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<TheNumeralOne> I'm at 30.
<TheNumeralOne> Ugh, 3 are standing on the spawner.
<TheNumeralOne> Now only 1
<magnanimous_phi> 30 here too
<TheNumeralOne> Where is lumiens house?
<TheNumeralOne> Trade positions at 35?
<magnanimous_phi> sure
<TheNumeralOne> baby villager!
<magnanimous_phi> I don't think the collection block is far enough away from the spawner
<TheNumeralOne> It is not. That is why it says wait here (I think).
<magnanimous_phi> still at 33
<MagentaField> what do you need all those levels for
<TheNumeralOne> :c
<TheNumeralOne> Enchanting armor for tonight.
<TheNumeralOne> I think it would be faster to mine to get those levels maybe.
<MagentaField> but once you get to 33, enchant at max, and it takes only 3 levels
<TheNumeralOne> 4 pieces of armour @3 levels each.
<magnanimous_phi> 35 now
<TheNumeralOne> I think the grinder kills some of the zombies for you :(
<TheNumeralOne> got a potato
<TheNumeralOne> 33
<TheNumeralOne> 35
<TheNumeralOne> @Phi I am at 35/
<magnanimous_phi> okay
<magnanimous_phi> I think it'll probably be quicker to enchant with the levels I have now
<magnanimous_phi> it would be nice if we had a table here
<TheNumeralOne> gtg.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<MagentaField> whatcha doing?
Carnivous joined the game
<MagentaField> hi
<Carnivous> hi
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
MagentaField left the game.
Carnivous left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
MagentaField joined the game
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> @Phi Where is nearest enchanting table again?
MagentaField left the game.
<TheNumeralOne> Oops, forgot lapis :/
<magnanimous_phi> why do my enchantment options always suck?
<magnanimous_phi> like, who would take punch 1 as a lvl 30 enchant?
<TheNumeralOne> a shovel
<magnanimous_phi> choice: umb 3 pants, or fire prot. 3 hat?
<TheNumeralOne> Is fire protection good against ender dragon?
<TheNumeralOne> Lag >.<
<magnanimous_phi> I don't think so...
<TheNumeralOne> So should I do unbreaking 3, fire protection 3, or bane of arthropods 4
<TheNumeralOne> Got a protection IV helmet
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
magnanimous_phi left the game.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
HelkaHomba joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!
<HelkaHomba> Hey
<HelkaHomba> You helping fight dragon?
<TheNumeralOne> Yep.
<TheNumeralOne> Circumstances changed.
Deusovi joined the game
<Deusovi> hey!
<TheNumeralOne> Hi!
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<TheNumeralOne> Do we need snowballs?
<HelkaHomba> Do they work? If so, yes
<Deusovi> They could be useful
<TheNumeralOne> They don't effect the dragon, but they might the crystals.
Deusovi left the game.
Deusovi joined the game
Deusovi left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> hi
<brikerw> ohai
<HelkaHomba> hi
<TheNumeralOne> It would be fun to build an ender dragon xp grinder.
<brikerw> ^
Deusovi joined the game
<brikerw> suo
<brikerw> *sup
<HelkaHomba> But I think he drops far less xp after the first time you kill him :/
<brikerw> still a lot
<brikerw> wither would be better tho
<Deusovi> we need a wither farm eventually
<TheNumeralOne> Power IV, Punch II, Infinity Bow
<TheNumeralOne> I just got that.
<brikerw> nice
<Deusovi> nice!
<TheNumeralOne> Wither drops only 10x zombie.
<TheNumeralOne> xp
<brikerw> oh
<brikerw> >.<
<Deusovi> the nether stars are still useful
<brikerw> ^^^
<Deusovi> can someone explain the sunflower in the birch cube?
<HelkaHomba> just a random thing
<Deusovi> and the sheep next to it?
<TheNumeralOne> Anybody want 5 enchanted shovels?
<brikerw> yes
<TheNumeralOne> Where are you?
<brikerw> VTC's
<TheNumeralOne> Where is that?
<brikerw> um
<brikerw> at 366x 140z
<brikerw> abouts
<Deusovi> could I have one?
<brikerw> idc
<Deusovi> thanks
<HelkaHomba> We could use ghast tears and blaze powder for potions
<HelkaHomba> Lots of brewing stands and other ingredients at stronghold btw
<Deusovi> Where is the stronghold?
<HelkaHomba> Go through the nether portal at central spawn, then follow the dirt and torches and signs
<Deusovi> Cool, thanks
<brikerw> woah zombie with enchanted chain full armor
<Deusovi> Might move some brewing stands and ingredients back to spawn to make an auto-brewer
<brikerw> thank u
<TheNumeralOne> no prob
<brikerw> brb in 2 min
brikerw left the game.
<TheNumeralOne> gtg.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
brikerw joined the game
TheNumeralOne joined the game
MagentaField joined the game
<brikerw> sup
<TheNumeralOne> hi
<MagentaField> hi
<HelkaHomba> yo
<MagentaField> so enderdragon in ~45 min?
<HelkaHomba> Yep
<MagentaField> what do you think about phase's idea for pranks?
<brikerw> what?
<Deusovi> hm?
<TheNumeralOne> What are they?
<brikerw> oh the senior prank thing?
<brikerw> wait confused
<MagentaField> phase had an idea for pranks between north and south spawn
<brikerw> oh
<brikerw> like what?
<MagentaField> idk
<HelkaHomba> Where is the xp farm?
<TheNumeralOne> -52 7 -400
<HelkaHomba> thx
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> wtf i lost connection and my work died
<HelkaHomba> :/
<HelkaHomba> There seem to be more connection issues than before the reset. Maybe it's a 1.9 thing.
<brikerw> ^
<Deusovi> Do you all reset frequently?
<brikerw> might be my interweb connection
<brikerw> and hell no
<TheNumeralOne> I do F3-A a lot
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Note that I'm ok with upgrading the server plan if everyone supports it. Just it will cost more.
<brikerw> Scrappy_Wheels_8 PPCG name?
Scrappy_Wheels_8 left the game.
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> btw, time changes tonight.
<brikerw> o rly? dangit
<brikerw> welp, getting up early for church tomorrow. > . <
<TheNumeralOne> brb
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<brikerw> bai
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> @briker Which church?
<brikerw> foothill bible, upland CA
<brikerw> evangelical
<TheNumeralOne> cool
<brikerw> what state do you live in?
<TheNumeralOne> Idaho
<brikerw> okai
<TheNumeralOne> A little far :P
Carnivous joined the game
<Deusovi> hey!
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> hi
<TheNumeralOne> hello
<Carnivous> Good evening!
<MagentaField> hi
<brikerw> we has snowball farm?
<Carnivous> Does we?
<brikerw> yeses, gollum/cheezburger cat talkers!
<TheNumeralOne> Infinity works, right?
<brikerw> *talkiers
<HelkaHomba> yes
<Deusovi> back in a bit
<Carnivous> Sword, pick, bow, torches, blocks, food, water, arrows, wood, piston, redstone. Missing anything?
Deusovi left the game.
<brikerw> bai
<brikerw> redstone?
<Carnivous> For the piston
<brikerw> and piston?
<Carnivous> For the egg
<brikerw> oh
<brikerw> Do i need one?
<HelkaHomba> np
<Carnivous> Oh, crafting table
<HelkaHomba> no
<HelkaHomba> could use regen + strength potions
<HelkaHomba> have loads of healing
<Carnivous> I have no potions.
<brikerw> anyone has string?
<Carnivous> Where to ovtain?
<brikerw> and ^^^
<brikerw> and ^^
<HelkaHomba> lots of string at stronghold
<brikerw> okai coors?
<HelkaHomba> go thru spawn portal and follow dirt/torches
<HelkaHomba> I'll be at stronghold until we start
<brikerw> coors?
<brikerw> o nvm
<Carnivous> Can I get potions at stronghold?
<brikerw> dam coors of spawn?
<brikerw> and ^^
<HelkaHomba> yes, well I made lots of healing 2 potions, but not much else
<HelkaHomba> -72 256 spawn I believe
<brikerw> okai
<TheNumeralOne> You can't enchant shield:(
<HelkaHomba> There's also enchanting table and lapis at stronghold
<HelkaHomba> lots of spare stuff really
<TheNumeralOne> I'll need more food.
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> argh timed out
<brikerw> but in bed now
Scrappy_Wheels_8 left the game.
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
<HelkaHomba> I've 7 stacks baked potatoes at stronghold
<brikerw> im good, has 3 for myself.
<TheNumeralOne> Anyone need rock?
<brikerw> no
<TheNumeralOne> Or dirt?
<brikerw> no
<brikerw> free andesite/diorite/granite tho
<brikerw> like i give
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> how much andesite you got?
<brikerw> lmc
<TheNumeralOne> several stacks
<Carnivous> I can't find the stronghold portal lol
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<brikerw> Scrappy_Wheels_8 you can has 4 stacks
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> ok thanks
<HelkaHomba> stronghold portal at 58 36 265 in nether
<HelkaHomba> but theres a clear path
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> what are spawns cordinates?
<brikerw> will we need pickaxes?
<brikerw> and ~ -72x 256z
<HelkaHomba> probly
<TheNumeralOne> Minecraft froze really bad on me.
<TheNumeralOne> Had to log out and back in.
<brikerw> damit I leave for spawn and go back for stuff. >. <
<HelkaHomba> Everyone be sure to set spawn at stronghold
<Carnivous> Going to get ghast tear from base
<TheNumeralOne> Which way to stronghold again?
<HelkaHomba> From spawn portal in nether, follow dirt then torches and sighs
<brikerw earned NETHER_PORTAL>
<HelkaHomba> n*
<Carnivous> gg
<HelkaHomba> We could use spare iron here btw
<Carnivous> what biome is the stronghold in
<HelkaHomba> I only have a but
<TheNumeralOne> I have nearly a stack
<HelkaHomba> plains I thing
<TheNumeralOne> on me
<HelkaHomba> k
<MagentaField> plains and river
<Carnivous> is that a snowman biome?
<brikerw> Carnivous Im foolowing you
<Carnivous> why?
<brikerw> bc you might know the way
<brikerw> wait coors of stronghold portal?
<Carnivous> I'm going to my base
<brikerw> crap
<TheNumeralOne> I'm here!
<brikerw> coors?
<HelkaHomba> I just said the coords
<TheNumeralOne> 589 26 2087
Deusovi joined the game
<brikerw> what about nether/
<HelkaHomba> That's overworld coords
<brikerw> HelkaHomba too far up
<HelkaHomba> 60 36 268 <- stronghold nether coords
<Deusovi> what do the numbers by our names in the player list mean?
<HelkaHomba> there's a very torched path
<HelkaHomba> deaths
<TheNumeralOne> # deaths
<brikerw> what abot spawn portal coors
<TheNumeralOne> Do we need ender pearl?
<MagentaField> has anyone gone to the end yet?
<HelkaHomba> @briker spawn is at -72 256, portal there is in plain sight
<brikerw> no in nether lost
<HelkaHomba> I have, we don't need pearls
<HelkaHomba> not sure, but head for -72/8 256/8
<Carnivous> -9 32
<TheNumeralOne> Free arrow if you can reach it.
<HelkaHomba> bring stacks of blocks. Some of the ender crystals have iron cages now
<HelkaHomba> so we'll need to climb up
<TheNumeralOne> Forgot pumpkin :/
<HelkaHomba> water too maybe
Lumien joined the game
<HelkaHomba> pumpkins here
<Lumien> hullo!
<Deusovi> hey!
<brikerw> ohai
<Lumien> Oh, thanks to whoever left the diamonds. I needed those.
<TheNumeralOne> protection IV vs pumpkin
<Lumien> Hmm. Not enough for boots + helmet.
<Lumien> Any chance I can borrow 3 diamond from someone?
<Lumien> I'll pay you back later by mining.
<TheNumeralOne> I have 3 at my base in minerals chest
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<Lumien> Hmm. I don't think I know where your base is.
<TheNumeralOne> Just southeast of spawn. It is a small plateua cut vertically in half.
<HelkaHomba> Ooh, do harming/poison arrows work?
Scrappy_Wheels_8 left the game.
<TheNumeralOne> Ender dragon immune to most effects.
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> No! I need to set spawn!
<MagentaField> ditto
<Lumien> whoops
<brikerw> wait for next night, I needed it too
<Lumien> I wanted it to be daytime when I ventured outside...
<HelkaHomba> We'll wait until next night before starting
<HelkaHomba> not time yet anyhow
<Carnivous> Has anyone some blaze bowder?
<TheNumeralOne> no
<brikerw> *powder
<HelkaHomba> But right, only sleep tonight to quickly set spawn!
<Lumien> I have some.
<Carnivous> Can I have one?
<Lumien> yeah
<Lumien> Do you want other potion materials?
<HelkaHomba> there is a fortress outside the stronghold portal, up high
<Lumien> Helka, there's an ender chest at the stronghold base, right?
<TheNumeralOne> yes
<Carnivous> @El 1 redstone
<Lumien> Hmm. I could probably get by with just an iron helmet.
<Lumien> I've got enchanted diamond armor for the rest.
<brikerw> welp, i am like helka.
<brikerw> full iron! \o/
<TheNumeralOne> Is pumpkin better than Protection IV diamond helmet?
<TheNumeralOne> Day half way over.
<Carnivous> Ugh I need a redstone too
<HelkaHomba> idk, it's not that hard to avoid endermen
<brikerw> in the chest
<Carnivous> whoops
<brikerw> what?
<Carnivous> now the powder
<TheNumeralOne> How many potions should i grab?
<brikerw> i accidentalyly chugged potion. > . <
<HelkaHomba> 3 or 4 I guess
<brikerw> sorry for wasting it. :((((
<Carnivous> @El where are you?
<HelkaHomba> Need armor magenta?
<Lumien> About -100x 150z.
<HelkaHomba> oh
<MagentaField> no
<TheNumeralOne> free arow if you can grab it :P
<Carnivous> lol
<MagentaField> infinity
<TheNumeralOne> :P
<Lumien> Carn, I put the stuff in my ender chest.
<Lumien> I can give it to you at the stronghold base.
<brikerw> do we have gold?
<Carnivous> Thanks, I'm there
<Lumien> I have lots of gold.
<brikerw> can i has 8
<brikerw> wait for golden carrot
<HelkaHomba> no more gold at stronghold afaik
<Carnivous> Lumien the real OG
<TheNumeralOne> I have nugget
<Lumien> I'll give you a gold block.
<Carnivous> I have eggs for the towers
<brikerw> Lumien i need 1 ingot.
<brikerw> where are u
<Lumien> About to head to stronghold.
<brikerw> blaze powder anyone?
<Carnivous> hmy
<HelkaHomba> have none
<brikerw> nice bath?
<Lumien> I'll give you some.
<brikerw> :P
<Lumien> Okay, I'm heading to the portal now.
<brikerw> and thanks Lumien
<TheNumeralOne> How close to night>
<brikerw> MagentaField my turn.
<HelkaHomba> Remember, get right out of bed if you get in
<HelkaHomba> So people can set spawn
<Carnivous> It's about 4PM
<Lumien> WOAH TREE
<brikerw> yeah tree
<TheNumeralOne> Is there still lava underneath protal?
<HelkaHomba> no
<brikerw> gold and powder
<brikerw> nothing there
<TheNumeralOne> ready guys
<Lumien> Look in this chest I'm looking at/
<Carnivous> wait
<Lumien> ...I didn't set spawn. :(
<HelkaHomba> oh shoot
<TheNumeralOne> I barely got in in time.
<Lumien> Eh, it's not too far a run through the nether. I'll be fine.
<HelkaHomba> I left bed right away :(
magnanimous_phi joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Hey phi!
<brikerw> ^
<Lumien> Good timing, Phi.
<magnanimous_phi> ayyy
<HelkaHomba> @phi you coming to fight dragon? We're pretty much ready
<Carnivous> Making a splash strength potion
<magnanimous_phi> give me a sec
Deusovi left the game.
<HelkaHomba> stand on granits if you're ready
<Carnivous> Before we begin
<brikerw> gimme a mo making nightvision
<Carnivous> I have a quote
<TheNumeralOne> wait for phi
<Lumien> Oh, I need to make some ladders.
<Carnivous> "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing." - Vince Lombardi
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<magnanimous_phi> I have 80 arrows... that might not be enough
<Carnivous> I have 96
<Lumien> That should be enough.
<MagentaField> i have 75
<Lumien> I have 64+32 altogether.
<Carnivous> SHould I make a shield?
<Lumien> Plus another 35 in the ender chest.
<brikerw> i has 42 arrows.
<HelkaHomba> sure
<magnanimous_phi> shields are great
<brikerw> do I need moar?
<Lumien> Honestly, I think we'll *destroy* the dragon, we're so decked out.
<TheNumeralOne> I have infinity :P
<Lumien> noice
<HelkaHomba> You headed here phi? We are ready I think
<Lumien> Oh, btw, 32 of my arrows are spectral arrows.
<brikerw> TheNumeralOne how many arrows?
<brikerw> Lumien how?
<TheNumeralOne> Infinity
<Lumien> 4 glowstone around an arrow gives 2 spectral arrows.
<brikerw> oh cool
<Lumien> yup
<Lumien> You'll be able to see the dragon from anywhere.
<HelkaHomba> Everyone have a pumpkin in case?
<brikerw> no
<Lumien> I don't.
<magnanimous_phi> I have 5
<TheNumeralOne> yes
<magnanimous_phi> worth bringing a bed?
<TheNumeralOne> no
<HelkaHomba> potatoes in here if needed
<Lumien> I got plenty of potatoes. :D
<brikerw> ^
<Lumien> 'kay, pumkins, how work?
<Lumien> Just put on head?
<Carnivous> LEEEEEROY JENNNNKINS *presses button*
<magnanimous_phi> yeah
<HelkaHomba> yes
<Lumien> noice
<HelkaHomba> SHould we wait for you phi?
<Lumien> This stops you from angering endermen, right?
<magnanimous_phi> coming
<brikerw> anyone has 1 glowstone?
<magnanimous_phi> where at?
<Lumien> I put all the glowstone I had in that chest near the portal.
<HelkaHomba> follow dirt and torches from spawn portal to stronghold portal
<Carnivous> Fun fact I have never done arrow combat before
<brikerw> ^
<MagentaField> ^
<TheNumeralOne> dirt ... not cobble
<Lumien> There's an "arrow" of torches near the spawn portal.
<brikerw> i has pumpkin now
<brikerw> Fun Fact: I has killed dragon ≤ 1 time.
<Carnivous> I have killed dragon <1 times
<Lumien> I've killed it exactly once. :P
<TheNumeralOne> I have killed him only in creative mode.
<brikerw> Carnivous that is also true for me.
<brikerw> well, not counting creative.
<MagentaField> ive only killed it with cheats
<Lumien> Okay, strategy: destroy the crystals, then attack the dragon.
<brikerw> I killed it with snowbalss in creative.
<brikerw> Lumien okai
<HelkaHomba> Yes
<Lumien> Though attacking it is good for deterring it from charging.
<Carnivous> Hopefully eggs work on crystals
<Lumien> The crystals heal the dragon.
<TheNumeralOne> @briker snowbalss don't work anymore.
<HelkaHomba> Destroy crystals first - they heal the dragon
<TheNumeralOne> on dragons
<brikerw> yep
<brikerw> snowbass no work. :(
<HelkaHomba> Arrows work for crystals
<Carnivous> OH WAIT
<brikerw> snow ass. :P
<Carnivous> I need my music
<Carnivous> One minute
<brikerw> wat?
<Lumien> Phi's here.
<Lumien> Oh yeah, I guess I'll put on music too.
<TheNumeralOne> yay!
<magnanimous_phi> I am become death, destroyer of worlds.
<Carnivous> Time to get Rex Duodecim Angelus in this motherf*cker
<Carnivous> Thanks Oppenheimer
<MagentaField> si
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> 2 of the crystals are surrounded with iron bars
<brikerw> magnanimous_phi same.
<TheNumeralOne> affirmative
<Carnivous> Let's do it
<HelkaHomba> LET'S GO
<MagentaField> geronimo
<Carnivous earned END_PORTAL>
<Lumien> okay, I'm ready
<Lumien earned END_PORTAL>
<HelkaHomba> avpoid purple stuff
<Lumien> LAG!
<brikerw> ^
<HelkaHomba> Get crystals!
brikerw fell from a high place
<brikerw> wtf no work
<magnanimous_phi> someone shot me
<MagentaField> i think that was me sorry
<HelkaHomba> can put someones stuff in chest if needed
<Carnivous> got it
<HelkaHomba> are all crystals down?
<brikerw> thanks
<magnanimous_phi> last battle, I earned a tower of pimps for my bravery
<brikerw> who has my stuff
<brikerw> pls halp starving
<brikerw> HelkaHomba chest?
<HelkaHomba> chest
MagentaField left the game.
<HelkaHomba> -39 13
<Lumien> WOOO
<Carnivous> GOT IT
<Carnivous earned THE_END>
<magnanimous_phi> egg time
<Lumien earned THE_END>
<TheNumeralOne> level 68 :)
<HelkaHomba> You got all the xp :P
<Carnivous> NO I lost the XP
<magnanimous_phi> world big omelette
<Lumien> I didn't get any XP. :(
<TheNumeralOne> oops
<Lumien> Anyway, shouldn't there be a gate to an End island?
<HelkaHomba> yeah
<HelkaHomba> DRAGON DEAD
<HelkaHomba> ^ for chat relay
<Carnivous> I has
<magnanimous_phi> HAIL EGG
<TheNumeralOne> We have the egg!!!!
<HelkaHomba> yay
<magnanimous_phi> time for round two?
<TheNumeralOne> Don't make any omelettes
<Carnivous> *throws it into void*
<Lumien> I'm running back over.
MagentaField joined the game
<HelkaHomba> put that egg safe at spawn or something before exploring end
<MagentaField> sorry, crashed
<TheNumeralOne> Cool, I now have 2 spectral arrows
<brikerw> anyone grab the rest of my stuff accidentally?
<HelkaHomba> Where is gateway?
<HelkaHomba> maybe briker
<brikerw> HelkaHomba here
<brikerw> no portal
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<HelkaHomba> I put some more stuff in chest
<Lumien> XP farming, huh?
<HelkaHomba> We need pearls to enter gateway
<magnanimous_phi> pearls, actually
<TheNumeralOne> ^
<Lumien> ahhh
<MagentaField> poor man's endepearl farm
<Carnivous> What's the gateway?
<HelkaHomba> portal to uter end cities and stuff
<HelkaHomba> outer*
<TheNumeralOne> You're hitting me half the time lumian
<Carnivous> Did anyone die during that fight?
<TheNumeralOne> briker did
<brikerw> yep
<brikerw> :(
<magnanimous_phi> 4 pearls!
<Carnivous> rip
<Lumien> \o/
<HelkaHomba> Can we make proper stairs up there? I lost my cobble
<brikerw> HelkaHomba working on it.
<HelkaHomba> k
<HelkaHomba> 1 wide is fine I think
<magnanimous_phi> I have stuff for a ladder
<Lumien> Okay, I got pearls too.
<brikerw> this looks awful. :P
<Lumien> hahahaha, yeah
<Lumien> But it works!
<brikerw> ^
<brikerw> \o/
<TheNumeralOne> Hey guys, I'm going to respawn the ender dragon now.
<brikerw> noooo
<TheNumeralOne> jk
<magnanimous_phi> lol
<magnanimous_phi> time for gate?
<Lumien> Oh, that looks so weird.
<Carnivous> Wait for meee
<magnanimous_phi> are we going?
<HelkaHomba> I am
<Lumien> Well, I'm ready.
<TheNumeralOne> I'm here.
<Lumien> same
<Carnivous> One minute for me please?
<Lumien> mmmm, very interesting
<magnanimous_phi> Catch you on the flip side.
<TheNumeralOne> A ship!!!!!
<brikerw> magnanimous_phi you went
<magnanimous_phi> Ship!
<HelkaHomba> ooh
<brikerw> how get throjg?a
<magnanimous_phi> An elytra is on it
<TheNumeralOne> Something I haven't seen even in creative!
<magnanimous_phi> but the levitation effect is uber-dangerous
<brikerw> how do i get through???
<brikerw> pls halp stranded
<TheNumeralOne> @Phi Water bucket takes care of that.
<HelkaHomba> throw pearl at gateway
<brikerw> has none
<HelkaHomba> get one
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<magnanimous_phi> are fruit plantable?
<Carnivous> this is cool
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> yes
<brikerw> yes
<MagentaField> only the flowers
<magnanimous_phi> how to get flowers?
<brikerw> anyone have free pearl?
<Lumien> Wow, the levitation effect IS quite dangerous.
<Carnivous> It looks like that cover of slaughterhouse 5
<TheNumeralOne> End city
<HelkaHomba> NOOO
<HelkaHomba> Dragon head fell into void D:
<MagentaField> item frame trouble
brikerw was slain by Enderman
<Lumien> awwww
<magnanimous_phi> can we make more of those?
<magnanimous_phi> and what on earth were you doing with it?
<Lumien> Okay, useful note: you can hit shulker projectiles to make them go away.
<HelkaHomba> You can have wings
<Lumien> I mean, break.
<MagentaField> thanks
<HelkaHomba> I took good armor
Carnivous left the game.
<magnanimous_phi> anyone on the ship?
<magnanimous_phi> where is everyone?
<HelkaHomba> on ship
<HelkaHomba> with magenta
<TheNumeralOne> city
<Lumien> I think I'm going after a different ship.
<Lumien> Huh. Jumping puzzle.
Carnivous joined the game
<magnanimous_phi> wings!
<Lumien> Or I can just put ladders on the wall. :P
<TheNumeralOne> levitation is fun
<brikerw> i am not equipped for this
<brikerw> can someone pls help
<HelkaHomba> how?
<brikerw> i need a pearl
<HelkaHomba> There are endermen everywhere
<brikerw> I suck at this, sorry.
<TheNumeralOne> Where is you shulker?
<brikerw> and they have killed me 3 times.
<HelkaHomba> stand under a 2 high platform and kill them
<HelkaHomba> they cant reach you
<HelkaHomba> we already made some
<Lumien> Sheesh, all these shulkers...
<HelkaHomba> Is ther loot in the city?
<TheNumeralOne> end rods
<magnanimous_phi> how to kill shulkers?
<TheNumeralOne> anyone have elytra?
<TheNumeralOne> Kill them when they are firing.
brikerw left the game.
<Lumien> hoo, that was scary
brikerw joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> 3 down
<Lumien> Hrm. I'm on an End city, not a ship. :(
<HelkaHomba> We looted the one ship
<Lumien> It's only one ship per island? Wah.
<HelkaHomba> carn here
<TheNumeralOne> 6 down
<HelkaHomba> 6?
<TheNumeralOne> shulkers
<HelkaHomba> ooh, flags
<Carnivous> I could become a real estate mogul
<TheNumeralOne> @carnvious nothing up here
<HelkaHomba> purply banners
<magnanimous_phi> where to?
<HelkaHomba> is another city nearby?
<Lumien> I'm in one.
<TheNumeralOne> That was scary
<HelkaHomba> coords lumien?
<HelkaHomba> You can eat the fruin, right :P
<brikerw> forgot my pumpkin. :/
<HelkaHomba> t
<brikerw> no don't eat
<brikerw> it tps you
<HelkaHomba> I know
<Lumien> tps?
<brikerw> teleport
<HelkaHomba> teleports
<Lumien> ...eating?
<brikerw> yep
<Lumien> Just ate a potato.
<HelkaHomba> I have pumpkin briker, if you're near end city
<brikerw> no damage tho
<magnanimous_phi> the fruit
<Lumien> Oh hey, I see a ship.
<HelkaHomba> oh
<magnanimous_phi> don't eat the fruit
<brikerw> magnanimous_phi gave one
<TheNumeralOne> who got elytra?
<Lumien> Now how the heck do I get to it.
<HelkaHomba> sry
<MagentaField> i did
<HelkaHomba> Magenta got the wings
<brikerw> did we clean it out?
<HelkaHomba> And I dropped the dragon head :(((
<Lumien> I see no tower or anything though.
<brikerw> can we like find another one?
<MagentaField> there are other end cities, so yes
<TheNumeralOne> What are coords of portal?
<HelkaHomba> Where are you lumien
<Lumien> -873x
<Lumien> 142y -578z
<HelkaHomba> [prtal back visible from -1120 61 -315
<HelkaHomba> in case we get lost
<HelkaHomba> portal*
<HelkaHomba> I see the city lum found
<HelkaHomba> back near portal island
<brikerw> coors?
brikerw fell from a high place
<brikerw> dam
<TheNumeralOne> I see
<Carnivous> Where
<Carnivous> @One where are you?
<brikerw> can somebody grab my stuff?
<TheNumeralOne> @ city # 2
<Carnivous> Coords?
<HelkaHomba> head straight north of gateway carn
<TheNumeralOne> -878 -543
<HelkaHomba> not me, sorry @briker
<magnanimous_phi> shulkers ahead
<Lumien> lots of them
<brikerw> im gonna die
<magnanimous_phi> always be below a ceiling
<Lumien> I probably killed like 1/3 or 1/2 though.
<Lumien> I think there's one on the other side.
<brikerw> can somebody grab my stuff
<brikerw> about to starve to death on other side
<Lumien> sorry Phi
<magnanimous_phi> what lit me on fire?
<Lumien> My arrow.
<magnanimous_phi> okay
<Lumien> I was aiming for the shulker.
brikerw was slain by Enderman
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> got to top
<brikerw> what? i joined and promptly died.
<Lumien> sorry!!!
<magnanimous_phi> u serious
<Lumien> I'm really sorry. Meant to shoot the ground.
<magnanimous_phi> you should be a defense attorney
<HelkaHomba> shuker behind ship magenta
<MagentaField> hi helka
brikerw burned to death
<Lumien> Crap, threw away my last pearl.
<HelkaHomba> yay
<TheNumeralOne> np
<TheNumeralOne> no
<HelkaHomba> I took these wings
<brikerw> now can somebody grab my stuff pls
<Lumien> uh what?
<Carnivous> I killed something
<HelkaHomba> But I'll share them when safe at spawn
<Carnivous> Not sure what but it was something
<HelkaHomba> @briker we're all farm away and your stuff might be gone by now, sry
<HelkaHomba> far*
<TheNumeralOne> 1000's of blocks far
<Carnivous> hai
Deusovi joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Do the cities ever have loot? I swear they did
<TheNumeralOne> I took this one's
<magnanimous_phi> what type of loot?
<HelkaHomba> diamond armor and such
<HelkaHomba> I'm sure I saw it in a snapsho
<HelkaHomba> t
<TheNumeralOne> saddles, gold, emeralds
<Scrappy_Wheels_8 earned BUILD_HOE>
<TheNumeralOne> get away stalkers
<Deusovi> heard it was over quickly?
<HelkaHomba> another city
<Lumien> So, were there two ships?
<HelkaHomba> yes
<HelkaHomba> to both of you
<Lumien> Ah shoot.
<Lumien> You guys took everything.
<HelkaHomba> I have a diamond sword you can have
<Lumien> I wanted the wings!
<Lumien> Like, I could've ender-pearled over there.
<magnanimous_phi> epic strat: use the teleportation ability of the fruit to teleport you to the ground when levitating
<Lumien> oooooh
<Lumien> What happens if you eat while falling?
<HelkaHomba> 3rd city at -872 59 -908, no ship
<magnanimous_phi> you may or may not take damage, according to the wiki
<TheNumeralOne> be back in a few.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<magnanimous_phi> how many ships per world?
<HelkaHomba> countless I think
<Lumien> They're probably procedurally generated.
<HelkaHomba> no limit except what can fit in world
<Deusovi> everything in Minecraft is procedurally generated
<Lumien> Though only 20 end gates are produced, right?
<HelkaHomba> yes
<Carnivous> Ok, I'm going to head back to the overworld. Bye!
<brikerw> MY STUFF!!!
<HelkaHomba> -924 60 -904 just in case

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