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@userr2684291 It's okay, I know enough German to get the joke :-)
@snailcar Very admirable on your part. Only thing I don't see (being completely bipartisan is a timeframe for those stats. Or is this not relevant?
I am always forgettig to close )))))))))) ...
@snailcar If there is an election, will current moderators run again or will it be for new moderators?
@GWarner lol
I see the others are AWOL, so that is not good. But how long have they been mods. i assume its been a Looooooooooong time
@GWarner I think the biggest loss for us was that ColleenV and J.R. resigned (J.R. didn't resign but said they won't be as active as before)
1. engaged in ingenious activities

2. characterized by cleverness or originality of problem solving
@AIQ I didnt know who the redacted mods were. I can answer my own questions now
1. engaged in ingenious activities
2. characterized by cleverness or originality of problem solving
Trying to learn chat syntax, sorry
educated speaker < Trump ?
Good morning
Life takes precedence. It seems odd they still have the mod key. As an a veteran social media user. When a person resigned or went AWOL or didn't 'call in sick' removing keys was a HUGE priority.
Kele Mere, CowperKettle
@CowperKettle Rather, i should of said Kaliméra, not kele mere, which translate to "bananas mine" in another language
3 hours later…
@GWarner No, someone else. Did Trump say it? Maybe it was a subtle reference I didn't get.
@GWarner It's one week. It's been two weeks since another moderator took any moderator action. And that's totally, okay, by the way – I'm not trying to diminish their contributions, just pointing out we're a little bit understaffed over here in the mod department.
Before that I was handling about 90% of the flags and such, but it's been up to 100% for a couple weeks.
I asked SE about holding elections again. I know our community was hurt badly by both moderators and some of our best users resigning in protest last year, but I also know that we have some really capable folks who've stuck around, and I'm hoping that some of them care about the site and want to help out with moderation.
not to mention the effects of the pandemic...
Yeah. That's a big thing, and I'm sure it's on everyone's minds. Hope everyone's doing okay.
Me personally, I'm stuck at home, and I've got a lot of time freed up by what's been going on, so I'm going to have enough time to do some moderatorly stuff every day for the foreseeable future.
I'm trying to focus on the positives. I already cooked my own meals before the quarantine, but now I've had a bit more time to spend on cooking, and it's been nice.
There are a lot of negatives right now, and it's easy to focus on them. It might even be important to focus on them enough to stay aware, but I think that for mental health reasons it's a good idea to limit how much time you spend on that, and to turn your mind to something positive when you can.
true, true, it has been a real "eye" opener for me (as shown by my new avatar :)
@AIQ Existing moderators stick around, if they want. Moderator elections are basically a way to find new people who want to help out with moderating the site.
Is there a limit to the number?
@GWarner J.R. was appointed as a pro tem moderator in 2013, and then once the site graduated, he was elected in 2015. Colleen and I were elected in 2016, and Em. was elected in 2018.
@AIQ Not exactly. It's based on what we, and SE, feel like the site needs to handle the site's moderation.
I see. Well, really, you need some help right now.
yeah, one person doing 100% of the work is not right
Been hearing some ambulances go back and forth ...
do you live near a hospital?
no, not at all. Where I am things are not at all bad. But lots of ambulance going back and forth since last night
@skullpatrol I was actually doing 90~100% of the moderation on Japanese.SE for quite a while, so it's not an unfamiliar situation for me. Fortunately, we were able to elect several great moderators over there. Any of us can step away for a break whenever we want and the others will keep things running just fine.
There are four of us over there right now.
I feel like sometimes just being able to talk things over with your fellow moderators can help you make better decisions, too. Like, I'm trying my best here on ELL, but I do recognize that me doing things alone might not be the best situation for the site.
But in the meantime, I can always ping SE if I need help.
@snailcar Is MaulikV away?
@AIQ It's been about three months since his last moderator activity.
Not cool!
Nah, I really don't want to diminish anyone's contributions when I report facts like that. The thing is, it's not a job you get paid for, and people have lives. He was elected back in 2015, and he contributed quite a bit to the site both as a regular user and as a moderator, and even if he never handled another flag I'd still appreciate that.
There's no obligation to keep on moderating a site for free for all time. If you're here and you're helping with moderation, hopefully it's something you enjoy or find rewarding in some way, and if real life ever happens, well, real life has to come first, right?
I have no ill will toward any of my fellow moderators, all of whom have helped out tremendously with the site and the community over the years.
So please don't take what I said as a complaint about anyone else on the team. They're all great. I just want to have elections soon, that's all :-)
I know, I understand.
Snailcar, you said you did some cooking, like do you enjoy cooking?
Yeah, I like cooking :-)
I do tend to eat relatively simple meals. I’m making some eggs and rice right now.
I love to cook with hot peppers.
red hot chilli peppers?
I love spicy food. I use Thai chilli and Habanero most of the time
Oh, I love all sorts of peppers, but habaneros are my favorite! :-)
And it's not just because they're particularly spicy. I just love their citrusy flavor.
They are the best, but so expensive here in NA. In my motherland, they are fresh and cheap. Here they are imported, not very fresh.
By the way, I learned today I've always pronounced sepia wrong. It has the FLEECE vowel, but I pronounced it in my head with the DRESS vowel. I've had this experience quite a few times, since I learned a lot of words by reading rather than listening.
I always say "sep" as in "separation". And now I see that its pronounced C-P-Ya
Yeah, same here!
I heard someone say it and thought "That can't be right!" So I checked the Longman Pronunciation Dictionary and a couple others for good measure, and they all agree that it's the standard pronunciation.
My friend and I (actually everyone in my motherland) have been saying quaran - "tain" for so many years - we found out it was wrong from the media this year.
We thought it was a matter of British English and American English
the pronunciation of the word. But that isn't the case
so we used both just randomly
Oh, yeah, I don't think I've ever heard it pronounced that way regardless of accent. The LPD doesn't list it as an alternate pronunciation, either.
Of course, everyone's hearing that word lately, as you point out.
> Epidemiology, literally meaning "the study of what is upon the people", is derived from Greek epi, meaning 'upon, among', demos, meaning 'people, district', and logos, meaning 'study, word, discourse', suggesting that it applies only to human populations. Wikipedia
But you know, everyone has different experiences, and we all learn things in a different order, and that includes native speakers as well. You and I just learned about sepia at roughly the same time :-)
@skullpatrol Yeah, though be careful of the etymological fallacy. You might argue that it's only a pandemic if it's affected all people on the planet, but that's not the case.
all major continents?
We do use epidemic specifically for human populations, like you said. We have enzootic, epizootic, and panzootic for animals, but those aren't common words.
I remember reading that it's thought the 1918 influenza pandemic passed from humans into pigs, who likewise had no immunity and suffered a panzootic. I don't know how accurate that is, but I did read it once.
@AIQ I finished eating my eggs and rice. I steamed some medium grain brown rice, put some soy sauce on it, and mixed in some scrambled eggs with just a little bit of seasoning. It was tasty :-)
I'm not a really fancy cook, but I've been cooking for myself for most of my life, and I've managed to learn to cook stuff I like.
@snailcar Sounds great. But you steamed the rice? I didn't know it could be done that way ...
What a situation it was here the first few weeks of Covid19. All grocery stores ran outta rice and lentils.
@AIQ I've been ordering grocery delivery about once a week. I'm doing my best not to go out at the moment.
We're under a soft lockdown here in California. I say "soft" because there are all sorts of exceptions, and I think a lot of people still don't take it seriously and just ignore the rules.
True. Mr. Trudeau has asked us to stay home. It seems like with the exception of going to the grocery, people listen, at least in the place where I am.
Yeah, I think it varies a lot from place to place how much people follow or deliberately flout the rules.
@userr2684291 In Persian, it's literally "house-back". خانه به دوش
Often used as an metaphor for "snail"
3 hours later…
@snailcar I appreciate your work behind the scenes. And an explanation of what the data meant that I couldn't determine.
I'll try to make some progress on the Close Votes queue over the next few days.
It currently has 112 questions: ell.stackexchange.com/review
@M.A.R. Good, good.
We just say that a snail has a little house (a housie) on its back.
ell.stackexchange.com/questions/243462/… I wish their example at the end were completely self-exemplifying, but it isn't because the mention part needs another "level of indentation" by means of quotes or italics, or some other mention marker. I'm afraid it's impossible to do it without objectifying it in some way.
Anyway, that triggered me a bit in an OCD way, and now I'm thinking about quines... I can't seem to be able to exit the escaped quotation mark inside quotation marks loop.
Oh wait... It's just... A single... I need to try it out, I seem to reach the max recursion level very quickly.
I'll try to reach 3k rep and play with close votes myself these days.
what is a formal matter or formal proposition?
1 hour later…
@snailcar TBH, every time in the past few months that I've opened CVs to review, I was immediately discouraged. Should I use my standards before I stopped reviewing, or is that too far from what ELL is today?
2 hours later…
@M.A.R. Whut.
@userr2684291 Whut?
@M.A.R. Wot.
@userr2684291 Wat
I think formal proposition means like, an official proposition.
A proposal, as in, at a conference, government-business-related, etc.
But of course Daniel-san won't give us any context or anything, so I'm refusing to expend any more effort on this!
@userr2684291 I think it means a jillion different things, but I also think Daniel should use that giant machine in the Silicon Valley to find their answers, but LMGTFY is too rude.
> Rarely, patients may also present with GI symptoms of diarrhea, nausea and
Does the term present always imply that this is the first visit to this particular doctor?
I'm struggling with translating this phrase into Russian almost every time
@CowperKettle It means they came to their doctor with the mentioned symptoms. They... appeared to exhibit those symptoms.
I think it's just an established way in medicine to say "have [of patient] [symptoms]".
Oh, btw, the appeared I used above I used in the sense of "seemed", not literally that they showed up, but in fact that's also what happened, heh.
I think present strongly implies showing up at the doc's, not self-reporting the symptoms.
Now, I don't really understand what you mean by "the first visit to this particular doctor".
I think someone needs to occupy you with something ASAP.
Hey, I'm here to avoid doing HW.
Oh, then maybe someone should unoccupy you?
A man after my own heart.
I'm also supposed to be studying
Maybe we should we absolved of our responsibilities so we start doing something useful.
Yes. As soon as one my interests becomes one of my subjects, it ceases to be an interest of mine.
I'm even so excited about things, subjects, before I'm actually enrolled in the courses.
OK it's 6 p.m., so I got, what, 12 hours, lol, to do something useful.
Hm. Yeah, we'll see about that.
@userr2684291 haha
ell.stackexchange.com/questions/243495/… I feel like Russia isn't really a modifier here, and that there's something left out here, perhaps the whole thing is an abbreviation of some sort.
E.g., a Russia analyst. A Russian analyst would mean something else, however.
4 hours later…
@snailcar Sorry you are bearing the brunt of it... I used up my 20 close votes to try to help with the queue. I had expected elections in February.
@CowperKettle I agree with userr# (that's my friendly nickname for userr2684291). "Present" in this sense is almost always medical and in relation to symptoms a patient may have when discussing particular medical situations.
Maybe the M-W definition will help a little? merriam-webster.com/dictionary/present#medicalDictionary It seems to have some flexibility - the patient can present with symptoms, or a disease can present with symptoms.
1 hour later…
Q: Who is a serious English language enthusiast?

R SThe site's description says "English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. It only takes a minute to sign up. Sign up to join this community". But how to understand "serious enthusiasts"? And how to un...

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