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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

@Malachi I can't test it right now. I'll check at home. What browser, operating system and version are you using?
@Quill Alright, I'll update the repository.
And the <br>s are there to add a new line.
Adding 2 newlines will make a new paragraph, which I don't want.
@IsmaelMiguel there was an update, that was needed. it works now
@Malachi That means that I can update the extention later on?
@IsmaelMiguel I meant that my Browser needed to be relauched/rebooted, to finish updates
Oh, that's weird
Is it Chrome?
@Malachi After fixing more ugly bugs, should I post it as a new question?
@IsmaelMiguel yes it was Chrome, but there must have been an update waiting, when I went to check the version I saw I needed to reboot it, and that fixed the issue
@IsmaelMiguel Definitely!
But first, we NEED a logo
@IsmaelMiguel YES
I like the popup for when there isn't a meme file!
@Malachi Sadly, it doesn't work on the chrome extention :/
I don't have access to the popUp method :(
@Malachi What do you say about the logo being the StackExchange icon, and then an @ cut in half, being half of it pixelated
That describes what we do
All the fuzzy chat will be made clear
Someone just offered me "up to" €10 in steam games and 15 reputation on a site ifrequent for me to do some work for them. They considered it a 'prize'...
Uh... no
@IsmaelMiguel I used the Chrome folder and dropped it into the chrome extensions, and it works. I updated my code this morning from your repo
@DanPantry Depends on the work, that may be ok-ish
@IsmaelMiguel do you have a picture of this? I have photoshop at home if we need to create something, but I am not very creative usually
@IsmaelMiguel heavy animation work in css/js
@DanPantry anything with the word heavy is at least 100 right?
@Malachi You can get the logo easily from google. There's an EPS version somewhere.
how do you make the euro sign?
@DanPantry 10€?
@Malachi I copy-pasted it haha
@Malachi AltGR + E
@Malachi and as far the price, I'd be happy to do it for less than 10 euro.. the only problem is he made it seem like it was a 'prize', it was "up to" 10 euro (i.e, he said, "no more" than 10 euro), and it was in steam games.
Now tell me, how many steam games can you get for a 'max' of 10 euro lol
screw that
@IsmaelMiguel not working for me....
I'd rather not do work for someone who seems to think that I am competing for 10 euro :P
don't give work for free hoping that you will win. they will take your work and run.
Oh yeah that was the other thing, they would only pay after receiving code.
@Malachi I don't know the hex code. Try opening the character map
You're looking for someone to do the work for you, you pay them in installments or upfront or give them some kind of guarantee. If you don't trust them, don't hire them.
But who the heck offers only 10€ to someone make a CSS animation?
€ ??
here is the animation they wanted
I have a nice printout on my cube wall! :)
I just couldn't find it right away, it looks weird on my print out
@DanPantry Sounds easy.......... NOT!
<kbd>ALT</kbd> + 0128 ► €
The animation would have been done in gif or take a few hours to css it out.. and if you ccsed it, it would only work in css3 probably
either way, more than 10 euro worth of work IMO.
10€ wouldn't even be enough to buy 5 pizzas here
10 euro won't even buy one pizza. lol
(and as well all know, all skilled programmers measure their wage in number-of-pizzas)
I can buy decent pizzas from the supermarket for 2.20€
I don't get the thing with the guy saying "do it"
Can't watch here
Jamalize isn't a Meme?
It is, and it is on codereview.json
or is the Jamal part getting eaten up by Regex before the Jamalize is hit?
It's getting eaten
it's doing the same thing for you?
It's probably a change that Quill made
I'm not blaming him, but it is what I think that may have happened
I will look at it later if I get some time
@Malachi Yup, it was Quill that made an edit
I'll have to make some changes to the Javascript
For version 0.3
I'll add a main file, containing the sources.
Then I'll include each source
I'll do a split.
Quill is adding used information into the codereview.json
let him know what is going on, @Quill
I'll create a codereview.users.json, which will be the last one running
so he can make sure not to make the same mistake in code twice....lol
@IsmaelMiguel that sounds good.
The only thing is that he isn't that much Regex-expert
But I'll patch it now
I won't update my code until tomorrow morning, or tonight when I get home
You can hit F5
It will fetch the new codereview.json with Jamal fixed
I'll add an option to choose which ones to subscribe to
Just a small pop-up window with options
this is what I was talking about. did you create that?
Jamalize Jamal
Jamalize doesn't work at all now, but I am still using the Chrome Extension folder version
@Malachi Sorry the delay. No, I didn't. That's just a basic Chrome alert()
I'll check it at home
The bug seems deeper than I though
no big deal, I thought that the popup was pretty detailed.
Chrome alerts are always cool looking
1 hour later…
probably not going to be pretty --> stackoverflow.com/q/31462406/1214743
Q: Javascript function called by focus lost

MalachiI have been trying various SO answers for a day or two now, and I can't seem to get it to work at all. I am trying to call Google Map API to take a zip code and return a city, state combination. Here is my latest attempt: <script> $('<%=txtZip.ClientID%>').blur(function (e) { getAd...

@Mat'sMug you know much about making Javascript work with ASP.NET? --> stackoverflow.com/q/31462406/1214743
@Malachi why wouldn't it just work? ASP.NET is server-side, the JS code goes client-side... whatever the server-side framework that's generating the view doesn't matter, could be PHP for all JS cares
@Malachi you should bind the even after dom-ready
@Mat'sMug that's just it, I can't get it to just work at all....
@Vogel612 what do you mean bind them after DOM ready??
@Malachi let's grab a separate room, shall we?

 Web Development

Everything Web
basically you're trying to bind the 'blur' before the relevant element exists
7 messages moved from The 2nd Monitor
$('<%=txtZip.ClientID%>').blur(function (e) {
^^ this needs to go into a document.ready:
@Malachi I've commented there
@Malachi busy at work atm, sorry
@Mat'sMug it's all good looks like @Vogel612 has me on the right track
@IsmaelMiguel I think I tried that too.... let me try it again to double check
$(document).ready(function() {
    // your code here
see also here
@Vogel612 First, you need to make sure the element can get focus. Then you can pick one: Use that code or put the script at the end of the page, inside the body.
There isn't much info, sadly.
usually you'd wrap in document ready, since that allows moving the code wherever the heck you want
Unless you are worried about loading times.
In that case, you move the scripts to the bottom of the page
still doesn't work
@Malachi Can you show some HTML there?
does it matter that I am running it inside of script tags on a child page of a master page in asp.net?
@IsmaelMiguel if you have to worry about the loading times, you got bigger problems than making your js wait onReady
@Malachi yes...
document.ready may fire earlier for the subpage if it's considered a separate document
@Vogel612 Scripts block other downloads. While the script is being executed, it won't download CSS or images. So, moving it to the end of the page is the best option.
@IsmaelMiguel that's why you load css before js..
some modern browswers actually do that for you...
now I am getting an issue with my getJSON
@Malachi that thingie with #....
that's how selectors work. if you select an id you go "#id"
for classes use .
but you know that all, right?
@Vogel612 yeah
maybe I can fix it from here, we will see
hmm...well if you get your issues somewhere else this should mean that the comments got you a fix of the current issue
@Vogel612 Therefore, scripts go to the end of the page
@IsmaelMiguel no.. they should go behind the other non-html resources
That's the end of the page
no it's not.
it's the end of your head element
Which blocks the rendering of the HTML
that, my dear, is bananas, because javascript is not executed in a synchronous context
... That's neither true or false ...
Javascript runs in the same thread that is used to render HTML and parse CSS
Everytime a script is found, it is executed
true, but that's not actually a single thread (for one) and js (as well as almost all other IO operations like loading resources) asynchronously handled
@Vogel612 Try this: jsfiddle.net/1hj1jbxq
The whole page stops because of some Javascript
The text won't even be rendered!
So, yes, spit the Javascript at the end of the page to avoid it blocking the rendering of the HTML
this is kinda broken...
but this doesn't demonstrate that loading resources is slowed down by executing javascript..
Fine... Give me 30 seconds
There, the image won't load until the message goes away
no it won't be rendered..
which is a completely different thing
It's worst
It's not slowed down: it's completely crippled and won't even load.
you mix up load and render here..
did you run this against a network profiler with a nice timeline?
Not rendered -> won't load
no... not rendered doesn't imply not loaded
Give me 30 seconds
It will blurt that you have 0 images, when clearly there is an <img> tag
check against one wrapping on load: jsfiddle.net/1hj1jbxq/5
you can't just traverse an unfinished dom, that's nonsensical
But the script was still executed when found, but since it is an event, the function will only run when said event is triggered
@Vogel612 Oh, not it is unfinished...
Finally you got the point!
The element doesn't exist when you run that Javascript
that's why you wrap js into ready.
Or throw it at the end of the document
Javascript is a blocking resource
no it's not..
Everything stops so it can be executed
Evidence incoming!
the execution in itself is not blocking.
the whole point is, that while your JS is still running, the DOM can be parsed on...
you do know that proves nothing??
I know it proves, you just don't believe
Javascript blocks the whole browser
Try this: while(1){}
If you can use the webpage, I'll eat my shirt
Use the page while the code is running!
@IsmaelMiguel that's because while(1) hogs the main-thread.
v. 7 is evidence contrary to "js is a blocking resource"
the js runs, the html continues to be parsed
and the js still runs
while the html is parsed
running js on the main thread like a moron blocks further parsing of the dom
that's why you shouldn't do it
but it's not an impairment when loading, as long as you don't do it in full-blown idiot mode.
Give me 1 minute
It shouldn't render the text
I figure you just placed an infinite loop into the main thread, which doesn't actually prove your point?
It does
Javascript blocks
If it didn't blocked, you would see the text
if you do it wrong it does
but that's not a valid reason to put it at the end of your HTML
"because of the increased load time"
The wrong is wrong there
if you write JS blocking, you got bigger problems than load times
It increases the load time because the browser stops rendering and processing other stuffs to take care of that piece of javascript
JS is inherently asynchronous and event-based
it increases the render time
which is not the load time
I give up
I'm trying to teach you something
And you are pushing my patience to it's limits
that writing dumb javascript locks up your browser? I knew about that..
That writting Javascript blocks the browser
that's an implementation detail ...
No, it is Javascript's design
IF it's something's design it's HTML's.
That too
So, now you agree that Javascript blocks?
Read that
for some values of "blocks" that we don't agree on.
*that you don't agree
As of 2013, the first point is still somewhat true. However, putting scripts at the bottom is not so relevant anymore. Now with HTML5, if the script need to alter the DOM, you are better off putting it in the head with an html5 "async" or a "defer" attribute, to avoid delaying the overall rendering of the page. For layout purpose, the fastest your scripts are called, the less you are delaying the DOMReady event, and the fastest your page will appear loaded to the user. Only scripts that relate to a user action after window.onload should now be placed at the bottom. — hexalys Jun 1 '13 at 22:48
I agree that Javascript blocks
Yes, the defer attribute
Which has some side effects, like random execution
@IsmaelMiguel which you completely ignored up to now..
asserting that the script execution will effectively block loading of resources
Notice that it says "to avoid delaying the overall rendering of the page", and not "to stop the delay in the rendering of the page"
I hate JavaScript, I hate JSON... :'(
@Malachi Why?
@Malachi the earlier I understand the latter not
 $.getJSON("https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=" + zip, function (results) {
                        //if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK && results.length > 0) {
                        //if (results.length > 0) {

                        //for (var ii = 0; ii < results[0].address_components.length; ii++) {
                        $.each(results[0].address_components, function () {
                            var street_number = route = street = city = state = zipcode = country = formatted_address = '';
What am I doing wrong?
first off, start using a named function as callback in that getJSON call please.
keeps telling me that it doesn't recognize Address_components
next off, "use strict"
@Vogel612 ??
I kind of know what you mean,
but ....
@Vogel612 Using named functions make them global
something like "Option Explicit" for vba
@IsmaelMiguel not if you scope them into an object.
@Malachi Can you give me a valid value for zip?
@Vogel612 I got that part. put it anywhere?
   "results" : [
         "address_components" : [
               "long_name" : "57501",
               "short_name" : "57501",
               "types" : [ "postal_code" ]
               "long_name" : "Pierre",
               "short_name" : "Pierre",
               "types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
               "long_name" : "South Dakota",
               "short_name" : "SD",
               "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]
@Malachi at the top.
that's the JSON response
@Malachi You should use a switch ... case
also you should pass undefined as second argument..
function(url, data, success) ...
Disregard my message...
@Vogel612 okay what?
I know less Javascript than I think
asserting you have your handler as a named function success...
you should call:
@Malachi ii doesn't exist
$.getJSON("https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=" + zip, undefined, success);
@IsmaelMiguel I don't even get that far
@Malachi What's the error?
@Vogel612 what is the success handler supposed to do?
or: $.getJSON("https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json", { address : zip }, success);
@Malachi STM, will ya?
I have been reading it and most of it makes no sense to me. and the rest doesn't help me understand the rest
we've had it extensively on SO chat today, so you may want to read from here
how callbacks work..
also touches upon method invocations a little
project manager just called me into his office
I'm going to play Tera
ping me if needed
> Uncaught ReferenceError: results is not defined
Try console.log(arguments); inside the function
> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'address_components' of undefined
when I try to go through this line
> $.getJSON("https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json", { address : zip }, function success(results, status){
> $.each(results[0].address_components, function () {
$.getJSON("https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json", { address : zip }, function success(){console.log(arguments);});
[Object, "success", Object]0: Objectresults: Array[1]0: Objectaddress_components: Array[4]formatted_address: "Pierre, SD 57501, USA"geometry: Objectplace_id: "ChIJd9QpyIIKgIcR1NVqXqO7bW4"types: Array[1]__proto__: Objectlength: 1
that looks pretty doesn't it?
It does
Can you take print-screen?
as you can see address_components exists
results[0].address_components doesn't exist, but results.results[0].address_components does
If you see, the first argument has the key results
Which inside it has the other key
now I got the console to give me some good news, tomorrow I get the information into the text boxes! Thank you @Vogel612 and @IsmaelMiguel!
You're welcome
But is it working alright now?
1 hour later…
@Malachi What's the ping for?
@Quill We need to talk
The ping was because you did some things wrong
This is not a "YER AN A$$"
Huh? I did?
This is to point some mistakes you did
Adding users to the memes?
Yes, that was one
It broke the Jamal matching
Ah, then remove his user
And I've proposed a solution for that
His name, should return info about being a user, jamalised should return the meme
But you never make Regexes, which breaks stuff
And so, I've proposed to create a file with user info
That is
Sure, okay
All the informations about the most influential users will be thrown there
@Malachi What's this about
I'm planning on adding an option, to the Chrome extention, to let the persons choose what they want to memerize
I would suggest levels of memes, n00b level, meh level, and nice level
Also, I've though about adding a file with a list of sources
That way, the extention would be touched very rarelly
And we could do all the changes in JSON files
var REPO = 'https://github.com/ismael-miguel/memer/';
var ROOT = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ismael-miguel/memer/master/memes/';
var SITES = [
	, 'chat.stackexchange.com'
	, 'chat.stackoverflow.com'
	, 'chat.serverfault.com'
	, 'chat.superuser.com'
	, 'chat.askubuntu.com'
if (SITES.indexOf(location.hostname) !== -1)
I made the REPO, ROOT and SITES constant-like structures
I saw that part
also, you misspelled stackoverflow.com before, so it wouldn't match
I'm changing the SITES
Oops :/
To something that doesn't use indexOf
The comma structure, or ...?
Probably everything
Ah, yeah, some browsers don't have better functions
I'm thinking about using an array, then converting to a regex
Saving space and making it easier to change and better compatibility
Converting what to a regex though?
var SITES = [
alert(location.hostname.match(new RegExp('^chat\.(' + SITES.join('|') + ')\.com$')));
Try this
Why? Regex will take longer to match, and will look much less readable
.indexOf() in an array isn't well known and looks really weird
I can convert it to an object
indexOf is for arrays o.O
indexOf(value) >= 0 works fine
It does
But it looks like you mistook it with a string
(Originally, only strings had .indexOf())
Then use a newer function, but converting a small, limited array into a regex will waste execution time
Or just create an object
Will work 100% of the time, forever
An array is fine, why would an object, or regex be needed?
var SITES = {
	'chat.meta.stackexchange.com': true,
	'chat.stackexchange.com': true,
	'chat.stackoverflow.com': true,
	'chat.serverfault.com': true,
	'chat.superuser.com': true,
	'chat.askubuntu.com': true
if (SITES[location.hostname])
Now we can easily control which site will be matched
Alright, can we leave the commas on the beginning of the next line, lets you comment the line out easier
Please, don't
It drives me insane
And it is harder to read
Alright, sure
Thank you
For now, I will disable some websites
One more thing
JSON doesn't have comments.
You can create a desc key to add a description
Even if it isn't processed
Yeah, -_-, I figured that one out the hard way
Don't worry, it happens
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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