@IsmaelMiguel yes it was Chrome, but there must have been an update waiting, when I went to check the version I saw I needed to reboot it, and that fixed the issue
Someone just offered me "up to" €10 in steam games and 15 reputation on a site ifrequent for me to do some work for them. They considered it a 'prize'...
@Malachi and as far the price, I'd be happy to do it for less than 10 euro.. the only problem is he made it seem like it was a 'prize', it was "up to" 10 euro (i.e, he said, "no more" than 10 euro), and it was in steam games.
Now tell me, how many steam games can you get for a 'max' of 10 euro lol
You're looking for someone to do the work for you, you pay them in installments or upfront or give them some kind of guarantee. If you don't trust them, don't hire them.
I have been trying various SO answers for a day or two now, and I can't seem to get it to work at all.
I am trying to call Google Map API to take a zip code and return a city, state combination.
Here is my latest attempt:
$('<%=txtZip.ClientID%>').blur(function (e) {
@Malachi why wouldn't it just work? ASP.NET is server-side, the JS code goes client-side... whatever the server-side framework that's generating the view doesn't matter, could be PHP for all JS cares
@Vogel612 First, you need to make sure the element can get focus. Then you can pick one: Use that code or put the script at the end of the page, inside the body.
@Vogel612 Scripts block other downloads. While the script is being executed, it won't download CSS or images. So, moving it to the end of the page is the best option.
true, but that's not actually a single thread (for one) and js (as well as almost all other IO operations like loading resources) asynchronously handled
As of 2013, the first point is still somewhat true. However, putting scripts at the bottom is not so relevant anymore. Now with HTML5, if the script need to alter the DOM, you are better off putting it in the head with an html5 "async" or a "defer" attribute, to avoid delaying the overall rendering of the page. For layout purpose, the fastest your scripts are called, the less you are delaying the DOMReady event, and the fastest your page will appear loaded to the user. Only scripts that relate to a user action after window.onload should now be placed at the bottom. — hexalysJun 1 '13 at 22:48