Haha :P I started here 6 months ago, salaried at ~$40k. However we also regularly have lunches on the office, free fruit, our broadband (up to $46/mo) is paid for us, also yo uget an extra ~$400 for being 'on call' once every 7 weeks or so.
and obviously private medical care after a year
company takes care of us, and give I was earning in sep 2013, a $14k jump in 2 years (going from junior level to mid level) is pretty good IMO
My Node.JS HTTP server handles a GET request with JSON query by invoking runNextMethod. This function gets url_parsed.query as argument.
function runNextMethod(query)
var func = myDict[myList[nextMethodIndex]];
@Mast: RE wales for programming, lots of .NET, not much else.
And when I say lots I mean lots - my company gave up on finding a permanent .NET dev because there are so many jobs here and had to hire a contractor
Also WRT sr/jr/mid, I';m the only person in my team that actually programs front end web stuff, no one else is experienced in it. I wouldn't say that makes me a senior :p