Always feel sorry for that last block that only gets half used
<MagentaField> helka, how does your door work?
<HelkaHomba> I can kinda show the redstone
<MagentaField> wow, this house seems familiar
<HelkaHomba> har har
<Lumien> Alright, there are currently two dirt pillars on either side (lengthwise) of the common area.
<Sp3000> Dirt pillars for?
<Lumien> Elytra!
<HelkaHomba> Jumping off of
<Sp3000> *stares*
<HelkaHomba> I sold you one, right Sp?
<Sp3000> Yeah, but dirt
<Sp3000> I'll steal the community cobble for towers later
<Lumien> Only temporary until we have pretty towers.
<Lumien> Okay, gonna fly back home, then log off for the night.
<Lumien> G'night!
<HelkaHomba> Can you fly with a horse?...
<Lumien> I seriously doubt that.
<Sp3000> I'd expect you, yes. Horse, no.
<Lumien> You can't fly at all.
<Lumien> Just tried.
<Lumien> Now, you CAN dismount and then fly.
<Sp3000> Hmm not being able to pick up items is a good indicator of lag
<Lumien> hah, yeah
<Sp3000> *waits for everything to happen at once*
<HelkaHomba> :S
<Lumien> Bill? Whose horse is Bill?
<HelkaHomba> not sure
<HelkaHomba> Sam
<Sp3000> Don't worry, it's somewhat playable :P Just as long as there's no creepers around :P
<Lumien> We need like, a dedicated horse pen. :P
<Lumien> Wow, this is an impressive copy.
<HelkaHomba> My door is dark oak actually :P
<MagentaField> whoops
<MagentaField> the smelting system works, actually
<Lumien> Okay, time for me to call it a night.
<Lumien> G'night all!
Lumien left the game.
<HelkaHomba> night
<HelkaHomba> no bonsai
<MagentaField> how did you get slime balls?
<HelkaHomba> The swamp to the southeast
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
<Sp3000> Hey
<HelkaHomba> I may have killed some of your livestock Sp
<Sp3000> *shrugs* got a sheep farm now
<ElectroRedstoner earned BUILD_HOE>
<HelkaHomba> Will your friend be on to finish the wizard spiral?
<Sp3000> Hmm hopefully, or if not I'll probably work on it slowly
<Sp3000> k time to make towers, mind if I take a whole bunch of iron?
<HelkaHomba> no
<HelkaHomba> Towers?
<HelkaHomba> In place of dirt?
<Sp3000> Yeah, don't like dirt towers, even if temp :/
<Sp3000> ... I should probably have taken the wings out for testing
<Sp3000> ... oh well
<Sp3000> Inside the perimeter or on the perimeter? Which do you prefer?
<HelkaHomba> inside
<Sp3000> k
<HelkaHomba> we might add slimeblock elevators to them later fyi
<Sp3000> Er... I had a different idea in mind, but okay :P
<ElectroRedstoner> I wish I had wings... especially with my giant tree base :'(
<HelkaHomba> The end is open for exploration, but finding new end ships is hard
<HelkaHomba> ohh
<HelkaHomba> minecrarts make sense
<Sp3000> Hmm glass maybe
<HelkaHomba> For the walls? That'd be cool
<Sp3000> And also for the floor between levels
<Sp3000> k so that's too tall
<HelkaHomba> But can you put ladder on glass?
<Sp3000> Hmm nope, but I just mean the other blocks except that one
<Sp3000> Hmm every 4
<Sp3000> 5
<Sp3000> k, gonna go get some glass
<HelkaHomba> Bye
HelkaHomba left the game.
Sp3000 left the game.
<ElectroRedstoner earned MAKE_BREAD>
MagentaField left the game.
Phasesaber joined the game
<ElectroRedstoner> hello!
<Phasesaber> o/
<ElectroRedstoner> This isn't done, I kinda need redstone to finish it
<Phasesaber> I'm surprised that the redstoner needs redstone!
<ElectroRedstoner> And I'm a bit lazy... I don't really like going mining :P
<Phasesaber> Once spawn gets more established there will probably be shops for everything
<ElectroRedstoner> yeah
1 hour later…
Sp3000 joined the game
Sp3000 left the game.
2 hours later…
Sp3000 joined the game
<Sp3000> Whee
Sp3000 left the game.
Sp3000 joined the game
Sp3000 left the game.
Sp3000 joined the game
00:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

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