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@RadishoftheOpera the BSE zombe game?
@David yeeeeeeeeeeesssssa
sure, I guess. (you could use a better environment)
@RadishoftheOpera Yes, no idea why they don't work
Hang, @David
It was made that way very specificly
Just make it work before you start overhauling functional elements
@GiantCowFilms did you use my random cube placer?
@David Nope, done by hand
@GiantCowFilms ok, so I just make the cubes look better, say buildings.
@RadishoftheOpera The initial zombies are still functional
the clones are cufud though
@David by doing what?
@GiantCowFilms I think we have a tag for that:
just don't mess the layout
it was done specifically so the jeep can reach speeds high enough to make it tricky to drive
And don't close the exit
@GiantCowFilms I know, I already said as much.
where is a link to the latest version?
@David don't use it! he ruined it!!! gahhhhh!!!!!
how about we start putting the project on github.
@David I can model, but what I can't do is python, could you figure out a script that would put the player in the driver seat without causing parenting issues?
@David hmm... good idea
damnit, I forgot my username...
@RadishoftheOpera I thought there was only one character, now you say there are parenting issues?
is there going to be a whole family killing the zombes?
@David there is only one player, but he has to get into the jeep.
@David har har...
@RadishoftheOpera see, a joke
funny, can you help or not.
hey, I just answered GCF's joke question... I'll try.
@David then you went to early
@David I don't know how to setup a project on github, do you want to do it?
I still need a link to the game (if I'm going to do anything to it) I think you guys have changed it alot since I had it.
one sec, lemme give you the latest non-funked version
@RadishoftheOpera sure, but if you dont, then you probably can not use git (have to have git installed on your computer)
@RadishoftheOpera you have this guy doing your logic???
@RadishoftheOpera ...
That's clearly the context here
@David i think i used it before....
Latest non-cowed version of the Zombie Game
Now I'm mad
@David yes,,,, he knows pyhton, and you weren't making yourself available.
I spent ages making the jeep work, and they you guys just override it.
@RadishoftheOpera Non-cowed. Make sure that's stated when you do a proper release :P
@GiantCowFilms don't be.
@GiantCowFilms i was just joking
I made the zombies be distributed by a program
which makes it easier to make changes, instead of having to update each one by hand
@GiantCowFilms that is definitely a must.
lemme see if i can figure out what happended then... cause
like, nothing works...
what did you change on the zombies?
You could just append the ZombieMaster object
and thee
and the script
I think that bit will then work
I currently have only two locations set...
is it safe to leave "trusted source" checked?
interesting UI layout...
but the zombies still come from the object "cloner"
the initial zombies come from zombie master, cloned via the aide of Spawner+
which uses the scatter+ script
I can guess who worked on the file...
it looks like two working zombies appear and try to get to the jeep... then a bunch of ones just appear on the head
^^Everything works, includes programmatic scatter
@David The person who actually knows Python?
@RadishoftheOpera Yes, the two chasing the jeep are from the scatter
@someonewithpc no, there is a giant X-27 at the bottom.
@David Oh,,,,
That might be related
I can change it back to the player if need, I was just testing
pythonic change of target
@RadishoftheOpera You can use that new one if you must
@GiantCowFilms Awesome, I like that one better
I'm said to see most of my work lost
however, look at zombieMaster
it is very good
it can be knocked by a player/jeep easily
@GiantCowFilms did you put 3 functions at the bottom of
@GiantCowFilms what was most of your work?
@David no
anything in
@RadishoftheOpera The jeep intergration
it was working near perfect
except for the fact that the player was left behind
@GiantCowFilms but how did that change the way the zombies reacted?
@RadishoftheOpera I could shoot 'em with the jeep
Look at zombie master
he has a new property, Solid
@GiantCowFilms but why were they vegitiblehs?
the ground plane should have it two
@RadishoftheOpera in the version you gave me the jeep is broken..
there is also some logic bricks that kill him when the explosion goes boomy!
@David /
get in it
@RadishoftheOpera Dunno
the clones were not working at all, almost as if they weren't even executing the logic
@GiantCowFilms maybe....
Proposed Solution:
they start in state 2, right?
@RadishoftheOpera O.o?
the collision with the ground sets them to state 1
that's the state that they track people down at...
for some reason that wasn't activating?
Nope... ALL the logic was dud
@RadishoftheOpera .that is just NOT right
@GiantCowFilms just tested, that was the reason, but now how to get them to detect the ground????
@David I wonder why
@RadishoftheOpera Do jeep hits kill them
they should
FIXED!!! :D :D :D :D
@RadishoftheOpera ok, first off I'm making your scene more orignised, so I can fix stuff. then make the jeep always work (with the wheels) then make the player get in the jeep.
@RadishoftheOpera So we are using cow edition, send it to me!
@David We are using cow scene now
@David My version already does nearly all that
@GiantCowFilms figured. grr (I asked for the most recent version...)
@David wait for the radish's update
@David hold on one sec...
@David we just need a way so the zombies always follow the player, but I don't know how to make him get in the car!
@RadishoftheOpera In my version I can change the loyalty with python
So we can just dump the player, and move all the characteristics to the jeep
@GiantCowFilms or if we took the player along they could still follow him, or the jeep, but we want the player to be able to dismount
I even made it so that when you ram a zombie (doesn't kill him yet) sends him flying and puts him out of it for a while
@David as long as the player gets in the jeep we should be good
@RadishoftheOpera @GiantCowFilms @David Can I help?
I could model stuff :)
I'd be useless at anything else
@TARDISMaker sure!
@TARDISMaker that is what I said, then they have running through, a mess of logic unnamed objects and python...
could you make some modular pieces we could use in modern buildings?
@David lol
@RadishoftheOpera I already did that...
welcome to my world
@David !
@RadishoftheOpera I got the clones to die under hit, uploading
that fast?
@GiantCowFilms >:)
now we're getting places
@RadishoftheOpera nope, you do know I use blender for more then your zombe game.
@David oh...
you do <JK>
it jumped from 3mb to 9!
@David, @RadishoftheOpera, @TARDISMaker Latest version
@RadishoftheOpera between the two files you just had me download.
Guys, my advice now is to use asset linking
so we can work on different parts without making it blow up
@GiantCowFilms Okay
We should probably get a github repo up then
@GiantCowFilms good idea, but very trouble prone, epically in this production.
ONE person should work on that
Yes, otherwise we have to take turns making fixes
who is making a repo?
who works on what then\? cause we don't want to have multiple different versions with different updates?
@RadishoftheOpera Make a github acount
I want to do mostly modeling
@TARDISMaker modeling is great, and the easiest to integrate.
@RadishoftheOpera We will use asset linking and break it up into tiny pieces
@GiantCowFilms We should just make sure that one person works on something at a time
all you have to do is see what needs modeling, and then you could even work in a different file. When you are done we move your object in the the "master game blend."
@GiantCowFilms I have one
Also, lets make a new chat room, so that we don't clutter this one for the people who aren't interested in the game
@RadishoftheOpera Whats your username
@David you've been added as a collaborator
@TARDISMaker Yes
If you haven't figured out mine, I'm TARDIS-Maker
I'll be adding the main file in secound
tough it is a fail, lol
im completely lost as to how github works so someone will have to fill me in
best typo ever
@RadishoftheOpera Hang on
Okay, the main file is in!
@David would you mind breaking it up into assets
nobody else touch it
please use relative paths
@RadishoftheOpera Yes
I keep a version copy so I can back track
Have you added me yet?
@TARDISMaker Yes, but don't start work yet
@David Hello?
it says I'm watchin it. is that a good thing?
@GiantCowFilms ok, will do. but that will harl all other progress for now.
Can you break it into its parts
@David Better do it now
You can remname the file to ZombieGame-1
then let me stop talking and get to work :)
player, zombies, environment, jeep should all be different parts
and then make all the scripts and everything seperate files
@David Okay, call back when you're done
@GiantCowFilms add @X-27
Especially the scripts
AND USE relative paths
@RadishoftheOpera already done
That's what github is good at tracking
o yeah, and scripts.
ok :)
almost forgot about those guys
David, are you done yet?
should I put the jeep file in a folder there?
nearly, I just cloned an empty git repo :)
@David I added the file
I'm making a new chat room for this
i feel useless...
Should I make it so that only people working on it should be able to talk?
@RadishoftheOpera We are just organizing
@GiantCowFilms I saw, so it was not empty...
@TARDISMaker Nah
eating a tuna sandwich while you guys do things i don't understand.

 BGE - Dinosaurs

Room for the people collaborating on The Game Where You Don't ...
oi, it's bright in here
@GiantCowFilms @RadishoftheOpera @David
can somebody please tell me why you have the second camera and title screen to the side of everything on the main layer?
@David Don't worry about that yet
@David Look above
@David because I'm lazy and was using my other hand to wash dishes
@David, Yo!
in here
@X-27 you to, @TARDISMaker ping him in main
It's weird that there's so much white space
I'm here
@someonewithpc It is
do you want me to move all the talk from the render farm into here?
So what do you guys need me to model?
@David that'll fix the white...
I can do it in an external file so it doesn't effect the actual game
@David Yeah, that would be good
@TARDISMaker um.. apparently david already did modular pieces... so maybe you could assemble them?
@RadishoftheOpera Okay, so make a nice enviroment with them?
@TARDISMaker no, we don't want a nice environment, we're talking zombies here
make it look like doomsday
from DW
209 messages moved from The Renderfarm

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