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Q: Qual a classificação gramatical e o significado de "não" na seguinte frase: "o que ela não diria se soubesse que já fui um presidiário"

CentaurusO Priberam dá como advérbio ou substantivo masculino. O léxico online não cita a classificação gramatical. Por outro lado, além de não conseguir classificar, não consigo perceber o "não" como negação nessa frase. Parece mesmo querer dizer o contrário: "O que ela diria?"

I wish good luck to the new mods. You may count on me for help.
Thanks very much. You're already helping — a lot.
Thanks tchrist
We need more posts, basically. I need to ping friends in Portugal again.
@Math You’ve been pung.
@tchrist what is "pung"?
It’s a misconstrued past tense of ping. The real word is pinged, but the joke is that it works like sing/sang/sung. It doesn't really though. Just a silliness.
Oh okey :)
8 hours later…
Q: "pois não" has an affirmative connotation whereas "pois sim" has a negative one. How come?

CentaurusHow did the Portuguese Language come to coin such apparently nonsensical phrases? In Brazilian Portuguese "pois não" is a very polite way of sayimg "yes" both as a statement and as a question. Shop assistent to client - Pois não? (Can I help you?) Client to shop assistent - Posso experimentar...

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