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Hey guys - we have a new language to write FizzBuzz in! TrumpScript. :P
> No floating point numbers, only integers. America never does anything halfway.
All numbers must be strictly greater than 1 million. The small stuff is inconsequential to us.
There are no import statements allowed. All code has to be home-grown and Amerian made.
Instead of "True" and "False," we have "fact" and "lie"
Only the most popular English words, Trump's favorite words, and current politician names can be used as variable names.
Error messages are mostly quotes directly taken from Trump himself.
Hey I'm going to move this to The Nth (because politics) but this looks like an interesting topic lol
4 messages moved from The 2nd Monitor
> But most importantly, Trump doesn't like to talk about his failures. So a lot of the time your code will fail, and it will do so silently. Just think of debugging as a fun little game.
1 message moved from The 2nd Monitor
Make Donald 15000000.
Nothing is, 1000000 minus 1000000;
The fortune of Hillary is nothing.
As long as, Donald is not Hillary; Do this:
If, Donald over 15000000 is nothing; Then: say "Fiorina Biden"!
Else if, Donald over 5000000 is nothing; Then: say "Fiorina"!
Else if, Donald over 3000000 is nothing; Then: say "Biden"!
Else: say Donald!
The fortune of Donald is, old Donald minus 1000000;
America is Great.
Pretty Hillary hilarious examples there!
Hello, I am Donald Trump.
When I am president I will make war profitable, each new soldier will earn america 5000000 dollars times every 1000000
in our army; that's a lot of money
also, I promise to make oil bad for business, the enemies of america will lose at least 20000000 a day with
my policies
My bad is going to bring to us back to the good old days of 2000000000000 dollar gdp
if you'll listen to me let me ask you this, war over oil; is it so bad? :
Vote trump and say "Hello World" to a brand new america!
Is that valid?
Apparently, it's in the test directory
I wonder how many of his speeches are valid syntax
What are we in this country
Hillary speaks nothing but lies
But look at me I came to this election to make guys
believe again
believe in fact
if, all of us real lies the light; : say "VOTE TRUMP" !
but I know we should be free
else the result will be bad: all the work of George
Washington was for nothing
so this election say "Hello World" say "TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT"!
America is great.
Hahah this is great
# Error messages
    # For quotes that didn't get terminated
    'unterminated_quote': ["And, believe me, if I win, if I become President, that will end.", "Anyone who thinks my " +
                           "story is near over is sadly mistaken."],
    # If they try to use a word that isn't common English
    'nonword': ["This is a country where we speak English",
                "We have a country where to assimilate you have to speak English"],
    # If they try to use a word that we've explicitly banned
@EthanBierlein added
4 hours later…
Bah. This is the last time I'll ever play around with trying to mod skyrim.
My game is so borked that I have to do all of these things:
- Delete my current save game which has lots of progress.
- Uninstall NMM.
- Manually delete all remaining mods.
- Create a backup of Skyrim through Steam.
- Delete the current install of Skyrim.
- Hope everything works.
I think I'm going to play as a mage orc this time around.
7 hours later…
it's friday for me in a few hours :-)
@Quill That's cool, I didn't know deadmau5 put lyrics to that song. The street walking video reminds me of an old favorite of mine
> Pixels are organized row-wise. Pixel values are 0 to 255. 0 means background (white), 255 means foreground (black).
Why is it inverted :( Shouldn't be a big issue, probably has a reason though
2 messages moved from The 2nd Monitor
@skiwi that's just the way the LED colour settings work
4 hours later…
user image
Anything Goes
5 hours later…
AFK League
@DanPantry Have fun beating around the bush.
@DanPantry how are the placements going?
@JeroenVannevel I haven't played mine yet.
Don't plan on it until the new champion select is back up
I've heard rumours about a new champ select but haven't seen it yet
Neither have I, it's disabled on EUW (but enabled on every other region).
Can't say I've had any issues with people trollpicking in.. months
I would say it's longer but my memory doesn't go that far back
I had it just the other day :\
Trolls have infested the game, just like lag spikes.
you two play? wtf
biatch I was EUW top 50 in S2
now I suck donkey though
let's take this to Nth ^^
new poppy op
in The 2nd Monitor, 1 min ago, by Dan Pantry
you two play? wtf
My wife plays as well.
Better than me.
15 messages moved from The 2nd Monitor
IGN is A Red Herring on EUW.
You know your fish.
don't spectate me i just died LOL
How have the connection issues been for you all?
I have none
cant say i've had any
my ping doubled.. but
it's consistent
So even the internet is superior in Belgium.
i'm at 30ms all the time
which is admittedly a bit higher than before
40ms here
but last time I played was 4 months ago
which is double what iu sed to have :x
I'm usually around 30ms as well, but every once in a while it spikes to a couple hundred.
but I did also switch ISP so
are you guys serious. I get 200ms here in Australia
where are you connecting to?
yeah, I haven't played in a while tho
You should be getting less than 200ms at OCE
I think the server is 200km from here or so ^^
so yi with guinsoos is pretty silly
4-2 in my placement so far
I'm guessing I'll end up in.. gold IV
That's quite good.
Back in the day when I was Diamond 2, I would end up around plat III-IV after a reset
but now I'm only plat 2-4
the game changes so much unnecessarily, it's not even fun
my beloved graves has now become a big fat turd
D3 peak at thet moment
I mean, that's the highest i'v ebeen
d3 100lp[

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