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@user3351523 please join me here.
Hello terdon
@terdon hello terdon
@terdon der
@terdon hello
@user3351523 Yes, hi
So, please show me the output of file file1.xls and head -n3 file1.xls
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$2]=$3; next}
if($1 in a){
print $1,$10,a[$1]
}' MyName.txt DEG.txt
this is what I used now
UnitName FoldChange TranscriptID
16657437 4.58378 16657436
16657441 0.363018 16657440
16657456 0.376568 16657450
16657519 3.0701 16657514
16657589 2.45011 16657572
16657604 1.7268 16657598
16657644 4.89093 16657598
16657646 0.0565074 16657598
this is the output I got
DEG.txt looks like this
UnitName	UNIT_ID	Statistics	Mean1	Mean2	StandardError	DegreeOfFreedom	P-Value	P-Adjusted	FoldChange	NewFC
16657437	3742	-3.87699	1.80551	8.27607	0.566558	4	0.0178869	0.0178869	4.58378	4.58378
16657441	3745	2.89796	3.81905	1.38638	0.504455	4	0.0442085	0.0442085	0.363018	-2.754684341
16657456	3757	3.14543	4.51182	1.699	0.447957	4	0.0346659	0.0346659	0.376568	-2.655562873
16657519	3802	-3.04069	5.91567	18.1617	0.53221	4	0.0383762	0.0383762	3.0701	3.0701
16657589	3857	-2.97385	4.26765	10.4562	0.434738	4	0.0409876	0.0409876	2.45011	2.45011
MyName.txt looks like this
UNIT_ID	UnitName	TranscriptID	X_8__HuGene_2_0_st_.mdp_LEVEL	E__HuGene_2_0_st_.mdp_LEVEL	GG7__HuGene_2_0_st_.mdp_LEVEL	J__HuGene_2_0_st_.mdp_LEVEL	O__HuGene_2_0_st_.mdp_LEVEL	T__HuGene_2_0_st_.mdp_LEVEL
3742	16657437	16657436	2.10763	2.10763	1.32498	4.14518	9.77053	13.9962
3743	16657438	16657436	2.54837	1.92386	3.63425	2.26163	3.24937	2.79736
3744	16657439	16657436	11.3137	7.27181	10.0098	10.0176	15.2267	6.35405
3745	16657441	16657440	4.19212	6.30431	2.10763	1.06896	1.43262	1.74003
3746	16657442	16657440	2.57503	1.89032	1.87688	4.1086	3.58509	2.44511
@user3351523 that is completely different to what you asked in your question. Again.
Ah, no, that was your output, right. Hang on
OK, so what's the problem?
the output is saved in only one column
UnitName FoldChange TranscriptID
16657437 4.58378 16657436
16657441 0.363018 16657440
16657456 0.376568 16657450
16657519 3.0701 16657514
16657589 2.45011 16657572
16657604 1.7268 16657598
16657644 4.89093 16657598
16657646 0.0565074 16657598
@user3351523 Those are three columns. What do you mean?
yes der r 3 different columns
@user3351523 OK and isn't that what you want? You said it was only one
Did u check mu output
UN in frst column, FC in second column, TID in third column
Anyone here by any chance know the default location for of the mono 2.0 .net runtime?
@user3351523 Yes. Isn't that what you want?
no problem I did that in R with the help of my friend
Thank you :)
2 hours later…
How do i write in bash multiple spaces ? eg: echo " - " will turn into only - character
@user3450548 Ask on the site.
@user3450548 Oh, you want multiple spaces at the beginning and the end?
Never, mind, a question that trivial is reasonable to ask here, I guess.
done :)
Bash seems to be echoing whitespace here.
Same here. You could try single quotes (echo ' - ') or printf ' %s \n' "-"
@user3450548 no it doesn't. But read this.
1 hour later…
k thank you :)
1 hour later…
@cat Looks like a reasonable change to me, but the poster seems to not like it. Ask him for a clarification if you want. Personally I wouldn't bother.
@cat The poster can singlehandedly accept/reject a suggested edit. This one seems to have either failed at reading your edit, or not know what "case-insensitive" means. I agree with FaheemMitha, your edit is perfectly fine.
(Half tempted to go apply your edit anyway...)
@FaheemMitha I'm not really bothered, I was just sort of wondering if I was missing something
@derobert I don't wanna make an edit war, I just saw the title in HNQ and wanted to improve it -- I'd appreciate that, though :D
@cat If you want, I'll make the exact same edit... We'll see what he says then...
@Fabby I'm currently doing so.
@derobert :D
cancelling my edit...
fixing some other awkwardness in the question too, so it's taking me a bit
@derobert Yes, me too... I've bailed out though, so continue doing monions work!
:P ;-)
@Fabby welll, I'm going to do my best... there will probably still be some cleanup to do...
"but I don't know how can apply it as output because there is no variable from output to apply it on:" .... does he mean input there?
@derobert reading the entire text...
@derobert I think he doesn't get what awk does...
"both keyword and target line "
@Fabby Most likely. Since that SO question shows using $0.
in the previous line
@Fabby keyword == search pattern, I think.
yeah, but AFAIU he wants to "compare" input to output....
(And I'm a foreigner too, so I understand foreign English)
I once had to translate between an Indian and a Frenchman, both speaking English (but they didn't understand the other's accent)
:D :D :D
@FaheemMitha ------^
I sometimes have a hard time understanding Indians too.
They seem to think they are speaking English. Sometimes that is not so clear.
so he doesn't get it: just do spelling and grammar and leave the other stuff as is...
I'm going to go with "but I don't know how to use it in a match because that answer just shows printing and doesn't leave the uppercase text in a variable."
@FaheemMitha Ah! I was going to say: that's because they're speaking their local language.... ;-)
@cat Getting to a dispute with a poster about editing isn't worth it, imo. Sometimes people get attached to their words.
@derobert :D
@Fabby Well, a language has clear rules about what is correct.
@cat I do lots of edits. Mostly there is no reaction. But sometimes people take offense.
@FaheemMitha Prophets always do...
@Fabby Well, prophets probably wouldn't like SE then.
@FaheemMitha I don't take offense if I get edited, but sometimes I put in suble things that the editor doesn't get...
example here:
@Fabby Sure, sometime editors can miss stuff...
Sometimes I leave things alone if I'm not sure what they mean.
---^I wrote it like I was a religious non-science nut-job...
@cat @Fabby @Fabby my edit is done
BTW: I put the edit note: FYI: case-insensitive means it ignores differences in capitalization, e.g., "aaa" and "AAA" are the same. See, for example, en.wiktionary.org/wiki/case_insensitive I left both in the question to aid searching.
Upvoted. If he reverses, let me know and I'll take away the vote...
I normally also leave a comment "There! Now your question is much clearer" +1
(I can be a bit of a puppet master sometimes)
BTW, it looks like that's the only case-insensitive awk search question we have. Surprisingly.
Maybe everyone else takes my approach, and starts their searches with perl -p -E "... (or -n, and sometimes add -i)
@Fabby You're a positive Svengali.
@FaheemMitha :D
@derobert Case insensitive search is generally good.
Upvoted as well. It's actually a good question—it doesn't appear to be a duplicate, it includes the expected input and output, it shows research effort, and it shows what the OP tried.
3 hours later…
@kos Why do you think Arch needs a separate site?
@FaheemMitha I'm not sure it does yet. I followed the proposal, added some questions and put a link to the proposal in my profile page so that people know it exists. If people are going to follow numerously, then it probably does. What I'm sure Arch is indeed peculiar, under many aspects. That's why I'm wouldn't be against an Arch site. But again, I don't have a definitive stance yet.
@kos Oh. I assumed you favored it, because you put a link to it in your profile.
But I really don't think this space would benefit from further fragmentation.
We already have AU duplication.
@FaheemMitha I lean towards being favorable to it, mostly because of its peculiarity. That's why I added the questions and linked to the proposal in my profile. But well, for now the proposal isn't really flying, so either people don't feel the need for an Arch site or it hasn't been publicized enough, or both.
@kos Peculiarity of Arch, you mean?
@FaheemMitha Package manager (I'm not aware of non-Arch derivatives using pacman), AUR and well, "modularity". Probably other distros could be defined as much peculiar, but Arch is also very popular.
Does anyone here ever do validation of csv files? If so, what do you use?
@FaheemMitha Hmm. That doesn't really seem enough for its own site. Do you have complaints about how Arch is treated here?
We don't actually get a lot of Arch questions, I think. Maybe a separate Arch site would get more, but we don't really want U&L breaking up into a multiplicity of tiny sites.
@kos Sorry, reply link incorrect above.
@FaheemMitha I do not. Actually I've never asked a question about Arch on U&L (yet). Perhaps you're right, as I said I don't have a definitive stance myself.
@kos But you are presumably an Arch user.
@FaheemMitha Almost, currently I use Parabola. Which I probably wouldn't want on-topic on a possible Arch site (different kernel, repos etc). Yes, sure I'd fancy an Arch site. But whether there's a need for it, that's another matter.

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