<Deusovi> They could be useful
<TheNumeralOne> They don't effect the dragon, but they might the crystals.
<TheNumeralOne> They don't effect the dragon, but they might the crystals.
<brikerw> suo
<brikerw> *sup
<HelkaHomba> But I think he drops far less xp after the first time you kill him :/
<brikerw> still a lot
<brikerw> wither would be better tho
<brikerw> *sup
<HelkaHomba> But I think he drops far less xp after the first time you kill him :/
<brikerw> still a lot
<brikerw> wither would be better tho
<TheNumeralOne> I just got that.
<brikerw> nice
<Deusovi> nice!
<TheNumeralOne> Wither drops only 10x zombie.
<TheNumeralOne> xp
<brikerw> oh
<brikerw> nice
<Deusovi> nice!
<TheNumeralOne> Wither drops only 10x zombie.
<TheNumeralOne> xp
<brikerw> oh
<HelkaHomba> Go through the nether portal at central spawn, then follow the dirt and torches and signs
<Deusovi> Cool, thanks
<Deusovi> Cool, thanks
<Deusovi> Might move some brewing stands and ingredients back to spawn to make an auto-brewer
<brikerw> thank u
<brikerw> thank u
<brikerw> what?
<Deusovi> hm?
<TheNumeralOne> What are they?
<brikerw> oh the senior prank thing?
<brikerw> wait confused
<Deusovi> hm?
<TheNumeralOne> What are they?
<brikerw> oh the senior prank thing?
<brikerw> wait confused
<MagentaField> phase had an idea for pranks between north and south spawn
<brikerw> oh
<brikerw> like what?
<brikerw> oh
<brikerw> like what?
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Note that I'm ok with upgrading the server plan if everyone supports it. Just it will cost more.
<brikerw> Scrappy_Wheels_8 PPCG name?
<HelkaHomba> Note that I'm ok with upgrading the server plan if everyone supports it. Just it will cost more.
<brikerw> Scrappy_Wheels_8 PPCG name?
Scrappy_Wheels_8 left the game.
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> btw, time changes tonight.
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> btw, time changes tonight.
<Deusovi> hey!
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> hi
<TheNumeralOne> hello
<Carnivous> Good evening!
<MagentaField> hi
<brikerw> we has snowball farm?
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> hi
<TheNumeralOne> hello
<Carnivous> Good evening!
<MagentaField> hi
<brikerw> we has snowball farm?
<brikerw> yeses, gollum/cheezburger cat talkers!
<TheNumeralOne> Infinity works, right?
<brikerw> *talkiers
<HelkaHomba> yes
<TheNumeralOne> Infinity works, right?
<brikerw> *talkiers
<HelkaHomba> yes
<Deusovi> back in a bit
<Carnivous> Sword, pick, bow, torches, blocks, food, water, arrows, wood, piston, redstone. Missing anything?
Deusovi left the game.
<brikerw> bai
<brikerw> redstone?
<Carnivous> For the piston
<brikerw> and piston?
<Carnivous> For the egg
<brikerw> oh
<Carnivous> Sword, pick, bow, torches, blocks, food, water, arrows, wood, piston, redstone. Missing anything?
Deusovi left the game.
<brikerw> bai
<brikerw> redstone?
<Carnivous> For the piston
<brikerw> and piston?
<Carnivous> For the egg
<brikerw> oh
<HelkaHomba> could use regen + strength potions
<HelkaHomba> have loads of healing
<Carnivous> I have no potions.
<brikerw> anyone has string?
<Carnivous> Where to ovtain?
<brikerw> and ^^^
<HelkaHomba> have loads of healing
<Carnivous> I have no potions.
<brikerw> anyone has string?
<Carnivous> Where to ovtain?
<brikerw> and ^^^
<HelkaHomba> lots of spare stuff really
<TheNumeralOne> I'll need more food.
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> I'll need more food.
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> argh timed out
<brikerw> but in bed now
Scrappy_Wheels_8 left the game.
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
<HelkaHomba> I've 7 stacks baked potatoes at stronghold
<brikerw> but in bed now
Scrappy_Wheels_8 left the game.
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
<HelkaHomba> I've 7 stacks baked potatoes at stronghold
<brikerw> will we need pickaxes?
<brikerw> and ~ -72x 256z
<HelkaHomba> probly
<TheNumeralOne> Minecraft froze really bad on me.
<brikerw> and ~ -72x 256z
<HelkaHomba> probly
<TheNumeralOne> Minecraft froze really bad on me.
<TheNumeralOne> Had to log out and back in.
<brikerw> damit I leave for spawn and go back for stuff. >. <
<brikerw> damit I leave for spawn and go back for stuff. >. <
<HelkaHomba> From spawn portal in nether, follow dirt then torches and sighs
<brikerw earned NETHER_PORTAL>
<HelkaHomba> n*
<Carnivous> gg
<brikerw earned NETHER_PORTAL>
<HelkaHomba> n*
<Carnivous> gg
<Carnivous> what biome is the stronghold in
<HelkaHomba> I only have a but
<TheNumeralOne> I have nearly a stack
<HelkaHomba> plains I thing
<TheNumeralOne> on me
<HelkaHomba> k
<MagentaField> plains and river
<HelkaHomba> I only have a but
<TheNumeralOne> I have nearly a stack
<HelkaHomba> plains I thing
<TheNumeralOne> on me
<HelkaHomba> k
<MagentaField> plains and river
<Carnivous> is that a snowman biome?
<brikerw> Carnivous Im foolowing you
<Carnivous> why?
<brikerw> bc you might know the way
<brikerw> Carnivous Im foolowing you
<Carnivous> why?
<brikerw> bc you might know the way
<TheNumeralOne> I'm here!
<brikerw> coors?
<HelkaHomba> I just said the coords
<TheNumeralOne> 589 26 2087
<brikerw> coors?
<HelkaHomba> I just said the coords
<TheNumeralOne> 589 26 2087
Deusovi joined the game
<brikerw> what about nether/
<HelkaHomba> That's overworld coords
<brikerw> HelkaHomba too far up
<brikerw> what about nether/
<HelkaHomba> That's overworld coords
<brikerw> HelkaHomba too far up
<Deusovi> what do the numbers by our names in the player list mean?
<HelkaHomba> there's a very torched path
<HelkaHomba> there's a very torched path
<brikerw> what abot spawn portal coors
<TheNumeralOne> Do we need ender pearl?
<MagentaField> has anyone gone to the end yet?
<TheNumeralOne> Do we need ender pearl?
<MagentaField> has anyone gone to the end yet?
<HelkaHomba> bring stacks of blocks. Some of the ender crystals have iron cages now
<HelkaHomba> so we'll need to climb up
<HelkaHomba> so we'll need to climb up
<TheNumeralOne> Forgot pumpkin :/
<HelkaHomba> water too maybe
Lumien joined the game
<HelkaHomba> pumpkins here
<Lumien> hullo!
<Deusovi> hey!
<brikerw> ohai
<HelkaHomba> water too maybe
Lumien joined the game
<HelkaHomba> pumpkins here
<Lumien> hullo!
<Deusovi> hey!
<brikerw> ohai
<Lumien> Oh, thanks to whoever left the diamonds. I needed those.
<TheNumeralOne> protection IV vs pumpkin
<TheNumeralOne> protection IV vs pumpkin
<Lumien> Hmm. Not enough for boots + helmet.
<Lumien> Any chance I can borrow 3 diamond from someone?
<Lumien> Any chance I can borrow 3 diamond from someone?
<TheNumeralOne> I have 3 at my base in minerals chest
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
Scrappy_Wheels_8 left the game.
<TheNumeralOne> Ender dragon immune to most effects.
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> No! I need to set spawn!
<MagentaField> ditto
<TheNumeralOne> Ender dragon immune to most effects.
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> No! I need to set spawn!
<MagentaField> ditto
<Lumien> whoops
<brikerw> wait for next night, I needed it too
<Lumien> I wanted it to be daytime when I ventured outside...
<brikerw> wait for next night, I needed it too
<Lumien> I wanted it to be daytime when I ventured outside...
<TheNumeralOne> no
<brikerw> *powder
<HelkaHomba> But right, only sleep tonight to quickly set spawn!
<Lumien> I have some.
<Carnivous> Can I have one?
<Lumien> yeah
<brikerw> *powder
<HelkaHomba> But right, only sleep tonight to quickly set spawn!
<Lumien> I have some.
<Carnivous> Can I have one?
<Lumien> yeah
<Lumien> Do you want other potion materials?
<HelkaHomba> there is a fortress outside the stronghold portal, up high
<HelkaHomba> there is a fortress outside the stronghold portal, up high
<TheNumeralOne> Day half way over.
<Carnivous> Ugh I need a redstone too
<HelkaHomba> idk, it's not that hard to avoid endermen
<brikerw> in the chest
<Carnivous> Ugh I need a redstone too
<HelkaHomba> idk, it's not that hard to avoid endermen
<brikerw> in the chest
<Carnivous> whoops
<brikerw> what?
<Carnivous> now the powder
<TheNumeralOne> How many potions should i grab?
<brikerw> what?
<Carnivous> now the powder
<TheNumeralOne> How many potions should i grab?
<brikerw> i accidentalyly chugged potion. > . <
<HelkaHomba> 3 or 4 I guess
<brikerw> sorry for wasting it. :((((
<HelkaHomba> 3 or 4 I guess
<brikerw> sorry for wasting it. :((((
<HelkaHomba> Need armor magenta?
<Lumien> About -100x 150z.
<HelkaHomba> oh
<MagentaField> no
<TheNumeralOne> free arow if you can grab it :P
<Lumien> About -100x 150z.
<HelkaHomba> oh
<MagentaField> no
<TheNumeralOne> free arow if you can grab it :P
<Carnivous> lol
<MagentaField> infinity
<TheNumeralOne> :P
<Lumien> Carn, I put the stuff in my ender chest.
<MagentaField> infinity
<TheNumeralOne> :P
<Lumien> Carn, I put the stuff in my ender chest.
<Lumien> I can give it to you at the stronghold base.
<brikerw> do we have gold?
<Carnivous> Thanks, I'm there
<Lumien> I have lots of gold.
<brikerw> do we have gold?
<Carnivous> Thanks, I'm there
<Lumien> I have lots of gold.
<brikerw> can i has 8
<brikerw> wait for golden carrot
<HelkaHomba> no more gold at stronghold afaik
<Carnivous> Lumien the real OG
<TheNumeralOne> I have nugget
<brikerw> wait for golden carrot
<HelkaHomba> no more gold at stronghold afaik
<Carnivous> Lumien the real OG
<TheNumeralOne> I have nugget
<Lumien> I'll give you a gold block.
<Carnivous> I have eggs for the towers
<brikerw> Lumien i need 1 ingot.
<Carnivous> I have eggs for the towers
<brikerw> Lumien i need 1 ingot.
<brikerw> :P
<Lumien> Okay, I'm heading to the portal now.
<brikerw> and thanks Lumien
<TheNumeralOne> How close to night>
<Lumien> Okay, I'm heading to the portal now.
<brikerw> and thanks Lumien
<TheNumeralOne> How close to night>
<brikerw> MagentaField my turn.
<HelkaHomba> Remember, get right out of bed if you get in
<HelkaHomba> So people can set spawn
<HelkaHomba> Remember, get right out of bed if you get in
<HelkaHomba> So people can set spawn
<TheNumeralOne> ready guys
<Lumien> Look in this chest I'm looking at/
<Carnivous> wait
<Lumien> ...I didn't set spawn. :(
<HelkaHomba> oh shoot
<Lumien> Look in this chest I'm looking at/
<Carnivous> wait
<Lumien> ...I didn't set spawn. :(
<HelkaHomba> oh shoot
<TheNumeralOne> I barely got in in time.
<Lumien> Eh, it's not too far a run through the nether. I'll be fine.
<HelkaHomba> I left bed right away :(
<Lumien> Eh, it's not too far a run through the nether. I'll be fine.
<HelkaHomba> I left bed right away :(
<TheNumeralOne> Hey phi!
<brikerw> ^
<Lumien> Good timing, Phi.
<magnanimous_phi> ayyy
<HelkaHomba> @phi you coming to fight dragon? We're pretty much ready
<brikerw> ^
<Lumien> Good timing, Phi.
<magnanimous_phi> ayyy
<HelkaHomba> @phi you coming to fight dragon? We're pretty much ready
<Carnivous> Before we begin
<brikerw> gimme a mo making nightvision
<Carnivous> I have a quote
<TheNumeralOne> wait for phi
<Lumien> Oh, I need to make some ladders.
<brikerw> gimme a mo making nightvision
<Carnivous> I have a quote
<TheNumeralOne> wait for phi
<Lumien> Oh, I need to make some ladders.
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<magnanimous_phi> I have 80 arrows... that might not be enough
<Carnivous> I have 96
<Lumien> That should be enough.
brikerw joined the game
<magnanimous_phi> I have 80 arrows... that might not be enough
<Carnivous> I have 96
<Lumien> That should be enough.
<MagentaField> i have 75
<Lumien> I have 64+32 altogether.
<Carnivous> SHould I make a shield?
<Lumien> Plus another 35 in the ender chest.
<brikerw> i has 42 arrows.
<HelkaHomba> sure
<Lumien> I have 64+32 altogether.
<Carnivous> SHould I make a shield?
<Lumien> Plus another 35 in the ender chest.
<brikerw> i has 42 arrows.
<HelkaHomba> sure
<Lumien> Honestly, I think we'll *destroy* the dragon, we're so decked out.
<TheNumeralOne> I have infinity :P
<Lumien> noice
<TheNumeralOne> I have infinity :P
<Lumien> noice
<HelkaHomba> You headed here phi? We are ready I think
<Lumien> Oh, btw, 32 of my arrows are spectral arrows.
<brikerw> TheNumeralOne how many arrows?
<brikerw> Lumien how?
<TheNumeralOne> Infinity
<Lumien> Oh, btw, 32 of my arrows are spectral arrows.
<brikerw> TheNumeralOne how many arrows?
<brikerw> Lumien how?
<TheNumeralOne> Infinity
<Lumien> You'll be able to see the dragon from anywhere.
<HelkaHomba> Everyone have a pumpkin in case?
<brikerw> no
<Lumien> I don't.
<magnanimous_phi> I have 5
<TheNumeralOne> yes
<HelkaHomba> Everyone have a pumpkin in case?
<brikerw> no
<Lumien> I don't.
<magnanimous_phi> I have 5
<TheNumeralOne> yes
<Lumien> I got plenty of potatoes. :D
<brikerw> ^
<Lumien> 'kay, pumkins, how work?
<Lumien> Just put on head?
<Carnivous> LEEEEEROY JENNNNKINS *presses button*
<brikerw> ^
<Lumien> 'kay, pumkins, how work?
<Lumien> Just put on head?
<Carnivous> LEEEEEROY JENNNNKINS *presses button*
<Lumien> This stops you from angering endermen, right?
<magnanimous_phi> coming
<brikerw> anyone has 1 glowstone?
<magnanimous_phi> where at?
<Lumien> I put all the glowstone I had in that chest near the portal.
<magnanimous_phi> coming
<brikerw> anyone has 1 glowstone?
<magnanimous_phi> where at?
<Lumien> I put all the glowstone I had in that chest near the portal.
<HelkaHomba> follow dirt and torches from spawn portal to stronghold portal
<Carnivous> Fun fact I have never done arrow combat before
<Carnivous> Fun fact I have never done arrow combat before
<brikerw> ^
<MagentaField> ^
<TheNumeralOne> dirt ... not cobble
<Lumien> There's an "arrow" of torches near the spawn portal.
<MagentaField> ^
<TheNumeralOne> dirt ... not cobble
<Lumien> There's an "arrow" of torches near the spawn portal.
<Carnivous> I have killed dragon <1 times
<Lumien> I've killed it exactly once. :P
<TheNumeralOne> I have killed him only in creative mode.
<Lumien> I've killed it exactly once. :P
<TheNumeralOne> I have killed him only in creative mode.
<brikerw> Carnivous that is also true for me.
<brikerw> well, not counting creative.
<MagentaField> ive only killed it with cheats
<brikerw> well, not counting creative.
<MagentaField> ive only killed it with cheats
<Lumien> Okay, strategy: destroy the crystals, then attack the dragon.
<brikerw> I killed it with snowbalss in creative.
<brikerw> Lumien okai
<HelkaHomba> Yes
<Lumien> Though attacking it is good for deterring it from charging.
<Carnivous> Hopefully eggs work on crystals
<Lumien> The crystals heal the dragon.
<TheNumeralOne> @briker snowbalss don't work anymore.
<brikerw> I killed it with snowbalss in creative.
<brikerw> Lumien okai
<HelkaHomba> Yes
<Lumien> Though attacking it is good for deterring it from charging.
<Carnivous> Hopefully eggs work on crystals
<Lumien> The crystals heal the dragon.
<TheNumeralOne> @briker snowbalss don't work anymore.
<HelkaHomba> Destroy crystals first - they heal the dragon
<TheNumeralOne> on dragons
<brikerw> yep
<brikerw> snowbass no work. :(
<HelkaHomba> Arrows work for crystals
<Carnivous> OH WAIT
<brikerw> snow ass. :P
<Carnivous> I need my music
<TheNumeralOne> on dragons
<brikerw> yep
<brikerw> snowbass no work. :(
<HelkaHomba> Arrows work for crystals
<Carnivous> OH WAIT
<brikerw> snow ass. :P
<Carnivous> I need my music
<Carnivous> One minute
<brikerw> wat?
<Lumien> Phi's here.
<Lumien> Oh yeah, I guess I'll put on music too.
<TheNumeralOne> yay!
<magnanimous_phi> I am become death, destroyer of worlds.
<Carnivous> Time to get Rex Duodecim Angelus in this motherf*cker
<brikerw> wat?
<Lumien> Phi's here.
<Lumien> Oh yeah, I guess I'll put on music too.
<TheNumeralOne> yay!
<magnanimous_phi> I am become death, destroyer of worlds.
<Carnivous> Time to get Rex Duodecim Angelus in this motherf*cker
<Carnivous> Thanks Oppenheimer
<MagentaField> si
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> 2 of the crystals are surrounded with iron bars
<brikerw> magnanimous_phi same.
<TheNumeralOne> affirmative
<Carnivous> Thanks Oppenheimer
<MagentaField> si
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> 2 of the crystals are surrounded with iron bars
<brikerw> magnanimous_phi same.
<TheNumeralOne> affirmative
<Carnivous> Let's do it
<HelkaHomba> LET'S GO
<MagentaField> geronimo
<Carnivous earned END_PORTAL>
<Lumien> okay, I'm ready
<Lumien earned END_PORTAL>
<HelkaHomba> LET'S GO
<MagentaField> geronimo
<Carnivous earned END_PORTAL>
<Lumien> okay, I'm ready
<Lumien earned END_PORTAL>
<HelkaHomba> are all crystals down?
<brikerw> thanks
<magnanimous_phi> last battle, I earned a tower of pimps for my bravery
<brikerw> thanks
<magnanimous_phi> last battle, I earned a tower of pimps for my bravery
<Carnivous earned THE_END>
<magnanimous_phi> egg time
<Lumien earned THE_END>
<TheNumeralOne> level 68 :)
<magnanimous_phi> egg time
<Lumien earned THE_END>
<TheNumeralOne> level 68 :)
<HelkaHomba> You got all the xp :P
<Carnivous> NO I lost the XP
<magnanimous_phi> world big omelette
<Lumien> I didn't get any XP. :(
<TheNumeralOne> oops
<Carnivous> NO I lost the XP
<magnanimous_phi> world big omelette
<Lumien> I didn't get any XP. :(
<TheNumeralOne> oops
<Lumien> Anyway, shouldn't there be a gate to an End island?
<HelkaHomba> yeah
<HelkaHomba> DRAGON DEAD
<HelkaHomba> ^ for chat relay
<HelkaHomba> yeah
<HelkaHomba> DRAGON DEAD
<HelkaHomba> ^ for chat relay
<HelkaHomba> yay
<magnanimous_phi> time for round two?
<TheNumeralOne> Don't make any omelettes
<Carnivous> *throws it into void*
<Lumien> I'm running back over.
<magnanimous_phi> time for round two?
<TheNumeralOne> Don't make any omelettes
<Carnivous> *throws it into void*
<Lumien> I'm running back over.
MagentaField joined the game
<HelkaHomba> put that egg safe at spawn or something before exploring end
<MagentaField> sorry, crashed
<TheNumeralOne> Cool, I now have 2 spectral arrows
<HelkaHomba> put that egg safe at spawn or something before exploring end
<MagentaField> sorry, crashed
<TheNumeralOne> Cool, I now have 2 spectral arrows
<brikerw> anyone grab the rest of my stuff accidentally?
<HelkaHomba> Where is gateway?
<HelkaHomba> maybe briker
<brikerw> HelkaHomba here
<HelkaHomba> Where is gateway?
<HelkaHomba> maybe briker
<brikerw> HelkaHomba here
<Lumien> XP farming, huh?
<HelkaHomba> We need pearls to enter gateway
<magnanimous_phi> pearls, actually
<TheNumeralOne> ^
<HelkaHomba> We need pearls to enter gateway
<magnanimous_phi> pearls, actually
<TheNumeralOne> ^
<HelkaHomba> portal to uter end cities and stuff
<HelkaHomba> outer*
<TheNumeralOne> You're hitting me half the time lumian
<HelkaHomba> outer*
<TheNumeralOne> You're hitting me half the time lumian
<brikerw> :(
<magnanimous_phi> 4 pearls!
<Carnivous> rip
<Lumien> \o/
<HelkaHomba> Can we make proper stairs up there? I lost my cobble
<magnanimous_phi> 4 pearls!
<Carnivous> rip
<Lumien> \o/
<HelkaHomba> Can we make proper stairs up there? I lost my cobble
<brikerw> ^
<brikerw> \o/
<TheNumeralOne> Hey guys, I'm going to respawn the ender dragon now.
<brikerw> noooo
<TheNumeralOne> jk
<magnanimous_phi> lol
<brikerw> \o/
<TheNumeralOne> Hey guys, I'm going to respawn the ender dragon now.
<brikerw> noooo
<TheNumeralOne> jk
<magnanimous_phi> lol
<magnanimous_phi> Ship!
<HelkaHomba> ooh
<brikerw> how get throjg?a
<magnanimous_phi> An elytra is on it
<HelkaHomba> ooh
<brikerw> how get throjg?a
<magnanimous_phi> An elytra is on it
<TheNumeralOne> Something I haven't seen even in creative!
<magnanimous_phi> but the levitation effect is uber-dangerous
<brikerw> how do i get through???
<magnanimous_phi> but the levitation effect is uber-dangerous
<brikerw> how do i get through???
<brikerw> pls halp stranded
<TheNumeralOne> @Phi Water bucket takes care of that.
<HelkaHomba> throw pearl at gateway
<TheNumeralOne> @Phi Water bucket takes care of that.
<HelkaHomba> throw pearl at gateway
<magnanimous_phi> are fruit plantable?
<Carnivous> this is cool
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> yes
<brikerw> yes
<MagentaField> only the flowers
<Carnivous> this is cool
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> yes
<brikerw> yes
<MagentaField> only the flowers
<magnanimous_phi> how to get flowers?
<brikerw> anyone have free pearl?
<Lumien> Wow, the levitation effect IS quite dangerous.
<brikerw> anyone have free pearl?
<Lumien> Wow, the levitation effect IS quite dangerous.
<HelkaHomba> Dragon head fell into void D:
<MagentaField> item frame trouble
brikerw was slain by Enderman
<Lumien> awwww
<MagentaField> item frame trouble
brikerw was slain by Enderman
<Lumien> awwww
<magnanimous_phi> and what on earth were you doing with it?
<Lumien> Okay, useful note: you can hit shulker projectiles to make them go away.
<Lumien> Okay, useful note: you can hit shulker projectiles to make them go away.
<HelkaHomba> You can have wings
<Lumien> I mean, break.
<MagentaField> thanks
<HelkaHomba> I took good armor
<Lumien> I mean, break.
<MagentaField> thanks
<HelkaHomba> I took good armor
<Lumien> Huh. Jumping puzzle.
Carnivous joined the game
<magnanimous_phi> wings!
<Lumien> Or I can just put ladders on the wall. :P
Carnivous joined the game
<magnanimous_phi> wings!
<Lumien> Or I can just put ladders on the wall. :P
<HelkaHomba> how?
<brikerw> i need a pearl
<HelkaHomba> There are endermen everywhere
<brikerw> I suck at this, sorry.
<brikerw> i need a pearl
<HelkaHomba> There are endermen everywhere
<brikerw> I suck at this, sorry.
<TheNumeralOne> Where is you shulker?
<brikerw> and they have killed me 3 times.
<HelkaHomba> stand under a 2 high platform and kill them
<HelkaHomba> they cant reach you
<brikerw> and they have killed me 3 times.
<HelkaHomba> stand under a 2 high platform and kill them
<HelkaHomba> they cant reach you
<HelkaHomba> we already made some
<Lumien> Sheesh, all these shulkers...
<HelkaHomba> Is ther loot in the city?
<Lumien> Sheesh, all these shulkers...
<HelkaHomba> Is ther loot in the city?
<magnanimous_phi> how to kill shulkers?
<TheNumeralOne> anyone have elytra?
<TheNumeralOne> Kill them when they are firing.
<TheNumeralOne> anyone have elytra?
<TheNumeralOne> Kill them when they are firing.
<HelkaHomba> ooh, flags
<Carnivous> I could become a real estate mogul
<TheNumeralOne> @carnvious nothing up here
<HelkaHomba> purply banners
<Carnivous> I could become a real estate mogul
<TheNumeralOne> @carnvious nothing up here
<HelkaHomba> purply banners
<brikerw> no don't eat
<brikerw> it tps you
<HelkaHomba> I know
<Lumien> tps?
<brikerw> teleport
<HelkaHomba> teleports
<brikerw> it tps you
<HelkaHomba> I know
<Lumien> tps?
<brikerw> teleport
<HelkaHomba> teleports
<HelkaHomba> I have pumpkin briker, if you're near end city
<brikerw> no damage tho
<magnanimous_phi> the fruit
<Lumien> Oh hey, I see a ship.
<HelkaHomba> oh
<magnanimous_phi> don't eat the fruit
<brikerw> magnanimous_phi gave one
<TheNumeralOne> who got elytra?
<Lumien> Now how the heck do I get to it.
<HelkaHomba> sry
<brikerw> no damage tho
<magnanimous_phi> the fruit
<Lumien> Oh hey, I see a ship.
<HelkaHomba> oh
<magnanimous_phi> don't eat the fruit
<brikerw> magnanimous_phi gave one
<TheNumeralOne> who got elytra?
<Lumien> Now how the heck do I get to it.
<HelkaHomba> sry
<MagentaField> i did
<HelkaHomba> Magenta got the wings
<brikerw> did we clean it out?
<HelkaHomba> And I dropped the dragon head :(((
<Lumien> I see no tower or anything though.
<HelkaHomba> Magenta got the wings
<brikerw> did we clean it out?
<HelkaHomba> And I dropped the dragon head :(((
<Lumien> I see no tower or anything though.
<HelkaHomba> I see the city lum found
<HelkaHomba> back near portal island
<brikerw> coors?
brikerw fell from a high place
<HelkaHomba> back near portal island
<brikerw> coors?
brikerw fell from a high place
<HelkaHomba> head straight north of gateway carn
<TheNumeralOne> -878 -543
<HelkaHomba> not me, sorry @briker
<TheNumeralOne> -878 -543
<HelkaHomba> not me, sorry @briker
<brikerw> im gonna die
<magnanimous_phi> always be below a ceiling
<Lumien> I probably killed like 1/3 or 1/2 though.
<magnanimous_phi> always be below a ceiling
<Lumien> I probably killed like 1/3 or 1/2 though.
<magnanimous_phi> what lit me on fire?
<Lumien> My arrow.
<magnanimous_phi> okay
<Lumien> I was aiming for the shulker.
<Lumien> My arrow.
<magnanimous_phi> okay
<Lumien> I was aiming for the shulker.
brikerw was slain by Enderman
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> got to top
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> got to top
<brikerw> what? i joined and promptly died.
<Lumien> sorry!!!
<magnanimous_phi> u serious
<Lumien> I'm really sorry. Meant to shoot the ground.
<Lumien> sorry!!!
<magnanimous_phi> u serious
<Lumien> I'm really sorry. Meant to shoot the ground.
<HelkaHomba> yay
<TheNumeralOne> np
<TheNumeralOne> no
<HelkaHomba> I took these wings
<brikerw> now can somebody grab my stuff pls
<TheNumeralOne> np
<TheNumeralOne> no
<HelkaHomba> I took these wings
<brikerw> now can somebody grab my stuff pls
<Lumien> uh what?
<Carnivous> I killed something
<HelkaHomba> But I'll share them when safe at spawn
<Carnivous> Not sure what but it was something
<Carnivous> I killed something
<HelkaHomba> But I'll share them when safe at spawn
<Carnivous> Not sure what but it was something
<HelkaHomba> @briker we're all farm away and your stuff might be gone by now, sry
<HelkaHomba> far*
<TheNumeralOne> 1000's of blocks far
<Carnivous> hai
<HelkaHomba> far*
<TheNumeralOne> 1000's of blocks far
<Carnivous> hai
<HelkaHomba> diamond armor and such
<HelkaHomba> I'm sure I saw it in a snapsho
<HelkaHomba> t
<TheNumeralOne> saddles, gold, emeralds
<HelkaHomba> I'm sure I saw it in a snapsho
<HelkaHomba> t
<TheNumeralOne> saddles, gold, emeralds
<Deusovi> heard it was over quickly?
<HelkaHomba> another city
<Lumien> So, were there two ships?
<HelkaHomba> yes
<HelkaHomba> another city
<Lumien> So, were there two ships?
<HelkaHomba> yes
<HelkaHomba> to both of you
<Lumien> Ah shoot.
<Lumien> You guys took everything.
<HelkaHomba> I have a diamond sword you can have
<Lumien> Ah shoot.
<Lumien> You guys took everything.
<HelkaHomba> I have a diamond sword you can have
<Lumien> Like, I could've ender-pearled over there.
<magnanimous_phi> epic strat: use the teleportation ability of the fruit to teleport you to the ground when levitating
<Lumien> oooooh
<magnanimous_phi> epic strat: use the teleportation ability of the fruit to teleport you to the ground when levitating
<Lumien> oooooh
<Lumien> What happens if you eat while falling?
<HelkaHomba> 3rd city at -872 59 -908, no ship
<magnanimous_phi> you may or may not take damage, according to the wiki
<HelkaHomba> 3rd city at -872 59 -908, no ship
<magnanimous_phi> you may or may not take damage, according to the wiki
<Lumien> They're probably procedurally generated.
<HelkaHomba> no limit except what can fit in world
<HelkaHomba> no limit except what can fit in world
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