@AndyK What do you mean? Will that be naismc=foo for example or fmd=naismc?
And yes, ideally, we'd like to see a sample of your input file (showing all possible permutations, things like multiple matches per line, none per line etc) and the output you would like to see from that file.
@AndyK add it to your question. But what do you mean with the naismc, decoide, decoccm, etc? Are those key names (decoccm=foo) or values (foo=decoccm)?
Hey @FaheemMitha fine, watching the snow out my window :)
@AndyK See updated answer. Basically, for each search string (e.g. fck-35), you need a line in list.txt that has the string and what you want to find. For example:
fck=84 fcv
The script reads the targets from the first file and looks for them in the second.
@FaheemMitha Very. We have a new government who are making very nice noises but we have no idea how they'll be able to implement what they're promising. If they manage it, I will be very pleased but so far we have no idea how.
@AndyK Genomics, Evolution and perhaps systems biology (networks).
@FaheemMitha Nah, not really. And yes, I don't trust politicians. The good news is that most of the guys in our new goverment have never held office before.
@terdon, many thanks mate. That works. few stuff here and there to correct but it will be fine. Please let me know if you are in paris, I buy you a beer.
@AndyK Heh :) Glad it worked. I was living in Marseille for the past 4 years but have recently moved away so that beer might have to wait. I'll settle for the accept and gladly.