@Gustavo6046 This is a friendly, but firm warning. Please watch what you post in this room. If you want to talk politics with others, invite them to The Nth Monitor, that's what we created it for. Thank you.
@DanPantry Assuming you mean some kind of private healthcare cover, it's really nice. NHS is great for helping people in emergencies, but frustratingly slow for anything else (See: Non-emergency operations, chronic care, non-emergency A&E etc.)
Something for those of you who love mega-engineering projects. This is the Prelude, (soon to be) the largest floating structure in history. With the River Thames for scale:
@DanPantry Because people are willing to pay it? Capitalism suggests that either people are happy to pay that fee for their services, or they're not and they'll go out of business.
That said, I agree, seems Ridiculous to charge the (prospective) tenant