« first day (242 days earlier)      last day (147 days later) » 
00:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

<Phasesaber> oh shit
<Phasesaber> too many zombies
<Sp3000> XD
<Sp3000> You two afking?
<Phasesaber> I was
<Phasesaber> 600 entities got me from 30 -> 52
<Phasesaber> I had like 2 fps
<Sp3000> Day came just in time, need more glass
<Sp3000> Ahaha, server lag or client side/
<Phasesaber> client lag
<Sp3000> What were you doing lol
<Phasesaber> Zombie farm!
<Sp3000> Of all things
<Sp3000> Don't we have, say, skeleton farms?
<Phasesaber> The pool where they sit is far enough away for more to spawn, so _infinite_ can spawn.
<Phasesaber> I haven't seen one
<Sp3000> Ah :/
<Sp3000> Arrows would be good
<Phasesaber> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<Phasesaber> myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
<Sp3000> ?
<Phasesaber> goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
<Phasesaber> I got a new latop for Christmas
<Phasesaber> with 8gb of RAM
<Sp3000> Congrats
<Phasesaber> and I completely forgot to change the default ram usage for Minecraft
<Phasesaber> so I've been playing with 2gb for months
<Phasesaber> ergamergaderpeoeinrgoeinrgiogmeil5hne5th6
Phasesaber left the game.
Phasesaber joined the game
<Sp3000> 40 rotten flesh = 1 emerald
<Sp3000> lol has anyone paid
<Phasesaber> yup
<Sp3000> o_O
<Phasesaber> I just opened up a while ago
<Phasesaber> "yup" to the price, not that anyone has paid
<Sp3000> Ah right
<Phasesaber> The villagers will buy them for ~30 per emerald, so if you use my shop you make a profit
<Phasesaber> but that also requires the manual labor of going to the village
<Sp3000> Times fallen off a tower, panicked, then realised I might just land in water: 2
<Phasesaber> Which tower?
<Sp3000> Minecart clicky tower, at the sheep pen corner of the community area
<Phasesaber> How many GB is 1811MB?
<Sp3000> Almost 2? About 1.7?
<Phasesaber> uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurg
Phasesaber left the game.
Phasesaber joined the game
<Sp3000> Man, at this rate I think I'll just keep building until I hit the clouds
<Sp3000> ... okay maybe even taller than that (apparently I'm almost at the clouds)
<Phasesaber> I don't see one at the sheep farm
<Sp3000> I see you
Phasesaber left the game.
Sp3000 left the game.
Sp3000 joined the game
Sp3000 left the game.
2 hours later…
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
3 hours later…
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
4 hours later…
brikerw joined the game
Lumien joined the game
<Lumien> allo
<brikerw> ohai
<Lumien> 'kay, where are you?
<brikerw> zombie farm
<brikerw> you know where that is?
<brikerw> -50x -315z
<brikerw> where r u?
<Lumien> At the top of this Elytra tower.
<brikerw> coors?
<Lumien> About -350x 310z.
<brikerw> i seriously need a faster hors
<brikerw> omw
<Lumien> Do you have Elytra yourself?
<brikerw> wtf
<brikerw> and no
<Lumien> Now I'm at Pietu's base ~100x 100z
<brikerw> at the fence near the tower....
<brikerw> my fucking horse poofed
<Lumien> heh heh
<Lumien> I'll be there in a few moments.
<brikerw> I got off and he disappeared with my saddle and diamons horse armor
<Lumien> Okay, look in the direction of spawn mountain.
<Lumien> Lemme know when you are.
<brikerw> just at the iron farm
<Lumien> okay
<Lumien> I LOVE ELYTRA. :D
<brikerw> the horse poofed but I have my horse armor + saddle
<Lumien> Your horse is probably about where I am.
<brikerw> daavko said he would give me some, but he hasn't been on
<Lumien> I see it, actually.
<brikerw> wait what?
<Lumien> You're on it.
<brikerw> wtf
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<Lumien> lol
<brikerw> i friggin see it now
<brikerw> wtf is wrong with this
<brikerw> um
<Lumien> So yeah, that tower's pretty cool.
<brikerw> ^
<brikerw> brb
<Lumien> Gonna make carpets for the fence?
<brikerw> yeah
<brikerw> that is a friggin mosh pit
<Lumien> hahaha yeah
<Lumien> These leaf blocks yours?
<brikerw> yeah
<brikerw> no inven space
<Lumien> oh
<Lumien> Gimme the wool then.
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> got space now
<Lumien> o.O?
<brikerw> what?
<brikerw> sorry for the late reply
<brikerw> done
<brikerw> O_O
<brikerw> i needs moar wings for me
<Lumien> hrm
<Lumien> hrm. I need more dirt
<brikerw> you need to stahp attracting creeper
<brikerw> *s
<brikerw> sleep
<brikerw> is gut
MagentaField joined the game
<brikerw> oahi
<MagentaField> hi
<Lumien> hallo
<brikerw> Lumien is the gray cape elytra?
<Lumien> yep
epicTCK joined the game
<brikerw> oahi
<epicTCK> hi
<Lumien> riker, look
<brikerw> epic
<epicTCK> what
<brikerw> I BELIVE Lumien CAN FLY
<epicTCK> um yeah its called an elytra
<brikerw> I know
<brikerw> he was showing how they fold out
<epicTCK> *eltrya?
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
<MagentaField> did i miss anything
<epicTCK> no
<brikerw> no
<Lumien> Riker, you know spamming hits doesn't work, right?
<brikerw> maybe
<brikerw> yes but i forgot
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<Lumien> There, the hole's all filled in.
<brikerw> nice
<Lumien> Dat thunder. ._.
<epicTCK> 2 batch skelly horse just spawned by my base
<epicTCK> D:
<epicTCK> oh noes
<brikerw> I helps
<Lumien> Coords?
<brikerw> ^
<epicTCK> well i escaped but...
<brikerw> cottage or base?
<epicTCK> lemme get the coords
<epicTCK> base
<epicTCK> base-in-progress
<epicTCK> -27 68 440
<epicTCK> near there
<Lumien> I'll be there soon.
<brikerw> OMW
<MagentaField> ditto
<brikerw> oahi
<epicTCK> ur invisible
<brikerw> ur floating
<brikerw> wtf
<epicTCK> U were invisible..
<brikerw> dude don't hit me
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
<MagentaField> sorry
<epicTCK> over here
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
<Lumien> I see skelly horses but no riders.
<epicTCK> ok everyone is sporadicly invisible...
<brikerw> dead now Lumien
<epicTCK> i gtg for like 10 min
<brikerw> bai
<brikerw> can i throw your eggs?
<epicTCK> why not
<Lumien> ah well
<epicTCK> gtg bbs
<epicTCK> WTF
<Lumien> I'll check out this floating farm...
epicTCK left the game.
<brikerw> bai
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> sleep pls fast
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
<Lumien> Mmm, I spy another mob farm in the distance. *tries to fly there*
Lumien fell from a high place
<Lumien> ....it broke in mid flight.
<Lumien> 'kay then, time to repair it.
<Lumien> yayyyy fully repaired!
<MagentaField> lumien, want to see the door
<MagentaField> ?
<Lumien> ...didn't someone have a map wall around here?
<MagentaField> i did
<Lumien> I thought Helka said his door was dark oak.
<MagentaField> door frame
<Lumien> oh
<Lumien> wow that's a LOT of sand
<MagentaField> yup
<Lumien> and dirt
<MagentaField> dunno where i got the dirt from though
<Lumien> Alright, gonna head to my home and sign off for now.
<MagentaField> if you need glass, you know where to go
<Lumien> haha, yeah
Lumien left the game.
MagentaField left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
<epicTCK> @im back
MagentaField joined the game
<epicTCK> yo
<epicTCK> my left pinky is numb
<epicTCK> idky
<MagentaField> that shouldn't impact your ability to play, though
<epicTCK> shift
<epicTCK> and typing is really annoying
<MagentaField> i never use my pinky when typing
<epicTCK> just got an xp from mining dirt... um...
<epicTCK> Testing if I actualy use my pinky...
<epicTCK> yup just not much
<MagentaField> did you see my recreation of helka's first floor?
<epicTCK> no where
<MagentaField> next to my shapes
<epicTCK> lemme go se
<epicTCK> e
<epicTCK> just why?
<MagentaField> failed troll
<epicTCK> thats creepy
<MagentaField> i planned to blow up this house partially
<MagentaField> then take a pic and post it
<epicTCK> oh ok
<epicTCK> btw the shapes are just..... ug
<MagentaField> the dirt wasn't mine
<epicTCK> either wau
<epicTCK> *way
<epicTCK> wanna help terraform my canal into a river
<MagentaField> sure
<epicTCK> -72 63 496
<MagentaField> filling it in or digging out
<epicTCK> digging
<epicTCK> i have plenty of dirt so
<epicTCK> any filling we can handel
<epicTCK> u dissapeared
epicTCK left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
<MagentaField> where are you?
<epicTCK> at coords
<epicTCK> it glitches so we are invis i think
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
<epicTCK> ok i reloaded the chunks
<epicTCK> i c u
<epicTCK> i need this to look more organic...
<MagentaField> thanks
<epicTCK> should we replace stone with dirt
<MagentaField> i don't think so
<MagentaField> do we fill in this lake over here
<epicTCK> which?
<epicTCK> why not.. sure
<epicTCK> like my dam?
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<epicTCK> yo one
<TheNumeralOne> Hola!
<MagentaField> whoa
<TheNumeralOne> hmm, I found cooked pork chops in the nether.
<TheNumeralOne> And here is some chicken :D
<epicTCK> its gonna be a big circle lak
<epicTCK> *lake
<MagentaField> nice
epicTCK was slain by Zombie
<epicTCK> kk im good thanks
<epicTCK> gonna go make some armor brb
<TheNumeralOne> What r you guys working on?
<MagentaField> a river
<epicTCK> river at my base
<TheNumeralOne> I need to make my base look nice.
<epicTCK> thnks
<epicTCK> nic bow
<MagentaField> power 4
<epicTCK> gtg soon
<TheNumeralOne> Ooo, I found a nice horse with diamond armour.
<epicTCK> not urs
<TheNumeralOne> It is white and is is a river.
MagentaField left the game.
<TheNumeralOne> is is -> is in
<epicTCK> gtg bai
epicTCK left the game.
<TheNumeralOne> audios
<TheNumeralOne> I spelled that wrong :/
MagentaField joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Hi!
<MagentaField> hi
CallistoOB joined the game
<CallistoOB> allo
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!
<MagentaField> hi
<CallistoOB> who is magenta?
<TheNumeralOne> Do you know where dragon egg is?
<CallistoOB> nope sorry, missed all that comotion
epicTCK joined the game
<CallistoOB> halllo
<epicTCK> hi
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<CallistoOB> two?
epicTCK left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
epicTCK was blown up by Creeper
<CallistoOB> o_o
<CallistoOB> rip
<TheNumeralOne> Ouch.
<CallistoOB> @EasterlyIrk
<epicTCK> I was afk even
TheNumeralOne left the game.
CallistoOB left the game.
epicTCK left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> oahi
<MagentaField> hi
epicTCK joined the game
<brikerw> hai
<epicTCK> hai you little ....
<brikerw> love you too
<epicTCK> partial square
epicTCK left the game.
<brikerw> I'm not that bad
<brikerw> sleeeeep
MagentaField left the game.
<brikerw> bai
MagentaField joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> ohai
<MagentaField> hi
<brikerw> wait didyou just get back?
<MagentaField> yea why
<brikerw> bc i didn't see you join
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<MagentaField> hi
<brikerw> hai
<brikerw> was always here, just refreshing my connection to GET A STUPID HORSE THROUGH A PORTAL!!!
<brikerw> YUSSS
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> sleeeeep
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> did you take all the iron?
<MagentaField> no
<brikerw> I wonder what message you get if you get killed by eggs?
<MagentaField> let me see
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
<brikerw> hai again
<MagentaField> i have no idea what the egg death message is
<brikerw> google says shot or just died
<MagentaField> let me try another death message
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> I'll kill you!!!! :P
<MagentaField> damn- didnt work
<brikerw> what?
<MagentaField> trying to get 'died of kinetic energy'
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> sorry lag
<brikerw> did you say anything?
<MagentaField> trying to get 'died of kinetic energy'
<brikerw> wtf?
<MagentaField> when you die of smacking into a mountain with an elytra
<brikerw> roflmao
<brikerw> what do you get?
<MagentaField> the above message
<brikerw> die of smacking into a mountain with elytra?
<brikerw> oh nvm
<brikerw> i get it
<brikerw> sleeep :P
<brikerw> what are you doing?
<MagentaField> building
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> sorry what are you building?
<MagentaField> second floor on top of the copy building
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> why are you doing that?
<MagentaField> i can
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> brb
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
00:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

« first day (242 days earlier)      last day (147 days later) »